Important Mesurements For IR Surveys in Substations
Important Mesurements For IR Surveys in Substations
Important Mesurements For IR Surveys in Substations
Robert Madding
Infrared Training Center
FLIR Systems,
Ken Leonard
Carolina Power & Light
Gary L. Orlove
Infrared Training Center
FLIR Systems
You have found a hot spot in a substation with your IR camera. You know it is a problem, and you must now
determine just how bad it is. Does it need to be fixed immediately, or can it wait a few days, a few weeks? What
other useful information could you measure while in the substation? Two very important measurements are load
and wind speed. Both strongly affect the apparent severity of a problem. In a ring-bus, or parallel bus system,
knowing the current in each side is crucial to making the proper call. This paper discusses making these
measurements safely using inexpensive instrumentation that is currently available.
Keywords: Power loss, load correction, IR surveys, infrared, thermography, substation thermography, wind
Substation IR surveys are an efficient means of identifying problems under energized operating conditions. There
are hundreds to thousands of connections in a substation depending on its size. Making individual measurements on
each one would be prohibitively time-consuming. Modern infrared cameras do a great job of spotting problems
when in the hands of the well-trained thermographer, one who understands direct and indirect measurement,
emissivity, distance, load, environmental and other parameters that impact what the thermographer sees through the
eyes of the IR camera. But not every problem needs fixing right away. Some can wait; others cannot. After
acquiring good IR data and finding problems, their severity is the greatest challenge facing the thermographer.
Experience goes a long way in the problem severity arena. But measurements that support the IR data can be very
useful in assessing how bad the problem is. Load is crucial. A 45 F temperature rise, direct reading, under 50%
load is a much more severe problem than the same temperature rise under 90% load. This temperature rise
measured in a 10 mph wind is much more severe than in no wind. Both wind and load effects are discussed in detail
in other publications (1,2, 3). Other environmental parameters such as solar load, air temperature and humidity play
lesser, but still important roles.
People who walk in the woods have no idea of the power stored in the mass of a tree. A lumberjack felling such a
tree gets a real hint when the tree hits the ground, the earth shakes and a large, long dent is left behind. One who
cuts this tree into smaller sections for firewood and carries them out by hand gets a real feeling for the tremendous
mass of even a fairly small tree. They look harmless, just standing there. But if one falls on you, you’re dead.
Electric power also appears harmless. Its not snarling, roaring or hissing, all prehistoric danger signals we humans
have learned to recognize for our survival. Electricity is just there, not obviously dangerous. We must learn through
training how to stay alive in this seemingly benign, but potentially deadly environment. High voltage is
unforgiving. You don’t get second chances.
ohms, 230 amp load, the power loss is
13.2 watts. For a 10 mph wind, the
5 correction is about 3.5. You could
Correction Factor
multiply the measured temperature rise
A p p lie d P o w e r by this value to get the corrected value.
3 7 .9 W a tts
1 8 W a tts The following considerations are why it
2 2 7 W a tts
is difficult to get accurate temperature
rise corrections under windy conditions:
Figure 5. Thermogram/photo pair showing problem line side 23 KV OCB switch disconnects on B- and C-phases.
the left side. We also found the current beginning to become imbalanced in the A-phase switch which may indicate
an impending problem. We recommended all three switches be repaired or replaced.
In this case, we must consider two maximum loads. One is a “normal” maximum that can occur daily during hot
weather. The other is a “two feeder” maximum where due to other problems two OCBs are fed through these
switches. In the following section, we will use this as an example for load correction of temperature rise.
There have been many attempts to derive a simple load correction factor where the temperature rise for a known
load is multiplied by a number to give the full load temperature rise. In this way, the severity of the problem can be
evaluated for full load conditions. Or, one could calculate the load that would give the maximum temperature rise
for safe operation.
The power dissipated as heat equals the square of the load times the electrical resistance (P=I2R). One might then
expect the temperature rise to vary as the square of the load. If the load doubled, the power dissipated increased by
a factor of 4, and the temperature rise increased likewise. For heat transfer by conduction alone, this is valid. But
heat transfer by radiation depends on temperature to the fourth power (T4 Stefan Boltzmann Law). Convection as
well is dependent directly on temperature rise only in limited regions. Both play an important role in electrical
problem heat dissipation. The square assumption predicts a much too high rise, and should not be used (2, 3).
One might assume the temperature rise (∆T) increases as some power of the current and so attempt to fit ∆T=InR,
where the current is raised to the nth power, n being determined by fitting data or modeling. Perch-Nielsen et al (3)
did some experiments and found n varied between 0.6 and 2 depending on conditions.
We used the power loss software (5) to calculate the effects of changing load for various emissivity targets, air
temperatures and background temperatures. We fit the resulting data to the above equation to find n for various
conditions. Our modeling shows there is no single value for n for all cases. There is no simple load correction
factor. We found a range of exponents (n-values) from a high of 1.6 to a low of 1.46. Our modeling considered a
low emissivity target (minimum of 0.6) to a high emissivity target (maximum of 0.95) with an air temperature of
about 70 F and background temperature ranging from 70 F to -13 F. The simulated target was 4” wide by 1” thick
by 6” tall. The value of n decreases as heat transfer by radiation increases due to its non-linear, T4, nature.
Strongest radiation occurs for high emissivity, low background targets.
Figure 6 shows our modeled estimates for limiting conditions that will give the thermographer a reasonable idea of
the multiplication factor to use for full load correction (values of n are given in the legend). These are “middle-of-
the-road” results compared to others referenced above. But they do represent the bounds of what we found with our
modeling. The factors are not small, and like the wind correction can make a huge difference in your severity
estimates. Figure 6 also shows that performing IR surveys under low load conditions leads to greater uncertainties
in predicting the temperature rise at full load conditions.
As the graph is in log-log format, it is a bit tricky to estimate the values between gridlines. For those mathematically
inclined, you can calculate the value as follows: Multiplier = (1/%load)n. For example, at 50% load, the maximum
correction (n=1.6) would be (1/0.5)1.6= 21.6=3.03. Many calculators have the yx function to do this type of
calculation. But as these are estimates, it is simpler to look at the chart and estimate the value.
Multiplication Factor
shows a 65.5 F 5
rise, the C-phase a 4
39.4 F rise. Wind
speed was 0 mph.
For the normal full Most Cases (n=1.6)
load condition, the High e, low Bkg (n=1.46)
load is about 70%. 2 Wind speed 0 mph
The correction
factor read from
Figure 7 is about
1¾, so the normal
full load corrected 1 1
temperature rises 100% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
would be about % Load
115 F and 69 F,
respectively. For Figure 6. Load Correction. Multiply temperature rise by factor
the two-feeder full given at measured % load to correct to full load conditions.
load condition,
load is about 40%
and correction factors range from about 3¾ to 4¼. Corrected temperature rises are then about 245 to 278 F for the
B-phase and 148 F to 167 F for the C-phase. Table 2 summarizes our estimates.
% Load B-Phase Initial C-Phase Initial B-Phase Corrected C-Phase Corrected
Rise in F Rise in F Rise in F Rise in F
70% (Normal) 65.5 39.4 115 69
40% (Two Feeder) 65.5 39.4 245-278 148-167
Table 2. Raw and full-load corrected temperature rises.
These corrected temperature rises give the thermographer excellent information about what to expect when the load
goes up. They can be used to help evaluate risk of going to higher loads.
So, even though we still don’t have the complete story on load correction, we strongly recommend thermographers
consider the range of values for temperature rise that could be realized as the load increases. The load correction
curves are for zero wind conditions. Trying to correct both for wind and load can be problematic as they are related.
We recommend not performing IR surveys in low load, windy conditions. You will miss some problems, and
correcting for those you do find can be difficult. If you must go out in those conditions, plan to return as soon as the
wind goes down and/or the load goes up.
Wind speed and load are two important measurements in addition to your IR camera data when working on
electrical systems. Though written with substations in mind, the work is equally valid for other areas such as
distribution and transmission lines.
Measuring wind speed and load in a substation is a lot easier than correcting temperature rise data for them. This
paper shows the correction factors in both cases are large, so even though we do not have all the answers at this
point, the wise thermographer will do well to consider their significance. Further research and experimentation
needs to be done to help quantify these factors and provide thermographers with even better correction tools. Be
very wary of simple wind or load correction factors. They don’t exist at this time.
1. Madding, Robert P. and Lyon Bernard R.; “Wind effects on electrical hot spots--some experimental IR
data”; pp 80-84; Proc. Thermosense XXII; SPIE Vol. 4020; April, 2000
2. Lyon, Bernard R. Jr.; Orlove Gary L. and Peters Donna L.; “The relationship between current load and
temperature for quasi-steady state and transient conditions”; pp. 62-70; Proc. Thermosense XXII; SPIE
Vol. 4020; April, 2000
3. Perch-Nielsen T., Sorensen, J.C.; “Guidelines to thermographic inspection of electrical installations”; pp 2-
13; Proc. Thermosense XVI; SPIE Vol. 2245; April, 1994
4. Madding, Robert P.; “High voltage switchyard thermography case study”; pp. 94-99; Proc. Thermosense
XX; SPIE Vol. 3361; April, 1998
5. Madding, Robert P.; “Finding Internal Electrical Resistance from External IR Thermography
Measurements on Oil-filled Circuit Breakers During Operation”; Proc. InfraMation; Vol. 2; October, 2001;
The authors wish to thank the Infrared Training Center at FLIR Systems and Carolina Power and Light for providing
the resources to make this work possible. We are also grateful for the support of CP&L operations and maintenance
personnel who provided additional data and information for this paper.