Secrets of Bushing Oil Level-Goff
Secrets of Bushing Oil Level-Goff
Secrets of Bushing Oil Level-Goff
When can an IR camera find the oil level in a bushing? What role does the oil have in electrical equipment
such as bushings? When can oil leaks be seen with the naked eye? How can an IR camera step in a save
the day? What to do if a bushing is found having a low oil level? This paper will answer these questions and
more as it takes you on a journey to get back to the basics of Thermography.
What is a high voltage bushing? A bushing is a device that allows electrical current to pass through a barrier
and provide an electrical connection on each side while providing electrical insulation between the conductor
and ground. The center conductor is usually made of copper or aluminum cylinder. The current rating is
based on the size and conductivity of the material used. The inside conductor is surrounded by some type of
electrical insulation. Lower voltages are typically made up of a solid material like porcelain or some type of
resin composite. In higher voltage bushings, the inside has a different design to deal with the unevenness of
the voltage gradient. The inside consists of concentric layers of insulation and layers of conductor foils. This
allows the voltage to be graded in a uniform method. These layers of insulation and conductors form a
concentric capacitor between the high voltage center core and the bushing flange at ground potential.
Usually this type of bushing design has a voltage/potential or test tap. This tap allows the bushings to provide
a proportional voltage at the tap and/or allows the bushing to be tested when de-energized
The bushings are the most critical components on a piece of major power equipment. This is because the
voltage gradients are much more compact. In other words, the physical distance between the high voltage
point and the low voltage (i.e. ground) is much less compared to the distance from the high voltage
components inside the tank to the tank wall.
In most modern bushings above 26kV, paper provides the skeleton for the insulation system. The paper is
impregnated with mineral oil to provide more insulation. Although, the key property of the bushing is the
electrical insulation quality, later this paper will show how the property of heat conduction can be used.
Offline electrical testing is an attempt to find problems. So, periodically electrical equipment is taken out of
service to be inspected and tested. The power factor test is the industry standard for checking bushings
when the equipment is out of service. This test basically checks the electrical leakage current across the
insulation system and checks the capacitance values. If there is a change in the leakage current by a few
tenths of a percent or if the capacitance increases by a few percent, the bushing integrity is in question and
raises some concerns. Depending on the history of previous test, the bushing may be scheduled to be tested
The most costly piece of equipment in the power grid is a Power Transformer. This device converts voltage
from one level to another level. In simple terms, a transformer consists of at least two coils of copper or
aluminum wire wrapped around an iron core. All of this sits in a tank full of oil or some other insulating liquid.
When voltage is applied to the transformer, a magnetic field is induced. There is a natural energy loss due to
magnetizing current and this will allow for a temperature rise of a few degrees above ambient even under no
load conditions. As a transformer picks up load, the copper losses will increase and give a larger temperature
difference above ambient. The heat in the iron and coils of wire will heat up the oil inside the tank. This heat
energy will be passed to the bushings by thermal conduction. Due to the thermal conductivity of the oil inside
the bushing, the bushing oil level can be seen. So the bushings will appear warmer where the oil is and
cooler where there is no oil.
Oil Level
There are other types of transformers on the power grid that are much smaller. Their job is to not to carry
load but to feed the instrumentation so they are called “Instrument Transformers”. Since they are typically
only feeding instrumentation, they will not have as large of a temperature differential compared to a power
An investigation was launched to determine the root cause of the failure. The
investigation concluded there was a chip in the oil level site glass that allowed
moisture to migrate into the bushing. (This is was an example of Failure mode 1)
Since this site glass was above the normal oil level, oil could not leak out. It was
concluded that this type of failure could not be detected by normal visual or IR
inspections. Also, a power factor test and hot collar test was performed just three
months prior to this event and no problems were found. The investigation concluded
that there was a chip was in the upper site glass above the normal oil level. This
allowed an opening where moisture could get into the bushing. This moisture found
it way to the bottom of the bushing as free water and thus compromising the
insulation of the bushing causing it to flash over and fail. Although this failure mode
would be near impossible to detect, the investigation uncovered some
misconceptions about IR scans and visual inspections.
Upon returning the transformer bank to service, the IR scan indicated one of the bushings on Spare
Transformer looked strange. Instead of just being a little low, it was noticed that the 161kV bushing was
extremely low. The oil level was just above the ground flange. This was verified with two different IR
cameras. The transformer was taken out of service and the bushing replaced.
The IR image below was misinterpreted in the report which stated that the bushing had a low oil level, but it is
obvious that the bushing is much warmer that the ambient. In fact, the bushing cap appears warmer because
the heat conducts better through the “metal can” at the top of the bushing as compared to the thicker
porcelain insulator below the “metal can”. A narrower temperature span would have shown the oil level in the
“metal can”.
• Double power factor or hot collar did not find the problem on the test performed 3 months prior
• Oil level was not low as stated in the 2006 report based on a review of the IR image
• L2i (Level 2 Visual / IR inspection) would not have found moisture ingress problem by IR or Visual
• The 2006 L2i discrepancy report (4365) also stated, the 161kV bushing on B phase and one of
the 13kV bushings had a low oil level. This turned out to be in error as well
• Other transformers bushings on the inter-tie bank were reported to have bushings with a low oil
level according to the same L2i report (4365) Again a misunderstanding on how and why an IR
camera can be used to detect low oil in a bushing
The IR image below shows the bushing on the right to be full of oil. This is indicated by the heat traveling
from the warm transformer tank full of oil up the bushing all the way to the top. The scale on the far right
shows the brighter yellow (lighter shade in black and white) somewhere around the 31 degree C and the
bushing on the left is blue/green (darker shade in black and white) which is somewhere around 15 degrees
cooler. The reason for this is because there is no oil in the bushing to conduct the heat. Only the very lowest
part of the bushing on the left shows any signs of heat being conducted thus marking the location of the oil
Oil Level
• Due to the failure of a 500kV bushing just days before and the possibility of low oil level (based
on the comments from the L2i discrepancy report) causing the failure, emphasis was placed on
verifying the oil levels in all bushings both visually and with IR
• Once pointed out as low oil level, lack of understanding the IR image delayed removing the
transformer from service
• Verification was required with another IR camera before this transformer was removed from
service (This took an additional 3 hours due to the travel involved)
Example “A”
Low oil level in bushings is more frequent than one may first think. Also, a low oil level in a bushing is not to
be taken lightly. They are a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. Other investigations have shown that
refilling a bushing with oil is not the answer. This will tend to mask a problem more than fix it.
On a transformer failure in 2006, the root cause investigation revealed a report that told about refilling a
bushing after having been found extremely low on oil. In 1999 this bushing was shipped off site to be refilled
and tested. After filling and retesting, the bushing was shipped back to the site and placed in the transformer.
The bushing was run through another full battery of test and all test passed. But all did not end well for the
bushing or transformer. The bushing failed in just over 6 years after being refilled. In other words, the filling
of new oil masked the problem. We have changed our policy to not refilling bushings after being found low on
oil. This is an example of failure mode 2.
Example “B”
The IR image below shows a 500kV bushing. The oil level can be seen about half way down the bushing
where the color changes. Again, the lower part of the bushing is warm because it is conducting the heat from
the main tank with very warm oil. The top of the bushing is cooler because there is no oil to conduct the heat.
This bushing was replaced before causing a failure.
The IR image below shows three single phase transformers setting side by side. The one closest shows the
500kV bushing with the same pattern as shown earlier. From this image we can see the large transformer
tank which holds all of the inter workings of the transformer. This is where the heat is generated. The circled
bushing shows the oil level to be about half way up the bushing instead of near the top as seen on the other
two phases.
Example “D”
The IR image below shows a three phase 161kV transformer from the high side. The 161kV bushing circled
shows the typical low oil level heat signature. Fortunately this was caught with an IR scan and the bushing
was replaced before a failure.
Figure 8. 161kV Generator Step-up Transformer --- Bushing with an Low Oil Level
The author wishes to thank the TVA’s System Engineers, Power Maintenance Units, and Electricians for
providing the resources to make this paper possible.