Workbook-Rational Numbers
Workbook-Rational Numbers
Workbook-Rational Numbers
12 10
1. Add and . [1m]
6 6
−8 17
2. Add and . [1m]
9 9
11 −19
3. Add and . [1m]
15 15
−15 −19
4. Add and . [1m]
15 15
25 −5
5. Add and . [1m]
20 20
5 3
6. Add and . [1m]
12 8
5 7
7. Add and . [1m]
−9 6
8. Add 5 and . [1m]
9. Add and −13. [1m]
∧13 4 6 −4 −3
(a) 5 (b) and (c) and
−3 7 6 5
11. Find . [4m]
3 −4 6 24
(a) x= y = (b) x= y =
5 7 5 11
−4 −13 3
(c) x=0 y = (d) x= y=
11 26 −7
2 6 y
10. If x= ∧ y= ,then xy− =¿ ____________________. [3m]
3 7 x
11. A number which can be expressed as where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0 is [1m]
(a) Natural number. (b) Whole number. (c) Integer. (d) Rational number
12. A number of the form is said to be a rational number if [1m]
14. Find the additive inverse of the following and verify them. [8m]
(a) -5
(c) 0
(d) 1
18. For the rational numbers in Q 14, verify the condition for multiplicative identity. [8m]
−4 3 3 −4
20. 7 + 5 = 5 + 7 is an example to show that: [1m]
21. Give two examples for Associativity of rational numbers and verify them. [4m]
22. Using commutativity and associativity of addition of rational numbers, express each of the
following as a rational number:
3 −7 2 −5
(a) + + + [2m]
5 6 5 6
4 −4 −2 7
(b) + + + −2 [2m]
3 5 3 5
23. The equivalent of , whose numerator is 45 is ______________________. [1m]
24. The equivalent of , whose denominator is 28 is ____________________. [1m]
25. Rearrange suitable and find the sum in each of the following:
2 7 −4 −1
(a) + + + [3m]
15 3 5 3
5 2 7 9 −5
(b) + + + + +5 [3m]
12 7 12 7 16
26. Verify the distributive property of multiplication over addition for the following rational numbers:
−1 2 −4 −1 2 −1 −4
4 {
× +
3 7
= }
× +
4 3 4
2 −5 7 2 −2
(a) × + + × [4m]
3 7 3 3 7
3 −4 6 −4 3
(b) × + × − [4m]
5 7 5 7 7
5 1
(c) ÷ 10− ×2 [3m]
4 4
3 −4 6 −4 3
(d) × + × − [4m]
5 7 5 7 7
4 3 9 1 12 36
(e) × ÷ + × ÷ [4m]
5 7 5 7 15 15
4 7 2
(a) (b) (c) −3
−9 3 5
3 4 −1 2
(a) and (b) and .
4 5 6 7
30. Find a range of 1000 rational numbers between 0.3 and 0.4. [2m]
31. Represent -1 and 0 on the number line with 9 equidistant rational numbers in between them.
32. Represent 11 and 13, and the rational numbers in between them occurring in between them at
the interval of . [3m]
33. Find a rational number between 27 and 28, which is equidistant from them. [2m]
34. Find 5 rational numbers between and 2:
1445 17
35. A train travels km in hours. Find the speed of the train in km/hr. [2m]
2 2
36. A mother and her two daughters got a room constructed for Rs. 62,000. The elder daughter
3 1
contributes of her mother’s contribution while the younger daughter contributes of her mother’s
8 2
share. How much do the three contribute individually? [3m]
37. The product of 2 numbers is -5. If one number is -7, then what is the other number? [2m]
−15 −5
38. By what number should we multiply so that the product is ? [2m]
20 7