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Project Proposal For DST & Texas Instruments Inc. India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2016 Anchored by IIM Bangalore

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Project proposal for

DST & Texas Instruments Inc.

India Innovation Challenge Design Contest
Anchored by IIM Bangalore

A Solar Power System for Residential Purpose using

Maximum Power Point Tracking that Supplies Excess
Energy Back To The Grid

G. B. Pant Government Engineering College

Name College ID/Roll UG/PG Course/Branch Semester

Student 1 2620902815 UG ECE 3
Student 2 2920902815 UG ECE 3
Student 3 3420902815 UG ECE 3
Student 4 4020902815 UG ECE 3


Dr. Vibhakar Shrimali

HOD, Electronics and Communication Department,
G. B. Pant Engineering College,

This paper presents a new system architecture for optimal utilisation of

solar energy that is trapped by the photovoltaic (PV) panel . The PV
panel is used to power a home via a battery and depending upon the
load, the battery is either charged or discharged. The best part of this
proposed system is that when the battery is fully charged and the inflow
is maintained, the surplus energy is transferred back to the grid. The
system, however, is not fully dependent on solar energy. In case the
energy requirement is not met by the PV panel only, the system uses
the supply from the grid. This reduces the energy dependence on one
particular method decreasing load on the grid.

Team Members – Roles & Responsibilities

S.No. Student Name Role Justification

1 Manjari Kulshreshtha Operations Leadership quality’s and good man

2 NAMITA RAWAT Operations Leadership quality’s and good man
3 NITIN Marketing Good conversational skills and
relationship management.
4 RAGESH JAISWAL Technical Good technical know-how.
Market Analysis

Customer Need Identification

The total capacity of the installed grid is 302087.84 MW in which the

fraction of solar energy is 8062 MW, that is a meagre 2.6%. The total per
capita consumption is 684.11 (as of 2011). [1] There are over 18000
villages in India that are yet to be electrified. Due to lack of
infrastructure in terms of wiring and grids, solar energy is a boon for
those villages. The places which are

electrified are almost fully

dependent on the grid for
electricity and during grid failure, there is a havoc. This new system will
supplement the electric supply from grid thereby reducing the load on
it. Even in worse condition when the grid fails, the solar energy can be a
standalone option.

Fig 1: Electrical energy generation in India

Serviceable Addressable Market Identification and Justification

India fully can serve as the Total Available Market (TAM) with the
Serviceable Available Market (SAM) being the urban areas with medium
to high per capita income and rural areas, depending upon government
subsidies to support electrification. Areas with high per capita income
can afford PV panels and the associated system for individual and/or
group use. This will reduce the consumption from grid, thereby
reducing electricity bills.

Competition and Product Differentiation w.r.t. Competition

Presently, no Government or private venture in India has ventured into
supplying the excess power generated from the renewable sources
(solar energy, in this case) back to the grid to be used elsewhere and
that is the USP of this system.

Understanding of Customer & User

In urban areas, users and customers both refer to individuals and/or a

group of individuals whereas for rural areas, a part of the cost has to be
paid by the Government by means of subsidies. The idea has a high
return on investment (ROI) as being a one time investment, it helps in
reducing electricity bills with continuous use over time. It reduces the
dependence on coal, diesel, hydro and other sources of energy that
harm the environment. It helps in the Government’s scheme of rural

Distribution Channel Identification

With over 462 million internet users in India, the distribution might be

implemented through an online portal along with an offline application

that caters to non-internet users. The ground installation should be
done through dedicated centres in the nearest area. The centres will be
increased depending upon the load on the existing centres.

Fig 2: Flow of distribution system

Proposed Design


India currently ranks tenth in the world in terms of solar power

generation with a total capacity of 8062 MW (as of July 31, 2016), with
1500-2000 sunshine hours per year (depending upon location). With an
average solar radiant exposure of 18.47348 MJ m -2 days-1 and diffuse
solar radiant exposure of 7.606522 MJ m-2 , there has not been an
optimal utilisation of this energy.[2]

Our homes are currently powered by an electrical grid. Though

completely switching to solar is unreliable, yet the power generated
from photovoltaic panels can and should be used to supplement that
from the grid. In our proposed system, each house is powered primarily
by a PV panel which also charges a battery for use when there is excess
supply. When the supply from PV panel is cut off or it is not able to
meet the requirement, it takes power from the grid. Also, if the supply
from PV panel is more than what is required for home and charging the
battery, the surplus is sent back to the grid. Thus, the electricity bills

and chances of power outages are reduced significantly.

Proposed Solution

Fig 3: Block Diagram of the circuit

The system uses an MPPT controller to extract maximum power from

the PV panel, which depending upon the condition of operation powers
the home or provides back to the grid. The battery percentage is
measured and displayed using LCD and the information is sent to a
micro-controller (MSP430) that controls relays making three conditions
of operation. They are described as follows :

Fig 4: Flow chart showing conditions of different cases

CASE 1 : There is proper supply from the panel

Fig 5: Flow chart of circuit when the supply from battery is maintained.

The case 1 condition is that there is proper supply from panel. A

condition “no load at home” is checked. If it is satisfied, panel supplies
power directly to the battery whereas in the other condition it supplies
to the home.

CASE 2: When battery is not fully charged and there is no /less energy
supplied from the panel.
Fig 6: Flow chart of circuit when the battery does not meet energy requirements.

A condition will be checked whether energy is required at home or not.

If the condition is not satisfied, the battery extracts energy from the
panel. If the above mentioned condition is true , then it is further
checked whether our battery is meeting the requirement of the load at
home using current sensors. If the battery alone is capable of providing
enough energy as required by the home then the home takes the energy
form the battery, if not then grid provides for the remaining energy. The
output from the grid is stepped down and converted to DC for charging
the battery, which is used by the home.
For Example, if 5 kWh of is supplied from the battery and the
requirement of load at home is 10 kWh, it will extract 5 kWh from the

CASE 3: When the battery is fully charged

Fig 7: Flow chart of circuit when excess energy is to be supplied to the grid.

A condition will be checked whether there is a requirement of energy at

home. If there is surplus in the battery , then the excess of energy is
sent to the grid using high frequency MOSFETs and a full bridge
inverter. It is to be noted that output from inverter needs to be
synchronised before it is sent to the grid. This is done using filters. The
circuit diagram for synchronization is given below.

Fig 8: Synchronization of Output from battery with the Grid.
The consumption is measured by three meters : M1, measuring supply
from PV panel; M2, measuring the consumption from grid; and M3,
measuring supply back to the grid. The electricity bill will be a net of
consumption and supply back to the grid.

Components Used

TI Part Number How is it being used in the proposed solution?

Explain its role/functionality

Part 1-SM72295 To drive N-type MOSFET in full bridge condition

Part 2-SM72442 Controller-MPPT

Part 3-INA193 Current shunt monitor can sense drops across shunt

Part 4- CSD16342Q5A 4 N-Channel MOSFET

Part 5-TPS28226 High frequency MOSFET driver

Part 6- MSP430 To control relay and flow of power.

Non - TI Parts How is it being used in the proposed solution?

Explain its role/functionality
Part 1 - LCD To display the charging percentage of the battery

Part 2- Meter To display the power reading

Part 3- Relay Used as a switching circuit

Part4-AC/DC Converter To convert ac signal to DC

Part 5 -Battery To store energy

Part 6- Solar panel To produce enegry

Part 7- Resistor To reduce flow of current

Part 8- Capacitor To filter

Innovativeness of the Proposed Solution

The proposed idea is innovative in every sense with respect to the
current energy market scenario in India and as mentioned above, there
is no competition in the market as of now. The novel applications
include energy generation without harming the environment and
supplying to the areas which are otherwise not electrified by the grid

Impact of the Proposed Solution

The sources of power generation used currently considerably impact
the environment. India, having an abundance of solar energy
throughout the year, has the potential to scale its solar projects and
achieve new peaks. As mentioned before, the major advantage of this
system is that it has the potential to power villages in the remotest
corners of the country. Even though the grid infrastructure is lacking,
there will be sufficient energy for use during the day and the battery
backup at night. Those areas having grid infrastructure have the
additional option to fall back on. Their grid consumption and hence the
electricity bills will reduce. There are several limitations in using solar
as the only of energy during night and cloudy days when the solar
energy is not sufficient. The efficiency of solar power system also
decreases. The idea overcomes these flaws as then there will be power
outage only when both grid and the PV panel fail and that should be a
very rare occurrence.

The components mentioned above are manufactured separately and
then integrated to form the required system with less assembling
difficulties. The PV panel is installed at the roof of the house or
apartment. The battery, current sensors, MPPT and micro-controller are
inside the house. The full bridge inverter, high frequency MOSFETs,
filter, step up transformer, synchronisation circuit is integrated into one.
The relays are placed as per requirement in each integrated element.
The supply from the grid and that circuitry remains as it is currently
functioning in India. The project requires skilled manpower for
installations on the ground which is also beneficial for increasing
employment. Thus, it can be concluded that the product is definitely
feasible and if brought into the market, will solve energy problems.

Authority of India

[2] Solar Radiation Handbook 2008, India Environment Portal

[3] Preparing to synchronize a generator to the grid, Electrical Engineering Portal
[4] SM72295, Texas Instruments
[5] SM72442, Texas Instruments
[6] INA193, Texas Instruments
[7] CSD16342Q5A, Texas Instruments
[8] TPS28226, Texas Instruments
[9] MSP430, Texas Instruments
APPENDIX [4][5][6][7][8][9]

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