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I. Objectives: Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

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The learner demonstrates understanding of
contemporary Philippine literature as a means of
*Content Standards: responding to the demands of global village;
various extended types; lexical and contextual
cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance,
and behaviour, and use of imperatives,
prepositions, verbs, and with questions.

The learner transfers learning for explaining the

need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s
*Performance Standards: global village; using appropriate strategies to
comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words
and expressions; using imperatives, positions, and
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and
behaviour in various information-sharing formats.

At the end of the 60 minute period, 75% of the

students are expected to:
*Learning Competencies
1. Distinguish between and among a capsule
or Objectives:
biography, biographical sketch and feature article.
EN7WC – IV- b-2.8.6

Quarter:___4__ Week: __2___ Day: 1-2 Date:_______

*Subject Matter: Distinguishing between and among Capsule
Biography, Biographical Sketch and Feature Article

*Integration of Related
Fields: Science: Featuring Latest Discoveries and Inventions

MAPEH: Cultural Heritage of Filipino Tribes

AraPan: Philippine National Heroes

*Strategy: GroupDiscussion, Group Reporting

III. Learning Resources

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

*References: 2. Learner’s Material

VI. Procedures
1. Prayer
*Preliminary Activities: 2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Mood Setting
5. Presentation of Objectives


Students guess who the following Filipino personalities are based on the given descriptions. Those
who answered correctly be given a reward.
----- -------
1. Was once a poor guy 2. He was poor and yet he values
Strove to develop his skill education
Got married at 16 He was 16 at Grade 3
Became the world’s highest paid boxer He dreamt to get out of poverty
The Filipino pride Became the PBB big winner
( MannyPacquiao) And now a millionaire
3. An ancient Filipino
Whose contribution to the Filipinos 4. A mother of four
Is still alive in the minds and hearts A simple housewife of a senator
Of his countrymen Led the People Power in 1986
He was a doctor, an artist, a novelist Became the first woman president
And a national hero of the Philippines
(Jose Rizal) (Cory Aquino)

Task 1:
Students are made to form themselves into three big groups where
each group be given a specific topic to discuss on. Each group therefore
choose a leader and a reporter for the reporting later.

Task 2: The reporter in each group will now take turn in presenting each of
their group output by defining and discussing the meaning of the following:
Group 1: Capsule Biography
Group 2: Biographical Sketch
Group 3: Feature Article

1. How does capsule biography differ from biographical sketch and feature article?
2. What are the distinguishing characteristics or attributes of the three?

1. What are the uses of the three in written communication?
2. What are the importance of the three in conveying message or information to its readers?
3. Which do you think provides the most substantial, meaningful and effective to the public?

In the same group, students are made to write their own example on the previously assigned topic
and present it the class. Output will be graded using the following Rubrics:

CRITERIA 4- 3- 2- 1-
FOCUS/ CONTENT The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph
contains meaningful contains little but contains little focus contains no focus
focus and 5-7 meaningful focus and there are 1-2 and there are no
supporting details and there are 3-4 supporting detail/s supporting detail/s
that demonstrate supporting details that demonstrate that demonstrate
chronologically that demonstrate unimportant insufficient
arranged events. slight arrangement of arrangement of
chronologically events. events.
arranged events.
POINT OF VIEW Third person point Third person point A few noticeable Point of view is not
of view is clear and of view is consistent shifts from third clear, or it
consistent in most parts of the person point of view frequently shifts,
throughout the paragraph, with only occur. confusing the
biography. minor reader.
DEVELOPMENT/ The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
ORGANIZATION inviting, states the states the main states the main introduction,
main topic, and topic and provides topic. A conclusion is structure, and
provides an an overview of the included. conclusion.
overview of the biography. A
biography. conclusion is
Information is included.
relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
LANGUAGE All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are Sentences sound
MECHANIC well structured and well constructed and well constructed,
awkward, are
have varied have varied but they have a destructively
structure and structure and similar structure
repetitive, or are
length. The writer length. The writer and/or length. The difficult to
makes no errors in makes few errors in author makes
understand. The
grammar, grammar, several errors in author makes
mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or grammar, mechanics numerous errors in
spelling. spelling. and/or spelling that
grammar, mechanics
interfere with
and/or spelling that
understanding. interfere with
WORD CHOICE The writer uses vivid The writer uses vivid The author uses The writer uses
words and phrases. words and phrases. words that limited vocabulary.
The choice and The choice and communicate Cliché’s and jargons
placement of words placement of words clearly, but the are present.
seem accurate, are inaccurate at writing lacks
natural, and not times and/or seem variation.
forced. overdone.

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