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Prof. Dr.

Beatrice Weder di Mauro

Professorship of Economics, Public Policy and International Macroeconomics
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften


The Clean Development Mechanism

Experiences and Lessons for Ecologic Integrity
and Sustainable Development

September 19, 2011

submitted by:

David Franzreb
E-mail: david.franzreb@gmx.de
Matrikelnummer: 2604168

List of Tables II

List of Figures III

List of Annexes IV

List of Abbreviations V

1 Introduction 1
2 International Climate Policy – The UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol 3
3 Flexible Mechanisms - The Clean Development Mechanism 5
3.1 Target System 5
3.2 Governance and Project Cycle 7
3.3 Linkage between CDM and Emission Trading 8

4 Theoretical Assessment of the CDM 9

4.1 The CDM in the Spectrum of Environmental Policy Instruments 9
4.2 Efficiency Assessment 10
4.2.1 Static Efficiency 10
4.2.2 Dynamic Efficiency 12
4.3 Ecologic Effectiveness 14

5 Weaknesses in Practical Implementation 17

5.1 Geographical Distribution of CDM Projects 17
5.2 Distribution of Project Types 21
5.3 Additionality 24
5.4 Procedural Weaknesses 26
5.5 Development of the Carbon Market: The EU ETS 29

6 CDM Reform 31
6.1 Procedural Reform - Standardized Baselines 32
6.2 CER Discounting & Ambitious Baselines 34
6.3 Sectoral Approaches 36
6.4 The Gold Standard 38

7 Conclusion 39

References 42

List of Tables

1 Sustainable Development Indicators 6

2 CDM Project Cycle 7

List of Figures

1 Static Efficiency 11
2 Dynamic Efficiency 13
3 Ecologic Additionality of the CDM 15
4 Geografical Distribution of Registered CDM Projects 18
5 CDM Projects in Africa 18
6 Accumulated CER growth 21

List of Annexes

I: Greenhouse Gases included in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol 49

II: Annex I Parties included in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol 49
III: List of Non-Annex I Parties to the Convention 50

List of Abbreviations

AAU Assigned Amount Unit

AWG-KP Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under
the Kyoto Protocol
BAU Business As Usual
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CDM EB Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board
CER Certified Emission Reduction
CH4 Methane
COP Conference of the Parties
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
DNA Designated National Authority
DOE Designated Operational Entity
EUA European Union Allowance
EC European Commission
EI Ecologic Integrity
EIT Economies in Transition
ERU Emission Reduction Unit
ETS Emission Trading Scheme
EU European Union
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
GS Gold Standard
GWP Global Warming Potential
HFC-23 Fluoroform
IRR Internal Rate of Return
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
JI Joint Implementation
KP Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
LDC Least Developed Countries
MAC Marginal Abatement Costs
NH4 Ammonium

N2O Nitrous Oxide
PDD Project Development Document
QELRO Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Obligation
POA Programme Of Activities
SD Sustainable Development
SIDS Small Island Development States
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
UBA Umweltbundesamt (German Environmental Agency)
UN United Nations
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNWCED United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development
US United States of America
VER Voluntary Emission Reduction
WWF Worldwide Fund for Nature

1 Introduction

Experiences from the first years of the Kyoto Protocol have revealed flaws in design. Moving
towards the end of the first commitment period, there is particular dissension regarding the
success of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as an integral part of the KP. Many
experts see the CDM as a tremendous success in mobilizing capital to support emission
reduction in developing countries. According to estimations of the World Energy Outlook, the
need for capital flows from industrialized to developing countries to take them to a low-
carbon development path has raised to the amount of $ 1 trillion until 2030; having so far
generated more then € 9 billion of investments in more then 3000 projects, supporters see the
CDM as the central building block for generating the huge financial needs (Butzengeiger-
Geyer et al., 2010).
As this paper shows, just looking at these indeed impressive numbers obscures severe
shortcomings. Consequently, an in-depth assessment of the CDM analyzes its effectiveness
and efficiency in achieving its individual targets; in addition to the superior ecologic target of
emission reduction, the CDM is supposed to generate Sustainable Development (SD) impacts
in developing countries. After a brief overview of international climate policy in chapter 2,
chapter 3 describes the CDM’s framework as well as involved stakeholders and its interplay
with carbon markets. Laying the theoretical groundwork for this paper, section 4 illustrates
that in theory the CDM is capable to achieve a given ecologic target efficiently in a static
model. From a dynamic perspective however, the CDM does not show a convincing
efficiency. Furthermore, section 4 defines the preconditions for Environmental Effectiveness
(EE) in regard to the CDM.
Section 5 subsequently addresses the CDM’s practical implementation by evaluating its
development and the experiences of involved actors. The central finding drawn from the
assessment is that the CDM has not been up to reach its different objectives simultaneously.
Especially SD impacts seem to have been disregarded in the vast majority of CDM projects;
both the geographical distribution and distribution of project types reveal a disadvantageous
balance for regions and projects particularly desirable from the SD perspective. Moreover, the
effectiveness in actually reducing global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions seems to be
doubtful for a substantial number of projects. The source of these fundamental shortcomings
of the CDM can be mainly found in its underlying arrangements and procedures. Although
the CDM has a multidimensional target system, it does not create appropriate incentives for

participants to pursue these targets in a balanced way; while there is a value for emission
reductions from the generation of emission certificates, no monetary value is given to
additional SD criteria. Since there is a series of trade-offs between effectiveness and
efficiency, this incentive scheme results in private actors seeking nothing but the generation
and purchase of emission certificates at lowest costs. Hence, efficiency considerations are in
general given preference over effectiveness. The fundamental objective of climate protection
combined with further desirable impacts for developing countries has often fallen by the
wayside. But failure has also occurred at public level. As the analysis in section 5.5 of the EU
Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) reveals, EU governments have failed in promoting
stable signals and incentives to the CDM through a massive over-allocation of emission
allowances to polluters.
But what are the consequences from these findings for the future climate protection process?
As former head of the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Yvo de
Boer recently declared in a newspaper interview, “[…] we have to admit the Kyoto Protocol
is dead.” (TAZ, 2011). After the definite denials of several global emitters to participate in a
second commitment period, he does not see any sense in a continuation with the remaining
countries, accounting for not even 20 percent of global emissions. And also Christiana
Figueres, current head of the UNFCCC in view of the next international climate conference in
Durban believes that “[…] this planet is not going to be saved by any big bang agreement.”
(ThinkProgress, 2010). Still, despite of all its weaknesses it is of all things the CDM that has
already been decided to be continued in the post-Kyoto era, even in the more and more likely
absence of a successor protocol (GIZ, 2011a). Most notably, the European Union (EU) has
arrived at a unilateral agreement to further reduce their emission levels up to 2050 providing
for a certain degree of future use of the CDM (Cames et al., 2011).
Consequently, a growing number of voices was raised requesting a reformation of the CDM
to overcome the described shortcomings. As a result, various reform proposals have been
elaborated and promoted by countries and international experts. Section 6 evaluates some of
the most prominent and promising approaches. As it turns out, there are in fact possibilities to
enhance the overall integrity and effectiveness of the mechanism. Key to foster a balanced
pursuit of objectives accordingly lies in creating an adequate incentive scheme or obligations
for participants as well as in establishing straightforward and standardized procedures
restricting the scope for undesirable behaviour. The proposals in chapter 6 do not necessarily
have to be established within the UNFCCC; as long as there will be demand for emission
certificates from industrialized countries, these approaches can also be applied at different

levels, no matter if at national, regional or sectoral level. A growing number of experts sees
the future of climate protection in such a decentralized building block approach. As Robert
Falkner, researcher at the London School of Economics sums up: “That is, I would argue, the
future for climate negotiations. It is a second-best future but one we must accept as a fact.”
(AlertNet, 2011).

2 International Climate Policy – The UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol

The UNFCCC was adopted at the so called “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 with
the objective of a “[…] stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a
level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.”(UN,
1992). Entering into force in March 1994, the UNFCCC forms a binding agreement under
international law that constitutes basic principles, institutions and procedures of international
climate protection policy (Haensgen, p.16). To date, it has been ratified by 194 countries.
These countries are separated in three different groups according to their varying roles and
responsibilities (UNFCCC, 2011e).1 In Art. 4.2b of the UNFCCC, Annex I Parties commit to
an individual or joint reduction of GHG emissions to the levels of 1990. Emission reduction
targets were further specified with the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.
With the Kyoto Protocol (KP), a supplementary protocol to the UNFCCC was adopted in
1997 (UN, 1998). The objective in Art. 2 UNFCCC also applies for the KP, which beyond
that defines the way in which this objective can be achieved. Ratifying the KP, Annex I
Parties accepted binding emission reduction obligations for the first time. To date, 193
countries have ratified the KP, accounting for 63,7 percent of total GHG emissions of all
Annex I countries in 1990 (UNFCCC, 2011e).2 Art. 3.1 KP stipulates an aggregated reduction
of six different GHG in Annex I countries in the first commitment period 2008-2012 of a
minimal amount of 5 percent under the 1990 emission level.3 To allow for the comparability
of these GHG relating to their Global Warming Potentials, they are converted into CO2-
equivalents (CO2e) that can be understood as the single currency of international climate
protection (Endres, 2007, p.262). Emission reduction targets differ from one country to
another. Annex B of the KP defines these so called Quantified Emission Limitation and

Annex I Parties include mainly industrialized countries and Economies in Transition. Non-Annex I Parties are
mostly developing countries. For a detailed listing of the composition of each group, see Annex II and III.
The only signatory that has not ratified the KP is the United States.
For a list of all 6 GHG, see Annex I.

Reduction Commitments (QELRO).4 The individual QELRO add up to an overall reduction
target of 5,2 percent under the base year level until end-2012 (UNFCCC, 2011c).5
One special feature of the KP is the establishment of several market-based instruments. In
addition to domestic measures for the compliance with their QELRO, Annex I Parties have
the possibility to make use of the flexible mechanisms constituted in Art. 6, 12 and 17 of the
KP. These comprise the market-based mechanisms Joint Implementation and Clean
Development Mechanism as well as the Emissions Trading. Due to the global impact of
GHG, the place where GHG abatement measures are conducted is of no relevance to the
atmosphere. Consequently, the flexible mechanisms concede Annex I Parties the flexibility to
credit foreign emission reduction units against their domestic reduction targets (Haensgen,
S.19f). The acquired emission reduction units are added to the buyer party’s assigned amount
(KP, Art 3.10-12).6 The Emission Trading directed in Art.17 KP enables Annex I Parties that
have emission reduction units exceeding their QELRO at their disposals, to sell these units to
other Annex I Parties. This mechanism comprises both emission certificates distributed to
each Annex I Parties and reduction units generated in the project based mechanisms
(UNFCCC, 2011d).
Art. 6 KP specifies the flexible mechanism Joint Implementation (JI). JI allows Annex I
Parties to acquire emission reduction units generated from emission reduction projects in
different Annex I countries. These units are called Emission Reduction Units (ERU) and
correspond to the reduction of one ton of CO2.
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as defined in Art. 12 KP in contrary enables
Annex I Parties to acquire emission reduction units generated from emission reduction
projects in Non-Annex I Countries. These units, like the ERU, represent the reduction of a ton
of CO2 and are called Certified Emission Reductions (CER).
Both market-based mechanisms belong to the concept of offsetting mechanisms (Rentz 1995,
p.90). They differ in the arrangement of certain design elements but have correspondent
economic functionality (Scharte, 2001, p.87). This paper focuses on the CDM being the
central offsetting mechanism of international climate policy. According to current estimates,
the CDM will have generated an amount of 2728 Million CER by the end of the first

For a detailed overview of each Annex-I Party’s reduction target, see Annex II.
For member countries of the EU, a combined reduction target of 8% is defined in Annex B of the KP. To reach
this target jointly, QELRO have been divided differently among the member states. The spectrum reaches from
QELRO in Germany and Denmark of 21% to an allowance of additional emissions beyond the base year level of
27% in Portugal (UNFCCC, 2011c).
Each Annex-I Party’s assigned amount is calculated with its emission level and their individual QELRO as
contracted in the KP.

commitment period (UNEP, 2011). Hence, it is of essentially higher relevance than the JI,
which is expected to generate about 637 Million ERU until the end of 2012.Consequently,
Wara and Victor (2008, p.9) unmistakably state: „If one wants to study offsets in the real
world, one studies CDM”.

3 Flexible Mechanisms - The Clean Development Mechanism

3.1 Target System

As described in the previous section, UNFCCC and KP have an explicit ecologic objective.
Being an integral part of the KP, the CDM primarily has to measure up to this superior target
(UN, 1998). In addition, Art 12.2 KP defines the particular purpose of the CDM. Accordingly
the CDM is supposed to assist Annex I Parties in achieving compliance with their QELRO as
well as serving Non-Annex I Parties in achieving SD. The first part of this objective is meant
to provide support to the achievement of the superior ecologic target; giving Non-Annex I
Parties the opportunity to achieve parts of their reduction obligations using a market
mechanism is supposed to allow for enhanced efficiency (Endres, 2000). Section 4.2 gives an
in-depth theoretical analysis of how the CDM is capable to increase efficiency of the global
emission reduction process.
The second part of Art 12.2 KP on the contrary defines an additional target to the primary
ecologic one; the CDM is meant to simultaneously make a contribution to SD in host
countries. On the contrary to the emission reduction target, this second target is not further
specified. Hence, to be able to make any statement about the effectiveness of the CDM in this
regard, it is necessary to take a closer look at the concrete denotation of this concept. There
has been a longstanding debate about the concept of SD in past decades. The so called
Brundtland Report, published by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and
Development (UNWCED) in 1987 defines SD as “ […] a process of change in which the
exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological
development, and institutional change are made consistent with future as well as present
needs.” (UNWCED, 1987, Art.30). At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in
2002, the significance of SD for the CDM was addressed and recorded in the Johannesburg
Plan of Implementation. Accordingly, main indicators important for the CDM’s success in
promoting SD are, inter alia, the development of advanced, cleaner, more efficient and cost-
effective energy technologies, an increase of the share of renewable energy supply and by

doing so to achieve poverty eradication as well as an improved standard of living (UN, 2002,
p.16). As can be seen, the concept of SD comprises benefits on different levels. Burian (2006)
classifies possible SD impacts in three categories, namely ecological, social and economic
aspects. Accordingly, a positive SD impact of an emission abatement measure can be defined
as an improvement of at least one of these three categories without negative impact on any of
the others. Following this definition, the condition for a positive SD impact evaluation of a
CDM project is a Pareto Improvement (Burian, 2006). Table 1 gives an overview of SD
indicators on each individual level.


Ecologic Social Economic and Technologi-
Development Development cal Development
→ Air Quality → Quality of Employment → Quantity of Employment
→ Water Quality and → Livelihood of the Poor and Income Generation
Quantity → Access to Affordable and → Balance of Payments and
→ Soil Condition Clean Energy Service Investments
→ Other Pollutants → Human and Institutional → Technology Transfer and
→ Biodiversity Capacity Technological Self-
Source: Own illustration based on Sutter (2003)

Obviously, the SD concept also contains ecologic indicators. Hence, there is a certain degree
of overlapping between the SD objective and the goal of emission reduction. However, while
the contribution of emission reduction projects to ecologic SD indicators like Air Quality is
obvious, there is no implicit link to other SD indicators; whether a project has a contribution
to e.g. the standard of living or the employment rate has to be assessed individually for each
project. Still, the CDM procedures do not require any detailed assessment of a project’s SD
impact (Sterk et al., 2009). As illustrated in the project cycle below, the responsibility of
assessing a project’s SD contribution is solely borne by the host country; if it does not have
objections, projects can be approved and carried out that do not feature any SD contribution
or even produce harmful impacts (Butzengeiger-Geyer, 2010). Consequently, it is hard to
make quantitative statements about the effectiveness of the CDM in achieving its SD target.
Section 5 however shows that there is a series of trade-offs between the CDM’s effectiveness
regarding its SD target and efficiency. Section 6.5 illustrates a voluntary approach to closely
assess the SD impacts of CDM projects, the so called Gold Standard (GS).

3.2 Governance and Project Cycle
The supreme body of the CDM at international level is the Conference of the Parties Serving
as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP). It decides on rules and modifica-
tions to the CDM and decides on the recommendations made by the CDM Executive Board
(EB) (UNFCCC, 2011f). The EB has supervising function for operations and activities of
CDM participants. It is furthermore responsible for the accreditation of independent third-
party inspection authorities, so called Designated Operational Entities (DOE). Being either a
domestic legal entity or an international organization, these are mainly responsible for
validating potential CDM projects as well as verifying the actual emission reductions from a
project and requesting the according issuance of CER from the EB (UBA, 2007, p.19). At
national level, each country participating in the CDM is required to establish a Designated
National Authority (DNA). Their main task is to approve projects by controlling the
fulfilment of the required project criteria (UBA, 2007, p.14ff). To actually generate CER,
each project has to pass through a standardized process. Table 2 illustrates the different steps
of the CDM`s project cycle as well as the involved actors at each level.


Project Phase Involved Actors

Project Design Project Participant
National Approval DNA
Validation DOE
Registration EB
Monitoring Project Participant
Verification DOE
CER issuance EB
Source: UNFCCC (2011f)

The first step of the Project Cycle consists in developing a standardized Project Design
Document (PDD), containing detailed information about the project as well as the ecologic
impacts and the methodology chosen for implementation. Together with a Letter of Approval
containing information on the project’s contribution to SD, this document is submitted to a
DOE for validation. Based on these documents, the DOE evaluates whether the project meets
all requirements of the CDM as set out in the modalities and procedures and either rejects or

validates the project. If deemed valid, registration of the project is requested from the EB. In
case there are no objections from the EB, the project is registered as an official CDM project
against a registration fee. Once registered, the project implementation can be initiated.
Throughout the duration of the project, project participants are responsible for collecting data
necessary to quantify the achieved emission reductions. A monitoring report containing this
data has to be prepared and submitted to an arbitrary DOE which verifies whether the
reductions claimed in the report have been actually achieved. The DOE subsequently writes a
certification report indicating the certified amount of emission reduction achieved with the
project, which is submitted to the EB. In a last step, if there are no objections against the
certification report, the EB issues the requested amount of CER, charging another fee to cover
administrative costs (UBA, 2007; UNFCCC 2011f).
Looking at the various steps of the project cycle, the number of actors involved and the
necessary bureaucracy throughout the whole process, one can already assume associated time
lags and high transaction costs. The resulting consequences for the CDM’s performance are
addressed in section 5.4.

3.3 Linkage between CDM and Emission Trading

To assess the CDM’s effectiveness and efficiency, it is also necessary to take a look at the
broader carbon market. Lecoq and Ambrosi (2007, p.134) define the carbon market as “[…]
the sum of all transactions in which one or several parties pay another party or set of parties in
exchange for a given quantity of ‘GHG emission credits’”.
Art. 12.9 KP identifies both public and private entities as permitted participants in the CDM,
i.e. governments, private enterprises and civil society. While the KP only defines emission
caps for Annex I Parties at national level, several signatories have implemented national and
regional Emission Trading Schemes (ETS) applying emission limits to private installations
and entities. In this way, governments are able to transfer the incentive for reducing emissions
from public to private level (UBA, 2007, p.11). Since ETS are the main source of CER
demand, they have vital impacts on prices and consequently the incentives for CDM projects.
Having accounted for 70 percent of the overall demand for CER so far, the EU ETS is
exemplified for the analysis of emission trading schemes in this thesis (World Bank, 2010,
p.55). Not only has it been the largest ETS worldwide; with a further reduction commitment
of 20 percent below 1990 levels until 2020 it is the only scheme having already fixed a
notable reduction target for the post-2012 era and hence currently the only certain future
source for CER demand (Cames et al., 2011). The EU ETS covers more than 10,000 private

installations in the European energy and industrial sectors, responsible for about 40 percent of
overall GHG emissions (Hausotter et al., 2011, p.27). An emission cap is imposed on each
individual entity and an according amount of certificates in the form of European Union
Allowances (EUA) is distributed. Installations are obligated to closely monitor and report
their emissions. Each ton of GHG emission has to be covered by a certificate. Thus, in order
to meet their emission caps, installations emitting more GHG than their assigned certificates
can choose between reducing their own emissions (internal reduction) and buying EUA from
installations having excessive certificates (external reduction) (Cames et al., 2011).
Connecting the EU ETS to the KP flexible mechanisms, the EU Linking Directive
additionally enables entities to buy and charge offsetting certificates from the CDM (UBA,
2007).7 The operation of the EU ETS is divided in three different phases in order to be able to
continuously revise and improve it.8 EUA are distributed anew in every phase in correspon-
dence with emission forecasts for each individual installation. Currently, the EU ETS is
operating in its second trading period, lasting until the end of 2012. Excessive emission
certificates that are not used in one phase can be banked, i.e. transferred in the subsequent
phase and used for compliance (Cames et al., 2011).
As will be seen in section 5.5, many critical voices have raised concerning the recent and
future arrangements under the EU ETS. Especially the free and disproportionate distribution
of EUA has prevented the establishment of clear price signals for CER and accordingly robust
incentives to the CDM.

4 Theoretical Assessment of the CDM

4.1 The CDM in the Spectrum of Environmental Policy Instruments

Giving Annex I polluters the opportunity to relocate parts of their emission reduction
obligations, the CDM ranks among the concept of offsetting mechanisms. There have been
various definitions and differentiations of the term offsetting in literature. According to Rentz
(1995, p.90), individual emitters are allowed to deduct CO2 reductions that have been
achieved in their own or foreign operations either in their home country or foreign countries,
from their own CO2 reduction obligations. According to this definition, offsetting mecha-
nisms and consequently the CDM rank among the concept of certificates as one of the types
Every Annex I Party can individually decide on the extent to which CER and ERU are chargeable for
compliance. In Germany for example, installations may charge offsetting credits to a maximum amount of 22%
of their allocated EUA (UBA, 2007, p.11).
Phase I (2005-2007), Phase II (2008-2012), Phase III (2013-2020).

of standard economic policy instruments. The basic idea of this instrument is to define an
emission cap for certain pollutants in a specified area. Accordingly, the CDM belongs to the
quantity instruments for emission reductions; the quantity of emissions is fixed, whereas the
price is variable (Bartmann, 1996, p.149f). The permitted total amount of emissions is divided
into subsets by a public authority. Any polluter is only authorized to emit the amount of
pollutants that is covered by a correspondent possession of certificates. The specific
characteristic of the certificate solution is that the allocation of the emission cap is carried out
by market mechanisms, aiming at enhanced efficiency. Referring to the international climate
protection process under the UNFCCC, governments of Annex I parties distribute emission
certificates adding up to their overall national caps as defined in Annex B of the KP, creating
a gap between the allowed amount of emissions and the initial emission levels.9 The gap can
either be closed through domestic abatement measures or the purchase of additional
certificates (Endres, 2000, p.110ff).
The subsequent sections evaluate the CDM against different criteria. The efficiency
assessment illustrates the functionality of the CDM in regard to its objective of supporting
Annex I Parties to comply with their reduction obligations. At first, efficiency will be
assessed from a static view, assuming a constant technological level. This assumption is
dropped in the subsequent section, assessing the CDM’s efficiency from a dynamic
perspective including technological progress. The assessment of the CDM’s effectiveness on
the contrary addresses its contribution to the ecologic goal of emission reduction. Since the
CDM itself is not designed to effect net global emission reductions, conditions for the
mechanism are defined necessary to safeguard the Ecologic Effectiveness of the Kyoto

4.2 Efficiency Assessment

4.2.1 Static Efficiency

Static efficiency of an environmental policy instrument is achieved, if any given ecologic
target is reached cost-efficiently (Endres, 2000, p.122). In the special case of the CDM, static
efficiency accordingly means that emission reduction measures are conducted at the place
where costs for emission reduction measures are lowest. An individual cost minimizing
emitter seeks to take those measures for emission reduction that help him comply with his

There are different ways of distribution for the endowment of certificates that bear individual problems. These
will not be further addressed in this thesis.

individual obligation at the lowest costs (Gerhard, 2000, p.32f). Hence, the CDM basically
aims at arbitrage of differing emission reduction costs deriving from large differences in
technological standards between Annex I and Non-Annex I Parties (Scharte, 2001, p.97). The
illustrated model in this section mainly bases on the elaborations of Rentz (1995) and Endres
(2000). Figure 1 illustrates how the CDM can lead to static efficiency: This Figure is drawn
under the assumption of only two emitters, one Annex I Party and one Non-Annex I Party.
MACi represent the marginal abatement cost curves of both Parties. Starting at Eimax, their
increasing run is based on the assumption that the higher the level of achieved emission
reductions, the more expensive it gets to conduct additional emission reduction measures
(Endres, 2000, p.127). Moreover, the Non-Annex I Party in this model is able to reduce
emissions at lower costs than the Annex-I Party. Consequently, MACb has a lower slope than


MAC Annex-I Party MAC Non Annex-I Party


* *

* *
Ē Ea Eamax E Eb Ebmax E

Source: Own illustration based on Rentz (1995) and Endres (2000)

At the initial situation, there are no emission restrictions and both Parties emit the maximal
amount of pollutants Eamax and Ebmax. The Annex I Party is now confronted with an exogenous
emission cap of Ē and thus has to reduce emissions by an amount of ¯E¯amax
¯ ¯Ē¯ , involving costs
of the area under MACa of [Eamax Ē A] (Rentz, 1995).

In this model the Marginal Abatement Cost functions are continuously differentiable. In reality, this
assumption is not rational since single abatement measures often involve large investments. Accordingly,
abatement cost curves are more likely to have discrete cost speed-ups (Rentz, 1995, p.143).

Introducing the ability to make use of the CDM creates incentives to trade for both parties, if
their marginal abatement costs differ: as long as MACa > MACb, welfare can be increased if
reduction measures are conducted by the Non-Annex I Party who gets compensated by the
Annex I Party. The Optimum is reached when MACa = MACb (Gerhard, 2000, p.33). This
condition is assumed to be achieved at MAC*. At this point, neither party has any further
incentive to trade. The certificate market has come to an equilibrium involving a cost-
effective allocation of emission reduction (Tietenberg, 1985, p.21). The required emission
reduction is achieved jointly in both parties, depending on the exact position and slope of both
MACa and MACb. In Figure 1 the overall costs of reduction correspond to the areas
[B Ea* Eamax] + [C Eb* Ebmax]. The overall benefit created through the CDM corresponds to
[A B Ea* Ē ] – [C Eb* Ebmax].
Under the assumptions made, the CDM is static efficient in theory. However there is a series
of barriers to static efficiency in reality. These obstacles will be envisaged among the
evaluation of the CDM’s practical application in chapter 5.

4.2.2 Dynamic Efficiency

The application of the CDM leads to efficiency from a static economic perspective. Efficiency
of environmental policy instruments has to be reviewed as well from a dynamic perspective
though. The question to be asked in the context of dynamic efficiency refers to the CDM’s
ability to foster the introduction and development of innovative environmental technology,
increasing the ecologic productivity by leading to better usage of the input factors for
emission reduction (Michaelowa, 1997).11 Accordingly, enhancing ecologic productivity
means that a certain amount of emission reduction can be achieved at decreasing costs
respectively emission reduction can be increased at constant costs (Endres, 2000, p.133).
Consequently, technological progress is one opportunity for emitters to simultaneously realize
economic growth while keeping emissions constant or even reduce them (Michaelowa, 1997).
Figure 2 demonstrates the way how technological progress can increase welfare. The
explanation of Figure 2 is consistent with Figure 1. Point A represents the starting point. p̄ is
the world market price of CER and assumed to be constant. At the initial technology,
described by MAC0 and a sufficient emission cap, an Annex I Party reduces its emissions
by E¯ max
¯ ¯ ¯E¯ 0 .

Several authors, e.g. Michaelowa (1997) or Gerhard (2000) equivalently use the term “innovative efficiency”.




_ _
E1 E0 Emax

Source: Own illustration based on Endres (2000)

Any further reduction obligation is covered by the purchase of CER, because the costs of
further domestic reduction are higher then the certificate price p̄ (Endres, 2000, p.138ff).
The introduction of a new technology now leads to a rotation of the marginal abatement cost
curve from MAC0 to MAC1. In the new situation in Point B, the market price of certificates is
higher then the cost of additional domestic abatement, leading to a substitution of CER for
further domestic emission reduction of E¯ 0¯E¯¯1 and a new equilibrium in Point C, where again
the price of CER is equal to domestic marginal abatement costs. Initially, the new technology
leads to a cost reduction of [Emax A B]. By the consequent substitution of CER for domestic
measures, the Annex I Party is able to realize another cost reduction of [A B C]. Hence, the
overall savings of the technological progress are [Emax A C] less costs of the new technology
(Endres, 2000, p.139). Figure 2 can also be applied for any Non-Annex I Party. Accordingly,
the CDM leads to an emission reduction of E¯ max
¯ ¯ E¯¯ 0 and disposal of the generated CER at the
certificate market. By introducing a new technology, the Non-Annex I Party will further
reduce its emissions to E¯ 1 and sell the additional CER at a price of p̄ . Dropping the unrealistic
assumption of a constant world market price however weakens the dynamic incentives in this
model. As described in section 5.5, CER prices are dependent on various factors and have

shown high volatility in recent years. Assuming dynamic prices, technological progress leads
to both a decline of demand for CER from Annex I Parties and an increased supply from Non-
Annex I Parties. Accordingly, technological progress implies a price drop which in turn
reduces dynamic efficiency (Gerhard, 2000, p.92f). Incentives for technological progress in
Annex I Parties are further narrowed by the finding that it generally involves high costs that in
turn reduce the overall benefit of the innovation. More precisely, a new technology is only
introduced as long as its costs are below the savings achieved (Gerhard, 2000, p.92). This is
why critics, like Michaelowa (1997), associate offsetting mechanisms with a low degree of
dynamic efficiency due to the ability and the cost advantage of conducting external rather
than internal abatement measures. Looking at the previous analysis reveals a trade-off
between the CDM’s static and dynamic efficiency. By providing emission allowances for
Annex I Parties at low costs, the CDM’s static efficiency reduces the pressure to innovation
and hence constrains structural change. Whenever threats to the static efficiency due to
increasing costs and market prices are revealed in the further analysis of the CDM’s practical
implementation, dynamic efficiency is in turn increased. In reality, any measure changing the
framework of the CDM has direct effects on its static and dynamic efficiency. Several
changes, whether already implemented or yet discussed and their impacts are discussed in
chapters 5 and 6.

4.3 Ecologic Effectiveness

According to Gerhard (2000, p.29), Ecologic Effectiveness (EE) of an environmental policy
instrument indicates its ability to realize an environmental quality standard set at political
level in a given period of time. Certificates in general are of a high EE; the amount of
certificates distributed defines the emission cap that cannot be exceeded, at least by legal
means, while the allocation of the certificates is achieved efficiently on free markets (Endres,
2000). But what exactly does EE mean in the sense of the CDM? In its current arrangements,
the CDM is a pure offsetting mechanism, meaning that any emission reduction achieved
within CDM projects allows for the emission of the equivalent amount of GHG in Annex I
countries (Tietenberg, 1985). Hence, the CDM itself does not result in any net reduction of
global GHG emissions. Consequently, the criterion for the assessment of the CDM’s EE used
in research and practice is its Ecologic Integrity (EI), see among others Endres (2000) and
Haensgen (2002). To understand the fundamental meaning of EI in regard to the CDM, the
term additionality is key (Schneider, 2007, p.7). Art. 12.5 KP requests emission reductions to
be additional. The condition for additionality defined by the UNFCCC (2006a, p.16) is

fulfilled, “[…] if anthropogenic GHG emissions are reduced below those that would have
occurred in the absence of the registered CDM project activity.” To understand the
importance of this condition, the term additionality will be further segmented in different sub-
categories according to Scharte (2001, p.92ff). First, the investment related additionality
requires an accredited CDM project not to be profitable by itself, involving earnings that are
not sufficient to cover its costs without the CDM. Only realizing the project as a CDM project
changes this cost-benefit ratio by additionally generating revenues from CER. If the generated
CER yield overall earnings above the costs involved, there is an incentive for investors to
carry out the project. Hence, one crucial factor for the investment decision is the cost of
emission reductions associated with a project. These so called specific abatement costs are
described by the ratio of the investment costs and the generated reduction units. The
investment is profitable, if the specific abatement costs are lower than the marginal abatement
cost for the same amount of emission reduction (Haensgen, 2003, p.79f).
Secondly, the ecologic additionality requires each CDM project to generate real emission
reductions. Real in this context means that a proper monitoring methodology has proven that
emission reductions have actually occurred (Wara, 2007, p.14). To be able to warrant this
condition, the GHG emitted after the investment are compared to those that would have been
produced in the absence of the project. Only emissions below this business-as-usual (BAU)
scenario baseline can get certified as CER (Scharte, 2001). Figure 3 shows the importance of
precise and honest monitoring and baseline setting for the CDM’s EI with the help of
different scenarios, based on the analysis from Butzengeiger-Geyer et. al (2010).


Level E Designated
Baseline A

E0 Baseline

Baseline B

Scenario 0 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Source: Own illustration based on Butzengeiger-Geyer (2010)

E0 is the initial emission level. The grey area in the initial Scenario 0 accordingly represents
the amount of GHG emitted in the absence of the CDM. Conducting an emission reducing
CDM project results in the new emission level E1. For the imaginable resulting scenarios, the
grey areas represent the monitored and declared emission level resulting from the project,
while the purple areas represent the amount of issued CER. Scenario 1 illustrates the ideal
situation as originally intended with the CDM. The baseline is set correctly at the actual initial
emission level E0. Also, the emission level resulting from the project is monitored correctly.
Consequently, the amount of issued certificates corresponds exactly to the emission
reductions achieved, safeguarding the ecologic additionality of the project. The following
scenarios illustrate different possible errors that can occur throughout the project. Scenarios 2
and 3 demonstrate the impacts of flawed baseline setting. In Scenario 2, the resulting emission
level is monitored correctly, while Designated Baseline A is set at an exaggerated emission
level. As a consequence, the amount of issued CER exceeds the actually achieved emission
reductions, resulting in a net increase of global emissions and hence inhibiting ecologic
additionality. On the contrary, in Scenario 3 Designated Baseline B is declared as the
reference scenario falling below the actual initial emission level. In this scenario, the amount
of achieved emission reductions exceeds the number of issued certificates. Accordingly, this
scenario results in a net global emission reduction. Scenario 4 demonstrates the problem of
faulty monitoring. While the baseline is set correctly in this scenario, the monitored emission
level resulting from the project is too low. As in Scenario 2, this excessive declaration of
achieved emission reductions results in a net increase of global emissions.
Consequently, EI of a CDM project can only be fulfilled through a proper assessment of
whether the project would also be implemented without the CDM incentive as well as through
a realistic determination of the baseline scenario and a sound monitoring methodology
(Schneider, 2007). The issuance of CER from non-additional projects may even lead to an
increase of global emissions; authorizing an Annex I Party to increase their total emissions
while the corresponding reductions generated in the project would have occurred anyhow
would inflate the overall emission cap of the KP and thus bust its EE
(Schneider, 2007; UBA, 2001). The same applies for CER that have not actually occurred due
to a false determination of the reference scenario or an excessive amount of monitored
emission reductions. But even if additional, EI of CDM projects can still be undermined by
the problem of leakage. Scharte (2001, p.95) defines leakage as those indirect and negative
side-effects that a CDM project has on GHG emissions outside the project. As a typical
example for leakage, he illustrates the substitution effect of forest protection projects;

conserving forest areas in a certain region often leads to an increased usage of different forests
not covered by the project. Although it is difficult to consider the leakage induced by a project
in the calculation of its emission reductions, it is important to maintain a project’s EI.
Accordingly the CDM EB provides methodologies and standards for the assessment of
Summing up, the CDM’s EI is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of the Kyoto
Protocol. In fact the identification of a project’s EI has proved to be one of the CDM’s major
challenges, see among others Schneider (2007) and Wara (2007). Lex De Jonge, Chair of the
CDM EB, although considering the CDM as a successful instrument, emphasizes the
indispensability of additionality recognizing “[…] that the CDM, at its best, is a zero sum
game […]” (IISD, 2009). Consequently, different proposals have been made aiming at
strengthening the CDM’s EI. Moreover, concepts have been elaborated moving the CDM
from pure offsetting towards a mechanism capable to create net emission reductions. Section
5.4 analyzes the problems occurring at the demonstration of additionality in practice. It is
shown across section 5 that in practice trade-offs occur between the CDM’s EI and its
efficiency. Section 6 demonstrates possibilities for how to deal with the problems of proving
additionality and presents approaches to transform the CDM into a mechanism going beyond
pure offsetting and thus contributing to global mitigation efforts.

5 Weaknesses in Practical Implementation

5.1 Geographical Distribution of CDM Projects

The quantitative geographical distribution of CDM projects is remarkably unequal, whether in
the distribution between or within different regions, see among other Arens et al (2007) and
Lütken (2011). Figure 4 gives a crude numeric comparison of countries’ score on CDM
registration, while Figure 5 illustrates the distribution within regions using Africa as example.
The picture is the same when looking at the volume of expected CER generated in each
region. During the early days of the CDM, the distribution was still more unbalanced with a
few well developed countries representing the bulk of CDM project development. At the end
of 2006, after the CDM’s remarkable take-off there was the meagre amount of just one project
registered in Sub-Saharan Africa (Lütken, 2011, p.4). While for the EI of the CDM the
location where projects are conducted plays no immediate role, underrepresented countries
are obviously hardly able to benefit from possible SD impacts.

Africa; 3% Middle East;
1% Senegal
Europe and
Central Asia; Latin Congo DR
1% America; 15%
South Africa


Asia &
Pacific; Kenya
80% Morocco

Source: Own illustrations based UNEP, 2011-06-17

Examining the reasons for this low application of the CDM, Arens et al. (2007) look at the
specific circumstances Africa offers to potential project developers: In the year 2000, Africa
accounted for not more than 3.57 percent of worldwide GHG emissions with the lowest levels
of per capita emissions worldwide. With 40 percent South Africa is the main emitter.
Together with Kenya, Morocco, Egypt and Nigeria it accounts for the major part of emissions
in Africa (Arens et al., 2007, p.7). As can be seen in Figure 5, this sample of main African
emitters corresponds exactly to those countries hosting the lion’s share of CDM projects. As
Arens et al. (2007) explain there are several obstacles to the implementation of CDM projects
in the remaining countries. First of all and most obvious, an overall low level of GHG
emissions results in low emission reduction potentials. Also, the majority of investors seeks
for projects that generate certain and not to small amounts of CER, since small-scale projects
offering few emission reductions are rarely rentable considering the involved transaction
costs; as Wara (2007) shows, in 2006 the largest 5 percent of projects accounted for more
than 70 percent of CER supply. Arens et al. (2007) see another reason for the preference of
investing in projects in certain countries in a favourable general investment climate prevailing
in these countries. Since the CDM is a voluntary and market-based mechanism, it can be
expected that investments flow predominately to countries and projects with low investment
risk. A comparison of the Worldwide Governance Index provided by the World Bank does
indeed show an above-average ranking in one or several indicators for those countries hosting
a high number of CDM projects (World Bank, 2011a).12 However, Niederberger and Saner

The WGI can be taken as an approximation for a countries investment climate. For detailed information on the
Indicator, its methodology and for the Indicators for distinct countries, see Worldbank (2011a).

(2005) state that a country’s investment climate fails in comprehensively explaining its CDM
attractiveness. For example, India and several Latin American countries despite of a relatively
poor rating in investment climate belong to the host countries with highest CDM participa-
Facing the low participation in the CDM of many Non-Annex I Parties, several concerns were
raised stating that the design of the CDM would not be able to foster balanced financial flows
to Non-Annex I Parties and that additional measures were necessary to achieve an equal
distribution across the world. Especially Sub-Saharan Africa, Small Island Development
States (SIDS) as well as Least Developed Countries (LDC) were entitled the “lost world” in
CDM (Lütken, 2011, p.1).13 These countries though are particularly desirable to participate in
the CDM from a SD view, as there is much need for social and economic aspects of SD as
poverty eradication and improved standards of living (Burian 2006). Moreover, different
research has revealed that particularly small-scale projects are better integrated in the
economy and thus have stronger SD impacts than large-scale projects (Butzengeiger-Geyer et
al., 2010, p.39). Consequently the CDM EB, acknowledging the existence of barriers to the
participation of these particular groups of countries called for proposals to tackle these
obstacles (UNFCCC, 2006b). The response was the adoption of the Nairobi Framework in
2006 aiming “[…] to help developing countries, especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa, to
improve their level of participation in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and
enhance the CDM’s geographical scope” (UNFCCC, 2006c). Central Features of the Nairobi
Framework comprise capacity building for the development of CDM projects as well as
enhancing capacity of DNA and the promotion of investment opportunities for projects.
Another initiative was the introduction of Programmes of Activities (POA) aiming
particularly at an improved CDM participation of LDC; as the opportunities for medium- or
even large-scale projects in LDC are quite limited due to the small size of the economy and
low GHG emission levels, POA enable the realisation of micro scale activities by summariz-
ing measures at household level to programmes (Lütken, 2011, p.5).
Since the introduction of the Nairobi Framework and POA, the situation has changed. Up to
2011, 23 LDC have been participating in the CDM, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa, compared
to three in 2007. There are currently 206 POA in the CDM pipeline, either registered or at
validation, of which 37 are hosted in LDC (UNEP, 2011). Still, Figures 4 and 5 based on
topical data gives a highly unbalanced impression of the geographical distribution. However,

Annex III indicates the Non-Annex I countries classified as LDC by the UN.

it can be doubted if the sheer quantity of projects is a very meaningful measure to draw
conclusions about the actual distribution. To give more qualified information, Lütken (2007)
odds out countries that are just not rationally to be considered as potential CDM participants
whether because of ongoing armed conflicts or the tiny size of population and emission
levels.14 This method results in participation rates of 68 percent among LDC compared to 62
percent in better developed countries. Still, as Lütken (2007) points out, these relations do not
yet say anything about the degree to which these countries are participating. He therefore
develops indicators that are supposed to allow for a decent comparative performance
evaluation. His results seem surprising: Comparing the different country groups’ project
generation ability, i.e. the number of projects divided by national emissions, LDC together
with China rank on the second place behind Latin America. Taking a country’s percentage of
emissions covered by CER as indicator giving evidence to the extent the CDM is supporting
emission reduction efforts, LDC even rank on the first place. To what extent this surprisingly
good score of LDC can be traced back to the introduction of the Nairobi Framework and the
POA has yet to be assessed.
The inequality in the geographical distribution of CDM projects is probably not as striking as
it might look when catching a first glimpse at Figures 4 and 5. Still, it is doubtful if the CDM
design is even capable to result in a more or less balanced geographical distribution. The
discussion about the distribution reveals a trade-off in the design of the CDM objectives:
Emitters try to comply with their QELRO in a cost-efficient way. Recalling the static analysis
in chapter 4.2.1, they look for those emission reductions involving the lowest costs. Shown
above, this is typically the case in large-scale projects with high amounts of reduction
potential that are typically findable in countries with high overall levels of GHG emissions.
These in turn do not comprise Sub-Saharan countries or LDC, which are particularly desirable
for SD impacts like poverty eradication and an improved standard of living.
The measures taken so far have been one first step towards an increased emphasis on SD.
Other possible measures in the international discussion about how to give more weight to the
SD objective by fostering projects in LDC are addressed in chapter 6.

These countries are Afghanistan, Somalia, Chad, Mauritania, Sudan, Haiti and East Timor due to armed
conflicts in the recent past as well as Comoros, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Vanuatu, Sao Tomé and Principe,
Kiribati and Tuvalu due to their very small population and emission levels.

5.2 Distribution of Project Types
Looking at the quantitative distribution of different project types within the CDM results in a
similar unbalanced picture as the geographical distribution seen in the previous section. For
the further analysis, different project types are classified into the four quantitatively most
important groups. In particular, these project types having so far largely dominated the CDM
pipeline are HFC and N2O reduction, renewables, NH4 reduction, Cement and Coal Mines, as
well as energy efficiency (UNEP, 2011). Figure 6 illustrates the CER delivered from each
project type as a function of time since the launch of the CDM until May 2011.


2800 Energy Efficiency
2200 CH4 reduction & Cement & Coal
Million CERs

2000 mine/bed
1600 Renew ables
HFC & N2O reduction












Source: Own illustration based on UNEP, 2011-08-26

After the launch of the CDM in 2003, especially HFC-23 and N2O reduction projects have
seen rapid growth in number and CER issued. From 2005-2007, they accounted for the lion’s
share of CER, remaining at a constantly high level over time and still being the second largest
CER generating projects in 2011. Since 2006, different project types too experienced an
accelerated growth. Especially renewable energy projects have grown above average,
representing the largest share of CER issuance in 2011. Still, since the existence of the CDM,
HFC-23 and N2O reduction projects have generated 71 percent of all issued CER (UNEP,
But why have these industrial gas capture projects been so obviously favoured by project
developers? As Wara (2007) explains, HFC-23 and N2O as well as CH4 are basically by-
products of certain industrial processes. Projects capturing and destroying these GHG are

typically characterized by low abatement costs as they do not request large investments for
technological transformation. Besides, the payback period from investment to CER issuance
is short compared to other project types (Burian, 2006, p.62). In turn, these projects generate
high volumes of CER since the Global Warming Potential of these industrial gases is
immense. HFC-23 for example has a Global Warming Potential of 11.700 times as much as
CO2 (Lecocq and Ambrosi, 2007). This means in turn that the abatement of one ton of HFC-
23 within a CDM project allows for the emission of 11.700 tons of CO2 in Annex I countries.
As Wara and Victor (2008) explain, these relations result in perverse economic incentives for
project developers, since the price of reducing one unit of HFC-23 are outweighed by the
earnings from selling the generated CER by far, no matter if market prices of CER are high or
low. The profit from participation in the CDM is accordingly much higher than the earnings
from the primary production. These net benefits create moral hazard by creating the incentive
for producers to inflate their GHG emission to the maximum extent possible – and reduce
them again. This relationship creates an obvious trade-off between efficiency and EI;
regarding the economic behaviour of profit-maximizing producers, it is rational to extend and
reduce their industrial gas emission as much as possible to absorb the rent provided by the
CDM (Wara, 2007). At the same time, by increasing and again reducing GHG emissions they
create huge amounts of additional CER for Annex I Parties that are by no means additional
and consequently bust the EI of the whole mechanism. To avoid or at least to reduce this
abuse of the mechanism, the CDM EB decided to only approve projects in industrial plants
already existing before the start of the CDM. However, Wara (2007) observes an increase in
production of relevant industrial plants in Non-Annex I Parties during the baseline period
(2000-2004) exceeding the expected growth rate for the according industries by far. Although
it cannot be assessed with absolute certainty whether this increased production was only an
appropriate answer to increased demand, it is tempting to assume that significant parts of the
expansion only occurred in order to take advantage of the CDM profits.
Renewable energy projects on the contrary have a series of disadvantages compared to gas
capture projects from an efficiency perspective. As Burian (2006) describes, these projects
require above-average capital intensity, meaning high investments, but in turn provide only
few CER, resulting in relatively high specific abatement costs. Thus, a renewables project’s
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is not significantly increased by the revenues of CER sale.
These characteristics from renewables projects furthermore result in an extraordinarily high
share of transaction cost per CER. Evaluating the average CER issuance from renewable and
non-renewable project types and setting them into relation with minimal fixed transaction

costs of € 150,000 per project, Burian (2006) calculates transaction costs of € 0,34/CER for
renewables projects, compared to € 0,04/CER for non-renewables projects.
Assessing both project types from a SD view draws quite another picture: A survey provided
by UNEP (2009) attests renewables projects an overall strong SD impact; above all, they have
a high job creation and securing potential. Having already created about 2,3 million jobs in
recent years, the UNEP survey sees potential for further 20 million jobs in the renewable
energy sector until 2030. Furthermore, replacing antiquated and highly polluting power
production with clean and modern technologies, renewables projects create benefits for health
and increased standards of living, especially for lowest-income rural population (UNEP,
2009). Apart from this, Wara (2007) points out that renewables projects are able to bring
Non-Annex I Parties on a low-carbon development path, leading to an overall early retirement
of high-carbon energy infrastructure. As Schneider (2007) states, the process of gas capturing
in contrast is in general, if at all, not accompanied by notable SD impacts. These projects do
neither generate significant additional long-term employment nor enhance the industry’s
competitiveness. As the technology for gas capturing is not innovative and available in most
countries, these projects also cannot be assumed to generate a high level of technology
transfer (Butzengeiger-Geyer et al., 2010, p.39).
Summing up, renewables projects have a highly positive SD impact, while supporting Annex
I Parties in complying with their QELRO at increased efficiency. Gas capture projects are
preferable from the compliance view but hardly have any SD effects and might have
significantly dampened the CDM’s EI. Drawing an unbiased pros and cons list, renewables
projects seem to be the favourable choice. But since SD and EI do not have any direct
financial value for project developers, preference has been given to gas capture projects
throughout the first commitment period, which are more attractive from the sheer compliance
view; seeking for efficiency in compliance, project developers neither pay attention to
maintaining the mechanisms EI nor to achieving effectiveness of projects in fostering SD in
host countries. The only authorities having an incentive to safeguard SD impacts of CDM
projects are the DNA. Being the first entity to approve CDM projects in the project cycle,
they have the possibility to reject projects not generating any SD benefits for their country.
Still, Sterk et al. (2009) evaluating a series of CDM projects, find no evidence of DNA
rejecting approval for projects lacking SD benefits. As a consequence from these findings, the
EU has recently taken the choice from private actors by formally adopting the ban of credits
from HFC-23 production and N2O for the third phase of the EU ETS (GIZ, 2011a).

With CER Discounting and ambitious baseline setting, section 6.2 presents one possibility to
create a more balanced incentive scheme between different project types.

5.3 Additionality
As pointed out in chapter 4.3, additionality of projects is the key prerequisite for maintaining
the CDM’s EI. The demonstration of a project’s additionality constitutes one major step at the
beginning of the project cycle and has to be portrayed exactly in the Project Design Document
submitted to the DOE chosen by project developers.
The CDM EB has elaborated an “additionality tool” in order to facilitate the process of
assessing a project’s additionality (UBA, 2007). In a first step, alternative scenarios to a
project have to be determined, which can serve as the baseline scenario. Under the current
CDM regime, baselines have to be determined individually for each project based upon
methodologies approved by the CDM EB (Sterk et al., 2009). The second step is an
investment analysis, supposed to determine a project’s economic attractiveness. Projects
economically attractive without the CDM can still be additional, if barriers can be identified
preventing the project from being carried out in the absence of the CDM. If a project is not
economically attractive without the CDM, no barrier analysis is needed. In a final step, a
common practice analysis has to show whether the project type has already established in the
relevant sector or region (UBA, 2007, p.21f).
Schneider (2007) assesses the likelihood of investment related additionality for all 803
registered CDM projects and further 2,266 projects in the CDM pipeline in 2007. As a
measure for the impact of CER on the economic attractiveness, he uses a project’s change of
its IRR if carried out as CDM project; the higher the role CER revenues play for a project the
more likely it is additional.15 Following this methodology, in total 40 percent of the registered
projects seem not to be additional (Schneider, 2007, p.9).16 Although the accuracy of
Schneider’s methodology in determining investment related additionality can be doubted,
there is more evidence that a considerable share of CDM projects is not additional.
Schneider’s findings are, inter alia, underpinned by a Delphi Survey regarding the future
perspectives of the project-based mechanisms conducted by Cames et al. (2007).17 More then
800 worldwide experts with working experience in the KP flexible mechanisms were, among

There are other possible measures for the likelihood of investment related additionality used in literature, e.g.
CER revenues per investment costs (Schneider, 2007, p.42).
For a more detailed description of the methodology, see Schneider, (2007, p.42ff).
Delphi surveys try to achieve a high level of anonymity and feedback. Basically, experts for the surveyed issue
are asked to answer a series of questions. Afterwards, in a second round, they are confronted with the results and
are asked to answer the same question again. For further information see Cames et al. (2007, p.72f)

others, asked questions about their appraisal of additionality in the CDM. Although 57
percent of respondents are of the opinion that CER revenues have a significant positive
influence on projects’ profitability, 86 percents believe that carbon revenues are in many
cases only “[…] the icing of the cake, but are not decisive for the investment decision.”
(Cames et al., 2007, p.98). Another 71 percent believe that many projects would have also
been carried out in the absence of the CDM.
Looking at the ecologic additionality does not draw a preferable picture. Although it is hardly
possible to reproduce and understand the baseline scenario setting and the monitoring
methodologies, Haensgen (2002) sees a probably high error rate. As she points out, both
hosting party and investing party have an incentive to declare exaggeratedly high emissions in
the baseline scenario and monitor exaggeratedly low resulting emission levels. In this way the
host party can expect excessive financial transfers from the investor; the investor in turn
receives an unjustifiable high amount of CER, he can either charge to his QELRO or sell on
the carbon markets. The bottom line of this game is that a project eventually results in higher
emissions than those that would have occurred in its absence, putting EI well out of reach.
Recalling the substantial importance of additionality for the CDM’s EI, these findings draw
an alarming picture. Knowing about this importance, one might wonder how such a weak
performance could evolve. Looking at the process of proving additionality within the CDM
reveals fundamental flaws in design; all four steps described above and necessary for the
development of the PDD base on assumptions, estimations and hypotheses and are hence
uncertain and subjective criteria. As Schneider (2007, p.7) points out, “the question as to
whether a project would also be implemented without the CDM is hypothetical and counter-
factual – it can never be proven with absolute certainty”. Consequently, the process of
proving additionality opens the floodgates to fraud; as Haensgen (2002) indicates, the
hypothetical and project-specific character of the individual steps during the additionality
assessment gives involved actors the opportunity to cheat. And even independent third-party
DOE which play a decisive role in this process have an incentive to support this behaviour; as
Schneider (2007) points out, project developers can assign any DOE of their choice, creating
a competitive situation. Accordingly, prices for verification and validation have experienced a
significant drop in recent years, leaving these entities only very limited time and capacity to
spend on each job. Furthermore, DOE have an incentive not to gain a reputation of being
above-average strict in the validation and verification process (Schneider, 2007, p.5ff).
Furthermore, at a workshop of the CDM EB, an employee of the accredited DOE TÜV Süd
complained that “[…] project developers whose project is not successfully validated and

registered increasingly do not pay the agreed validation fee” and accordingly “[…] further
increase the pressure on validators to validate all projects they are contracting.” (GTZ, 2007,
The question of how the CDM’s overall additionality can be increased, again shows the
incompatibility of its target system. Starting at the described process and rules for proving
additionality, any enhancing of the likelihood of additionality and thus improvement of EI is
most likely connected with even more detailed and project specific criteria (Scharte, 2001,
p.96). These in turn would further raise involved transaction costs and hence weaken the static
efficiency. Furthermore, growing requirements would also come along with a growing
number of lost opportunities, i.e. actually additional projects that do not meet the criteria
(Schneider, 2007, p.28). Any measure to change the methodology of additionality assessment
has therefore to choose which objective to give preference. One conclusion that can be drawn
from the findings in this section is that enabling all involved private stakeholders to act
unrestrictedly in order to maximize their own utility marginalizes the KP’s primary and
superior objective of EE. In other words, a stronger focus on EI is either connected with
cutting the scope of action for all private participants or a change in the incentive scheme.
Accordingly, various suggestions have been made and discussed in recent years, aiming at
organizing the whole process of assessing additionality less project-specific and manipulable
and thus enhancing the emphasis on EI. Some of these suggestions are presented in section 6.

5.4 Procedural Weaknesses

As described in chapter 3.2, the CDM’s project cycle from project development until the
actual issuance of CER involves a multiplicity of steps. However, short-time procedures for
the whole process and hence for every single step are of great importance; Annex I investors
are dependent on predictable and prompt delivery of CER, since they have to comply with
their QELRO in given fractions of time (Wara and Victor, 2008). As shown in this section,
the CDM has not been up to this requisite. Another issue causing problems in the project
cycle are the involved transaction costs. These shortcomings pose major threats to the
efficiency of the CDM.
Leguet and Elabed (2008) examine the individual steps throughout the project cycle and
assess involved delays and bottlenecks. While they do not find any evidence of a PDD that
has failed to gain national approval in the first step, time-lags have occurred between PDD
submission and host country approval from one week up to 17 months. The next step, namely
project validation by a DOE averages at a time span of eight months. Together with the

subsequent registration through the CDM EB, the process of validating and registering CDM
projects averages at a total duration of 572 days (World Bank, 2010, p.47). Furthermore, an
increasing number of PDD has recently failed to get validated by the assigned DOE.
Likewise, the CDM EB has rejected to register a growing number of projects already
validated by DOE. Summing up to 1364 projects in July 2011, more than one third of all
CDM projects in the pipeline have failed to gain validation (GIZ, 2011c). And even once a
project has achieved registration by the CDM EB, delays in the process are overcome by no
means; registered projects have to start operation, accordingly produce emission reductions
that again have to be monitored and verified by a DOE, before CER are issued by the CDM
EB. Experience has shown that on average another 607 days pass between a project’s
registration and the first issuance of CER (World Bank, 2010, p.47). Even once the
verification process has been completed, severe time-lags occur until the actual issuance of
CER. Wara and Victor (2008, p.16) assess the time the CDM EB needs to process the
incoming issuance requests. They find out that assuming the registration of all projects in the
CDM pipeline, the CDM EB’s rate of processing issuance requests is at not more than one or
two percent of the rate actually needed to issue all requested CER in a timely manner.
Moreover, a large number of projects has failed to generate the amount of CER initially
outlined in the PDD. On average registered projects yield 94 percent of the originally
intended CER. Looking at different project types, Leguet and Elabed (2008, p.79) point out
that these differ in success regarding CER issuance; while industrial gas capturing projects
often over-perform compared to the intended reduction units, energy-related projects on an
average only generate about 60 percent to 80 percent of outlined emission reductions. The
large delays in the project cycle mainly seem to arise from lacks in capacity and staffing from
involved actors. First of all, the elaboration of proper PDD including baseline determination
and other relevant documents has proven to be a time-consuming process of high complexity
and hence has been one of the main barriers to the implementation of CDM projects (Cames
et al., 2007). Subsequently, as Wara and Victor (2008) point out, most DOE face substantial
problems to assemble teams of sufficient size and capacity for conducting the necessary
verification audits and certifications. However, as shown in section 5.3, the competitive
situation among DOE has created pressure to carry out these steps in a low-cost and short-
time manner.
Another severely criticized issue associated with the different steps in the project cycle is the
high amount of transaction costs accumulating throughout the process. Ellis and Kamel
(2007) draw a list of costs incurring at different levels of the project cycle. There are two

different categories of costs involved in a CDM project. On the one hand, there are fixed costs
resulting from the development of the necessary documents as well as the obligation to report
and the certification process. On the other hand, there are variable costs in the form of fees
like the UN Adaptation Fund Fee and the ongoing costs for monitoring and verification.18
According to the Delphi Survey of Cames et al. (2007), the largest components of transaction
costs are for PDD development including baseline determination, followed by costs for
monitoring and verification.
The shortcomings throughout the project cycle have severe impacts on both the CDM’s
effectiveness and efficiency. In total, the whole project cycle from project approval until CER
issuance lasts on average about three years and incurs a high amount of transaction costs.
Furthermore, many projects have underperformed in reducing emissions or even failed in
getting validated or registered and thus not generated the expected amount of CER. All these
facts have negative implications for the CDM as a compliance mechanism; investors cannot
fully rely on CDM projects to generate the CER they need to comply with their QELRO in a
certain time or amount, leading to uncertainties that further increase transaction costs (World
Bank 2010, p.47). The transaction costs associated with a project constitute one component of
its marginal abatement costs. Recalling the static analysis in chapter 4.2.1, increasing
marginal abatement costs lead to a lower amount of projects conducted, shifting a share of
abatement efforts from external to internal reduction.19 Accordingly, overall compliance costs
rise, impairing the CDM’s static efficiency. As Michaelowa et al. (2004) find out, the projects
mainly crowded out by the involved transaction costs are small- and medium-scale projects,
generating less than a total amount of 20,000 CER. This finding penalizes especially LDC,
which as pointed out in section 5.1 typically do not meet the preconditions for large-scale
projects. In turn, since it was shown that small-scale projects in LDC are particularly desirable
from a SD perspective, the flaws in the project cycle also weaken the CDM’s overall
effectiveness regarding SD. This impact on SD performance is further supported by the
finding that particularly energy-related projects have proved to underperform; the low average
rate of CER issuance constrains the incentive for investors and project developers to carry out
these projects (Leguet and Elabed, 2008).

For a detailed list and estimations of transaction costs throughout the CDM project cycle, see Ellis and Kamel
(2007, p.33).
In accordance with figure 3, transaction costs lead to a rotation of MACb to the right (respectively up), while
MAC* is increasing. E ¯ a¯ ¯ ¯Ea¯* increases, while E¯ b¯max¯ ¯Eb¯* declines. As a result, the overall benefit from the CDM,
[A B Ea* Ē ] – [C Eb* Ebmax], decreases.

The implications of the project cycle deficits reveal another trade-off between the CDM’s EI
and efficiency; the higher the qualitative requirements are for applied methodologies, and
therefore the CDM’s EI, the higher are as well the involved time-lags and transaction costs
which in turn weaken the static efficiency. Mentioned before, since there is no direct value for
a project’s EI, both investors and project developers have a clear preference for efficiency and
accordingly have been calling for simplified procedures and modalities for the CDM since its
launch (Cames et al., 2007).

5.5 Development of the Carbon Market: The EU ETS

A further important aspect influencing effectiveness and efficiency of the CDM is the
performance of domestic and international carbon markets. Demonstrated before, the
incentive for project developers to participate in the CDM is mainly determined by the
balance between involved costs and additional revenues. After the composition and effects of
involved costs have been examined, this section focuses on the development of revenues.
Revenues are mainly determined by the CER price which in turn is determined by supply and
demand on the carbon markets (Sterk, 2008, p.1).
Taking a look at the development of the EU ETS since 2008 shows an immense negative
trend both in market volume and prices for project-based emission reductions. As a survey
from the World Bank (2011) shows, after an impressive expansion of the carbon markets
between the launch of the KP in 2005 and its climax in 2007, carbon markets experienced
double-digit declines in market volumes in all three subsequent years, followed by a
substantial drop in prices. In 2011, the CER market hit rock bottom since its establishment in
2005 (World Bank, 2011b, p.49). Regarding the both fast and large expansion of the carbon
markets, one might ask the legitimate question, why they transformed from bull to bear
markets that suddenly. To answer this question it is helpful to take a close look at the recent
and future development of demand and supply for offsetting credits.
As Sterk (2008, p.15) points out, the demand for CER is basically “[…] set politically by the
stringency of the industrialised countries’ emission targets and the extent to which they want
to meet these targets through purchases instead of domestic action.” As analysed in section
4.2.1, the motivation to purchase certificates instead of reducing domestic emissions basically
depends on the differences in MAC between Annex I and Non-Annex I Parties. The incentive
for both domestic abatement efforts and purchasing CER for compliance is however crucially
dependent on the pressure deriving from emission caps and hence reduction obligations; a
scarcity of certificates should encourage prices to rise, making it more expensive to pollute

and so encouraging both internal and external emissions reductions. Pearson and Worthington
(2009) as well as Reyes (2011) however heavily criticize an actual oversupply of emission
allowances to European industrial sectors and the resulting lack in ambition. As they point
out, emission projections were severely overestimated all across European countries in phase
I. The resulting exaggerated and gratuitous issuance of EUA led to a weak demand and
accordingly to a strong decline in all certificates prices. Consequently the issuance of
certificates was tightened in phase II. Still, the signals set for the carbon markets were by far
not ambitious enough, resulting in continuing low prices. The low demand was further
weakened by the economic crisis starting in 2007. As a consequence of the global decline in
production, global emission levels decreased. Accordingly, many emitters complied with their
QELRO just by reacting to the economic downturn and temporarily reducing their production
(World Bank, 2010). For phase III starting in 2013 the European Commission (EC) has
adopted some measures in order to overcome their failure in setting proper incentives and
signals for the carbon markets: The individual emission caps are replaced by an EU-wide cap
aiming at an overall emission reduction until 2020 of 20 percent below 1990 levels and a 50
percent reduction until 2050 (Cames et al., 2011, p.10). Furthermore, certificates are no
longer issued for free but increasingly get auctioned for most industrial sectors. For Pearson
and Worthington (2009) however, these measures are nothing but a drop in the bucket.
According to their calculations, they presume that until the end of phase II in 2012 an
excessive 700 million certificates remain uncharged and thus can be used for compliance in
phase III. Accounting for about 40 percent of the reduction target for phase III of the EU ETS,
they assume that, despite the alleged improvements to the EU ETS, European companies do
not have to make any domestic efforts to cut emissions until 2017. Reyes (2011) estimates the
resulting windfall profits for certain European polluters, extraordinarily over-provided with
EUA at € 20 billion in phase I and further € 71 billion in phase II. For phase III, he expects
additional windfall profits of at least € 7 billion annually. Hence, he argues that the EU ETS is
nothing but a subsidy scheme for certain polluters. On top of this damning indictment Pearson
and Worthington (2009, p.4) point out that the ambitions of the EU ETS are by no means in
line with requests from scientific institutions to fulfil the UNFCCC’s environmental objective
anyway; resulting in a total of 6 percent emission cut in the next 5 years, they fall a long way
short of the proposal of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of an annual 3
percent reduction.
Coming back to global level, the consequences from these findings for global CER demand
are even more striking bearing in mind that the EU ETS is at present almost the only potential

absorber for CER supply from 2012 on; the negotiations about a second KP commitment
period with new QELRO for Annex I Parties seem far from an international agreement. With
the USA, Canada, Japan and Russia, 4 crucial Annex I Parties oppose a second commitment
period (GIZ, 2011a). Moreover, national and local efforts to overcome this international
regulatory gap by implementing national trading schemes like the EU ETS failed comprehen-
sively; with the United States, Japan, South Korea and Australia, a substantial group of
emitters was not capable of passing according legislations (World Bank, 2011b). An
exception is California, which at federal state level introduced a cap-and-trade system,
starting in 2012 (GIZ, 2011a).
Similar projections can be made for the post-2012 supply. The EC has announced and passed
qualitative restrictions on the use of the CDM in order to safeguard its effectiveness regarding
EI and SD; consequently, from phase III on, only CER generated in LDC will be chargeable
for compliance (GTZ, 2010). Furthermore, CER from industrial gas capture projects are
banned from the EU ETS from 2013 on (GIZ, 2011c). Accordingly, as can be concluded from
section 5.1 and 5.2, the lion’s share of project types and host countries will not be feasible to
be implemented anymore from 2013 on. It remains to be seen whether the remaining EU
ETS-eligible project types in LDC have the potential to generate the CER supply; according
to calculations of the World Bank (2011b, p.48), the share of so far issued CER from projects
in LDC only accounts for 0.003 percent. As about 70 percent of CER issued to date are from
industrial gas capture projects, the extent of scaling up needed for EU ETS-eligible projects
seems hardly achievable. The supply of EU ETS-eligible projects like renewable energy
projects is further limited, since CER prices are just too low to sufficiently increase IRR and
thus profitability. Still, the question about the potential for up-scaling projects generating EU
ETS-eligible CER is currently of no true relevance. As long as the EU retains its 20 percent
target, the EC sees no need for import of CER for European actors throughout phase III (GIZ,
2011b). The World Bank (2011b) agrees that if no additional demand is about to emerge
soon, there will be hardly any incentive to invest in CDM projects in phase III anymore.

6 CDM Reform

As elaborated in section 5, the CDM has turned out to be an arrangement with limited
capability to cope with its objectives in various regards. Still, different actors have acclaimed
the CDM to be a tremendous success, mostly referencing to the striking development of the

project pipeline and the generated amount of emission reduction units for compliance. As the
previous analysis reveals however, assessing the CDM’s success is not that simple; looking at
the sheer numbers obscures the fact that the mechanism bears fundamental design flaws,
implicating constant trade-offs between its individual objectives. That is why in recent years a
growing number of actors have called for revision and reform of the CDM, see among others
Sterk et al. (2009) and Butzengeiger-Geyer et al. (2010). While individual participants in the
process solely pursue the goal of minimizing their compliance costs disregarding all other
effects, different actors try to spotlight climate protection as the original and primary goal of
the UNFCCC and the KP. As they argue, Annex I Parties’ efficiency considerations must not
be given preference over the EE of the whole climate protection process.20 Consequently,
there have been huge efforts in research in recent years and many reform proposals have been
elaborated trying to adjust and fine-tune the CDM. The overall intention is enabling the
mechanism to improve and balance its performance, fostering each EI and SD as well as
enhancing efficiency without dampening the other objectives.
This section evaluates the most prominent and promising reform proposals, some of which are
already implemented or at least agreed, others that are frequently discussed in the interna-
tional discourse. Although all refining efforts will hardly be able to completely dispel the
CDM’s fundamental shortcomings, there are promising opportunities for crucial improve-

6.1 Procedural Reform - Standardized Baselines

Asked for possible measures to overcome barriers and shortcomings of the CDM, the vast
majority of participants in the Delphi Survey pointed out the need for simplified and clarified
procedures and modalities for the CDM as well as the importance of strengthening the
capacity of all relevant actors and institutions (Cames et al., 2007, p.82ff). Regarding this
request, the most notable improvement of the CDM procedures is the adoption of standard-
ized baselines and monitoring methodologies. Agreed upon during COP 16 in Cancun in
December 2010 the development of standardized baselines under the CDM was approved on
the 62nd meeting of the CDM EB in Marrakesh in July 2011 (UNFCCC 2010; UNFCCC
As Sterk et al. (2009) explain, the concept of standardized baselines basically aims at
abolishing the project-specific establishment of the reference scenario. Calculation of

Critique comes mostly from actors without economic considerations like researchers and civil society

standardized baselines can be achieved through the elaboration of emission intensity
benchmarks for certain industries and project types, e.g. by defining a cap for GHG emissions
per output unit. Any GHG emission level beneath that cap is rewarded with CER. The cap
itself can be determined by setting those emission levels of a certain percentage of best
performing installations in a given time as benchmark. Project approval can be automated and
thus accelerated by defining those technologies and measures that are applicable to reduce
emissions below that baseline level. With the adoption of these innovations, the CDM EB
seeks to significantly improve the process of determining additionality (UNFCCC, 2011a).
Indeed, the standardized methodology and overcoming of the project-specific decision-
making has the potential of limiting the room for manoeuvre for participants and hence
increasing the level of objectivity and accordingly the CDM’s EI. Still, as pointed out in
section 5.3, the setting of a reference scenario always stays hypothetical and thus will never
be an exact approach. Referring to the finding of Cames et al. (2007) that PDD development
including baseline determination are the most important drivers of transaction costs, the
adoption of standardized baselines bears the opportunity to significantly reduce them.
Special emphasis for the development of standardized baselines is placed on the prioritization
of methodologies particularly applicable to LDC, SIDS and all regions and project types
underrepresented in the CDM so far (UNFCCC, 2010, p.5). This decision is of particular
relevance since the EU decision that only CER generated in LDC will be chargeable for
compliance from 2013. Recalling the findings from chapter 5, the impact can be twofold: The
emphasis on LDC in combination with reduced transaction costs has the opportunity to
increase the share of small scale project types and projects in underrepresented regions that
are particularly desirable from a SD view. Secondly, lower transaction costs induce lower
abatement costs and hence improve the overall static efficiency and thus compliance
opportunities. Altogether, the implementation of standardized baselines seems to be capable
of improving the CDM in all regards by fostering both the effectiveness regarding emission
reduction and SD at an increased efficiency.
Regarding the Delphi Survey participants’ claim for simplified procedures and strengthened
capacity of relevant actors, more work has been done in recent time. With the ambition to
limit the constraint imposed by high transaction costs, the CDM EB has adopted simplified
procedures and modalities especially for small-scale projects, facilitating important steps in
the project cycle like PDD development as well as monitoring and verification procedures
(Sterk et al. 2009, p.203)

CDM Board Chair Martin Hession gives quite an optimistic resume of the decisions recently
adopted and particularly their implications for the SD impact: With the new guidelines,
providing for a “[…] clearer, more straightforward path to project development and
approval.” he finds it “[…] reasonable to expect that this will lead to life-improving projects
in countries and regions that have so far missed out on the benefits of the CDM.” (UNFCCC,
2011b). It has yet to be proven, whether the described measures are actually capable to
improve the overall CDM performance to a satisfying extent or whether they are just an
attempt trying to keep a constructional defect alive. The subsequent sections will therefore
illustrate innovative and promising approaches demonstrating possible ways to fundamentally
change basic principles of the CDM in order to overcome hitherto existing weaknesses.

6.2 CER Discounting & Ambitious Baselines

Two proposals for safeguarding the CDM’s EI and even enabling the mechanism in achieving
net emission reductions are inter alia illustrated by Sterk et al. (2009) and Butzengeiger-Geyer
et al. (2010). Both approaches, CER discounting and ambitious baselines, untighten the
fundamental relationship that the reduction of one ton of CO2e generally leads to the issuance
of one CER. In this way, these approaches are not only capable to dispel doubts about a
project’s EI by applying a “conservativeness factor” (Butzengeiger-Geyer et al., 2010, p.33);
depending on the level of ambition, the ratio between actual emission reductions and issued
CER can be reduced to an extent creating global net emission reductions. Sterk et al. (2009)
illustrate the approach of applying discounting factors on CER. The idea behind this method
is to reduce the amount of issued CER for achieved emission reductions by specified factors.
There are different feasible scenarios to be considered. One imaginable scenario involves
CER discounting with the intention to warrant the CDM’s EI. Assuming that a certain
percentage of projects is non-additional, a discount on every issued CER of the same
percentage would compensate for the accreditation of non-additional projects. For example,
Schneider (2007) estimates that 40 percent of all registered projects are unlikely to be
additional, accounting for 20 percent of generated CER. This quota consequently advocates
for a 20 percent discount rate on every generated CER, restoring the overall EI of the
mechanism. By setting a higher discount rate, a net ecologic benefit can be achieved (Sterk et
al., 2009).
The concept of setting ambitious baselines can be applied in a quite similar way. As
Butzengeiger-Geyer et al. (2010) show, this measure calculates the amount of emission
reduction against a more conservative than the BAU scenario. This approach is consistent

with scenario 3 in Figure 3. By setting Designated Baseline B as BAU scenario, a lower share
of achieved emission reductions is credited. Equivalent to the application of discount factors,
the CDM’s EI can be safeguarded by setting an ambitious baseline and even net ecologic
effects can be created, depending on the level of ambition. It has to be kept in mind though
that neither approach increases EI by preventing non-additional projects from getting
registered. Rather, the entity of projects compensates for the share of non-additional projects
in the pipeline. (Butzengeiger-Geyer et al., 2010, p.80).
As Butzengeiger-Geyer et al. (2010) point out, both approaches can be furthermore applied as
steering instruments serving to place emphasis on certain targets like SD contribution. By
discriminating certain host countries and project types, a more balanced distribution of CDM
projects can be fostered. One possibility to increase the participation of regions that have been
underrepresented so far is applying comparatively higher discount factors or baseline
ambitions for countries with a high CDM participation. Beyond the described positive
ecologic impact, this way of implementation can enhance the competitiveness of projects in
LDC and other underrepresented countries that have potential high SD impacts. In the same
way, varying discount factors or ambitious baseline scenarios can be applied to increase
incentives for different project types, according to their average EI or SD contribution.
Both CER discounting and ambitious baseline setting offer the possibility to simultaneously
increase the CDM’s effectiveness in emission reduction and other SD objectives. These
positive effects are generated at the expense of static efficiency though; both approaches
imply a reduction of revenues from CDM projects by reducing the amount of disposable
CER. Consequently these methods prevent certain additional projects from being carried out,
while only reducing the revenues of other non-additional projects (Sterk et al., 2009, p.22).
Recalling the definition from section 4.3, lower revenues mean an increase of specific
abatement costs, dampening the CDM’s static efficiency.21 As demonstrated in section 4.2.2,
a positive impulse from CER discounting and ambitious baseline setting is however
imaginable from a dynamic perspective; leading to a lower supply of CER on the carbon
markets, both approaches ceteris paribus increase CER prices. Accordingly, Annex I Parties
are incentivized to increase domestic abatement efforts and hence to push technology.
Summing up, both approaches presented in this section seem to constitute feasible
opportunities to place stronger emphasis on the CDM’s effectiveness.

Specific abatement cost are described by the ratio of the investment costs and the generated reduction units. If
CER are generally discounted, higher investments are required to achieve the same amount of CER.

6.3 Sectoral Approaches
Based on the concept of standardized baselines, the concept of sectoral approaches has
established and frequently been discussed in literature in recent years. Different voices were
raised, especially from the EU, demanding a replacement of the CDM through a sectoral
mechanism (GIZ, 2011b). A corresponding proposal has been elaborated by the Chair of the
Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto
Protocol (UNFCCC, 2009). This approach offers Non-Annex I Parties the opportunity to
establish sectoral baselines. Any entity in this sector is automatically included in the boundary
of the mechanism. Consequently, emission reduction units are not generated in and issued to
individual projects; rather, credits are issued if the aggregated emissions within the sector
boundary are reduced below the sectoral baseline in a given time.22 The development and
establishment of such a sectoral mechanism is proposed by the host country to the COP and
can be either supervised by the CDM EB or another dedicated body operating under the
supervision of the COP (UNFCCC, 2009).
The implementation of such sectoral approaches bears a number of remarkable opportunities
for a post-2012 climate framework. Most interesting, Dransfeld et al. (2011, p.1) regard the
sectoral mechanism as a possible bridge for the transition of Non-Annex I Countries to
become Annex I countries. As stated in section 5.5, there is overall uncertainty over the
likelihood of a second commitment period for the KP with continuative QELRO for Annex I
Parties. Following recent years’ discussions, it furthermore seems everything but likely that
any government of Non-Annex I Countries will commit to a national obligation under a
legally binding international agreement in the foreseeable future. A sectoral approach might
therefore be the intermediary step for Non-Annex I governments to get aboard the
international climate protection efforts at an individual and self-determined pace. Each Non-
Annex I Party can start identifying single domestic sectors and include them into the global
carbon market while other sectors stay unaffected. Increasing the coverage of sectors,
governments are able to move towards a comprehensive commitment of the whole economy
(Dransfeld et al., 2011, p.1ff).
At the same time, a sectoral approach bears the potential to overcome some of the CDM’s
fundamental shortcomings. The hypothetical and counterfactual question about additionality
does not have to be answered for each and every single project anymore. By setting ambitious

Different approaches for how to create incentives or obligations to reduce emissions for entities within the
sectors are not further addressed in this thesis. For a detailed illustration of different possibilities see Dransfeld et
al. (2011, p.8ff).

sector baselines, the omnipresent doubts about EI can be overcome and even net ecologic
impacts can be achieved. EI is further strengthened by a lower risk of leakage resulting from
the larger scope of the mechanism covering whole sectors; consequently the potential for
substitution of emissions from one place to another is impeded (Dransfeld et al., 2011, p.2).
Beyond the described advantages regarding EI, a sectoral approach is also capable of
enhancing efficiency and SD impacts; as shown above, standardized baselines can lead to a
significant drop of transaction costs. Consequently, as Sterk (2008, p.14) argues, a sectoral
approach could finally be the key to include small-scale projects that have additional desirable
SD impacts but have so far not been cost-efficient enough for the CDM. Especially sectors as
transport, building and small-scale energy supply that have so far not been attractive for the
CDM can be encompassed by sectoral approaches. Besides unlocking new emission reduction
potentials, these sectors imply social and economic SD benefits such as improved mobility,
adequate housing and increased access to energy services (Sterk, 2008, p.18).
Altogether, sectoral approaches offer the opportunity for scaling-up national mitigation efforts
to levels exceeding those of the CDM as a project-based mechanism by far (World Bank,
2010, p.48). At the same time, they offer the potential to operate both at an overall preferable
level of effectiveness and efficiency. Still, a series of concerns regarding the transformation to
sectoral approaches can be raised. As Sterk (2008) ponders, equivalent to the traditional
CDM, the assessment of baselines as well as emissions and reductions has to rely on
modelling and projections, always involving a given level of uncertainty. At an aggregate
level, it is therefore an even stronger prerequisite to establish robust baselines and monitor
involved entities’ emissions correctly. According to Dransfeld et al. (2011), only few Non-
Annex I Countries, if any, are currently likely to have the sufficient capacity to make it up to
these requirements. Assuming that only the more advanced Non-Annex I economies possess
the necessary capacity, the introduction of sectoral approaches might also further increase the
already unbalanced geographical distribution. The same applies to the international
institutions; recalling the CDM EB’s problems to deal with the supervision of traditional
CDM projects, it can hardly be assumed that the Board disposes of the capacity to addition-
ally cope with sectoral mechanisms. Strengthening the capacity as well as increased staffing
both of the CDM EB and at host country level is therefore a key prerequisite for the
implementation of sectoral approaches. An alternative could be to establish a separate body
apart from the CDM EB only for sectoral mechanisms (Sterk, 2008, p.17).
Demonstrating a possible and promising alternative to the existing CDM framework, sectoral
approaches would not yet alter the CDM’s basic design of giving a monetary value only to

emission reduction but not to other SD benefits. The following section presents a possible
approach to carbon offsetting dispelling this unbalanced incentive scheme.

6.4 The Gold Standard

Developed under the leadership of the WWF, the Gold Standard (GS) is a quality label for
both CDM and voluntary offsetting projects (Kollmuss et al., 2008, p.54). Basically, it
assesses and rewards projects’ contributions to all different levels of SD presented in Table 1.
The intention of the GS is, in contrary to the conventional CDM, to create monetary values
for the SD benefits a project generates. GS emission reductions can be purchased by buyers
who are willing to pay higher prices for reduction units generated in projects that have
certified benefits additional to those of conventional CDM projects. GS certified emission
reduction units can be traded both on the compliance market as GS CER and on the voluntary
offset market as GS Verified or Voluntary Emissions Reductions (GS VER) at a price
including a premium to the conventional market prices (Kollmuss et al., 2008).
As Sterk et al. (2009) describe, the GS imposes a series of restrictions and requirements to
categorize GS-applicable projects in order to achieve the desired additional benefits. In
general, only renewable energy as well as energy efficiency projects are eligible to get GS
certified, in order to select those projects with a supposedly high SD impact. Potential projects
must be assessed ex ante against the SD indicators presented in Table 1. Projects with
negative impacts on individual criteria are generally disqualified (Kollmuss et al., 2008, p.32).
Throughout the entire crediting period, the achievement of the proposed SD impacts must be
closely monitored and reported in verification reports. With the help of these reports, the
achievement of the intended SD impact is also monitored ex post; only if the achievement is
confirmed, GS reduction units are issued. Regarding additionality assessment, the GS uses the
official additionality tool provided by the CDM EB (Sterk et al., 2009).
Burian (2006, p.71) regards the GS as a tool trying to “balance between environmental rigor
with practicality in terms of application by project developers and operational entities” by
enhancing the SD impact without an exorbitant elevation of complexity and involved
transaction costs. In fact Sterk et al. (2009), having evaluated different voluntary standards
and projects in the GS pipeline, attest the GS an above average user-friendliness, providing
for a flexible and standardized procedure for the assessment of a project’s SD impact. In their
case studies, all involved actors state that the GS requirements are quite manageable and “do
not impose an undue burden on project participants” (Sterk et al. 2009, p.130).

Still, the GS does not overcome every single weakness associated with the conventional
CDM. Although the SD matrix has shown to be a flexible tool to assess a project’s SD
impact, it implies a trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency; increasing requirements
for quantitative SD assessments also increases involved transaction costs and hence reduces
the amount of GS-feasible projects (Kollmuss et al., 2008, p.58). Sterk et al. (2009)
furthermore criticize the positive list, excluding the lion’s share of project types. As they
argue, there are certainly more project types with high positive SD impacts that are a priori
not GS-eligible. Regarding EI, GS approved projects show the same weaknesses as
conventional CDM projects as they use the same imperfect additionality tool provided by the
CDM EB. Although the GS seems to be quite a feasible tool to promote projects with strong
SD impacts at sufferable transaction costs, it has not played a significant role in the
compliance market in recent years (World Bank, 2011b). As can be expected from the
findings throughout this thesis, compliance buyers give sole priority to minimizing
compliance costs and are not willing to pay any premium for SD impacts. Still, the GS plays a
remarkable role on the voluntary markets, having doubled its market volume from 2009 to
2010 accounting for a remarkable market value of $ 55 million (World Bank 2011b, p.54).
Hence, while the GS does not account for noteworthy global GHG reductions, it can be seen
as an appropriate mechanism especially generating investments in SD projects.

7 Conclusion

The CDM can be considered a mixed success. It has certainly generated impressive
investment flows to projects in developing countries in a short period, mostly from the private
sector. Moreover, it has promoted remarkable breaks in emission trends in areas like energy
supply. Even industrial gas capture projects, although certainly misused, have led to
fundamental cuts in emission of several potential GHG (Sterk, 2008).
Still, the assessment of the CDM carried out in this thesis has detected fundamental
weaknesses of the mechanism. Most notably, the CDM has not proved to assure for a high
effectiveness in regard to SD and the emission reduction goal of the KP. Rather, participants
have given overall preference to efficiency considerations. Accordingly, Dutschke and
Michaelowa (1998, p.26) confirm the findings in this paper: “The most striking notion is that
[…] no actor's role depends on the mitigation of climate change. […] The trade of GHG
mitigation between industrialized and developing countries implies many different partners

that pursue a great variety of goals, least of which is the reduction of the greenhouse effect.”
As the findings in section 5 expose, mainly those projects have been conducted generating the
largest revenues and hence minimizing the cost of Annex I emission reduction efforts. Given
the freedom to do so, participants have exploited the mechanisms’ weaknesses and loopholes
in order to minimize compliance cost, neglecting both EI and SD benefits of CDM projects.
Bringing these findings to a point, the UNFCCC supported by Annex I governments has
created a rather dishonest mechanism.
As shown in section 5, the CDM’s target system in combination with its incentive scheme
does not promote both effectiveness and efficiency simultaneously; enhancing EI or SD of
CDM projects is typically achieved at the expense of efficiency and vice versa. As these
findings suggest, the target system should be reconsidered.
Regarding SD, the question is whether it is reasonable to adhere to this objective. If this is the
case, reform measures should be conducted in order to give either incentives or impose strict
obligations to project developers to include SD considerations in their behaviour. Possibilities
presented in section 6 are CER discounting and ambitious baseline setting for projects with
low SD impacts or comprehensively adopting the Gold Standard SD assessment procedures.
Although these measures ceteris paribus lead to a decreasing amount of eligible and feasible
projects weakening the mechanisms static efficiency, they seem to be justified considering the
CDM’s unweighted incentive scheme. If none of the presented measures will be enforced in
the future, it can be considered to abolish the SD objective from the CDM framework. As
participants will go on to disregard SD impacts, the situation would stay the same while the
mendacity would be removed from the mechanism.
The ecologic target in turn must not even enter the equation. Bearing in mind that the primary
and superior goal of the UNFCCC and the KP is climate protection, the EI of the CDM must
be safeguarded relentlessly. Standardized baselines as well as CER discounting and ambitious
baseline setting seem to be promising possibilities to achieve a high level of EI and even to
create net benefits to the atmosphere. The importance of such measures is further underlined
by projections and claims from international research on climate change advocating for
massive up-scaling of international emission reduction efforts. The IPCC in its fourth
assessment report demands for 25 percent to 40 percent of emission reduction below 1990
emission levels until 2020 from Annex I countries plus a substantial deviation from emission
paths in Non-Annex I Countries in order not to lose track of climate stabilization. (IPCC,
2007, p.776). Actual commitments of Annex I countries appear absurd regarding this claim.
First of all, ambitious commitments to reduce global emissions by as many different states as

possible are necessary. Furthermore, as experiences from the EU ETS show, these
commitments must be enforced by restrictive issuance of emission allowances, creating a
stable and strong demand for CER. To generate a sufficient supply of CER, sectoral
mechanisms seem to be a promising approach, exceeding emission saving potentials of the
CDM as a project-based mechanism by far. Moreover and in combination with ambitious
sectoral baselines, substantial net benefits for the atmosphere are achievable. Lex de Jonge,
former chair of the CDM Executive Board acknowledges: “It seems obvious that we will need
new approaches to address such volumes. The options here are standardized baselines and a
more standardized assessment of additionality, which to a certain extent could only be
efficient if applied on a larger scale than the actual project-by-project assessment required by
the Kyoto rules.” (World Bank, 2010, p.48).
At the same time, the CDM can represent another building block in climate protection shifting
its focus on projects in less developed countries with explicit contributions to SD. This will
certainly drive up the costs of the whole mechanism and hence lower attractiveness of CDM
projects, reducing its overall market share. But as long as emission reduction obligations are
forcing enough and there is cost reducing potential for Annex I countries, there will be a
future for the CDM.


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Annex I: Greenhouse Gases included in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol

Carbon dioxide (C02)

Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N20)
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)

Source: UN (1998)

Annex II: Annex I Parties included in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol

PARTY QELRO (compared

to base year 1990)
Australia + 8%
Austria - 13%
Belarus* - 8%
Belgium - 7,5%
Bulgaria* - 8%
Canada - 6%
Croatia* - 5%
Czech Republic* - 8%
Denmark - 21%
Estonia* - 8%
European Union - 8%
Finland ± 0%
France ± 0%
Germany - 21%
Greece + 25%
Hungary * - 6%
Iceland + 10%
Ireland + 13%
Italy - 6,5%
Japan - 6%
Latvia* - 8%
Liechtenstein - 8%
Lithuania* - 8%

Luxembourg - 28%
Monaco - 8%
Netherland - 6%
New Zealand ± 0%
Norway + 1%
Poland* - 6%
Portugal + 27%
Romania* - 8%
Russian Federation* ± 0%
Slovakia* - 8%
Slovenia* - 8%
Spain + 15%
Sweden + 4%
Switzerland - 8%
Ukraine* ± 0%
United Kingdom of - 12,5%
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
Source: UNFCCC (2011e)

* classified as Economies in Transition by the International Monetary Fund

Annex III: List of Non-Annex I Parties to the Convention

Non-Annex I DNA established CDM projects

Afghanistan **
Albania * X X
Algeria X X
Angola ** X
Antigua and Barbuda X
Argentina X X
Armenia * X X
Azerbaijan * X X
Bahamas X X
Bahrain X
Bangladesh ** X X
Barbados X
Belize X
Benin ** X
Bhutan ** X X
Bolivia X X
Botswana X X

Brazil X X
Burkina Faso ** X
Burundi ** X
Cambodia ** X X
Cameroon X X
Cape Verde ** X X
Central African Republic **
Chad ** X
Chile X X
China * X X
Colombia X X
Comoros **
Congo X X
Congo DR ** X X
Cook Islands
Costa Rica X X
Cuba X X
Côte d'Ivoire X X
Democratic People’s Republic Korea X X
Djibouti ** X
Dominican Republic X X
Ecuador X X
Egypt X X
El Salvador X X
Equatorial Guinea ** X X
Eritrea ** X
Ethiopia ** X X
Fiji X X
Gabon X X
Gambia ** X
Ghana X X
Grenada X
Guatemala X X
Guinea ** X
Guinea-Bissau ** X
Guyana X X
Haiti ** X
Honduras X X
India X X
Indonesia X X
Iran (Islamic Republic of) X X
Israel X X

Jamaica X X
Jordan X X
Kazakhstan * X X
Kenya X X
Kiribati **
Kuwait X X
Kyrgyzstan * X X
Lao People's Democratic Republic X X
Lebanon X X
Lesotho ** X X
Liberia ** X X
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya X X
Macedonia (The former Yugoslav X X
Republic of) *
Madagascar ** X X
Malawi ** X
Malaysia X X
Maldives ** X
Mali ** X X
Marshall Islands
Mauritania ** X
Mauritius X X
Mexico X X
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Mongolia X X
Morocco X X
Mozambique ** X X
Myanmar ** X
Namibia X X
Nepal ** X X
Nicaragua X X
Niger ** X
Nigeria X X
Oman X X
Pakistan X X
Panama X X
Papua New Guinea X X
Paraguay X X
Peru X X
Phillipines X X
Qatar X X
Republic of Korea X X
Republic of Moldova * X X
Rwanda ** X X

Saint Lucia X
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Samoa ** X
Sao Tome and Principe **
Saudi Arabia X X
Senegal ** X X
Sierra Leone ** X
Singapore X X
Solomon Islands **
Somalia **
South Africa X X
Sri Lanka X X
Sudan ** X X
Suriname X
Swaziland X X
Syrian Arab Republic X X
Tajikistan * X X
Thailand X X
Timor-Leste **
Togo ** X
Trinidad and Tobago X
Tunisia X X
Turkmenistan * X X
Tuvalu **
Uganda ** X X
United Arab Emirates X X
United Republic of Tanzania ** X X
Uruguay X X
Uzbekistan * X X
Vanuatu **
Venezuela X X
Vietnam * X X
Yemen ** X X
Zambia ** X X
Zimbabwe X X
Source: UNFCCC (2011e) and UNEP (2011)

* classified as Economies in Transition by the International Monetary Fund

** classified as Least Developed Countries by the United Nations

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David Franzreb

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