The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
Walk into a stadium during an IPL match or watch it on television or via online streaming feed, all you
will see is ads everywhere. Every conceivable property from boundary line ropes, billboards, stumps to even the
sight screen have been covered with brands and monetized. There is no sport Indians are more passionate about
than cricket. The gentlemen’s game has not only won the hearts of millions of cricket fans, but also managed to
attract global brands to its league. In 2008, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) launched the Indian
Premier League (IPL) – a high octane, sporting extravaganza filled with glitter, glamour and entertainment
quotient. The IPL has turned out to be a very successful advertising and branding platform for various brands.
IPL, a multi-million-dollar business in India has created a fusion of commercial interest and political power. The
league has become a mass sports property for major multinational brands. The gentlemen’s game has been
transformed into a corporatized entertainment form. The commercial driven tournament has changed the
dynamics of cricket in a massive way. The international appeal of IPL has made the tournament attract various
global brands. More than 100+ brands advertise aggressively during the two-month long tournament. Indian
Premier League (IPL), a business driven tournament featuring a set of city teams playing t-20 cricket has
redefined sports by showcasing the best talent from across the globe. The well know players, are now a set of
assets which contribute to the brand value of the local city franchise based teams.
Globalization of the Indian economy post 1991, has opened doors for various financial opportunities.
Cricket in India has knocked on the right door and entered into a phase of growth and transition post
Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) initiative. Despite the Indian sports industry being
disorganized, the size of Indian sports market isn’t negligible and can’t be ignored. India is now a favored
destination for various sports events such as world’s leading T-20 league in form of the Indian Premier
League(IPL), Hockey India League(HIL), Pro-Kabbadi League, Badminton Premier League and many more
diversified sports premiership. Sport offers corporations and other businesses a means of breaking through
cluttered marketplaces, delivering advertising messages effectively, and segmenting by specific demographics.
Indian Premier League has contributed majorly towards the growth of sports culture in India. The media has
played a significant role in creating it as a business model of success. Sports has captured widespread mass and
media attention; this has reflected the dominant mode of economic transaction in the country.
Television has played a crucial role in enabling a global fan-base approach to the world of sports. The
marketers have grabbed the opportunity of growing visibility by using the techniques of marketing appeals. The
visual media, television has transformed sport beyond recognition. Top sport personalities have now become
major global celebrities with high earning power. The corporate backed tournament has found several
innovative ways of embedding a product or service in a context devoid of ads. From Citi moment of success,
Karbonn Kamal catch to DLF maximum. Product placement has become a part and parcel of IPL tournament. 44 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
Marketers integrate products and brands into sporting events in order to increase their brand exposure and drive
sales for the brand. The more relevant the product is to the event; the more powerful influence it would have on
the viewer. Indians who are cricket fanatics are glued to their TV sets and the brand is able to virtually captivate
the audience. Apart from increasing television viewership, the fact that seasons after seasons, companies and
brands still want to associate with IPL is testament its commercial and branding success. From launches to
building brand awareness, the IPL has been a major driving force for the advertisers over the last decade to
promote their brands and products.
The Indian Premier League has turned out to be the best property for advertisers, considering its short
three-month schedule, consumer involvement and high television ratings. Over the past decade, IPL has
managed to attract clients such as PepsiCo, Vivo, Oppo, Vodafone, DLF, Karbonn, Godrej, Panasonic, Havells,
Cadbury-Kraft, Samsung mobiles, Cargill Foods, Kent RO and more leading multinational companies. The
estimated Rs 20000 crore brand value of IPL has created a platform for these brands to reach millions of
audience without having to fight too much. Be it the little known mobile phone manufacturers such as Vivo or
Micromax to global telecommunications giant, Vodafone all these brands have been successful in creating brand
awareness through successful campaigns during the IPL seasons. The tournament scores on two major counts –
Firstly, the three-hour format makes it attractive not just to the male and young audience, but it also attracts high
viewership numbers of women and other elderly family members. Secondly, the prime time slotting of games
between 8pm-11pm during weekdays and double headers on weekends make it a cost effective form of
entertainment means for urbanized families across India. Young fans are emotionally invested into the
tournament that they form an attachment with the IPL. The deeper the association with the sport, the stronger
the emotion a fan feels for the brand. The infiltration of corporate sponsorship and advertising into organized
sport like Cricket has now opened up new gates for sports administration in India. The boom of commercial
sponsorships has not only provided economic support to many professional and semi-professional cricketers, but
it has also provided the necessary financial infrastructure for a number of lesser known cricket associations
across India. Indian Premier League has reshaped sports marketing concepts, in order to meet the needs of
television and the promotional industry. Major events have been transformed into the central theme of intense
money making commercial activity, in which the commodified spectacle generates huge profits for the
advertisers. The global sports industry is now displaying multifaceted characteristics, by transforming itself into
a branch of the advertising and promotion appeals. IPL allows for extensive ground sponsorship, for brands that
helps in creating brand recognition and recall. "Over the last few editions of the IPL tournament, the likes of
Vodafone and Pepsi have gained single-handedly brand recall scores, which can never be achieved through
orthodox advertising on general entertainment channels. Also there is a lack of options that offer a combination
of high TVR and product placement opportunities.
Product placement, is a psychological influence at its finest, continues to be a wildly successful
form of marketing that benefits multiple parties at once. As time goes on, product placement stands to
become increasingly successful as it expands into different media. Product placement is a form of
advertising in which name brand goods are placed in sports & entertainment programs. Brand Placement when
collaborated with a well respected athlete or is strategically placed on the field, at a game has helped many
brands draw much needed exposure to their product offerings. Collaborations with sports figures have long been
a method of effectively influencing viewers as they watch their favorite sport. Sports collaborations between an
athlete or a sports team with a brand or company, like other channels, have adapted and incorporated the aspects
of the ever changing marketing landscape to remain effective. Technological development and growth has
helped in adopting a very different approach as compared to the traditional advertising. In the current scenario,
product placement helps the brand to reach out to the viewers on a large scale through various forms of media -
from magazine features to TV sitcoms. Brand placement is bringing revolutionary changes in commercial
economics. This trend, has encouraged consumerism through consumption in a growing market economy.
Product placement is a promotional tactic used by the company where the brand or the product is
highlighted in different forms of media. They can be in the form of verbal mentions, actual use of the product by
a character, visual display of a logo. The core motive of such product communication is to create awareness and
higher recall about the brand to the audience. The integration of product placement contributes towards the
brand success and publicity. The main motive of such integrated communications is to expose the audience to a
brand whereby the effect can be maximized in terms of increased awareness and higher recall, which might
motivate the consumer to buy the product.
Product placement has several distinctive characteristics, slots into the broader realm of corporate
communication tools such as advertising, sponsorship, sales promotion, direct marketing, merchandising,
licensing, propaganda and public relations. These corporate communication tools are linked by the objectives
that they share to convey an idea to selected target audience, in order to spread and make known a specific brand
identity, which can help to develop and maintain the brand equity. By integrating the communication into the
goals and targets of the message, the message conveyed by the product placement acquires the objective values 45 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship 46 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
into a set of commodified global spectacles, producing huge audiences and massive new sources of income. Past
few decades has seen massive deregulation and digitalization mechanism that has helped in expanding the
number of channels and viewership numbers. The fragmentation of growing internet interface with viewership
number increase of channels has provided sports an opportunity that helps in increasing the audience base to
millions of viewers across the globe.
The paper ‘Reconfiguring Media Sport for the Online World An Inquiry into Sports News and Digital
Media’ (Hutchins & Rowe, 2010) with key themes of sports news, media in sports, online marketing and digital
media, examines a pioneering intervention by government in the control and ownership of media sport under
prevailing networked digital media conditions. The paper focuses on the causes of the disagreements that
prompted the inquiry of media rights issue in Australia. It has demonstrated that emerging media sport markets
are characterized by complex interaction, tense competition, and awkward overlaps between broadcast media
and networked digital communications.
The paper ‘Economics of Sports Marketing’ (Chakravarti, 2013) focuses on the key themes like
branding, advertising, sponsorship, sports marketing, goodwill and product placement. The paper explains the
different types of marketing initiatives that are undertaken by various kinds of businesses, to explore the market
of sports. The paper ‘Globalization of Sports Beyond the Boundaries?’ (Maguire, 2011 ) it probes the
interdependencies that embed sport in global processes, and capture, to varying degrees of success, why the
study of sport reveals patterns of significance for those seeking to understand globalization. The development of
the t20 version of the game and the franchise model adopted by the IPL, but also by the concurrent
'telemediatization' of cricket. The strengths of the text thus lie in its advocacy of a long-term perspective, the use
of the concept of globalization.
The paper ‘Cricket, Excesses and Market Mania’ (Ramani, 2008) highlights the rise of a bonanza in
cricketing world in the form of IPL, the glitz, glamour, entertainment, business associated with it. No theoretical
framework has been adopted, it’s a weekly article which talks about the past, present and future of cricket in
India. The author points that players have now been turned into a mere commodity based on their popularity
instead of their true cricketing records.
The growing sports industry in India provides a major platform for strategically planned form of
product placements, but there is little evidence in terms of academic research regarding the role of brand
placement in creating premier sports tournaments like the Indian Premier League (IPL) as a successful business
driven, corporate backed advertising platforms for brands.
Does the IPL provide a recognizable and profitable advertising and promotional platform for brands?
Understanding the rational and motive behind brand placement.
Analyze the nature and extent of how brand placement has incorporated within premier sports tournaments
like the Indian Premier League.
To determine the effectiveness of brand placement as a promotional advertising tool.
To find out if brand placement has led to a desired change in the consumer’s attitude towards the brand.
To find out the consumer’s behavior towards product placement.
The researcher will adopt qualitative and quantitative methods of research. The researcher will prepare
a coding sheet for the content analysis with various pre determined parameters in relation to brand placement
and positioning of various brands throughout product positioning and advertising during the Indian Premier
League games, content analysis study would help the researcher gain perspective on the issue and at the same
time help to quantify the data. The researcher has chosen content analysis as a method, as this helped in
understanding the concept better, revealed more about the subject and simultaneously helped in preparing the
interview schedule. It shall help the researcher in knowing more about the impact that brand placement and
product positioning during the IPL games. The researcher assesses the effectiveness of product placement
during the Indian Premier League tournament based on the concepts of brand positioning, recall, attitudes and
recognition factors. The process of study involves collecting and analyzing of information, images and other
forms of data to increase our understanding for the area of the study. The purpose of study is to analyze the
nature and extent of how brand placement has incorporated within premier sports tournaments like the Indian
Premier League.
For the purpose of this research the method that the researcher adopted was interviews with experts
from the field of Advertising, Sports Marketing and a cricket expert. This was done in order to find out their
opinions regarding how these experts view IPL as a platform to towards global advertising and to analyze the
extent and nature of how brand IPL as an international status which is presently incorporated within sports
industry as a premier tournament. 47 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
Topic: IPL as a brand in the sports market. A series of interview talks with the likes of sports marketing gurus,
advertising professionals for understanding the economics which is associated with the sports. By conducting
these interviews, the idea and perception of these experts from the field of sports and marketing shall be
Keller’s Brand Equity Model
The Keller’s Brand Equity Model also known as the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) Model.
Kevin Keller, developed the model. His concept behind the model is simple, according to him, in order to build
a strong brand name, it’s important to shape how customers think and feel about your product or service.
A right type of atmosphere as to created around your brand, so that the audience have a positive
attitude, feelings, beliefs, opinions and perception about the brand. A stronger brand equity will help to increase
the sales; the customers will recommend the same to other potential customers.
The customer based Keller’s brand-equity pyramid can be applied in context of sport teams.
Structuring brand-equity of sport teams involves a sequence of essential steps forming a pyramid like structure
where the very initial step is exploring the reasons for the teams’ existence which is called as brand salience and
it can be termed as ‘team salience’. Other important steps such as defining the team meaning, team response and
finally team relationships with the fans. Every step is quite multifaceted in itself and is interlinked on the
success of the preceding step.
The management of the sport team cannot override to the next step without defining the previous step.
The Keller’s brand equity model can be applied in the sports context as a building block which forms a pyramid
like structure. The sport teams and their administrative management need to reach the top of the pyramid for
forming strong brand-equity for the teams in the given sports tournament
Team Identity: The concept of brand salience revolves around creating an identity or awareness for
your brand in order to make sure that your brand stands out from the competitors and the customer’s recognize
and are aware of its presence in the market. According to Keller (2001), brand salience helps in defining the
identity of the teams rather than that of team fans. According to him, brand identity creates brand awareness
which gives rise to brand salience with customers having more in-depth information about the brand like the
product category in which the brand competes and which need of the customer the brand is going to satisfy.
The team management executives need to have a clear understanding of the reason for their existence,
by defining the teams ‘hierarchy of intent’ as well as the fans also need to be interested in the team’s product
category, the team logo, anthem. The company’s brand name and the team owned by the company forms a
principal name in the fans mind which is set even if they are not involved with the sports. In a sponsorship
driven sports tournament the team salience can be understood on the basis of two key terms depth and breath.
Depth signifies the meaning of brand awareness and breadth defines a more multifaceted scenario of fans mind
including fans mind share, purchase, and consumption related behavior.
Team Meaning: It can be distinguished into two sub-categories team performance and team imagery.
These two categories represent the ways in which a fan is associated with the sports team, for example the team
performance includes the functional and act related fans associations and team imagery represents the abstract
and imaginations related relations with the sports team. Team image and brand associations are an important
contributor of brand loyalty, sale of tickets, enhanced brand-equity, merchandise sales.
Under the Keller brand equity model brand association and team performance are included under brand
meaning. Good team performance during the matches matters for fans who connect a particular meaning to the
team meeting their useful needs. The consistency of the team during the tournament, team interaction with the
fans, jersey color, team logo, price of the tickets for a game at the stadium are some of the attributes that fans
compare with other rival teams to rate and compare the team’s performance and fan association. Fan
demographic factors (gender, ethnicity, race, income, marital status), fans psychographic factors (attitude
towards sports, social issues, careers or political interest), mode of consumption of sports (stadiums, television,
online), fan image and their team oriented values, and the past performance of the team under consideration play
an important role while forming team association for the loyal fans.
Fans Responses: It tries to explore the perception of the fans about the team based on various marketing and
advertising activities undertaken by the team management to understand the fans opinion, feelings, judgments
about the team. Whether they are emotional attached to the team or they support it because of the presence of
their favorite player in the team. The fan responses can be distinguished into two categories namely, fans
judgments and fan feelings. The judgment aspect explores the personal and rational opinions of the fans towards
the team created based on team performance or other functional aspects of the team. The judgment can be on the
players, performance of the team, credibility, entertaining worth of the team, sportsmanship, their superiority or
dominance over other teams in the tournament or league. On the other hand, fan feelings refer to the reaction
which is emotionally driven for the team. These feelings can be a sort of sentimental or affectionate attachment 48 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
with the team, closely following the team and its activities during the tournament, excited or worried about the
team’s performance, sense of pride or respect by supporting the team. The fans feelings and judgment plays an
integral role in the fans perception towards the companies that are sponsoring the team. This enhances the
loyalty and revenue for the team sponsors directly linked to the team performance.
Team-Fans Relationship: Team resonance is the major foundation for building a strong relationship
between the fans and the team according to the fan based brand equity pyramid. Resonance creates an
impression towards the fans by developing a strong psychological bonding. This bonding helps the team
management to create loyalty in form of constant match viewership, selling team merchandise, tickets to the
fans. Ultimately all this has an impact on the team’s revenue. Fans would be die hard supporters and highly
loyal to the team and their activities only if they find the investments made by the team management is worthy
and reliable. Active fans would hold loyal team membership, communicate and spread positive news and
information about the team through word of mouth and social networking sites by enacting the role of brand
ambassador for the team and strengthening the bond with other fans. Corporate Social Responsibility through
sports marketing helps in creating a positive impact for the brand image, its value and credibility. It provides
strength and competitive positioning to the brand against its competitors in the market through the means of
sports tournaments. The teams are also able to achieve larger fan base by emotionally connecting through social
awareness and cause. In IPL, Royal Challengers Bangalore – Go Green Initiative, Mumbai Indians – Education
for All, Rajasthan Royals – Operation Smile, Delhi Daredevils – Dare to Care, education and protection of girl
child are examples of teams being associated with socially accepted causes. Such initiatives help in creating a
perception among the fans that their team is reliable and are contributing significantly towards the society. Thus
enhancing a psychological bonding which strengthens fan loyalty and fan based brand equity for the teams.
Advertising Models
The advertising model based on the conventional 30-second ad is concentrated on the broadcasters that
includes TV networks, cable and satellite service providers. The broadcaster buys the rights to air an advert for
different TV series, sports tournament or regular news break programs from the concerned channel’s production
studio, and then it airs the shows for consumers. To make a profit, the broadcaster sells ad spots to advertisers or
ad agencies. The cost for the ad spot varies according to the popularity of the TV show, sport tournament, the
audience reach and the airing time, such as prime time slots. In this model, the broadcaster sells all the ad spots,
and gets all of the advertising revenue. The only revenue source for the content creators, or the production
studios, is the licensing fees broadcasters pay for the rights to air their shows. Sony Pictures Networks (SPN)
had sold all its inventory for IPL season 9 and earned advertising revenues close to Rs 1200 crores. The
company had an ad revenue growth of 15-20 per cent from IPL in 2016 season, as it had hiked its advertisement
rate by 15 per cent. The average price for a 10-second spot in IPL 1 was Rs 2.5 lakh, it rose to Rs 3.5 lakh in the
next season. For IPL 3 and IPL 4, the price remained more or less constant at Rs 4.5 lakh per 10 seconds, while
the rates charged this season were between Rs 4.5 – 5 lakhs. The current season rate was priced at Rs 7 – 7.5
lakhs for a 10 seconds slot. It’s three times more the ad rate charged by the broadcaster as compared to the
inaugural season of IPL.
Under the product placement advertising model, before a show is even completed, the production
studio can sell placement spots either through an ad agency/ product placement agency or by reaching
advertisers directly. In exchange, the studio may get a placement fee, bartered goods (i.e. the producer gets a
free car), or the right to use the product in the show, saving some production costs. In this model, broadcasters
do not receive any revenue from product placement. Advertising revenue goes only to production studios.
Similarly, for a sports tournament like the Indian Premier League, the advertising model for product placement
is followed for player outfits, helmets, caps and other team equipment’s. The playing field is covered by 6 to 8
giant logos, one or two on the straights and the remaining on the square. The boundary board, triangles,
sightscreen and the stumps also carry company branding. The fiberglass of the dugout is also tattooed with
various company logos. The giant screen constantly displays various product advertisements. All these strategic
placements provide an opportunity for the broadcaster to earn millions of dollars by creating a vivid viewing
experience for the spectator. This advertising model in sports creates an idea of aesthetically pleasing the
audience. IPL, with each season, has become the advertiser's favorite property, this is helping the broadcasters,
SET Max to grow rapidly. IPL cuts across age demographics and geography, being a great bet for advertisers.
Also, the channel's decision to go non-exclusive with the sponsor category has helped more brands to come on
board. 49 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
strategies in order to meet customer need and demand. The combination of cricket and television has turned out
to be the main revenue model for sports these days. The role of media has been significant while highlighting
large broadcast deals for sports like cricket, football, badminton. The sports tournament generates substantial
revenues from the broadcasting channel and the franchises through sponsorship and team merchandising. The
major revenue stream for the IPL is sale of broadcast rights, sponsorship and gate receipts. The tournament has
followed a series of branding and marketing strategies which have turned out to be successful over the course of
past years. The tournament’s official strategies and advertisements are planned and executed by Ogilvy and
Mather. The tournament provides an opportunity for the advertisers to promote their product or brands on the
biggest Indian television platform. BCCI and the other stakeholders have packaged the tournament as means of
sports cum entertainment arena for the target audience. The short twenty overs format attracts the youth and
family audience, which is an added bonus to the advertisers. The broadcasters and marketing organizers of IPL
have packaged the entire product in such a convenient form that even controversies and news helps the
advertisers to attract audience towards their products as a part of branding exercise. The official broadcasting
partner, Set Max has always come up with catchy advertisement campaigns for IPL in order to create hype and
attract viewership. From “Manoranjan ka Baap”, “Cricket ka Karmayudh” to “Ek India Happy Wala” all these
promotional campaigns have been successful in order to invoke the excitement and drive passion among the
cricketing fans for the tournament. All these marketing strategies and strong branding initiatives have helped the
tournament to attain a mass global appeal and strong brand value. The progress and prosperity of India also
provides tournaments like the IPL to grow and be fuelled by audience and brand sponsorships.
Product – Indian Premier League, the brainchild of Lalit Modi is currently one of the hottest sports
property in the world. Started in 2008, post India’s successful t20 world cup winning campaign in South Africa,
has a perfect bend of cricket and entertainment. The service market establishes the different ways on the basis of
business marketing concepts. As far as IPL as a product is concerned, the interest of the advertisers, brands and
audience will depend upon the level of competition in the league. That is based upon the interest of BCCI, to
make sure the level of competition which sustains the demand and determines the long term liability of the
league. The level of competition depends upon the number of teams in the league, the structure of the league -
system versus a single tier system - number of matches in a season, end of season, play offs and tournaments,
salary caps and the free agency. The evolution of IPL as a brand is an example of successful product innovation,
which effectively combines entertainment and sports. Brand IPL has become a lot more consistent. The first few
years saw tremendous growth in excess of 40-50% across all revenue segments, but now brand IPL has became
stable and provides sustainable returns of 10-20% growth per season.
Price – Price is a key marketing tool for several crucial purposes, it is difficult to evaluate a service
before purchase their price may act as an indicator of quality and creative pricing can help for smooth demand.
The pricing structure of IPL is a major source of income generator for Board of Control for Cricket in India
(BCCI). According to reports and surveys, the two-month long tournament shall help BCCI to earn a revenue of
about 2 billion US dollars, over a period of five to ten years. The revenue gets directed to a central pool, out of
which 40% goes to IPL tournament, 54% is shared among the team franchisees and rest 6% is distributed as
prize money in equal proportion. Post 2017, the revenue sharing model will be changed to 45% franchisees,
50% to the IPL fund and rest 5% as prize money. IPL signs various global brands as their main sponsors and co-
sponsors. Through IPL season 9, the official broadcasters, Sony were able to earn revenues worth Rs 1,100
crores. The eight franchises earned Rs 200 – 230 crores, while the BCCI generated Rs 220 – 250 crores from
on-ground sponsorship and HotStar, the digital broadcasting rights holder got around Rs 40 crores.
Place – Although the tournament is hosted within India, IPL is a major factor contributing towards
globalization of cricket from India. The tournament is a market compromising of spectators and global
television audience. It creates a diverse appeal covering major parts of Europe, Africa, USA, Caribbean nations
and other parts of Asia. The principle reason for the success of IPL is credited to the geography and innovation
mechanism. The Asian sub-continent which compromises of the top cricket playing nations like India, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, provides the largest target audience for the tournament. The 9th season of IPL
attracted around 350 million viewers within India alone, which is on par with a global audience of 500 million
of the last FIFA world cup. The vast geographical stretch in form of city based franchise model helps to attract
potential mass audience and generate solid fan base and large TV revenues. IPL is the most reached and viewed
property in India. Beyond the realms of TV and digital mediums, 34 fan parks in small cities and towns across
India made the tournament bigger for fans who got to experience the action in a very unique way compared to
other competitors from various other t20 leagues in the world.
Promotion – The intangible element of any product or service is difficult to communicate. Promotion is
the most essential part of the organization which helped to communicate to the world about the product. The
means of advertising, marketing, public relations, online social media can be adopted to promote the product to
the target audience. The two-month long tournament uses extensive promotional strategies by hiring specialized
branding firms to help them organize the event. The organizers aim to target various segments of the audience 50 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
especially the youth and the children. The franchise team’s management sits down with its team sponsors and
co-sponsors to draw a promotional plan for the tournament. Top Bollywood celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan,
Preity Zinta, Shilpa Shetty and industrialists such as Mukesh Ambani, Vijay Mallya help in attracting crowds to
the tournament. These celebrities turn out to be their team ambassadors who up the glam quotient of the
tournament. Rajasthan Royals had hired UK-based Photolink Creative Group, which has helped with the
branding of Manchester United and Everton football clubs. Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) works with a
Mumbai-based MarketGate Consulting. OPN Advertising Pvt. Ltd had planned sports-related corporate social
responsibility initiatives for Chennai Super Kings like holding painting competitions for schoolchildren a
monthly comic series featuring its cricketers. Promotional strategies through social media advertising and
television commercials are a huge draw during the tournament. In 2008, through the inaugural season of IPL,
BCCI earned 723.9 million US dollars by auctioning 8 city based franchise teams to various stakeholders. Even
though IPL has been surrounded with a series of controversies on and off the field, yet it still manages to grab
high recognition and fetch huge sum of money for the BCCI. In 2010, brand image and brand popularity helped
BCCI raise 703 million US dollars for 2 new teams in the IPL.
The media rights for broadcasting the league across the globe had been sold to World Sports Group and
Sony Entertainment Ltd for 1.026 billion US dollars for a period of 10 years in 2008. World Sport Group got the
international media rights for Internet, mobile and radio, while Sony Max bagged the South Asia audio-visual
rights. As part of the deal, the Sony group will pay the BCCI US$908 million for the telecast rights and US$108
million for the promotion of the tournament. From the sale of media rights, IPL will keep 20% for itself, give
out 8% as prize money for the tournament and distribute the remaining 72% evenly between the franchisees.
These proportions were legal until 2012, after which IPL's share went up in two stages by 2018, with the shares
of both prize money and franchisees declining. The revenue gets directed to a central pool, out of which 40%
goes to IPL tournament, 54% is shared among the team franchisees and rest 6% is distributed as prize money in
equal proportion. Post 2017, the revenue sharing model will be changed to 45% franchisees, 50% to the IPL
fund and rest 5% as prize money.
The principal source of revenue centrally comes from selling title sponsorship rights for the tournament
followed by backing of several corporate companies as co-sponsors and brand advertisers. Title Sponsorship
fee, licensed merchandise, corporate sponsors all of these form the central revenue source for the IPL. During
the inaugural 2008 season, Indian real estate conglomerate DLF paid a sponsorship fee of Rs 250 crores for a
period of 5 years to be the title sponsors for Indian Premier League. The title sponsorship fee was evenly shared
by the franchising teams. BCCI retains around 40 percent of the title sponsorship revenue and while the
remaining 60 percent is evenly distributed among the franchisees. The other corporate sponsors were the likes of
Hero Honda, Pepsi Co and Kingfisher. All these 3 corporate honchos in total helped BCCI raise 61.5 million US
dollars additionally as part of central revenue source. In November 2012, global beverage giant PepsiCo had
bagged the IPL title sponsorship rights for a period of next five years (2013- 17) for Rs 396.8 crore ($71.77
million approx.), which was almost double the original title sponsorship deal done in 2008 with DLF. Along
with PepsiCo, the only other contender for the title sponsorships rights was Airtel, an Indian
telecommunications company, who had bid Rs 316 crore ($57.27 million approx.). But the spot fixing scandal
and the Lodha committee’s verdict on corruption within the IPL made Pepsi terminate and withdraw its title
sponsorship deal with IPL. Lack of transparency and legitimacy attached to the property was the main reason for 51 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
termination cited by PepsiCo. This provided an opportunity for the Chinese mobile company Vivo to replace
PepsiCo as the title sponsor of the Indian Premier League, a change necessitated by the beverage giant's
impulsive withdrawal from a five-year deal that was to end in 2017. The other important stream of revenue
flows is generated by the franchisee bids and rights, of which 20% is shared with the IPL and BCCI. Franchisee
rights includes ticket sales collection, team sponsorship and co-sponsorship agreement fees, in stadia advertising
profits, hospitality and communication sponsors fee, etc. The franchises have been auctioned to various business
conglomerates and high profile personalities based on the city based model. The governing body of IPL (BCCI)
gets a yearly fee from each franchise. It is 10% of the total bidding price that they pay every year, the money is
kept with BCCI which they use for meeting the organizing expenses of the tournament. All the franchise teams
sign their own individual corporate level sponsorship deals which includes their jersey, kit, beverages,
transportation, telecommunications sponsors. The franchises control the home games hospitality and ticketing
revenue by 80 20 ratio percentage. Only 20% is allocated to the IPL governing council. 52 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
make profits. Mukesh Ambani-owned Mumbai Indians, for instance, has seen impressive revenues on the back
of consistent performance since 2011, but it could not turn in a profit. Indiawin Sports Private Ltd, which runs
MI, had reported revenues of Rs 220.87 crore in 2013-14, the year it won its first IPL, but it turned in a loss of
Rs 5.04 crore. In the following year, its revenues slipped to Rs 167.75 crore, but the firm managed to reduce its
loss to Rs 3.87 crore. The star-studded Royal Challengers Bangalore, with players such as Virat Kohli, Chris
Gayle and AB de Villiers, has been in the red between 2011and 2014. It showed losses of Rs 30.06 crore in
2014-15, Rs 99.04 crore in 2013-14, and Rs 7.86 crore in 2012-13. Its revenues have stagnated around the Rs 90
crore mark as it failed to perform consistently. Besides the central pool, revenues sources for teams include
ticket sales, sponsorship on team jersey, licensing and merchandising. On an average, team sponsorship
revenues are between Rs 25-40 crore and ticket sales account for around Rs 20-35 crore. Central pool revenues
are in the Rs 70-80 crore range for franchises. "While sponsorship revenues have strengthened, merchandising is
still a very nascent avenue for revenues, thanks to high cost of merchandise, replica t-shirts and rampant piracy.
Sun Risers Hyderabad (SRH), which came into IPL in 2013 after replacing Deccan Chargers, reported loss of Rs
58.33 crore in FY2014-15.
The IPL has been a huge success since its launch. It has never failed to cause delight on the faces of the
stakeholders. The official apparel partners are one such imperative unit that has been endeavoring to create an
identity and make the team look pronounced.
Ever since its inception in 2008, the Indian Premier League has been successful in attracting the giants
of the sportswear industry to sponsor the various franchises. The inaugural season of the IPL witnessed three of
the big world market players in the sportswear industry sponsor seven different IPL teams. The likes of Reebok
had bagged the rights for four IPL teams – Royal Challengers Bangalore, Chennai Super Kings, Kolkata Knight
Riders and Rajasthan Royals, while Adidas signed up to fabricate kits for Mumbai Indians and Delhi
Daredevils. Adidas sponsored the two IPL teams which had Sachin Tendulkar and Virender Sehwag as their
team captain, they also turned out to be the brand ambassadors for the sports manufacturer. On the other hand,
Nike was the kit manufacturer for Deccan Chargers. This turned out to be Nike’s first and last relationship with
any team in the IPL. Kings XI Punjab had found their kit sponsorship in a not so popular fashion brand named
Provogue. Reebok and Adidas managed to maintain its sponsorship deals with Royal Challengers Bangalore,
Chennai Super Kings, Mumbai Indians, Delhi Daredevils and Kolkata Knight Riders for the next few editions of
the league. the other three teams let go of their respective sponsors the next season. In 2009, Puma made its
entry into the IPL with its association with Rajasthan Royals and Deccan Chargers both, signing a five-year deal
agreement. Reebok had terminated its Rajasthan Royals deal which had only lasted for one year and replaced it
with a new four-year deal with Kings XI Punjab. The number of teams that Reebok sponsored still remained
four in 2009 season which included Royal Challengers Bangalore, Chennai Super Kings, Kolkata Knight Riders
and Kings XI Punjab.
Nothing much changed for next two editions of the league. In 2011, two new teams became part of the
IPL extravaganza namely, Pune Warriors India and Kochi Tuskers Kerala. Adidas managed to extend its
presence by securing a deal for the next two years with Pune Warriors India. Lotto inked a deal with Kochi 53 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
Tuskers Kerala on two-year agreement basis, but the deal ended post 2011 season because the Kochi Tuskers
team failed to participate in future seasons. In 2012, the association of Reebok with Royal Challengers
Bangalore, Chennai Super Kings and Kolkata Knight Riders and that of Adidas with Mumbai Indians and Delhi
Daredevils came to an end. Adidas 2-year deal with Pune Warriors India also ended in 2012. The Reebok
sponsorship got extended for a year for Kolkata Knight Riders and by two years for Royal Challengers
Bangalore and Chennai Super Kings. Adidas also managed to renew their deal for two more years with Mumbai
Indians and for a year with Delhi Daredevils. Puma’s five-year deal was completed in 2013, but, because
Deccan Chargers was defunct in 2013, the replacing team – Sun Risers Hyderabad was handed over the
remaining one-year Puma deal. Beside all the swaps and changes, a new player named TK Sports, had made its
way into IPL by sponsoring Kings XI Punjab and Pune Warriors India during the 2013 IPL season.
The controversial spot fixing scandal rocked the 2014 season of IPL, it resulted in three out of eight
IPL teams to play without an official kit maker. Delhi Daredevils, Kolkata Knight Riders and Rajasthan Royals
became sponsor-less for the entire season. Reebok’s Royal Challengers Bangalore, Chennai Super Kings
association and Adidas’ Mumbai Indians association had officially ended. While TK sports continued their kit
sponsorship deal with Kings XI Punjab, it also bagged deal with Sun Risers Hyderabad in 2013 in place of the
defunct Pune Warriors India. 2015 IPL season saw as much as three new sponsors for the franchises. Adidas
once again returned to IPL tournament by sponsoring Royal Challengers Bangalore. Spartan made an entry into
IPL by sponsoring Chennai Super Kings. Both, Spartan and Adidas, sponsored the teams which had their
ambassadors – Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni as the team captains. The home brand of Reliance, Performax started
sponsoring Mumbai Indians from 2015. Well known and reputed sports goods manufacturer, Shiv-Naresh
signed a deal with Delhi Daredevils. TK Sports launched a subsidiary ‘Tyka’ brand and continued to sponsor
Kings XI Punjab and Sun Risers Hyderabad. 54 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
Kings XI Punjab: The Wadia and Dabur Group owned team has witnessed the several high and lows of the IPL
tournament. The main USP of the team has been its vibrant team culture and aggressive playing strategies.
Having a strong brand name for itself in the IPL, and increasing its marketing and branding presence by efficient
utilizing of Preity Zinta by associating herself as the principle team owner of the team. Over the years, Reebok
and US Polo Association have been the official team kits supplier to the team, but in past three editions of the
tournament TYKA Sports has been the official manufacturer for Kings XI Punjab.
The 2016 IPL auction was clear strategy mishap by the team management. Although, KXIP team
consists of several reputed players like Shaun Marsh, Glenn Maxwell, David Miller, Murali Vijay, Wriddhiman
Saha and many talented young Indian players. The team had a horrible run in the 2016 season, due to the lack of
experience in their batting line up and over-dependence on their foreign players. During the start of the
tournament, David Miller was appointed as the captain of the team, but due to several reasons like dip in his
personal batting form and lack of wins under the teams belt, KXIP handed over the team’s captaincy to Murali
Vijay for the reminder of the IPL tournament.
The KXIP jersey dons a rich red color that occupies foremost the entire space. The red color has been
combined with shinny silver color stripes on the sides of the jersey. The color tries to epitomize the matter of
pride amongst the Punjabis. They are considered to be lion hearted, free spirited, passionate and brave towards
the game. The lions see themselves as brave, royal players with huge hearts and try reflecting their loud and
gallant culture. The red color on the jersey tries to depict the strength and fierceness of the Punjabis and their
desire to excel in the game of cricket. The team has list of robust, well reputed sponsors in their ranks. Tata
Motors Prima and Idea 4G are the official title sponsors for the team. Tata Motors Prima logo was placed on the
front, central belly spot region of the jersey. The silver bold logo highlights the name Tata motors and Prima,
their business division. The logo has no background color, it submerges itself in the red color of the jersey
making it look elegant and classy. Idea, the other title sponsor has its logo placed on the back part of the jersey.
The yellow color logo adds richness to the back design which is right above the player number and name
section. The player name and number is highlighted in bold silver color. The official partners of the team,
Valvoline Oil is placed on the core chest area of the jersey. Royal Stag and HTC occupy the right sleeves
section of the jersey. KEI Wires and Cables and the IPL logo are placed on the other side of the sleeves section.
The trousers are silver in color, adding contrast to the bright red jersey. TYKA, the official kitting partner have
their logo placed on the right leg side of the trouser and Prayag is branded on the left leg side of the trousers.
The team headgear features the Britannia Good day logo on the sides of the players’ helmet. Apart from these
brands, KXIP also has a series of other brands as their team partners. The official good times partner is
Kingfisher. The official partner also includes Coca Cola, Surya Led. Punjab Kesari is the official media partner
of the team. 92.7 Big FM is the radio partner, BookmyShow is the ticketing partner. AHF Aids Healthcare
foundation is the official CSR partner of Kings XI Punjab team. 55 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship 56 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
The Indian Premier League has undergone a tremendous shift from its inception up to the 9 th edition.
Advertisers and marketers have always associated themselves with a view to rake up higher sales and customer
ship by providing massive advertising revenues to the broadcasters.
The buzz was always surrounding the 9th edition of IPL, Pepsi backed out from the title sponsorship
post the spot fixing allegations and removal of two highly fan followed and reputed teams after the Supreme
Court verdict. But the Chinese mobile giant, Vivo grabbed the opportunity both hands and signed a two-year
title sponsorship deal for Rs 160 crores. The 9 th edition began with minimal turnout in the stadiums across
various cities, but the advertisers grabbed the low key opportunity by sponsoring and associating their top
brands with the tournament. The journey of IPL has seen a tremendous growth since its inception, the inaugural
season witnessed a viewership of 102 million and revenues of Rs 305 crore. Over the 9 seasons of the
tournament, the viewership and revenue has seen a steady increase. The revenues have increased at the rate of
400% valued at Rs 1200 crores and the viewership has more than doubled at 266 million during the 9 th edition
of the league. The top performing markets are city centric such as Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru,
Hyderabad and many more franchise oriented states like Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat. According a recent
survey, the IPL has managed to gain a reach of 43% in the rural areas. 46% was the female viewership figures
during IPL 9, the most watched audience covered the 22-30-year-old target segment. The broadcaster Sony
India, was able to sell their entire advert inventory for 60 matches more than a month in advance, an
accomplishment which was unattainable over the previous 8 editions of the tournament. Over the years, the ad
rates have tremendously increased irrespective of the controversies being associated with the league. There has
been a steady 15% increase in the ad rates between IPL 8 and IPL 9 season. For a 10 second ad spot the
advertisers had to shell out anywhere between Rs 6-8 lakhs compared to Rs 4.5-5.5 lakhs during the 8th edition.
The last 4 matches during the playoff stages saw an exuberant price tag associated with adverts which were
ranging from Rs 20-25 Lakhs for a 10 second spot.
The tournament is surrounded by a heavy brandscape loaded with sponsors and brand associations.
More than 80 brands were associated with the eight IPL teams during the 9 th edition. Companies like Freecharge
and Maruti Suzuki associated themselves with the league for the very first time. Maruti Suzuki captalized on the
sponsorship opportunity and promoted its latest car, the Vitara Brezza by displaying it at every stadium during
the IPL games. Since the target age group for the tournament is between 15 to 34 years, the sponsorship deal
provided the company a great mechanism to connect and position its sporty new SUV car in the market. They
also had their brand logo displayed on the perimeter boards, scoreboards and runner boards. Vodafone has been
associated with the league from the very beginning, and it has gained a lot of popularity and reachability for its
ZooZoo campaign. Several other brands like Raymond, Amazon, Volini, YesBank, CEAT Tyres, Axe, Lloyd,
Hindware continue to maintain a strong bond and partnership with the Indian Premier League. These brands
have managed to send across a message that the league is a risk free investment option for the brands and
advertisers as the ratings and reach keep on growing season after season. The tournament provides innovative
sponsoring opportunities for the brands at the core stage and profusion of prospects for the franchises through
sponsorship, merchandise, licensing and the capability to influence multi screen media proficiencies covering
mobile applications, web interface and broadcast. During IPL 9, over 60% of the airtime was covered by the
sponsors and around 40% was for spot buys by other advertising brands. 57 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
Expert Interviews
The Indian Premier League provides a good traction to brand advertisers for a short two-month period
to promote and market their products. Since, the target audience is already segmented into cricket fans it
becomes easy for the advertisers to brand their campaign in a creative manner in order to grab attention about
their brand on a global platform. Brand association with teams helps creating brand recognition, awareness and
loyalty. Like Monish mentioned, Aircel telecommunication managed to create a footprint in the northern part of
India through their title sponsorship and strong association with the Chennai Super Kings team.
Both the interviewees believe that controversies and scandal have a short term impact on the brands
and their image in the market. Since, IPL is more of an entertainment form of cricketing tournament such
controversies and scandals indirectly help the brands to gather more publicity and news. Brand loyalty works in
IPL if the brands have a sustained relationship with their associated teams. It needs to be a two-way interactive
communication between the players and the brand to create exposure and awareness in the minds of the cricket
Aashish had a contradictory view compared to Monish regarding the factors of brand association with
IPL teams. According to Aashish, brands attribution is not a critical factor, but Monish believes that various
marketing factors like region, audience reach and team performance factors matters, these are few factors which
is taken into consideration by advertisers and brands before associating with any IPL team. Indian Premier
League provides a foundation for brands to place themselves in the market over the 2-3 month IPL window,
which ultimately requires a follow up in the long run for more cohesive market strategy. Apart from big and
established brands, upcoming new and local brands reap the short term benefits of IPL advertising by
positioning themselves in the market. Both the interviewees agree that advertising, marketing and promotional
strategies provide the IPL teams an opportunity to earn high revenues for their several investments. Sponsorship
and merchandising is critical part of promotional activity that needs to be better leveraged and cashed in, so that
it appeals all the fans. To have efficient consumer interaction and experience it is necessary for the brands to
facilitate and plan an effective communication strategy.
The Indian Premier League as a tournament has come a long way since its inception. The emergence of
the league has transformed the gentlemen’s game into a business proposition that has been embarked as one of
the top sports brands in the world. IPL has glorified the quintessence of the game as a branded commercial
offering with a strong business revenue model that offers high level of profitability and growth opportunities to
the various parties and stakeholders who are involved in the tournament. Sports has turned out to be a significant
contributory towards the economic and social sectors in the Indian economy. IPL’s business model provides a
huge economic output to the Indian economy. The last few editions of the league have consistently contributed
around Rs 14/15 billion to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The IPL being the second highest
paying league in the world, 4 million USD is the average yearly salary of a player in the tournament. A 58 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
successful combination of sports and entertainment has created a new niche in the business market termed as
sports entertainment.
Based on the above research study, the researcher draws the following conclusion by taking various
parameters into consideration by conducting content analysis of official team kit apparels and team jerseys. It
helps us draw towards positive conclusions about the role of product placement and branding in the IPL
tournament. The tournament has seen a shift from multinational companies like Nike, Adidas, Reebok
sponsoring to growth of national brands as official kit suppliers in form of Shiv Naresh, Spartan, Seven.
Similarly, every team jersey has huge potential for prospective advertisers to promote their brand through means
of product placement.
The league has managed to maintain its dominance in the marketing and advertising strategic arena for
all the brands that are associated with it from a wide range of spectrum. The league directly and indirectly does
promote and support the Indian economy on various counts, some of the key benefits of the league include
providing employment generation across various sectors, growth and development of tourism, support base to
tier II cities in the country by providing exposure and opportunities of cricket participation and recognition on a
global platform.
Product placement does plays a major role in creating brand awareness, loyalty and recognition through
the means of regular advertising. Advertising and marketing of helps in creating a business oriented and revenue
driven platform for various brands through premier sports tournaments like the Indian Premier League (IPL).
Product Placement has turned out to be a vital component for advertisers for consistent communication and
awareness of their products through the means of brand IPL. The reachability and viewership numbers of the
tournament has helped advertisers spend huge sums as expenditure for global connect and brand building
benefits through the league. The spectators supporting their respective teams or players as symbolic fans has
helped in the growth of sports sponsorship and brand promotion which overall leads to an experience based
positive affective attitude and viewer response. The growing brand value of IPL has its derivation from a wide
variety of sources keeping in mind the audience vernacular tastes, cricketing gyaan and the Bollywood, celebrity
quotient. Great sporting events and tournaments are built through hardcore fan following, successful team
performances, the ability of the players to deliver on crucial stages and most importantly the association of these
tournaments with large brands and companies through partnership and sponsorship mediums. The brand and
franchise teams are interdependent on each other for extracting the benefits of brand potential. The team’s on
and off field performance helps in not only gaining key game points, but also attracts popular brand deals and
associations. In Indian Premier League, main sponsors (lead spots on the team jersey) are prized at 100 percent
more premium as compared to other co-sponsors.
Based on the researcher’s analysis, it is assessed that on average, franchises spend around 20% to 30%
of their revenues towards marketing, advertising and team promotional activities during the two-month long
tournament. Popular teams like the Royal Challengers Bangalore, Kolkata Knight Riders, Mumbai Indians
invest a significant portion of their revenue as a part of brand building exercise. These teams have managed to
garner tremendous support and confidence of their sponsors and partners which ultimately has helped them
attract a huge team support and fan base. The tournament has become a distinct brand in itself by means of
celebrity ownership, high money spends, licensing, partnership and sponsorship, fan zone, blog spot and other
miscellaneous forms of associations lead to a brand by itself. Various sporting activities during the Indian
Premier League tournament like the fan park event, television advertisements, merchandising, in-stadium
promotional freebies undertaken by the team franchise has helped in acquiring exposure and support which
ultimately has transformed into brand benefits and huge revenue gains for both, the franchise and the brand
Celebrity ownership, presence of marquee players in a team has helped the franchises and brand IPL to
gain massive popularity and positive brand equity stakes. Teams like Kolkata Knight Riders, Delhi Daredevils,
Mumbai Indians, Royal Challengers Bangalore have a higher support base because of their geographical
advantage and huge population base as compared to other smaller teams in the league. The mega brand IPL can
be experienced through fields of branding, marketing and service experiences which engages the audience in
several ways to perform, interact and actively engage in concepts of brand experience and coordination.
Through the league, the audience experience the games live and close up in the stadium by immersion or at from
a great distance via the means of television by absorption technique. The fruitfulness of the viewing experience
leads to creation of the IPL has an experiential brand.
The immersion of the fan through close and active experience and more intense driven stimulation of
the senses helps the teams to create an aesthetic appeal in form of attractive and colorful team jersey and
apparel, merchandising and other forms of promotional means. IPL has turned out to be a great form of escapist
for the viewers. Cricket in the form of t20 format and especially the IPL provides the viewers a means to escape
from his daily mundane life and problems. The pleasure of watching cricket cum entertainment helps him to
overcome stress and gain happiness. Every popular brand has certain unique proposition attached to it which 59 | Page
The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship
helps it to distinguish from the rest. The Indian Premier League has its own set of distinctiveness, mass sports
fan base following and family oriented viewership. Especially the women segment has gained enormous interest
in the t20 format of cricket through the Indian Premier League.
The merchandising and promotional branding has a huge future and profitable industry in relation the
IPL. The various forms of merchandising and innovative promotional techniques for audience connect and
engagement has contributed towards the power of IPL branding. Indian Premier League has managed to gain a
large amount of success over the last decade since its inception through the means of audience popularity, high
viewership numbers, expensive team sponsorship deals, increased ad points. Irrespective of the several
controversies that have surrounded the tournament, it has still managed to retain interest and presence in the
eyes of the viewers.
The successful revenue model of IPL is not only helping the BCCI to earn large sum of money, but
also generating economic dividends to the Indian economy in form of brand advertisements and sponsorship
promotions. Although, high costs are involved for various parties and stakeholders in the tournament, but still
the revenue model of IPL is slowly moving towards sustainability through audience attraction and positive
future viability prospects. Several brands like Aircel, Vodafone, Citibank, Kingfisher and many more have used
the IPL bandwagon to their optimum advantage. These brands have not just spent huge sum of money as
advertising and promotional expenditure, but they have also managed to position their brands in the market.
Aircel has now become a known telecommunications network on Pan-India level, post its title sponsorship with
the Chennai Super Kings team. The Vodafone Zoo-zoos campaign became a major creative success in its initial
years and now over the past few editions of the tournament it has become a major highlight.
Similarly, the likes of Kingfisher and Citibank have also managed to create the brand presence through
regular advertising and product placement initiatives during the Indian Premier League t20 season. Although the
tournament has been consistently associated with number of controversies and spot fixing scandals, but these
issues seem to have a short term impact on the brand advertisers. Previously, DLF and Pepsi did terminate their
title sponsorship contracts, but such a drastic step was only taken after jurisdiction verdicts were passed by the
Supreme Court. Indian Premier League as a tournament offers an upright grip to advertisers for a brief two-
month period in order promote and market their brand. Since, the target audience is already segmented into
cricket fans it becomes easy for the advertisers to brand their campaign in a creative manner in order to grab
attention about their brand on a global platform. Brand association with teams helps creating brand recognition,
awareness and loyalty. The marketer works hard for its brand in order to gain and retain the positive customer
attainment. One of the rare features of the IPL tournament is its sustainability and diversity opportunities that it
offers the brands as an advertising and marketing platform. Product Placement has played a major role in
creating the Indian Premier League as a brand.
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