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ABB Schalt-Und Steuerungstechnik: Hardware Intelligent Decentralized Automation System

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Hardware Advant Controller 31

Intelligent Decentralized
Automation System

Basic Unit
Juli 2000 07 KT 98 R0160



07 KT 98

Advant Controller 31
Basic Unit



ABB Schalt-
und Steuerungstechnik
2.2 Basic Unit 07 KT 98 R0160
Basic unit with max. 1 MB user program
+ 1 MB user data + 256 kB RETAIN, CS31 system bus
The basic unit 07 KT 98 R160 is equipped with an ARCNET interface.



07 KT 98

Advant Controller 31
Basic Unit


Fig. 2.2-1: Basic unit 07 KT 98 R0160

Contents 2.2.5 SmartMedia Card ..................... page 2.2-23

2.2.1 Brief description ........................ page 2.2-4 2.2.6 High-speed counter ................................ 24 Main features ............................................. 4 2.2.7 Technical data 07 KT 97 R0100 .............. 25 Project planning / Start-up .......................... 4 General data ............................................. 25
2.2.2 Front view ................................................. 5 Power supply ............................................ 25 Lithium battery .......................................... 26
2.2.3 Structure of the front panel ..................... 6 Digital inputs ............................................. 26 Terminal assignment overview ................... 7 Digital outputs ........................................... 26 Digital inputs/outputs ................................ 27
2.2.4 Electrical connection ............................... 8 Analog inputs ............................................ 27 Application example for Analog outputs ......................................... 28
input and output wiring ............................... 8 Connection of the serial inter- Connection of the supply voltage ................ 9
faces COM1 and COM2 ........................... 29 Connection of the CS31 system bus .......... 9 Connection of the CS31 system bus ........ 29 Connection of the digital inputs ................. 10 LED displays ............................................ 29 Connection of the digital outputs ............... 11 High-speed hardware counter .................. 29 Connection of the digital inputs/outputs .... 12 Mechanical data ....................................... 30 Connection of the 8 configurable Mounting hints .......................................... 30
analog inputs ............................................ 13 Ordering data ........................................... 31 Connection of the 4 configurable
analog outputs .......................................... 20 2.2.11 ARCNET .................................................. 33 Battery and battery replacement ............... 21 Serial interface COM1 .............................. 21 Serial interface COM2 .............................. 22 Networking interface ................................. 22

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-1 07 KT 98 R0160 / Contents

Functionality of the basic unit 07 KT 98 R0160
User program 1 MB
User data 1 MB + 256 kB RETAIN + 128 kB (Flash EPROM)
Digital inputs 24 in 3 groups of 8 each, electrically isolated
Digital outputs 16 transistor outputs in 2 groups of 8 each, electrically isolated
Digital inputs/outputs 8 in 1 group, electrically isolated
Analog inputs 8 in 1 group, individually configurable to 0...10 V, 0...5 V, +10 V, +5 V, 0...20 mA,
4...20 mA, Pt100 (2-wire or 3-wire), differential inputs, digital inputs
Analog outputs 4 in 1 group, individually configurable to 0...10 V, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA
Serial interfaces COM1, COM 2 as MODBUS interfaces, for programming and test functions and
as freely programmable interfaces
Parallel interfaces for
connection of couplers 07 KP 90 (RCOM), 07 KP 93 (2 x MODBUS), 07 MK 92 (freely programmable)
System bus interface CS31
Integrated couplers ARCNET
High-speed counter integrated, many functions configurable
Real-time clock integrated
SmartMedia Card memory medium for operating system, user program and user data
LED displays for signal conditions, operating statuses and error messages
Power supply voltage 24 V DC
Data backup with lithium battery 07 LE 90
Programming software 907 AC 1131 as of V 4.1

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Contents 2.2-2 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000


Basic unit 07 KT 98
Digital inputs 24
Digital outputs 16
Digital inputs/outputs 8
Analog inputs 8
Pt100 yes
Analog outputs 4
20 mA yes
Analog inputs are also
configurable as
digital inputs yes
Terminals 20 E 63,08
to to
27 E 63,15
ARCNET interface yes
Profibus-DP interface no
Order number GJR5
2531 00

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-3 07 KT 98 R0160 / Contents

2.2.1 Brief description · Integrated Flash EPROM for storing program and data

The basic unit 07 KT 98 works either as · Exchangeable SmartMedia Card 07 MC 90 for user
data or for updating the operating system or PLC pro-
· bus master in the decentralized automation system gram
Advant Controller 31 or as Project planning / start-up
· slave (remote processor) in the decentralized automa-
tion system Advant Controller 31 or as The following has to be observed for project planning and
· stand-alone basic unit.
· Programming
The basic unit is powered by 24 V DC. is performed with AC31 programming software, which
can be run on commercially available IBM compatible Main features
PCs (see documentation of the programming system
· 24 digital inputs with LED displays 907 AC 1131).
· 16 digital transistor outputs with LED displays · Online program modification
A quick modification of the user program is possible
· 8 digital inputs/outputs with LED displays
without interrupting the operation (see programming
· 8 individually configurable analog inputs 0...10 V, system 907 AC 1131).
0...5 V, ±10 V, ±5 V, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, differential
· Possible operating modes
inputs, Pt100 (2-wire or 3-wire), the analog inputs are
– Stand-alone basic unit
also individually configurable as digital inputs
– Bus master basic unit
· 4 individually configurable analog outputs ±10 V, – Slave basic unit
0...20 mA, 4...20 mA
· Backup of data areas,
· 2 counters for counting frequencies up to 50 kHz, con- i.e. saving of data during power OFF/ON, is possible
figurable in 7 different operating modes with an integrated battery and/or

· 1 CS31 system bus interface for system expansion by storing them in the Flash EPROM.

· 1 interface for connecting communication modules

(e.g. 07 KP 90)
· 2 serial interfaces COM1, COM2
– as MODBUS interfaces and
– for programming and test functions
– as freely programmable interfaces
· Real-time clock
· LEDs for displaying operating conditions and error
· Detachable screw-type terminal blocks
· Fastening by screws or by snapping the device onto a
DIN rail
· The lithium battery 07 LE 90 can be put into the
battery compartment in order to
– store and backup data which is additionally
contained in the RAM, e.g. the status of
flags (RETAIN)
– backup the time and date (real-time clock)
· RUN/STOP switch for starting and aborting the pro-
gram execution
· Extensive diagnosis functions
– self-diagnosis of the basic unit
– diagnosis of the CS31 system bus and the
connected modules

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Brief description 2.2-4 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Front view



Use of incor-
cect battery 07 KT 98
may cause

fire or ex- Advant Controller 31

plosion! Basic Unit

Replace bat- COM1

tery during
power on.
07 KT 98 R0160 / Front view

Nur Original-


Fig. 2.2-2: Front view 07 KT 98 R160

2.2.3 Structure of the front panel

2 6 7 9 17 23 2


8 20 19

07 KT 98
Advant Controller 31
22 21
Basic Unit COM2

18 15
11 13

2 3 4 5 10 12 14 2

Fig. 2.2-3: Basic unit 07 KT 98 R0160 with reference points

(1) Fastening the device on DIN rail (17) Connection for CS31 system bus
(2) Fastening the device by screws (18) Cover of the interface for the connection of com-
munication modules (may only be removed for
(3) Faston earthing terminal 6.3 mm connecting communication modules)
(4) ARCNET interface (BNC connector) (19) Switch for RUN/STOP operation:
(5) Supply voltage connection 24 V DC With the RUN/STOP switch the execution of the
user program is started or stopped.
(6) Battery compartment
(20) LED displays for CS31 system bus
(7) 24 digital inputs in 3 groups BA LED green Bus active
(8) 24 green LEDs for the digital inputs BE LED red Bus error
RE LED red Remote unit error
(9) 8 individually configurable analog inputs in SE LED red Serial unit error
one group 0...10 V, 0...5 V, ±10 V, ±5 V,
0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, Pt100 (2-wire or 3-wire), (21) LED displays for RUN and error class
differential inputs, the analog inputs are RUN LED green User progr. is running
also individually configurable as digital inputs FK1 LED red Fatal error
FK2 LED red Serious error
(10) 16 digital transistor outputs in two groups FK3 LED red Light error
(11) 16 yellow LEDs for the digital outputs (22) Other LED displays
Over- LED red Overload/short-circuit
(12) 8 digital inputs/outputs in one group
load at an output
(13) 8 yellow LEDs for the digital inputs/outputs Supply LED green Supply voltage
(14) 4 individually configurable analog outputs Battery LED red Batt. not effective
±10 V, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA in one group
(23) Insertable SmartMedia Card 07 MC 90 for
(15) Serial interface COM1 (programming, MMC) operating system, user program and user data
(16) Serial interface COM2 (programming, MMC)

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Front view 2.2-6 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Terminal assignment overview

8 analog inputs 0...10 V, 0...5 V,

8 digital 8 digital 8 digital ±10 V, ±5 V, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA,
inputs inputs inputs Pt100, with reference potential AGND1
with reference with reference with reference

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07
potential ZP0 potential ZP1 potential ZP2

electrically electrically electrically
isolated isolated isolated
also individually config- inter-
urable as digital inputs face

E 62,00
E 62,01
E 62,02
E 62,03
E 62,04
E 62,05
E 62,06
E 62,07

E 62,08
E 62,09
E 62,10

E 62,12
E 62,13
E 62,14
E 62,15

E 63,08
E 63,09
E 63,10

E 63,12
E 63,13
E 63,14
E 63,15

E 64,00
E 64,01
E 64,02
E 64,03
E 64,04
E 64,05
E 64,06
E 64,07
E 62,11

E 63,11



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39



CPU board

07 KT 98

to connect L+ M PE inter-
to the face
switch-gear COM1


40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79






A 62,00
A 62,01
A 62,02
A 62,03
A 62,04
A 62,05
A 62,06
A 62,07

A 62,08
A 62,09
A 62,10
A 62,11
A 62,12
A 62,13
A 62,14
A 62,15

E / A 63,00
E / A 63,01
E / A 63,02
E / A 63,03
E / A 63,04
E / A 63,05
E / A 63,06
E / A 63,07

AW 6,00
AW 6,01
AW 6,02
AW 6,03
+24 V
+24 V

Supply 8 digital transistor 8 digital transistor 8 digital transistor 4 analog

voltage outputs with ref- outputs with ref- outputs with ref- outputs
24 V DC erence potential ZP3 erence potential ZP4 erence potential ZP5 ±10 V
and supply voltage UP3 and supply voltage UP4 and supply voltage UP5 0...20 mA
electrically isolated electrically isolated electrically isolated 4...20 mA

Fig. 2.2-4: Basic unit 07 KT 98, terminal assignment,

overview of electrical isolations and connections inside the unit

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-7 07 KT 98 R0160 / Front view

2.2.4 Electrical connection
The following illustration shows an application example in Application example for input and output which different possibilities for wiring inputs and outputs
wiring are used.

Analog Ground

Analog input



07 KT 98

Advant Controller 31
Basic Unit


+ Analog output,
channel 06,00
Analog Ground
24 V DC
Loads for 24 V DC
(valves, lamps etc.)

Switch-gear cabinet

Switch-gear cabinet
Switch-gear cabinet
mains socket

Fig. 2.2-5: Application example: Basic unit 07 KT 98 in the switch-gear cabinet

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-8 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Please observe in particular: Please take also into consideration that supply voltages
· The earthing measures
which are looped through are disconnected for the follow-
ing devices when the plug is withdrawn.
· The handling of the electrically isolated input groups If higher currents are to be conducted without interruption
· The handling of the electrically isolated output groups possibility, the two wires for M have to be connected un-
der the same terminal. The same applies for L+.
· The connection of shielded analog cables
· The earthing of the switch-gear cabinet mains socket Connection for the CS31 system bus Connection of the supply voltage

The 24 V DC supply voltage is connected via a 5-pole 37 38 39 Terminal assignment:
detachable screw-type terminal block.
Attention: Plug and unplug terminal block only with 38 BUS2
power is off! 39 BUS1

Fig. 2.2-7: Assignment of the CS31
system bus interface

The connection to the CS31 system bus is made by means

of a 3-pole detachable terminal block. Please observe:
40 41 42 43 44
· All of the AC31 devices, no matter whether they are
master or slave devices, are connected with twisted-
Terminal assignment:
pair bus line as follows:
40 L+ Supply voltage +24 V DC
– One core of the bus line is looped through via the
41 L+ Supply voltage +24 V DC
BUS1 terminals of all devices to be connected to
42 M Reference potential (0V)
the CS31 system bus.
43 M Reference potential (0V)
44 PE Protective Earth terminal, – The other core of the bus line is looped through via
connected with the Faston the BUS2 terminals of all devices to be connected
terminal inside the device. to the CS31 system bus.
Do not cause earth loops!
Connect PE and Faston to the · If the basic unit 07 KT 98 is located at the beginning or
same earthing potential! at the end of the bus line, the bus terminating resistor
(120 W) has to be connected additionally between the
BUS1 and BUS2 terminals.
Fig. 2.2-6: Assignment of the terminal block for · The shield of the twisted-pair bus line is looped through
the 24 V DC-IN supply voltage via the SHIELD terminals of all the devices to be con-
nected to the CS31 system bus.

The terminals 40 and 41 (L+) as well as 42 and 43 (M) are

· The handling of the CS31 system bus is described in
detail in volume 2, System data.
connected to each other via the printed circuit board. If
the power supply is looped through, these two connec-
tions must not be burdened with currents higher than 4 A.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-9 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection

2 Connection of the digital inputs
The following figure shows the assignment of the 24 digital inputs.

Green LEDs




Reference potentials ZP0, ZP1 and ZP2

Fig. 2.2-8: Assignment of the 24 digital inputs

– The 24 digital inputs are arranged in three groups of – The inputs use 24V signals in positive logic
8 inputs each. (1 = +24 V).
– The three groups E 62,00...E 62,07, E 62,08...E 62,15 – The signal delay of the inputs is configurable to 7 ms
and E 63,08...E 63,15 are electrically isolated from each (default) or 1 ms (see "System technology").

– The circuit configuration of the first group of the digital inputs is shown as an example in the following.

Digital input Terminal No.

E 62,07 09

E 62,06 08

E 62,05 07
E 62,00 02

ZP0 01


Fig. 2.2-9: Circuit configuration of the first group of the digital inputs as an example

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-10 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Connection of the digital outputs
The following figure shows the assignment of the 16 digital outputs.

Supply voltages UP3 and UP4

Reference potentials ZP3 and ZP4




Yellow LEDs

Fig. 2.2-10: Assignment of the 16 digital outputs

Features of the digital outputs: – The outputs are automatically switched off in case of
overload or short-circuit.
– The 16 digital outputs are arranged in two groups of
8 outputs each. – An overall error message indicates whether a short-
circuit or an overload has occurred on a output group.
– The two groups are electrically isolated from each other.
– The overload is displayed by the red LED Ovl. and via
– The outputs can be loaded with a rated current of error flags in the PLC.
500 mA.
– The red LED Ovl. goes out when the overloaded out-
– Each group as a whole is electrically isolated from the put is switched on again automatically.
rest of the device.
– The outputs are safe against reverse polarity and
– The outputs employ semiconductors and are short- forced supply of 24 V DC.
circuit and overload-proof.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-11 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection

Circuit configuration of the digital outputs
The following figure shows the circuit configuration of the digital outputs of the first group as an example.

54 UP3
53 Digital output A 62,07

52 Digital output A 62,06


46 Digital output A 62,00

45 ZP3

for demagnetization when inductive

loads are switched off

Fig. 2.2-11: Circuit configuration of the transistor outputs of the first group as an example Connection of the digital inputs/outputs

The following figure shows the assignment of the 8 digital inputs/outputs.

Reference potential ZP5

Supply voltage UP5

Identifiers E 63,00...E 63,07 for the inputs

Identifiers A 63,00...A 63,07 for the outputs

Yellow LEDs

Fig. 2.2-12: Assignment of the 8 digital inputs/outputs

Features of the digital inputs/outputs:

– The 8 digital inputs/outputs are arranged in one group. – If the terminals are used as digital outputs, the output
signals "1" are individually monitored by the re-read-
– The group as a whole is electrically isolated from the able input. If the output status is wrong, an overall er-
rest of the device. ror message is generated for the involved output group.
– The inputs/outputs can be used individually as input, The error is displayed by the red LED Ovl. and by error
output or re-readable output. flags of the PLC then. The error could have been
caused by overload, short-circuit or missing supply
– If the terminals are used as digital inputs, the input voltage UP5/ZP5. The technical specifications of the
signal delay can be configured to 7 ms (default) or outputs are the same as with the other digital outputs.
to 1 ms (see "System technology").

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-12 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Circuit configuration of the digital inputs/outputs
The following figure shows one of the 8 inputs/outputs of the group as an example.

74 UP5 (+24 V)

66 Digital input/output E 63,00 / A 63,00

65 ZP5 (0 V)

for demagnetization when inductive
loads are switched off

Fig. 2.2-13: Circuit configuration of a digital input/output of the group of 8

– The technical specifications of the inputs are the same If all of the 8 channels of the group are used as in-
with the other digital inputs, but with the following puts, and if in addition the UP5 terminal is left uncon-
exception: nected, no restrictions exist for the inputs. The input
signal voltages then may be within -30 V and +30 V.
Caused by the direct electrical connection with the
output, the varistor for demagnetization of inductive There is no restriction for the input/output group con-
loads (see figure above) is also in effect at the input. cerning its safety against reversed polarity.
Therefore, the voltage difference between UP5 and
the input signal must not be greater than the limit volt-
age of the varistor.
The limit voltage of the varistor is ca. 36 V. This means,
that if UP5 = 24 V, the input signal voltage must be
between -12 V and +30 V. If UP5 = 30 V, the input
voltage has to be within -6 V and +30 V. Connection of the 8 configurable analog inputs

The following figure shows the assignment of the 8 analog inputs.

Reference potential AGND1


Identifiers EW 6,00...EW 6,07 if used as analog inputs

Identifiers E 64,00...E 64,07 if used as digital inputs KT98_24.EPS

Fig. 2.2-14: Assignment of the 8 analog inputs

Features of the analog inputs: – The analog inputs can be used individually in a lot of
different operating modes (even as digital inputs).
– The 8 analog inputs are not electrically isolated. The operationg modes are configurable.
– Resolution in the PLC system: The measured values – In order to make sure, that unused input channels have
are converted with a resolution of 12 bits, i.e. 11 bits a defined 0V level, they may be shorted to AGND.
plus sign for voltage and 12 bits without sign for cur-
rents. The ranges 0...5 V and ±5 V are converted with In the following, some application examples are shown
10 bits plus sign. for analog sensors.
– Analog signals are conducted in shielded cables (see
Fig. 2.2-5).

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-13 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection

Measuring ranges ±10 V / ±5 V / 0...10 V / 0...5 V
Input voltages which exceed the measuring range cause

an overflow error message. If the measured value is be-
low the range, an underflow error message is generated.

The input impedance is > 100 kW.

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
power supply

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07


Fig. 2.2-16: Connection of voltage sensors




28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07

signal cable
(+24 V)
(+24 V)

07 KT 98
(0 V)
(0 V)

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
40 41 42 43 44
EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07
(+24 V)
(+24 V)

L+ 07 KT 98
(0 V)
(0 V)



40 41 42 43 44

Fig. 2.2-15: Voltage input with sensors in 4-wire

configuration and external power supply


Fig. 2.2-17: Voltage input with sensors in 3-wire

configuration and external power supply

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-14 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Measuring range 4...20 mA
(passive-type 2-pole sensors)
Input currents which exceed the measuring range cause

an overflow error message. If the measured value is be- Sensors
low the range, an underflow error message is generated. 4...20 mA

The input impedance is ca. 330 W. The current input has
a self-protecting mechanism. If the input current gets too
high, the shunt is switched off and the value for range
overflow is generated. About every second, the unit tries
to switch on the shunt again. In this way the correct mea- 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
surement will succeed after the current has reached a

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07
normal value again.
The trigger of the self-protecting mechanism is displayed
by the red LED Ovl. as long as the overload is present. In
the PLC system an error message is then stored (FK4,

(+24 V)
(+24 V)
error number 4). 07 KT 98

(0 V)
(0 V)
The open-circuit monitoring begins below ca. 3 mA. The
value of the range underflow is stored. If the open-circuit

monitoring is configured, the open-circuit event is dis-
played by the red LED Ovl. as long as it is present. In the 40 41 42 43 44
PLC system an error message is stored (FK4, error num-
ber 9).
The following figure shows the connection of 2-pole pas-
sive-type analog sensors 4...20 mA. 24 V DC


If the analog current sensors 4...20 mA are powered

from a separate power supply unit, the reference
potentials 0V (of the separate power supply unit and
the power supply unit for the 07 KT 98) must be in-
terconnected to each other.
In the above example, the AGND terminal remains

Fig. 2.2-18: Example for the connection of current

sensors 4...20 mA at the analog inputs

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-15 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection

Measuring range 0...20 mA
(active-type sensors with external supply voltage)
Sensors 0...20 mA
Input currents which exceed the measuring range cause
an overflow error message. If the measured value is be-
low the range, an underflow error message is generated.
The input impedance is ca. 330 W. The current input has + Sensor

a self-protecting mechanism. If the input current gets too

– voltage
high, the shunt is switched off and the value for range
overflow is generated. About every second, the unit tries
to switch on the shunt again. In this way the correct mea-
surement will succeed after the current has reached a
normal value again.
The trigger of the self-protecting mechanism is displayed 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
by the red LED Ovl as long as the overload is present. In

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07
the PLC system an error message is then stored (FK4,
error number 4).
The following figure shows the connection of a 3-wire sen-
sor powered by 24 V DC and of a 2-pole sensor powered
electrically isolated. Both sensors work as active current

(+24 V)
(+24 V)
07 KT 98
sources 0...20 mA.

(0 V)
(0 V)
It has to be taken into consideration, that in this ap-

plication the M terminal of the basic unit is the refer-

ence potential. AGND1 is not dimensioned for carry- 40 41 42 43 44
ing the sum of the sensor currents.

24 V


Fig. 2.2-19: Example for the connection of

current sensors 0...20 mA at the
analog inputs

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-16 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Measuring ranges ±10 V / ±5 V / 0...10 V / 0...5 V
as differential inputs
Remote analog sensor,
Differential inputs are very useful, if analog sensors are machine 1
used which are remotely non-isolated (e.g. the minus ter-
– +
minal is remotely earthed).
Since the earthing potential is not exactly the same as
AGND1, it has to be measured bipolar in order to com- Remote analog
pensate measuring errors. Additionally, in case of single- Remotely sensor,
pole configuration, AGND1 would be connected directly earthed machine 2
to the remote earth potential. This would cause inadmiss- sensor – +

able (and possibly dangerous) earthing loops.

In all configurations using differential inputs two adja-
cent analog inputs belong together (e.g. EW 6,00 and Remotely
EW 6,01). earthed
The measured value is calculated by subtraction. The
value of the channel with the lower address is subtracted
from the value of the channel with the higher address.
The converted measured value is available on the odd
address (e.g. EW 6,01). – + – +

The common mode input voltage range equals the mea-
suring range of the single channel. I.e. that the signals, 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
related to AGND, at the two involved inputs must not ex-

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07
ceed this measuring range.
Input voltages which exceed the measuring range cause
an overflow error message. If the measured value is be-
low the range, an underflow error message is generated. (+24 V)
(+24 V) 07 KT 98
(0 V)
(0 V)

40 41 42 43 44

24 V DC
L+ KT98_30.EPS


Fig. 2.2-20: Connection of voltage sensors

as differential inputs

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-17 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection

Measuring ranges -50°C...+400°C and -50°C...+70°C Measuring ranges -50°C...+400°C and -50°C...+70°C
with Pt100 as temperature sensor in 2-wire configu- with Pt100 as temperature sensor in 3-wire configu-
ration ration
When resistance thermometers are used, a constant cur- The following figure shows the connection of Pt100 resis-
rent must flow through the measuring resistor in order to tance thermometers in 3-wire configuration.
create the necessary voltage drop for the evaluation. For
this purpose, the basic unit 07 KT 98 provides a constant
current sink, which is multiplexed to the 8 analog chan-
The following figure shows the connection of Pt100 resis- Pt100
tance thermometers in 2-wire configuration.


28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

If the
EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07

Fig. 2.2-21: Connection of Pt100 temperature together,
sensors in 2-wire configuration only one
core is
needed as
the return
Depending on the configured operating mode, the mea- wire
sured value is assigned linearly as follows: AGND1. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07

Range assigned numerical value range

-50 C...400°C -1022...+8190 (FC02H...1FFEH)
-50 C...70°C -1022...+1433 (FC02H...0599H)
The basic unit linearizes the Pt100 characteristic. Fig. 2.2-22: Connection of Pt100 temperature
Temperatures which exceed the measuring range cause sensors in 3-wire configuration
an overflow error message. If the measured value is be-
low the range, an underflow error message is generated.
A detected open-circuit causes an overflow error mes- In the operating mode "Pt100 in 3-wire configuration"
sage. If the sensor is short-circuited, an underflow error two adjacent analog inputs belong together (e.g. EW 6,00
message is generated. and EW 6,01).

If the open-circuit or short-circuit monitoring is configured, For configuration, both inputs must be configured to the
the detected error is displayed by the red LED Ovl as long desired operating mode.
as it is present. In the PLC system an error message is
The constant current of the one channel flows through
stored (FK4, error number 9).
the Pt100 resistance sensor, the constant current of the
In order to avoid error messages with unused analog in- other channel through one of the wires.
puts, it is useful, not to configure this channels for Pt100.
The basic unit calculates the measuring value from the
two voltage drops and stores it under the odd address
(e.g. EW 6,01).

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-18 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

In order to avoid measurement errors, it is absolutely nec- Use of analog inputs as digital inputs
essary, to lead the cores to the Pt100 sensors in the same
cable. The cores must have the same cross section. Per Several (or all) analog inputs can be configured as digital
channel, a twisted pair is used (for the two terminals of inputs. When doing so, they evaluate input voltages high-
er than ca. +7 V as signal 1. The input impedance in this
operating mode is about 4 kW. Terminal M is the refer-
the Pt100 sensors) plus a single core (half of a twisted
pair) for the connection to AGND1.
ence potential.
Depending on the configured operating mode, the mea-
sured value is assigned linearly as follows: The input signal delay is 7 ms. It cannot be configured.
The inputs are not electrically isolated.
Range assigned numerical value range
-50 C...400°C -1022...+8190 (FC02H...1FFEH)
-50 C...70°C -1022...+1433 (FC02H...0599H)

The basic unit linearizes the Pt100 characteristic.

Temperatures which exceed the measuring range cause
an overflow error message. If the measured value is be-
low the range, an underflow error message is generated.
A detected open-circuit causes an overflow error mes-
sage. If the sensor is short-circuited, an underflow error
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
message is generated.

EW 6,00
EW 6,01
EW 6,02
EW 6,03
EW 6,04
EW 6,05
EW 6,06
EW 6,07
If the open-circuit or short-circuit monitoring is configured,
the detected error is displayed by the red LED Ovl as long
as it is present. In the PLC system an error message is
stored (FK4, error number 9). M (0V)

In order to avoid error messages with unused analog in-

puts, it is useful, not to configure this channels for Pt100. Fig. 2.2-23: Use of analog inputs as
digital inputs

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-19 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection

2 Connection of the 4 configurable analog In the following, an application example for an analog re-
outputs ceiver is shown.
The following figure shows the assignment of the 4 con- Output ranges ±10 V / 0...20 mA / 4...20 mA
figurable analog outputs.
In case of voltage outputs the max. output current is
±3 mA. The output is short-circuit proof.
In case of current outputs, the range of permissible out-
put load resistors is 0...500 W. If in case of an error the
Reference potential AGND2
outputs are switched off, this means the following:

Identifiers AW 6,00...AW 6,03

Terminals Configuration ±10 V 0V
Configuration 0...20 mA 0 mA
Configuration 4...20 mA 0 mA.
Fig. 2.2-24: Assignment of the 4 analog outputs

Features of the analog outputs:
– The 4 analog outputs are not electrically isolated..
75 76 77 78 79
– Resolution in the control system:

All analog output values are converted with a resolu-
tion of 12 bits, i.e either 11 bits plus sign or 12 bits
without sign.
– Analog signals are conducted in shielded cables (see
Fig. 2.2-5).
– The analog outputs can be used individually in a lot of
different operating modes. The operating modes can
be configured with system constants. Fig. 2.2-25: Connection of output load resistors
– Unused output channels may be left unconnected. (for voltage or for current outputs)
at the analog outputs

Circuit configuration of an analog output

D 76 Analog output
75 AGND2 Analog Ground

Fig. 2.2-26: Circuit configuration of an analog output

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-20 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Battery and battery replacement Serial interface COM1
· The lithium battery 07 LE 90 can be inserted into the Interface standard: EIA RS-232
battery compartment in order to
Assignment of the serial interface COM1
– backup data of user program in RAM
The serial interface COM1 has the following pin assign-
– backup data of additionally in RAM contained ment:
information, e.g. flag statuses (RETAIN)
– backup of time and date
The battery lifetime is typ. 5 years at 25°C. The battery COM1
lifetime is the time during which the device remains oper-
able in order to backup data while the supply voltage of G
the basic unit is switched off. As long as there is a supply
1 6
voltage available, there is no more load on the battery
other than its own leakage current.


Lithium battery
module 07 LE 90

G Housing Protective Ground (Shield)

1 PGND Protective Ground (Shield)
2 TxD Transmit Data (Output)
Battery 3 RxD Receive Data (Input)
4 RTS Request To Send (Output)
5 CTS Clear To Send (Input)
6 PROG * (Input)
7 SGND Signal Ground (0V)
8 0V out (0V)
9 +5 V out reserved
Battery compart- Inserted battery

ment closed module (cover of * 1 = Active mode, Pin 6 open

the battery com- 0 = Passive mode, Pin 6 shorted to 0V out
partment is open).
Fig. 2.2-28: Assignment of the
Fig. 2.2-27: Battery and battery replacement serial interface COM1

The following handling notes have to be observed:

· Use only lithium batteries approved by ABB.
· Replace the battery by a new one at the end of its life.
· Never short-circuit the battery!
There is danger of overheating and explosion. Avoid
accidental short-circuits, therefore do not store batter-
ies in metallic containers or boxes and do not bring
them into contact with metallic surfaces.
· Never try to charge a battery!
Danger of overheating and explosion.
· Replace the battery only with the supply voltage
switched on!
Otherwise you risk data being lost.
· Dispose of battery environmentally consciously!
· If no battery is inserted or if the battery is exhausted,
the red LED "Battery" lights up.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-21 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection

2 Serial interface COM2
Interface standard: EIA RS-232 COM2

Assignment of the serial interface COM2 G

The serial interface COM2 has the following pin assign- 1
ment: 6

5 9

G Housing Protective Ground (Shield)

1 PGND Protective Ground (Shield)
2 TxD Transmit Data (Output)
3 RxD Receive Data (Input)
4 RTS Request To Send (Output)
5 CTS Clear To Send (Input)
6 NC
7 SGND Signal Ground (0V)
8 0V out (0V)
9 +5 V out reserved

Fig. 2.2-29: Assignment of the

serial interface COM2 Networking interface

The 07 KT 98 basic unit is equipped with a special paral- The additional communication processor has its own hous-
lel interface. It is thus possible to network it with another ing. Both housings (of the 07 KT 98 and of the communi-
bus system using an additional communication proces- cation processor) are assembled by means of a snap-on
sor module. connection.

07 KP 90 07 KT 98

Advant Controller 31 Advant Controller 31

RUN Comm. Processor RCOM Basic Unit


Connection element Notes: Devices may only be connected to or disconnected from

the network interface with all supply voltages switched
In order to assemble the two devices with each other,
they must put together on a level ground and then be
fastened using the connecting element.

Fig. 2.2-30: Mounting of 07 KT 98 with expansion (e.g. communication processor 07 KP 90)

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Electrical connection 2.2-22 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

2.2.5 SmartMedia Card Field of application

The SmartMedia Card serves for storing data up to 2 MB · Storing and loading of PLC programs
not being lost over an power OFF/ON cycle. It is used in · Storing and loading of user data
the 07 KT 98 basic unit. It is recommended only to use - there are 250 data segments with 128 blocks
ABB-proven SmartMedia Cards. each available (1 block = 32 words).
· Loading of firmware updates



07 KT 98

Fig. 2.2-31: Insertion of the SmartMedia Card Handling instructions

· The SmartMedia Card is inserted with the contact field
visible (see the figure obove).
· A SmartMedia Card, once initialized as user data mem-
ory, can no more be used as a user program card.
· The SmartMedia Card must be protected from
- mechanical stress (e.g. do not bend)
- electrostatic discharge
- contact pollution (do not touch the contacts) Access
· Access within the PLC program is possible with func-
tion blocks, see documentation of the programming

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-23 07 KT 98 R0160 / SmartMedia Card

2.2.6 High-speed counter
The high-speed counter used in the basic unit 07 KT 98
works independently of the user program and is therefore
able to response quickly to external signals. It can be used
in seven different and configurable operating modes.

The desired operating mode is set in a system constant

(see documentation part "System technology"). The con-
figured operating mode is only activated during initializa-
tion (power-on, cold start, warm start). For all operating
modes, the same function block COUNTW is used (see
programming software).
Independent of the selected operating mode, the follow-
ing features are valid:
· The pulses at the counter input or the evaluated sig-
nals at tracks A and B in case of connection of incre-
mental position sensors are counted.
· The maximum counting frequency is 50 kHz.
· The counter uses the terminals 2 (E 62,00) and 3
(E 62,01) as fast inputs and, in one operating mode,
also the output terminal 46 (A 62,00). In order to make
all binary inputs and outputs available for other pur-
poses than counting, it is possible, to disable the
07 KT 98’s counting function.
· The counter can count upwards in all operating mo-
des, in some modes it also can count dounwards. The
counting range is from –32768 to +32767 or from 8000H
to 7FFFH.

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / High-speed counter 2.2-24 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

2.2.7 Technical Data 07 KT 98
In general, the technical system data listed under ”System data and system configuration” in chapter 1 of volume 2 of
the Advant Controller 31 system description are valid. Additional data or data which are different from the system data
are listed as follows. General data
Number of digital inputs 24
Number of digital transistor outputs 16
Number of digital inputs/outputs 8
Number of analog inputs 8
Number of analog outputs 4
I/O expansion via CS31 system bus by up to 992 digital inputs
992 digital outputs
224 analog input channels
224 analog output channels
max. 31 remote modules altogether
Number of serial interfaces 2 (for programming or connection to man-machine
Number of parallel interfaces 1 special interface for connection of a communication
processor (for networking with other bus systems)
Integrated memory Flash EPROM 1 MB program + 128 kB user data
DRAM 1 MB program + 1 MB user data
Resolution of the integrated real-time clock 1 second
Data of the integrated high-speed hardware counter
Number of operating modes 7
Counting range -32768...+32767 (16 bits signed integer)
Counting frequency max. 50 kHz
Processing time, 65 % bits, 35 % words typ. 0.07 ms/kB program
Number of software timers any
delay time of the timers 1 ms...24.8 days
Number of up/down counter software blocks any
Number of bit flags in the addressable flag area 8192
Number of word flags " 8192
Number of double word flags " 1024
Number of step chains " 256
Number of constants KW " 1440
Number of constants KD " 384
Indication of operating statuses and errors 60 LEDs altogether
Wiring method removable screw-type terminal blocks
Power supply, CS31 system bus max. 1 x 2.5 mm2 or max. 2 x 1.5 mm2
(see also page 2.2-9)
all other terminals max. 1 x 1.5 mm2 Power supply

Rated supply voltage 24 V DC
Current consumption max. 0.55 A
Protection against reversed polarity yes

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-25 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data

2 Lithium battery
Battery for backup of RAM contents Battery module 07 LE 90
Lifetime at 25°C typ. 5 years Digital inputs

Number of channels per module 24
Distribution of channels into groups 3 groups of 8 channels each
Common reference potential
for group 1 (8 channels) ZP0 (channels 62,00...62,07)
for group 2 (8 channels) ZP1 (channels 62,08...62,15)
for group 3 (8 channels) ZP2 (channels 63,08...63,15)
Electrical isolation between the groups,
between groups and other circuitry
(see also Fig. 2.2–4)
Signal coupling of input signals with optocoupler
Configuration possibilities of the inputs
Input signal delay typ. 7 ms (configurable to 1 ms)
Channels E 62,00 and 62,01 configurable for the high-speed counter
Signalling of input statuses one green LED per channel,
the LEDs correspond functionally to the input signals
Input signal voltage
Signal 0 -30 V...+ 5 V
Signal 1 +13 V...+ 30 V
Input current per channel
Input voltage = +24 V typ. 7.0 mA
Input voltage = + 5 V > 0.2 mA
Input voltage = +13 V > 2.0 mA
Input voltage = +30 V < 9.0 mA
Max. cable length, unshielded 600 m
Max. cable length, shielded 1000 m Digital outputs

Number of channels per module 16 transistor outputs
Distribution of channels into groups 2 groups of 8 channels each
Common supply voltage
for group 1 UP3 (channels 62,00...62,07)
for group 2 UP4 (channels 62,08...62,15)
Electrical isolation between the groups,
between groups and other circuitry
(see also Fig. 2.2–4)
Signalling of output statuses one yellow LED per channel,
the LEDs correspond functionally to the output signals
Output current
Rated value 500 mA with UP3/4 = 24 V
Maximum value 625 mA with UP3/4 = 24 V + 25%
Leakage current with signal 0 < 0.5 mA
Demagnitization of inductive loads internally with a varistor
Switching frequency with inductive loads max. 0.5 Hz
Switching frequency with lamp loads max. 11 Hz with max. 5 W

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data 2.2-26 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Max. cable length 400 m (pay attention to voltage drops)
Short-circuit proof / overload proof yes
Protection of the outputs against reversed polarity yes
Forcing of 24 V DC at the outputs possible yes
Total load (via UP3 or UP4) max. 4 A Digital inputs/outputs

Number of channels per module 8 inputs/outputs
Distribution of channels into groups 1 group with 8 channels
Common reference potential ZP5 (channels E/A 63,00...E/A 63,07)
Common voltage supply UP5 (channels E/A 63,00...E/A 63,07)
Electrical isolation between the group and other circuitry (see Fig. 2.2-4)
Signal coupling of the input signals with optocoupler
Configuration possibilities of the inputs
Input signal delay, channels E 63,00...E 63,07 typ. 7 ms (configurable to 1 ms)
Signalling of input/output statuses one yellow LED per channel,
the LEDs correspond functionally to the I/O signals
Input signal voltage (if used as inputs) for details see Fig. 2.2-13 as well as the chapter
"Circuit configuration of the digital inputs/outputs"
Signal 0 -6 V...+ 5 V
Signal 1 +13 V...+ 30 V
Input current per channel see Digital inputs
Output current / switching frequency / inductive loads see Digital outputs
Max. cable length see Digital inputs/outputs Analog inputs

Number of channels per module 8
Distribution of channels into groups 1 group with 8 channels
Common reference potential
for group 1 (8 channels) AGND1 (channels 06,00...06,07)
Electrical isolation none (see also Fig. 2.2–4).
Max. permissible potential difference between
Terminal M (minus pole of the power supply voltage)
and terminal AGND (analog I/O minus pole) ±1V
Signalling of input statuses none
Configuration possibilities(each channel), see 0...10 V, 0...5 V, ±10 V, ±5 V (also with differential signal)
0...20 mA, 4...20 mA
Pt100 -50...+400°C and -50...+70°C
(2-wire and 3-wire configuration)
digital input
Input impedance per channel, voltage input > 100 kW
current input ca. 330 W
digital input ca. 4 kW

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-27 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data

The current input has a self-protecting mechanism. If the input current gets too high, the shunt is switched off and the
value for range overflow is generated. About every second, the unit tries to switch on the shunt again. In this way the
correct measurement will succeed after the current has reached a normal value again.
Time constant of the input filter 470 ms with voltage, 100 ms with current
Conversion cycle, 8 inputs without Pt100 typ. 8 ms
1 input Pt100 typ. 60 ms
8 inputs Pt100 typ. 480 ms
Resolution 12 bits without sign, 11 bits plus sign
Resolution range ±10 V ca. 5 mV
range 0...10 V ca. 5 mV
range 0...20 mA ca. 5 mA
range 4...20 mA ca. 4 mA
Relationship between input signal and hex code -100 %...0...+100 % = 8008H...0000H...7FF8H
(-32760...0...32760 decimal)
Conversion inaccuracy caused by non-linearity,
temperature sensitivity, ageing, adjustment error on
delivery and resolution typ. 0.5 %, max. 1 %
if analog input is configured as digital input ca. 7 V
Max. cable length,
2-core shielded and cross section ³ 0,5 mm2 100 m Analog outputs

Number of channels per module 4
Reference potential AGND2 (channels 06,00...06,03)
Electrical isolation none (see also Fig. 2.2–4).
Max. permissible potential difference between
Terminal M (minus pole of the power supply voltage)
and terminal AGND (analog I/O minus pole) ±1V
Signalling of output statuses none
Output signal ranges (configurable) -10 V...0...+10 V
0...20 mA
4...20 mA
Output load capability of the voltage outputs max. ±3 mA
Resolution 12 bits
Resolution (1 LSB), range –10 V...0...+10 V 5 mV
Relationship between output signal and hex code -100 %...0...+100 % = 8008H...0000H...7FF8H
(-32760...0...32760 decimal)
Conversion cycle for 4 outputs typ. 8 ms
Conversion inaccuracy caused by non-linearity,
temperature sensitivity, ageing, adjustment error on
delivery and resolution typ. 0.5 %, max. 1 %
Max. cable length,
2-core shielded and cross section ³ 0,5 mm2 100 m

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data 2.2-28 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Connection of serial interfaces COM1 and COM2
Interface standard EIA RS-232
Programming with 907 AC 1131 with IBM PC (or compatible)
Program modifications with 907 AC 1131 with IBM PC (or compatible)
Man-machine communication yes, e.g. with an operating station
Electrical isolation versus digital inputs and outputs,
versus CS31 system bus interface
(see also Fig. 2.2–4)
Potential differences In order to avoid potential differences between the
07 KT 98 basic unit and the peripheral devices con-
nected to the COM1/COM2 interfaces, these devices
are supplied from the switch-gear cabinet socket (see
also the earthing connections in Fig. 2.2-5).
Pin configuration and description
of the COM1/COM2 interfaces see chapters and Connection to the CS31 system bus

Interface standard EIA RS-485
Connection as a Master PLC yes, transmitting and receiving areas are configurable
as a Slave PLC yes, see ”System constants”
Setting of the CS31 module address yes, by system constant,
stored in Flash EPROM of the Slave PLC
Electrical isolation versus supply voltage, inputs and outputs,
versus interfaces COM1/COM2
(see also Fig. 2.2-4)
Terminal assignment and description
of the CS31 bus interface see chapter LED displays

LEDs for indication of:
– Statuses of digital inputs 1 green LED per channel
– Statuses of digital outputs 1 yellow LED per channel
– Statuses of digital inputs/outputs 1 yellow LED per channel
– Power supply on 1 green LED
– Battery 1 red LED
– Program is running (RUN) 1 green LED
– Error classes (FK1, FK2, FK3) 1 red LED per error class
– CS31 system bus is running (BA) 1 green LED
– bus-specific errors (BE, RE, SE) 3 red LEDs
– Overload/short-circuit of digital outputs 1 red LED High-speed hardware counter

Data of the integrated high-speed hardware counter:
Configurable in 7 operating modes
Counting range -32768...+32767 (16 bits)
Counting frequency max. 50 kHz
Used inputs E 62,00 and E 62,01
Used outputs A 62,00

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-29 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data

2 Mechanical data
Mounting on DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022–35, 15 mm deep.
The DIN rail is located in the middle between the upper
and the lower edge of the module.
Fastening by screws with 4 screws M4.
Width x height x depth 240 x 140 x 85 mm
Wiring method by removable terminal blocks with screw-type terminals
Power supply terminals, CS31 system bus max. 1 x 2.5 mm2 or max. 2 x 1.5 mm2
All other terminals max. 1 x 1.5 mm2
Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions for mounting see the following drawing

In order to be able to insert or remove the SmartMedia Card, 30 mm of free space is necessary beginning at
the right edge of the housing. The SmartMedia Card has a width of 45 mm and a height of 37 mm.

240 30




230 All dimensions in mm.

The device is 85 mm deep. The interface connectors COM1/COM2 are set deeper so that the mounting
depth required does not become any larger even with detachable interface cables. If, however, a DIN rail is
used, the mounting depth is increased by the overall depth of the rail.

The dimensions for assembly bore holes are printed in bold print. Mounting hints

Mounting position vertical, terminals above and below
Cooling The natural convection cooling must not be hindered by
cable ducts or other material mounted in the switch-
gear cabinet.

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data 2.2-30 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Ordering data
Basic unit 07 KT 98 R0160 (with ARCNET interface) Order No. GJR5 2531 00 R0160

Scope of delivery Basic unit 07 KT 98

1 5-pole terminal block (5.08 mm)
1 3-pole terminal block (5.08 mm)
3 10-pole terminal blocks (3.81 mm)
4 9-pole terminal blocks (3.81 mm)
1 5-pole terminal block (3.81 mm)

System cable 07 SK 90 Order No. GJR5 2502 00 R0001
System cable 07 SK 91 Order No. GJR5 2503 00 R0001
System cable 07 SK 92 Order No. GJR5 2504 00 R0001
Battery module 07 LE 90 Order No. GJR5 2507 00 R0001
SmartMedia Card 07 MC 90 Order No. GJR5 2526 00 R0101

Further literature
System description ABB Procontic CS31 English Order No. FPTN 4400 04 R2001
System description Advant Controller 31 English Order No. 1SAC 1316 99 R0201

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-31 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / Technical data 2.2-32 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000
2.2.11 Description of ARCNET Basic units with integrated ARCNET coupler
07 KT 97 R0160 Order No. GJR5 2531 00 R0160 Technical data

Connector X4 BNC
ARCNET interface for coaxial cable
Recommended system cable coaxial cable Type RG-62/U (char. impedance 93 W)
Cable length 305 m in case of ARCNET bus with 8 stations. For
further details see SMC TECHNICAL NOTE TN7-1.
Signalling green LED (BS) operating condition ”controller active”, i.e. the PLC
performs writing or reading operations
green LED (TX) operating condition ”transmit active”, i.e. the PLC
is sending on the ARCNET
Electrical isolation versus power supply voltage, inputs and outputs,
versus the interfaces COM1/COM2

Nur Original-
Batterien ON
verwenden. Node address 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Node address 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ARCNET BNC 2 LEDs for Address DIL

Connector ARCNET switch for the
operation ARCNET operation
Fig. 2.2-51: Setting of the ARCNET node number
Fig. 2.2-50: ARCNET BNC connection (station address) at the basic unit ARCNET short description

· The ARCNET coupler is integrated in the housing of · The ARCNET coupler interface is designed as a bus
the basic unit. The DIL switch for setting the ARCNET with BNC connector for coaxial cable. The ARCNET
address is accessible from the outside of the housing. bus is earthed inside the module via a capacitor. As an
The ARCNET coupler is powered by the internal 24 V EMC measure and for protection against dangerous
DC supply voltage. contact voltages, the bus has to be earthed directly at
a central place.
· For ARCNET coupling, several function blocks are
available. · Using the simplest configuration, called Linear ARC-
NET, a coaxial cable (RG-62, 93 W) is laid from station
to station and connected with T plugs at all stations. At
both ends of the cable, terminating resistors with 93 W
each have to be installed.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-33 07 KT 98 R0160 / ARCNET

2 The ARCNET system (Attached Resource Computer Network)

· ARCNET is a system for data transmission in local The networking configurations
· The ARCNET protocol is based on the Token Passing
· In the Linear ARCNET configuration, the stations are
connected to one another directly, i.e. without using
· By passing an identifier (token) from station to station any distribution units.
it is guaranteed, that only one station can start a data
· Each station is connected to the network by using a T
transmission (transmission without collisions).
· The order of sequence, in which the stations are ac-
· Both cable ends must be terminated by termination
cessed, is automatically adapted by the existing con-
ditions in the network, i.e. that the network is reconfig-
ured automatically each time a station is added to the · A maximum of 8 stations can be connected to one
network or switched off. Linear ARCNET.
· The maximum cable length of the network is 300 m.
· An additional segment can be connected at the end of
the wired segment via an Active Hub (active distribu-
tion unit), see next page.

Total length max. 300 m T connector Terminating resistor 93 W

Station 1 Station 2 Station 3

Fig. 2.2-52: Linear ARCNET

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / ARCNET 2.2-34 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

Linear ARCNET, expanded by active distribution
units (Active Hubs) Therefore, the entire network does not fail when one
· Active Hubs amplify the arriving signals. So they sta- of the connections fails.
bilize the network configuration and allow especially · The maximum length of the network is 6 km.
for high distances. The Active Hub decouples the sta-
tion connectors from one another. · A maximum of 255 stations can be used.
max. 600 m

Active Hub
T connector Terminating resistor 93 W
Total length max. 300 m

Station 1 Station 2
max. 600 m

Total length max. 300 m

Station 3 Station 4 Station 5

Active Hub
Total length max. 300 m

Station 6 Station 7 Station 8


Station 9 Station 10 Station 11

Fig. 2.2-53: Linear ARCNET, expanded by active distribution units (Active Hubs)

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000 Hardware 2.2-35 07 KT 98 R0160 / ARCNET

2 The features of the ARCNET system Maximum distances
· Data transmission rate 2.5 MBit/s · The maximum distance between two stations amounts
to 6 km.
· Coaxial cable of type RG62/U, 93 W
· The maximum distance between an Active Hub and
· Coaxial plugs, suitable for the coaxial cable
an ARCNET station or between two Active Hubs
· Maximum number of stations: 255 amounts to 600 m.
· The maximum distance between a Passive Hub and
an ARCNET station or between an Active Hub and a
Passive Hub is 30 m. A Passive Hub works like a re-
sistor network which carries out the cable termination
at the stations.
· The maximum distance within a Linear ARCNET con-
figuration is 300 m. A maximum of 8 stations can be

2 07 KT 98 R0160 / ARCNET 2.2-36 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 07.2000

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