Dual Carriageway Roads 4 Lane Carriageway: Click On The Type of Pavement
Dual Carriageway Roads 4 Lane Carriageway: Click On The Type of Pavement
Dual Carriageway Roads 4 Lane Carriageway: Click On The Type of Pavement
way= carriageway
Number of commercial
vehicles as per last count in
both direction = 5000 CV/day
P= 2500 CV/day
Cumulative number of
standard axles to be catered
for in the design in terms of
msa= N= 223.46 msa
Cemented Base and Cemented Subbase with SAMI at the Interface of Cemented Base and the
Bituminous Layer
Cemented Base and Granular Sub-base with Crack Relief Layer of Aggregate interlayer Above the
Cemented Base
Temperature= 35 °C
Select the type of bitumen= BC and DBM for VG40 bitumen
MR_bituminous layer= 3000 MPa
CBR of Compacted Borrow
Material 500 mm Thick= 10 %
CBR of soil below 500mm of
compacted subgrade= 3%
Effective CBR of the subgrade= 7.2 % ≈ 8% (effective CBR value upto 15%)
Modulus of elasticity of subgrade
E_subgrade= 62.26 Mpa
Thickness of individual layers (in mm) N= 150
from plate 6
GSB= 200 Granular Base= 250 DBM= 135 BC= 50
Resilient modulus of granular layer
MR_granular= 194.62 Mpa
Choose Reliability factor = 90 %
No of Layers 5
Layer: 1 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 2 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.5 Thickness(mm) 135
Layer: 3 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 194.62 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 250
Layer: 4 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 194.62 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 200
Layer: 5 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 62.26 Poison Ratio 0.5
Wheel Load(Newton) 8160000 Tyre Pressure(Mpa) 0.56
Analysis Points 3 BACK TO
Point: 1 Depth(mm): 50.0 Radius(mm): 0.0 START
Point: 2 Depth(mm): 50.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Point: 3 Depth(mm): 635.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Wheel Set 2
10 10 10 10
3 3 3 3
7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2
Temperature= 35 °C
Select the type of bitumen= BC and DBM for VG40 bitumen
MR_bituminous layer= 3000 MPa
CBR of Compacted Borrow
Material 500 mm Thick= 10 % 10
CBR of soil below 500mm of
compacted subgrade= 3% 3
Effective CBR of the subgrade= 7.2 % ≈ 8% (effective CBR value upto 15%) 7.2
Modulus of resilience of
subgrade MR_subgrade= 62.26 Mpa
Thickness of individual layers (in mm) N= 150
from plate 11
CT Subbase= 250 CT Base= 110 Aggregate Layer= 100 DBM= 50
BC= 50
Choose Reliability factor = 90 %
7 day UCS of cementitious granular sub-base = 2
Ecgsb= 2000 MPa
Choose the type of base material Soil cement
Modulus of rupture of cemented base Mrupcb= 0.70
Allowable Horizontal Tensile Strain in Bituminous Layer is = 105.6727 ×10^-6
Allowable Vertical Compressive Strain on Subgrade is = 267.16 ×10^-6
Choose the type of Highway = Expressway
Reliability factor RF= 1
Tensile Strain in Cementitious Layer is = 1317.205
Tensile Stress under Cementitious Base Layer is = 0.208231
Input center to centre distance
between tyres(mm) 300
Load on single wheel P(kN) 8160
Input radius
Input of tyre p
tyre pressure (MPa)
imprint 0.56
(mm) distance between tyres 68.09
(mm) 163.82
No of Layers 6
Layer: 1 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 2 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 3 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 450.00 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 100
Layer: 4 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 5000.00 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 110
Layer: 5 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 600.00 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 250
Layer: 6 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 62.26 Poison Ratio 0.5
Wheel Load(Newton) 8160000 Tyre Pressure(Mpa) 0.56
Analysis Points 3
Point: 1 Depth(mm): 50.0 Radius(mm): 0.0 START PAGE
Point: 2 Depth(mm): 50.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Point: 3 Depth(mm): 560.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Wheel Set 2
10 10 10
3 3 3
7.2 7.2 7.2
Temperature= 35 °C
Select the type of bitumen= BC and DBM for VG40 bitumen
MR_bituminous layer= 3000 MPa
CBR of Compacted Borrow
Material 500 mm Thick= 10 % 10
CBR of soil below 500mm of
compacted subgrade= 3% 3
Effective CBR of the subgrade= 7.2 % ≈ 8% (effective CBR value upto 15%) 7.2
Modulus of resilience of
subgrade MR_subgrade= 62.26 Mpa
Thickness of individual layers (in mm) N= 150
from plate 15
CT Subbase= 250 CT Base= 160 DBM= 50 BC= 50
Choose Reliability factor = 90 %
7 day UCS of cementitious granular sub-base = 2
Ecgsb= 2000 MPa
7 day UCS of cementitious granular sub-base = 5
Ecgb= 5000 MPa
Choose the type of base material Soil cement
Modulus of rupture of cemented base Mrupcb= 0.70
Allowable Horizontal Tensile Strain in Bituminous Layer is = 105.6727 ×10^-6
Allowable Vertical Compressive Strain on Subgrade is = 267.16 ×10^-6
Choose the type of Highway = Expressway
Reliability factor RF= 1
Tensile Strain in Cementitious Layer is = 1317.205
Tensile Stress under Cementitious Base Layer is = 0.208231
Input center to centre distance
between tyres(mm) 300
Load on single wheel P(kN) 8160
Input radius
Input of tyre p
tyre pressure (MPa)
imprint 0.56
(mm) distance between tyres 68.09
(mm) 163.82
No of Layers 5
Layer: 1 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 2 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 3 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 5000.00 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 160
Layer: 4 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 600.00 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 250
Layer: 5 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 62.26 Poison Ratio 0.5
Wheel Load(Newton) 8160000 Tyre Pressure(Mpa) 0.56
Analysis Points 3
Point: 1 Depth(mm): 260.0 Radius(mm): 0.0 START PAGE
Point: 2 Depth(mm): 260.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Point: 3 Depth(mm): 510.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Wheel Set 2
10 10 10
3 3 3
7.2 7.2 7.2
Temperature= 30 °C
Select the type of bitumen= BC and DBM for VG30 bitumen
MR_bituminous layer= 2500 MPa
CBR of Compacted Borrow
Material 500 mm Thick= 20 % 20
CBR of soil below 500mm of
compacted subgrade= 7% 7
Effective CBR of the subgrade= 14.4 % ≈ 15 % (effective CBR value upto 15%) 15
Modulus of resilience of
subgrade subgrade= 97.02 Mpa
Thickness of individual layers (in mm) N= 150
from plate 20
CT Subbase= 250 Treated RAP= 140 DBM= 50 BC= 50
Choose Reliability factor = 90 %
7 day UCS of cementitious granular sub-base= 2
Ecgsb= 2000 MPa
Allowable Horizontal Tensile Strain in Bituminous Layer is = 109.9882 ×10^-6
Allowable Vertical Compressive Strain on Subgrade is = 267.16 ×10^-6
Choose the type of Highway = Expressway
Reliability factor RF= 1
Tensile Strain in Cementitious Layer is = 1317.205
Input center to centre distance
between tyres(mm) 300
Load on single wheel P(kN) 8160
Input tyre
radius of tyre p
pressure (MPa)
imprint 0.56
(mm) distance between tyres 68.09
(mm) 163.82
No of Layers 5
Layer: 1 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 2500 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 2 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 2500 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 3 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 600 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 140
Layer: 4 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 600 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 250
Layer: 5 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 97 Poison Ratio 0.5
Wheel Load(Newton) 8160000 Tyre Pressure(Mpa) 0.56
Analysis Points 3
Point: 1 Depth(mm): 100.0 Radius(mm): 0.0 START PAGE
Point: 2 Depth(mm): 100.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Point: 3 Depth(mm): 490.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Wheel Set 2
20 20 20
5 7 5
13.8 15 13.8
Temperature= 35 °C
Select the type of bitumen= BC and DBM for VG40 bitumen
MR_bituminous layer= 3000 MPa
CBR of Compacted Borrow
Material 500 mm Thick= 20 % 20
CBR of soil below 500mm of
compacted subgrade= 7% 7
Effective CBR of the subgrade= 14.4 % ≈ 15 % (effective CBR value upto 15%) 15
Modulus of resilience of
subgrade MR_subgrade= 97.02 Mpa
Thickness of individual layers (in mm) N= 150
from plate 24
GSB= 250 CT Base= 170 Aggregate Layer= 100 DBM= 50
BC= 50
Resilient modulus of granular
layer MR_granular= 232.79 Mpa
Choose Reliability factor = 90 %
7 day UCS of cementitious granular base = 5
Ecgsb= 5000 MPa
Choose the type of base material Soil cement
Modulus of rupture of cemented base Mrupcb= 0.70
Allowable Horizontal Tensile Strain in Bituminous Layer is = 105.6727 ×10^-6
Allowable Vertical Compressive Strain on Subgrade is = 267.16 ×10^-6
Choose the type of Highway = Expressway
Reliability factor RF= 1
Tensile Strain in Cementitious Layer is = 1226.481
Tensile Stress under Cementitious Base Layer is = 0.208231
Input center to centre distance
between tyres(mm) 300
Load on single wheel P(kN) 8160
Input tyre
radius of tyre p
pressure (MPa)
imprint 0.56
(mm) distance between tyres 68.09
(mm) 163.82
No of Layers 6
Layer: 1 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 2 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 3000 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 50
Layer: 3 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 450.00 Poison Ratio 0.35 Thickness(mm) 100
Layer: 4 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 5000.00 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 170
Layer: 5 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 600.00 Poison Ratio 0.25 Thickness(mm) 250
Layer: 6 Elastic Modulus(Mpa) 97.02 Poison Ratio 0.5
Wheel Load(Newton) 8160000 Tyre Pressure(Mpa) 0.56
Analysis Points 5
Point: 1 Depth(mm): 100.0 Radius(mm): 0.0
Point: 2 Depth(mm): 100.0 Radius(mm): 150.0 START PAGE
Point: 3 Depth(mm): 370.0 Radius(mm): 0.0
Point: 4 Depth(mm): 370.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Point: 5 Depth(mm): 620.0 Radius(mm): 150.0
Wheel Set 2
20 20 20
5 7 5
13.8 15 13.8
Axle Load Spectrum
Rear Single Axle Rear Tandem Axle
Load Class (KN) Number of Load Class (KN) Number of
Frequency Frequency equivalent Frequency Frequency equivalent
Lower Upper Load Class in Number in %
axles Lower Upper Load Class in Number in %
Range Range (KN) Range Range (KN)
195 205 200 1 0.352113 13.72 400 420 410 0 0 0.00
185 195 190 1 0.352113 11.18 380 400 390 1 0.352113 17.52
175 185 180 2 0.704225 18.00 360 380 370 1 0.352113 14.20
165 175 170 4 1.408451 28.65 340 360 350 4 1.408451 45.47
155 165 160 1 0.352113 5.62 320 340 330 2 0.704225 17.97
145 155 150 5 1.760563 21.71 300 320 310 4 1.408451 27.98
135 145 140 3 1.056338 9.88 280 300 290 5 1.760563 26.79
125 135 130 12 4.225352 29.39 260 280 270 10 3.521127 40.25
115 125 120 16 5.633803 28.45 240 260 250 15 5.28169 44.38
105 115 110 10 3.521127 12.55 220 240 230 12 4.225352 25.44
95 105 100 18 6.338028 15.44 200 220 210 5 1.760563 7.37
85 95 90 16 5.633803 9.00 180 200 190 13 4.577465 12.83
85 85 85 29.92958 38.05 180 180 38 13.38028 30.22
Total 174 61 241.64 110 39 310.40