Part 7 Biological Science
Part 7 Biological Science
Part 7 Biological Science
LET Reviewers for Biology Part 7 9. Many interdependent food chains in a forest
make up a
1. As green plants make food, they are a. food pyramid
a. first – order consumers b. pyramid of biomass
b. second – order consumers c. food web
c. decomposers d. habitat
d. producers
10. The second – order consumers in a food
2. The producers in a pond are usually pyramid get their food directly from
a. tadpoles a. carnivores
b. algae b. decomposers
c. bacteria c. producers
d. small fish d. herbivores
3. A series in which each organism serves as 11. All the plants and animals on earth
food for the next organism is a a. create new matter
a. food chain b. recycle the same matter
b. population c. create new energy
c. community d. recycle the same energy
d. niche
12. An animal’s heartbeat and breathing are
4. Substances from dead plants and animals slowed down when it
are returned to the water by a. enters a habitat
a. producers b. hunts for food
b. consumers c. occupies a niche
c. decomposers d. hibernates
d. top consumers
13. If you catch a fish and eat it, you may be
5. The special role of each organism in a food a. a first – order consumer
pyramid is its b. a second – order consumer
a. system c. a decomposer
b. niche d. a scavenger
c. physical environment
d. community 14. The part of sunlight absorbed most rapidly
by water is
6. The consumers in a food chain in a pond are a. red light
the b. blue light
a. algae c. violet light
b. plants d. green light
c. bacteria
d. animals
7. If you study how a fish is fitted for life in a 15. The increased effect of a pesticide on
quiet water, you are studying its organisms that feed on each other in a lake is called
a. food pyramid a. biological conservation
b. adaptation b. biological magnification
c. interdependence c. eutrophication
d. nitrification
d. population
16. Plants and animals in the same ecosystem
8. All the plants and animals in a pond form usually have similar
a. an environment a. shapes
b. a community b. sizes
c. a population c. ways of obtaining food
d. an ecosystem d. environmental needs
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17. Which of the following refers to a secondary b. The chlorophyll in plants reflects
carnivore? wavelengths of green light.
a. eats only plants c. The chloroplasts in plants are surrounded
b. gets energy directly from the sun by two green membranes.
a. gets energy through photosynthesis d. The chloroplasts in plants make green sugar
b. has less food energy available to it than during photosynthesis.
consumers at lower tropic levels
24. Green plants make glucose from
18. Which of the following statements is true a. water and carbon dioxide
regarding a food chain? b. chlorophyll and sunlight
a. there are more herbivores than carnivores c. water and oxygen
b. each higher trophic level has more energy d. oxygen and carbon dioxide
available to it
c. the number of organism at each trophic 25. A male structure in the flowering plant is
level is not related to energy the
d. the biomass of third – order consumers is a. ovary
greater than the biomass of second – order b. ovule
consumers c. pistil
d. stamen
19. Which of the following is the result of
biological magnification? 26. Transfer of pollen from the stamen of one
a. energy is lost at each trophic level of the flower to the pistil of another is
food chain a. fertilization
b. the greenhouse effect will be most b. cross – pollination
significant at the poles c. self – pollination
c. top – level predators may be most harmed d. reproduction
by toxic environmental chemicals
d. DDT has spread throughout the ecosystem 27. Cuttings and graftings are examples of
and is found in almost every organism a. adaptation
b. fertilization
20. Why are green plants considered c. vegetative propagation
autotrophs? d. seed dispersal
a. They have many pigments that capture
light. 28. Both gymnosperms and angiosperms
b. They can build simple inorganic substances a. produce flowers
into complex organic substance. b. produce seeds
c. They can build any kind of substances. c. have needle – like leaves
d. They depend on other sources for their d. lose all their leaves in the fall
29. Water and minerals are carried upward in
21. In what trophic level of the food pyramid plant stems in the
are consumers greatest in number?
a. first trophic a. phloem
b. second trophic b. xylem
c. third trophic c. guard cells
d. fourth trophic d. stomata
22. In a pond or desert, light, warmth, water, 30. Vegetative reproduction is a form of
minerals, carbon dioxide, and oxygen make up the a. pollination
a. ecosystem b. seed dispersal
b. community c. sexual reproduction
c. population d. asexual reproduction
d. physical environment
31. Corn and other monocots have each of the
23. Why do most plants look green? following structures except
a. The chlorophyll in plants captures green a. parallel veins
light for photosynthesis. b. seeds
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38. The primary functions of the root are _. 45. What is the result of cellular respiration?
a. conduction and storage a. Energy is produced from radiant sunlight
b. storage and anchorage and carbon dioxide.
c. anchorage and absorption b. Energy is produced from sugar molecules
d. absorption and conduction and oxygen.
c. Sunlight is converted into sugar molecules
39. Carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis and oxygen.
enters the leaves through the d. Sunlight is converted into water molecules.
a. root system
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1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. B
24. C
25. D
26. B
27. C
28. D
29. B
30. D
31. C
32. B
33. C
34. C
35. A
36. A
37. C
38. C
39. B
40. D
41. A
42. B
43. D
44. C
45. B
46. B
47. C
48. C
49. A
50. A