Lecture 3
Tests on Cement
Types of Cement
Tests on Cement
Normal Consistency
Setting Time
Fineness Test
Fineness of cement is usually measured in terms of specific surface
i.e. the total surface area of all particles in one gram of cement,
expressed as cm²/g or m²/kg
The fineness of cement has an important bearing on the rate of
hydration, rate of gain of strength, evolution of heat.
Finer cement offers greater surface area.
Disadvantage of fine grinding is that it is susceptible to air set &
early deterioration
Maximum no. of particles in a sample of cement<100microns.
The smallest particle should have a size if 1.5microns.
Large particle should have a size of 10microns
The particle size fraction below 3 microns has been found to have
the predominant effect on the strength at one day while 3-25
micron fraction has a major influence on the 28 days strength.
In commercial cement it is suggested that there should be about 25-
30 per cent of particles of less than 7 micron in
Fineness Test
Fineness is measured in two ways
1. By Sieving
2. By Determination of Specific Surface (Air permeability
Standard Consistency Test
For finding out initial setting time,
final setting time and soundness of
cement, and strength a parameter
known as standard consistency has
to be used
The standard consistency of a
cement paste is defined as that
consistency which will permit a
Vicat plunger having 10 mm
diameter and 50 mm length to
penetrate to a depth of 33-35 mm
from the top of the mould.
The apparatus used for the test is
called as Vicat apparatus and is used
to find out the percentage of water
required to produce a cement paste
of standard consistency. This is also
called normal consistency (CPNC).
Setting Time Test
An arbitrary division has been made for the setting time
of cement.
Silica Fume
Portland Pozzolan Cements (Cont’d)
Portland pozzolan cement produces less heat of
hydration and offers greater resistance to the attack of
aggressive waters than ordinary Portland cement.
Moreover, it reduces the leaching of calcium hydroxide
when used in hydraulic structures. It is particularly useful
in marine and hydraulic construction and other mass
concrete constructions. Portland pozzolana cement can
generally be used where ordinary Portland cement is
Portland-pozzolan cements gain strength slowly and
therefore require curing over a comparatively long period,
but the long-term strength is high
Reduction of Lime during Curing
Strength development of OPC vs Portland
Pozzolan Cement
Expansive Cements
Concrete made with ordinary Portland cement shrinks while
setting due to loss of free water. Concrete also shrinks
continuously for long time. This is known as drying shrinkage
Cement used for grouting machine foundations, if shrinks, the
purpose for which the grout is used will be to some extent
For many purposes, it would be advantageous to use a cement
which does not change its volume due to drying shrinkage
(and thus to avoid cracking) or, in special cases, even expands
on hardening
Expansive cements consist of a mixture of Portland cement,
expanding agent and stabilizer. The expanding agent is obtained
by burning a mixture of gypsum, bauxite and chalk and blast
furnace slag is used as a stabilizer.
High-Alumina Cement (HAC)
High-alumina cement was developed at the beginning of the
previous century to resist sulfate attack but it soon became
used as a very rapid-hardening cement
HAC is manufactured from limestone or chalk and bauxite
About 80 per cent of its ultimate unconverted strength is
reached at the age of 24 hours, and even at 6 to 8 hours,
sufficient strength is achieved for the removal of formwork.
The rapid hydration produces a high rate of heat development,
which is about 2.5 times that of rapid- hardening Portland
(Type III) cement, although the total heat of hydration is of the
same order for both types of cement.
HAC is slow setting but the final set follows the initial set
more rapidly than in Portland cement
Also effective water cement ratio has a huge impact on the
development of strength of HAC