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CPC-18 Measurement of Hardened Concrete Carbonation

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CPC-18 Measurement of hardened concrete

carbonation depth

CONTENTS 4.2 Testing

4.3 Test results and test report
1. Aim and scope 5. Testing completed structures
2. Definition 5.1 Specimens
3. Test materials 5.2 Testing
4. Laboratory tests 5.3 Test results and test report
4.1 Specimens: type, making, curing and storage

1. AIM AND SCOPE lost. Climatic conditions leading to the highest rate of
carbonation are not identical with those which accelerate
The method of testing consists of determining the depth corrosion of steel. Other concrete properties, like
of the carbonated layer on the surface of hardened strength, permeability and resistance to some chemical
concrete by means of an indicator. This method can be and physical attacks, as well as shrinkage, are also
carried out, using specimens made in the laboratory, on affected by carbonation.
specimens taken from completed structures (site This recommendation is aimed at improving the com-
specimens), and be used for testing on site. parability of carbonation tests. It is not aimed at laying
Tests on laboratory specimens are generally used for down optimal test conditions for special testing problems.
comparing the rate of carbonation in concrete specimens
with various mixes, under defined conditions. Tests on
site or with site specimens are necessary, in general, to 2. DEFINITION
give information on the state of a structure or structural Carbon dioxide which penetrates the surface of concrete
m e m b e r at a certain moment in time, under the con- can react with alkaline components in the cement paste,
ditions on site. Because of possibly wide scattering of mainly Ca(OH)2. This process (carbonation) leads to a
carbonation depths on site and because of the various reduction of the pH-value of the pore solution to less than
controlling factors, site tests are not suitable for 9. The depth of the carbonated surface layer is called the
comparing various concretes but refer only to the part depth of carbonation dk.
tested. The reduction of the pH-value can be made visible by
In the case of tests using site specimens, the require- the colour change of a suitable indicator.*'
ments for accuracy of measurement are in general less
severe than for laboratory specimens. Unless otherwise
stated in the following pages, the suggestions given for 3. TEST MATERIALS
laboratory tests should be interpreted accordingly. A solution of 1% phenolphthalein in 70% ethyl alcohol is
Carbonation affects various properties of hardened suitable for determining the depth of carbonation.
concrete. Primarily, the protection of the reinforcing steel Phenolphthalein turns non-carbonated concrete red, and
against corrosion, which is originally guaranteed by the remains colourless in carbonated concrete.
highly alkaline pore solution of the cement paste, becomes
*This indicator method does not make it possible, however, to
*This recommendation has been finalized by CCC, RILEM determine whether the reduction of the pH-value may have
Coordinating Committee for Concrete Technology. It was first resulted from influences other than the absorption of CO2 (e.g.
published as a draft in Material and Structures No. 102 (1984). SO2, HCI or other acidic gases).
0025-5432/88 9 RILEM
454 R I L E M R e c o m m e n d a t i o n C P C - 18


4.1 Specimens: type, making, curing and storage

Concrete prisms with a cross-section of 100 mm x 100 mm
that can be split into lengths of roughly 50mm, for each (a)
date of testing, are suitable. For mortar, prisms 40 mm •
40 mm x 160 mm are recommended from which a slice of
roughly 20 mm is split off at each date of testing. In no
case shall the shortest dimension of the prism be less than
3 times maximum aggregate size. Form b
During specimen preparation, it is important to avoid
any unwanted effects on the concrete surface which could
impair measurement. For example, stripping agents shall
be kept to a minimum. Normally the methods for making (bt
and curing samples (RILEM Recommendation CPC-3)
should be used. The kind of curing chosen (duration of
water storage, extent of drying by air storage, accelerated
hardening, etc.) must be precisely defined and followed
during the tests. Form c
Climatic conditions of storage (relative humidity,
amount of CO2 concentration, etc.) must be precisely
defined. Specimens may be stored indoors or out of
doors. For indoor storage roughly 0.03% CO2 concen-
tration,* a temperature of 20~ and a relative humidity of (c)
65% are recommended. Out of doors, storage under
cover (protected against rain) or without cover must be
differentiated. Air must be able to reach the test surfaces
unhindered at all times. For this reason, leave a free space
of at least 20 mm around the specimens. Fig. 1(a-c) Definitions of the depth of carbonation.

4.2 Testing
should always be made at the same time. Measuring about
The following dates of testing are recommended: 28, 90, 24 hours after spraying is recommended, when the margin
180 days; 1, 2, 4, (8, 1 6 . . . ) years, after the first exposure between carbonated and non-carbonated concrete is
to CO~. The longer testing periods should be chosen when often more clearly demonstrated than at earlier
a slow rate of carbonation is expected (e.g. storage out of measuring times. The precision of the measurement must
doors without cover). In the case of more specialized be to the nearest 0.5 mm. Carbonation depths less than
investigation, additional dates may be necessary. 0.5 mm are not differentiated.
In order to measure the depth of carbonation in When the carbonation front runs as a straight line
laboratory specimens, a slice is broken off for each test. parallel to the surface, the depth of carbonation dk is
The slice must be thick enough to avoid any chance of determined as shown in Fig. la.
carbon dioxide penetration from the end surface affecting When the carbonation front runs as shown in Fig. lb, a
the observed measurements from the side surfaces. graphical average dk and the maximum depth dkm~ should
Measure the depth of carbonation on the freshly broken be recorded. If the carbonation front runs parallel to the
surface. Saw-cuts are not always suitable. surface with isolated deeper carbonated areas, as in Fig.
Clear the broken surface immediately of dust and loose lc, then the maximum depth dk~ax of the carbonation
particles after breaking, and then spray with indicator must be given as well as the normal depth dk. In this case,
solution. If only a weak coloration or none at all appears no average is calculated.
on the treated surface, repeat the spray test after the Ignore greater depths of carbonation in the corner
surface has dried. Avoid the formation of flow channels areas of laboratory specimens, where carbon dioxide has
on the test surface. In order to stabilize the coloration penetrated from two sides at once.
temporarily, a resin may be sprayed after drying. In the case of concretes with large-sized maximum
The measured depth o f carbonation is influenced by the aggregates, care must be taken to measure the carbon-
time of measuring after application of the indicator ation only in the hardened cement paste.
solution. Therefore, measurements within a series of tests
4.3 Test results and test report
Short tests may be carried out using higher CO2 concentrations.
At present no universal agreement exists as to the value of short The average depth of carbonation is reported for each
tests using considerably higher CO2 concentrations. specimen.

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