001-CUK-Free Pier Design For 5-Span Unit PDF
001-CUK-Free Pier Design For 5-Span Unit PDF
001-CUK-Free Pier Design For 5-Span Unit PDF
Design of Substructure for Interchange is presented here with. The structure consists of
PSC Girder supported by RCC rectangular type abutments & Piers resting on Open FDN.
Superstructure Type : PSC Girder
Substructure : RCC rectangular Pier
Foundation : Open Foundation
This Design Note is applicable to Following Structures
Here, Elsatomeric Bearings are used to transfer the Vertical loads only under each girder.
And each span is fixed at one end with additional Pin Bearing under Diaphragm to cater
the Horizontal loads.
As per this Arrangement, the Horizontal load on the Piers are calculated duly and designed
Reference Codes
Superstructure Details
Superstructure Details LHS RHS
No of Girders = 5 SQ 5 SQ
C/C Span (Exp Gap to Exp Gap) = 35.000 35.000 m 35.000 35.000 m
C/C distance Brg to Exp (Long.) = 0.5000 0.500 m 0.5000 0.500 m
Proj. of slab (Long.) = 0.460 m 0.460 m
Proj. of slab from brg. Center (Transv) = 3.00 m 3.00 m
C/C span (Brg to Brg) = 34.000 m 34.000 m
Girder proj beyond cl of brg = 0.500 m 0.500 m
Soffit Level = 97.648 m 97.405 m
Girder Details
Girder spacing = 2.800 m 2.800 m Skew = 2.800 m
Deck slab thk. = 0.000 m 0.000 m
Depth of girder = 2.10 m 2.10 m
Bearing Nos = 5 5
Type = Fixed Free
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Wind Data
Basic Wind speed = 33.0 m/s Cd for single girder
Drag cofficient for Single Girder = 1.30 Cd shall not be < 1.3 b/d >= 6 1.3
Drag cofficient for Multiple Girder = 1.95 b/d = 4 1.2
Gust Factor = 2.0 b/d = 8.19 1.30
Soil Properties
Type of Soil = Sandy/rocky f for soil = 30 deg
Dry unit weight of soil = 2.0 t/m3 c for soil = 0.0
Submerged unit weight of soil = 1.0 t/m3
Design Constants
Grade of concrete = M 45 Unit wt. of concrete = 2.5 t/m3 E = 2.0E+05 mpa
Grade of steel = Fe 500 Unit wt.of Wearing coat = 2.2 t/m3
Modular Ratio = 10 Permissible Stress in Steel = 240.0 Mpa
SupStr. Loads P Left P Right MT Left MT Right MT(tm) ML(tm)
DL (Girder + Slab + Diaphragm) = 420.3 420.3 1236.0 -865.4 370.54 0.00
SIDL -Fixed Reaction = 62.3 62.3 184.8 -126.8 57.95 0.00
Wearing Coat = 43.53 43.53 129.0 -88.7 40.27 0.00
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Founding Level 87.700
C/L of Footing
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
LL -4 0.000 20.000 20.000 0.000 40.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 41.000 70.00 570.33 41.000
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
L = 7797.5 mm
Force in transverse direction acting at dist. of = 1.520 + 0.35 1.87 m
Force in longitudinal direction acting at dist. of = 0.35 = 0.35 m
Force required Transv. PT= 240 kN
Force required Long. PL= 386.2 kN
Period (T) = 0.424 sec
Period (L) = 0.000 sec
Type of Soil = II
Sa/g T= = 2.500
Sa/g L= = 2.500
Horizontal Coefficients Transv. = = 0.0500
Horizontal Coefficients Long. = = 0.0500
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
0.000 0.000
GL= 90.500
89.500 Footing top lvl 89.500
Sectional View of Pier
Span - LHS Y
Open Foundation
Span - RHS
Elevation of Pier MT
Plan At Base of Pier
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Density of Concrete = 2.50 t/m
Density of Soil = 2.00 t/m
a) Dead Loads
Superstructure Loads at pier base
Particulars Description P e ML
(t) (m) (tm)
Superstructure Loads
LHS Span Girder + Diaphragm 420.3 0.00 0.00
Deck Slab 0.0 0.00 0.00
RHS Span Girder + Diaphragm 420.3 0.00 0.00
Deck Slab 0.0 0.00 0.00
Pier Cap
Rectangular 2.5x6.4x2.25x0.5 18.0 0.00 0.00
Trapezoidal 11.81 0.00 0.00
DL Additional weight of pier cap 0.00 1.13 0.00
Pedestal Nos Long Transv. Ht.
Self weight LHS Span 5 0.75 0.75 0.35 2.46 0.00 0.00
RHS Span 5 0.75 0.75 0.35 2.46 0.00 0.00
Self weight 76.47 0.00 0.00
Crash Barriers, LHS Span 62.31 0.00 0.00
Crash Barriers, RHS Span 62.31 0.00 0.00
WC Wearing Coat
LHS Span 43.53 0.00 0.00
RHS Span 43.53 0.00 0.00
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
c) Wind Loads
Wind Loads on LL
Height above the roadway surface = 3.0 m IRC:6 - 2016, 209.3.6
CG of Live Load above GL = 10.81 m
Wind Velocity on Live Loads = 18.1 m/s ( From Table 5, of IRC:6-2016)
Velocity is <36 m/s, hence wind pressure on Live load is to be considered 209.3.7 of IRC:6-2014
On Highway bridges at 1.5m above road level, 209.3.6 of IRC:6-2014
Wind force on Live load = P* A* G* Cd 209.3.6 of IRC:6-2014
In this case, the length of Live Load on Bridge
Length of Superstructure = 34.0 m
Gust Factor G = 2.0 as per clause 209.3.3 of IRC 6:2014
Drag Coefficient Cd = 1.20 209.3.6 of IRC:6-2014
Wind pressure = 197.0 N/m2
Leverarm = 11.81 m
HT = 4.8 t At mid height
HL = 0.0 t 8.41 m
MT = 57.0 t-m 40.6 t-m At Pier Base
ML 0.0 t-m 0.0 t-m
Wind Load on Suprestructure
Wind force on superstructure = P *A *G *Cd IRC:6 - 2014, 209.3.3
CG of Super structure above GL = 8.78
Cd for Single Girder Drag Coefficient, Cd = 1.95 209.3.3 of IRC:6-2014
b/d Cd Wind Pressure on Supertructure = 190.5 N/m2 From Table 5, of IRC:6-2014
2 1.5 Ht. of supersturcture = 3.27 m
6 1.3 Length of Supersturucture = 34.0 m
7.94 1.30 HT = 8.25 t
25% HL = 0.00 t At mid height (25% of Transverse wind force)
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
W= 2.3 m
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Total Wind Loads at Pier Base (With LL)
P HL HT ML MT ML-mid MT -mid
t t t t-m t-m t-m t-m
0 1.37 14.36 6.58 138.78 1.92 89.98 Straight
0 1.37 14.36 6.58 138.78 1.92 89.98 Skew
Total Wind Loads at Pier Base(Without LL)
P HL HT ML MT ML-mid MT -mid
t t t t-m t-m t-m t-m
0 1.37 9.54 6.58 81.81 1.92 49.40 without LL
0 1.37 9.5 6.58 81.81 1.92 49.40 With Skew
d) Braking & friction forces
Normal Case - Straight Span Lever Arm 8.147 m 4.74875 m
Braking and Frictional Force At Pier base At Mid height
t t t tm tm tm tm
Pmax 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00 302.46 0.00
ML max 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00 302.46 0.00
MT max 0.00 57.61 0.00 469.40 0.00 273.59 0.00
Pmin 0.00 62.61 0.00 510.14 0.00 297.33 0.00
Span dislodge 0.00 26.31 0.00 205.12 0.00 115.71 0.00
Normal Case - Skew Span
Braking and Frictional Force At Pier base At Mid height
t t t t-m t-m tm tm
Pmax 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00 302.46 0.00
ML max 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00 302.46 0.00
MT max 0.00 57.61 0.00 469.40 0.00 273.59 0.00
Pmin 0.00 62.61 0.00 510.14 0.00 297.33 0.00
Span dislodge 0.00 26.31 0.00 205.12 0.00 115.71 0.00
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
t t t t-m t-m tm tm
Pmax 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00 302.46 0.00
ML max 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00 302.46 0.00
MT max 0.00 70.00 0.00 570.33 0.00 332.41 0.00
Pmin 0.00 70.00 0.00 570.33 0.00 332.41 0.00
E) Seismic forces
Pier Base At Mid ht
Lever arm Super Structure = 9.67m 6.27m CG of Superstructure from Soffit = 1.520 m
b) Longitudinal Direction
Location P (t) HL (t) Fv (t)
Pier base 111.2 5.6 3.7
Mid height 73.0 3.6 2.4
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Seismic Combinations
Seismic Combinations P HL HT ML MT Mlmid Mtmid
1 0.3r1 + r2 + 0.3r3 12.08 1.67 60.39 6.50 551.75 0.83 346.50 Transv +ve
2 -0.3r1 - r2 -0.3r3 -12.08 -1.67 -60.39 -6.50 -551.75 -0.83 -346.50
3 r1 + 0.3r2 + 0.3r3 1.56 5.56 18.12 21.68 165.52 2.78 103.95 Long +ve
4 -r1 - 0.3r2 -0.3r3 -1.56 -5.56 -18.12 -21.68 -165.52 -2.78 -103.95
5 0.3r1 + 0.3r2 + r3 40.26 1.67 18.12 6.50 165.52 0.25 103.95 Vert +ve
6 -0.3r1 - 0.3r2 - r3 -40.26 -1.67 -18.12 -6.50 -165.52 -0.25 -103.95
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
F) Centrifugal force
V = 65km/hr
R = 200m
Lever arm at Pier base = 11.51 m
Lever arm at Pier mid height = 8.11 m
At Pier base At Mid height
t t t tm tm tm tm
LL-1 221.6 0.00 36.86 0.00 424.36 0.00 299.08
LL-2 221.6 0.00 36.86 0.00 424.36 0.00 299.08
LL-3 100.0 0.00 16.63 0.00 191.50 0.00 134.96
LL-4 200.0 0.00 33.27 0.00 382.99 0.00 269.93
LL-1 44.3 0.00 7.37 0.00 84.87 0.00 59.82
LL-2 44.3 0.00 7.37 0.00 84.87 0.00 59.82
LL-3 20.0 0.00 3.33 0.00 38.30 0.00 26.99
LL-4 40.0 0.00 6.65 0.00 76.60 0.00 53.99
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
5d CF4 - Min. Vertical Load 0.00 0.00 33.27 0.00 382.99
5e CF1 - Max.Vertical Load (seismic) 0.00 0.00 7.37 0.00 84.87
5f CF2 - Max.Long. Moment (seismic) 0.00 0.00 7.37 0.00 84.87
5g CF3 - Max.Transv.Moment (seismic) 0.00 0.00 3.33 0.00 38.30
5h CF4 - Min. Vertical Load (seismic) 0.00 0.00 6.65 0.00 76.60
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
6 Forces Due to Friction / Braking (DL & LL)
6a Friction, Braking - LL-1 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00
6b Friction, Braking - LL-2 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00
6c Friction, Braking - LL-3 0.00 57.61 0.00 469.40 0.00
6d Friction, Braking - LL-4 0.00 62.61 0.00 510.14 0.00
6e Friction, Braking - LL-1 (Seismic) 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00
6f Friction, Braking - LL-2 (Seismic) 0.00 63.69 0.00 518.94 0.00
6g Friction, Braking - LL-3 (Seismic) 0.00 57.61 0.00 469.40 0.00
6h Friction, Braking - LL-4 (Seismic) 0.00 62.61 0.00 510.14 0.00
6i Friction, Braking - Span dislodge 0.00 26.31 0.00 205.12 0.00
Loads Combination
1 9 3 4 5 6 7
Basic Combination (Normal Case)
DL + SIDL + WC + LL-1 + CF-1 + FF/BF
1 1937.9 95.5 55.3 778.4 1518.1
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
LL Load -Leading Load, Wind Load -Accompanying Loads
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
46 Max. Trans. Moment case 1643.6 14.0 91.2 103.6 1594.3
Summary of Forces
Load Case Vertical Hzl. - X Hzl. - Z ML MT
t t t t-m t-m
Governing Values for Basic Combinations
1 Max. Axial load case 1937.89 95.54 55.29 778.40 1518.14
1 Max. Long. Moment case 1937.89 95.54 55.29 778.40 1518.14
13 Max. Trans. Moment case 860.40 39.46 0.00 307.69 2092.09
13 Min. Axial Load case 860.40 39.46 0.00 307.69 2092.09
Governing Values for Basic Combinations (Wind Case)
15 Max. Axial load case 1937.89 96.77 68.21 784.32 1643.04
15 Max. Long. Moment case 1937.89 96.77 68.21 784.32 1643.04
17 Max. Trans. Moment case 1755.49 87.65 37.87 710.02 1886.82
39 Min. Axial Load case 1605.49 2.05 14.30 9.86 771.64
Governing Values for Seismic Combinations
90 Max. Axial load case 1710.20 15.24 28.65 113.54 945.21
66 Max. Long. Moment case 1652.14 21.08 28.65 136.30 945.21
46 Max. Trans. Moment case 1643.61 14.02 91.25 103.64 1594.30
95 Min. Axial Load case 1565.10 9.02 26.51 84.12 518.40
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
7 Temperature and Shrinkage
7a Thermal Loads 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7b Shrinkage 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Load Combinations
1 9 3 4 5 6 7
Rare Combination (Normal Case)
DL + SIDL + WC + LL-1 + CF-1 + FF/BF
1 1402.5 63.7 36.9 518.9 1056.3
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
1 9 3 4 5 6 7
Quasi Permanent Combination
(Normal Case)
43 DL + SIDL + WC + TEMP 1180.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 476.8
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
43 Max. Trans. Moment case 1180.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 476.8
43 Min Axial Load case 1180.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 476.8
Summary of Forces
Basic Combinations
1 Governing - Max. Axial Load 1402.5 63.7 36.9 518.9 1056.3
1 Governing - Max. Long. Moment 1402.5 63.7 36.9 518.9 1056.3
13 Governing - Max. Trans. Moment 637.3 26.3 0.0 205.1 1549.7
4 Governing - Min Axial Load 637.3 26.3 0.0 205.1 1549.7
Basic Combinations (Wind Case)
16 Governing - Max. Axial Load 1385.1 64.5 45.5 522.9 1131.5
16 Governing - Max. Long. Moment 1385.1 64.5 45.5 522.9 1131.5
18 Governing - Max. Trans. Moment 1263.5 58.4 25.2 473.3 1294.0
40 Governing - Min Axial Load 1163.5 1.4 9.5 6.6 550.6
Quasi-Permanent Combinations
43 Governing - Max. Axial Load 1180.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 476.8
43 Governing - Max. Long. Moment 1180.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 476.8
43 Governing - Max. Trans. Moment 1180.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 476.8
43 Governing - Max. Axial Load 1180.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 476.8
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
2.0 Design Cases Case-1 Case-2 Case-3 Case-4 from eq 8.2 IRC 112
ex = 401.68 401.68 357.61 357.61
ey = 783.40 783.40 2431.53 2431.53
Second order effect may be ignored og the slenderness ratio is less than l lim
A = 1/(1+0.2Ф eff )
Ф eff = Ф(∞,t 0 ) M 0Eqp M 0Eqp = First Order BM in Quasi Permanent Combinations
= 1.70 M 0Ed M 0Ed = First Order BM in Design Load Combinations
As per Cl. 11.2.1 IRC-112-2011 initial dimensioning A, B C can be taken as 0.7, 1.1 and 0.7 respectively
1988 Section dimensions of pier shaft
As1 Length, B = 2000 mm
Thickness,D = 2250 mm
Material properties
fck = 45 Mpa
fyk = 500 Mpa
2000 As3 As4 1888 Es = 200000 Mpa
g = 16 / ( 7Xu / D-3)2
Mc = Cc * ( 0.5D -x )
Ms = Csi * yi
Mu (ton-m) Pu (ton)
2799.89 685.73 12000
3417.02 1416.75
3897.30 2147.78 10000
4240.74 2878.80 8000
4447.32 3609.83
4517.06 4340.85 6000
4065.06 5431.93 Series1
3567.68 6437.44 4000
2998.66 7381.95
2342.57 8279.90
1603.11 9127.81 0
757.94 9946.61 0.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00
Interaction diagram
esi (tension
face in mm)
= -0.0096 -0.011 -0.010803 -0.0226 -0.0096 -0.011 -0.0112 -0.01266 -0.0108 -0.0159 -0.0128 -0.0145
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
< 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 1.002 2.002
in Mpa) = 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 14.2093 14.6793
e in Mpa) = 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435
fci (tension
face in
Mpa) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
fsi (tension
face in
Mpa) = -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435.00 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435
Cs ( ton) = -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -32.00 -33.06
Mc (ton-m) = 1678.15 1552.78 1572.79 957.42 1678.15 1552.78 1540.84 1431.93 1570.59 1233.54 1421.27 1311.28
Ms (ton-m) = 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2045.91 2060.12 2058.99
Pu (ton) = 1859.21 1669.69 1699.03 909.50 1859.21 1669.69 1652.34 1498.93 1695.8 1238.9 1497.7 1350.3
Pu cal.(ton) = 1937.89 1937.89 860.40 860.40 1937.89 1937.89 1755.49 1605.49 1710.2 1652.1 1643.6 1565.1
Difference 78.7 268.2 -838.6 -49.1 78.7 268.2 103.2 106.6 14.4 413.3 146.0 214.8
Mu (ton-m) = 3724.06 3598.68 3618.69 3003.33 3724.06 3598.68 3586.74 3477.84 3616.50 3279.45 3481.39 3370.27
Mu (ton-m) Pu (ton)
3724.06 1859.21
3598.68 1669.69
3618.69 1699.03
3003.33 909.50
3724.06 1859.21
3598.68 1669.69
3586.74 1652.34
3477.84 1498.93
3616.50 1695.80
3279.45 1238.87
3481.39 1497.66
3370.27 1350.34
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
esi (tension
face in mm)
= -0.03052 -0.0135 -0.00784 -0.005 -0.0033 -0.0022 -0.0014 -0.00075 -0.0003 9.8E-05 0.00038 0.00059
< 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
in Mpa) = 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115
e in Mpa) = 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435
fci (tension
face in
Mpa) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.92297 6.93834 10.1331
fsi (tension
face in
Mpa) = -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -272 -150.5 -56 19.6 76.2553 118.222
Cs ( ton) = -45.3 -45.3 -45.3 -45.3 -45.3 -45.3 321.8 595.4 808.2 974.1 1090.4 1177.7
Mc (ton-m) = 670.2 1218.8 1645.7 1951.0 2134.6 2196.6 2136.9 1955.6 1652.7 1228.1 681.9 14.0
Ms (ton-m) = 1806.7 1806.7 1806.7 1806.7 1806.7 1806.7 1460.2 1201.9 1001.0 844.4 734.6 652.2
Pu (ton) = 685.7 1416.8 2147.8 2878.8 3609.8 4340.9 5438.9 6443.6 7387.4 8284.3 9131.6 9950.0
Mu (ton-m) = 2476.9 3025.4 3452.4 3757.6 3941.3 4003.3 3597.1 3157.5 2653.7 2072.5 1416.5 666.2
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Mu (ton-m) Pu (ton)
2476.88 685.73
3025.44 1416.75 10000
3452.36 2147.78
3757.63 2878.80 8000
3941.27 3609.83
4003.26 4340.85 6000
3597.10 5438.94
3157.53 6443.57
2653.70 7387.40 2000
2072.50 8284.33
1416.50 9131.65 0
666.22 9949.98 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Interaction diagram
esi (tension
face in mm)
= -0.01048 -0.0121 -0.011798 -0.0264 -0.01048 -0.0121 -0.0122 -0.01383 -0.0118 -0.0124 -0.0132 -0.015
< 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 1.002 2.002
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
in Mpa) = 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 20.115 14.8869 15.4123
e in Mpa) = 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435
fci (tension
face in
Mpa) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fsi (tension
face in
Mpa) = -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435 -435
Cs ( ton) = -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -45.30 -33.52 -34.71
Mc (ton-m) = 1418.41 1307.16 1324.87 752.32 1418.41 1307.16 1296.61 1200.56 1322.93 1284.39 1238.21 1138.56
Ms (ton-m) = 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1806.67 1817.79 1816.67
Pu (ton) = 1733.04 1552.38 1580.35 785.60 1733.04 1552.38 1535.84 1389.60 1577.27 1516.8 1457.8 1309.5
Pu cal.(ton) = 1937.89 1937.89 860.40 860.40 1937.89 1937.89 1755.49 1605.49 1710.20 1652.14 1643.61 1565.10
Difference = 204.8 385.5 -719.9 74.8 204.8 385.5 219.7 215.9 132.9 135.3 185.8 255.6
Mu (ton-m) = 3225.08 3113.84 3131.54 2558.99 3225.08 3113.84 3103.28 3007.24 3129.60 3091.06 3056.00 2955.23
Mu (ton-m) Pu (ton)
3225.08 1733.04
3113.84 1552.38
3131.54 1580.35
2558.99 785.60
3225.08 1733.04
3113.84 1552.38
3103.28 1535.84
3007.24 1389.60
3129.60 1577.27
3091.06 1516.82
3056.00 1457.82
2955.23 1565.10
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Combination Combination
Max. Axial Load 1.00 1402.5 518.9 1056.3
Rare Max. Long. Moment 1.00 1402.5 518.9 1056.3
s Max. Trans. Moment 1.00 637.3 205.1 1549.7
Min. Axial Load 1.00 637.3 205.1 1549.7
Max. Axial Load 1.00 1385.1 522.9 1131.5
s (Wind)
Max. Trans. Moment 1.00 1263.5 473.3 1294.0
Min. Axial Load 1.00 1163.5 6.6 550.6
Grade of Concrete = M 45
Grade of steel = Fe 500
f cm = 55
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
Length Thicnkess Eff. Cover Bar Nos Bar Dia Eff. Cover Bar Nos Bar Dia
1385 523 1132 5.83 14.43 78.95 -64.46
s (Wind)
1385 523 1132 5.83 14.43 78.95 -64.46
1263 473 1294 5.83 15.79 85.87 -87.43
1163 7 551 5.83 5.21 29.30 -2.02
1181 0 477 15.75 3.88 59.19 0.00
1181 0 477 15.75 3.88 59.19 0.00
Area of Vertical Reinforcement on two face 45038 mm
0.02Ac 90000 mm
<0.02Ac, Transverse Reinforcement is not required
Diameter of Transverse Reinforcement 8 mm OK
Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement shall be minimum of followng
384 mm
2000 mm
200 mm
Spacing of Main Reinforcement 70 mm
Provide 8 dia @ 190 mm OK
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
5d CF4 - Min. Vertical Load 0.00 0.00 33.27 0.00 442.88
5e CF1 - Max.Vertical Load (seismic) 0.00 0.00 7.37 0.00 98.14
5f CF2 - Max.Long. Moment (seismic) 0.00 0.00 7.37 0.00 98.14
5g CF3 - Max.Transv.Moment (seismic) 0.00 0.00 3.33 0.00 44.29
5h CF4 - Min. Vertical Load (seismic) 0.00 0.00 6.65 0.00 88.58
6 Forces Due to Friction / Braking (DL & LL)
6a Friction, Braking - LL-1 0.00 63.69 0.00 633.58 0.00
6b Friction, Braking - LL-2 0.00 63.69 0.00 633.58 0.00
6c Friction, Braking - LL-3 0.00 57.61 0.00 573.10 0.00
6d Friction, Braking - LL-4 0.00 62.61 0.00 622.84 0.00
6e Friction, Braking - LL-1 (Seismic) 0.00 63.69 0.00 633.58 0.00
6f Friction, Braking - LL-2 (Seismic) 0.00 63.69 0.00 633.58 0.00
6g Friction, Braking - LL-3 (Seismic) 0.00 57.61 0.00 573.10 0.00
6h Friction, Braking - LL-4 (Seismic) 0.00 62.61 0.00 622.84 0.00
6i Friction, Braking - Span dislodge 0.00 26.31 0.00 252.47 0.00
7 Water Current Forces
7a Normal Current 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7b Skew Current 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Load Combinations for Unfactored Values
1 9 3 4 5 6 7
Basic Combinations
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
Wind Combinations
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
WL Load -Leading Load & No Live Load condition
DL + SIDL + WC + Wind Force
38 1163.5 1.4 9.5 9.0 567.7
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
Summary of forces
Governing Values for Basic Combinations
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
S.N Description P HL HT ML MT
t t t tm tm
1 Governing - Max. Axial load 1385.1 63.7 36.9 633.6 1114.6
1 Governing - Max. Long. Moment 1385.1 63.7 36.9 633.6 1114.6
5 Governing - Max. Trans. moment 637.3 26.3 0.0 252.5 1549.7
Governing Values for Wind Combinations
14 Governing - Max. Axial load 1385.1 65.1 51.2 642.6 1279.2
14 Governing - Max. Long. Moment 1385.1 65.1 51.2 642.6 1279.2
16 Governing - Max. Trans. moment 1263.5 59.0 31.0 582.1 1405.3
Governing Values for Seismic Combinations
89 Governing - Max. Axial Load 1248.0 14.4 19.6 136.2 717.5
65 Governing - Max. Long. Moment 1209.3 18.3 19.6 158.4 717.5
45 Governing - Max. Trans. Moment 1195.5 13.2 61.1 124.1 1248.2
Design of Intermediate Free Piers
No of Piles Calculation:
x y x2 y2
Pile 1 4 2 16 4
Pile 2 0 2 0 4 6 5 4
Pile 3 -4 2 16 4
Pile 4 4 -2 16 4
Pile 5 0 -2 0 4
Pile 6 4 -2 16 4
64 24
Load on Pile
P P+ Self wt HL HT ML MT Pmax Pmin
1385.06 1715.68 63.69 36.86 633.58 1114.58 408 163
1385.06 1715.684 63.69 36.86 633.58 1114.58 408 163
637.33 967.9577 26.31 0.00 252.47 1549.69 279 43
637.33 967.9577 26.31 0.00 252.47 1549.69 279 43
1385.06 1715.684 65.06 51.22 642.62 1279.21 419 152
1385.06 1715.684 65.06 51.22 642.62 1279.21 419 152
1263.46 1594.084 58.98 30.99 582.14 1405.32 402 129
1163.46 1494.084 1.37 9.54 9.04 567.73 285 213
1248.04 1578.663 14.41 19.59 136.22 717.54 319 207
with 6-Piles