Project Proposal For DST & Texas Instruments Inc. India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2016 Anchored by IIM Bangalore
Project Proposal For DST & Texas Instruments Inc. India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2016 Anchored by IIM Bangalore
Project Proposal For DST & Texas Instruments Inc. India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2016 Anchored by IIM Bangalore
India fully can serve as the Total Available Market (TAM) with the
Serviceable Available Market (SAM) being the urban areas with medium
to high per capita income and rural areas, depending upon government
subsidies to support electrification. Areas with high per capita income
can afford PV panels and the associated system for individual and/or
group use. This will reduce the consumption from grid, thereby
reducing electricity bills.
With over 462 million internet users in India, the distribution might be
Proposed Design
Proposed Solution
CASE 2: When battery is not fully charged and there is no /less energy
supplied from the panel.
Fig 6: Flow chart of circuit when the battery does not meet energy requirements.
Fig 8: Synchronization of Output from battery with the Grid.
The consumption is measured by three meters : M1, measuring supply
from PV panel; M2, measuring the consumption from grid; and M3,
measuring supply back to the grid. The electricity bill will be a net of
consumption and supply back to the grid.
Components Used
Part 3-INA193 Current shunt monitor can sense drops across shunt
The components mentioned above are manufactured separately and
then integrated to form the required system with less assembling
difficulties. The PV panel is installed at the roof of the house or
apartment. The battery, current sensors, MPPT and micro-controller are
inside the house. The full bridge inverter, high frequency MOSFETs,
filter, step up transformer, synchronisation circuit is integrated into one.
The relays are placed as per requirement in each integrated element.
The supply from the grid and that circuitry remains as it is currently
functioning in India. The project requires skilled manpower for
installations on the ground which is also beneficial for increasing
employment. Thus, it can be concluded that the product is definitely
feasible and if brought into the market, will solve energy problems.
Authority of India