Ejercicio #11 Clausulas Subordinadas
Ejercicio #11 Clausulas Subordinadas
Ejercicio #11 Clausulas Subordinadas
1. Lea el siguiente fragmento, extraído del blog sobre filosofía Critical-Theory, de Eugene Wolters.
2. Busque en un diccionario las palabras que considere necesarias para resolver el ejercicio.
3. Transcriba cuatro oraciones en las que encuentre cláusulas subordinadas y resalte cada cláusula en otro
color o tipo de letra.
4. Indique qué tipo de cláusula es cada una. En el caso de las subordinadas nominales, agregue qué
función sintáctica cumple (sujeto, objeto, directo, predicativo, etc.); para las subordinadas adjetivas,
aclare si son explicativas o especificativas, y para las adverbiales, indique si son de lugar, tiempo, causa,
But despite admiring Sartre and de Beauvoir, Said was disappointed after meeting his
intellectual heroes. Upon arriving in France, Said received a mysterious note informing
him that, for security reason, the proceedings were to be held in the home of Michel
Upon arriving, Said encountered de Beauvoir, who was lecturing against chadors, a
cloak worn by Iranian women that leaves only a woman’s face exposed.
Beauvoir was already there in her famous turban, lecturing anyone who would listen
about her forthcoming trip to Teheran with Kate Millett, where they were planning to
demonstrate against the chador; the whole idea struck me as patronising and silly, and
although I was eager to hear what Beauvoir had to say, I also realised that she was quite
vain and quite beyond arguing with at that moment. [...]”
“All I do know is that as a very old man he seemed pretty much the same as he had been
when somewhat younger: a bitter disappointment to every (non-Algerian) Arab who
admired him,” Said concludes.
Oración 1
Upon arriving, Said encountered de Beauvoir, who was lecturing against chadors.
Clausula subordinada adjetiva especificativa.
Oración 2
Beauvoir was already there in her famous turban, lecturing anyone who would listen
about her forthcoming trip to Teheran with Kate Millett.
Clausula subordinada adjetiva explicativa.
Oración 3
All I do know is that as a very old man.
Clausula subordinada adjetiva explicativa.
Oración 4