SB - 15 Varilla Saldobrase
SB - 15 Varilla Saldobrase
SB - 15 Varilla Saldobrase
LEGHE RAME FOSFORO Corrispondenza agli standard internazionali
Composizione chimica
Chemical composition Ag 15% P 6% Cu 80%
Intervallo di fusione
645-800 °C
Melting range
Temperatura di lavoro
700 °C
Working temperature
Peso specifico
8,4 g/cm3
Specific gravity
Carico di rottura
250 N/mm2
Tensile Strength
10 %
Conducibilità elettrica
7 m/Ωmm²
Electrical Conductivity
Tipo di rivestimento -
Coating type
Disossidante consigliato
Recommended flux
Descrizione Description
Autodecapanti sul rame, sono utilizzate per brasatura forte di giunzioni Copper self-fluxing products are used for strong brazing of not-too precise
non troppo precise, nell’industria della refrigerazione su particolari quali joints, in the refrigeration industry for particular items such as manifold
manicotti collettori, distributori in ottone, capillari. Presenta buone carat- sleeves, brass distributors, capillary tubing. It has good mechanical proper-
teristiche meccaniche a bassa temperatura. Giochi di 0,06 ÷ 0,13 mm. ties at a low temperature. 0.06 ÷ 0.13 mm joint gap.
Note: We don’t assume any responsability for any un-proper use of the products. Users should verify the suitability and completeness of information with
regard to specific use the product. The use of the product is not under our direct control, it is user responsability to fully comply with applicable laws and
regulations in safety and hygiene. Any information regarding the alloys are based on our research and experience in the field of metallurgy engineering,
they are subject to changing during our development process of the product.