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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of
bachelor of Commerce (Honors)

Prepared by


Register No. A15PH016

Under the Supervision and Guidance


Mrs. KAUSER SULTANA, M.Com., (Ph.D.)



CHENNAI - 600 018

2017- 2018

This is to certify that PRIYANKA. R Reg. No A15PH016 of III B.COM (HONOURS) has
undergone her project titled “ CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR TOWARDS ONLINE
of the requirement for Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) of the University of Madras, Chennai.

Guide-in-charge Head of the Department

Submitted for the examination held on ............................ At Justice Basheer

Ahmed Sayeed College for Women (Autonomous), Teynampet, Chennai 600 018.



I, PRIYANKA. R, a bonafide student of Commerce, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed for Women
(Autonomous) (Afternoon Session), Chennai – 18, would like to declare that the project titled“
REFERENCE TO AMAZON.COM IN CHENNAI” in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) degree is my original work.




I hereby take this great opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those who helped me to
prepare this project work and their valuable gratitude to all those who help.

I wish to thank our Principal Dr. Mrs SHANAZ AHAMED, M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D. for
providing a facility to carry out my project.

I wish to thank Mrs. JABEEN, M.Com and M. Phil., (Ph. D) Head of the Department of
Bachelor of Commerce, who was inspiring and motivating force behind my project work.

I wish to thank Mrs. HAMEEDUNISSA, M.COM, M.Phil, Ph.D, Assistant professor and
Assistant Head of the Department

I own my sincere thanks to my esteemed guide Mrs. KAUSER SULTANA, M. Com., (Ph.D.,)
for her valuable guidance, continuous encouragement and constant supervision to complete the
project successfully.

I take this opportunity to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to all those who helped me to
prepare this project report and for their valuable guidance at all time.















The process of searching for and purchasing goods and services over the Internet through the use
of a web browser is referred to as online shopping. The main allure of online shopping is that
consumers may find and purchase items they need (which are then shipped to their front door)
without ever needing to leave the house. Today, almost anything can be purchased through
online shopping, amounting to billions of dollars a year in sales.


Online shopping is defined as the process a consumer takes to buy a service or product over
the Internet. In other words, a consumer may at his or leisure buy from the comfort of their own
home products from an online store. This concept was demonstrated before the World Wide
Web(WWW) was in use with the real time transaction processed from a domestic television. The
technology used was called Videotext and was demonstrated in 1979 by M. Aldrick who
designed and installed systems in the United Kingdom.

The terms “Electronic Commerce”, “Internet marketing” and “on-line shopping” are now
commonly used by business executives and customers throughout the world as business are
recognizing the potential opportunities for commerce in the on-line business environment. The
potential size of the world-wide market that has resulted from the exponential growth of Internet
in e-commerce and makes the Internet very attractive to e-retailers and e-businesses.

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly

buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Consumers find a
product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among
alternative vendors using a shopping search engine, which displays the same product's
availability and pricing at different e-retailers. As of 2016, customers can shop online using a
range of different computers and devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablet
computers and smart phones.
An individual who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale.
A consumer is someone who can make the decision whether or not to purchase an item at
the store and someone who can be influenced by marketing and advertisements. Any time
someone goes to a store and purchases a toy, shirt, beverage, or anything else, they are making
that decision as a consumer.

The consumer is the one who pays something to consume goods and services produced. As such,
consumers play a vital role in the economic system of a nation. Without
consumer demand producers  would lack one of the key motivations to produce: to sell to
consumers. The consumer also forms part of the chain of distribution.

Recently in marketing instead of marketers generating broad demographic profiles and physio-

graphic profiles of market segments, marketers have started to engage in personalized
marketing, permission marketing, and mass customization.

Largely due to the rise of the Internet, consumers are shifting more and more towards becoming
"prosumers", consumers who are also producers (often of information and media on the social
web influence the products created (e.g. by customization, crowd funding or publishing their
preferences), actively participate in the production process, or use interactive products.

Consumer buying behavior is the sum total of a consumer's attitudes, preferences, intentions, and
decisions regarding the consumer's behavior in the marketplace when purchasing a product or
service. The study of consumer behavior draws upon social science disciplines of anthropology,
psychology, sociology, and economics.

The study of consumer behavior is concerned with all aspects of purchasing behavior - from pre-
purchase activities through to post-purchase consumption, evaluation and disposal activities. It is
also concerned with all persons involved, either directly or indirectly, in purchasing decisions
and consumption activities including brand-influencers and opinion leaders. Research has shown
that consumer behavior is difficult to predict, even for experts in the field. However, research
methods such as ethnography and consumer neuroscience are shedding new light on how
consumers make decisions.

English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich was a pioneer of online shopping in 1979. His system

connected a modified domestic TV to a real-time transaction processing computer via a domestic
telephone line. He believed that videotex, the modified domestic TV technology with a simple
menu-driven human–computer interface, was a 'new, universally applicable, participative
communication medium — the first since the invention of the telephone.' This enabled 'closed'
corporate information systems to be opened to 'outside' correspondents not just for transaction
processing but also for e-messaging and information retrieval and dissemination, later known
as e-business. His definition of the new mass communications medium as 'participative'
[interactive, many-to-many] was fundamentally different from the traditional definitions of mass
communication and mass media and a precursor to the social networking on the Internet 25 years
later. In March 1980 he launched Redifon's Office Revolution, which allowed consumers,
customers, agents, distributors, suppliers and service companies to be connected on-line to the
corporate systems and allow business transactions to be completed electronically in real-time.
A new infographic from eReviews explores the amazing growth of e-commerce and some of the most
exciting facts along the way. Perhaps the most startling was the value of the market. When people first
began Amazon shopping and eBay bidding in 1995, the entire online shopping market was valued at just
$131 million and the likes of Paypal had not even been invented yet. In 2015 when almost all major
retailers are now online and customers are increasingly shopping on their phones with multiple payment
options, e-commerce is valued at a staggering $1.55 trillion!

Of course, in the beginning, e-commerce was an American phenomenon, but as the internet has
expanded across the globe it is now population dense China that boasts the biggest economy,
worth $562.66 Billion. The Alibaba empire founded by Jack Ma had the largest public offering
in history, at $25 billion. To put that into perspective, that’s twice the amount of Malta’s GDP in

The US still isn’t far behind with a market of $349.06 Billion in 2015, a jump of over 14% from
2014. Amazon.com alone made net sales of $107.01 Billion. That’s quite impressive when you
take the fact that the company didn’t make a full year’s profit for nearly its first decade of

The UK is a distant third, yet they are held in high esteem. Data suggests half of online shoppers
have sought out high-quality British products. When measured on a per capita basis (i.e. the
percentage of the population that shops online), the UK market became the largest in 2010. They
also have the distinction of making half of their Paypal transactions via mobile.

 To study the consumer’s buying behavior with reference to Amazon.com

 To examine how socio-demographic factors (age, income and occupation) affect consumer’s
attitudes towards online shopping with reference to Amazon.com

 To study the impact of e-marketing on purchase decision of consumers.

 To determine the factors influencing the customers to buy in a particular website.

 To examine the satisfaction level of customers towards Amazon.


Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest,
in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test
hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes. The data collection component of research is common to all
fields of study including physical and social sciences, humanities, business, etc.

 Data collection is a component of research in all fields of study including physical and social

sciences, humanities, and business. While methods vary by discipline, the emphasis on ensuring
accurate and honest collection remains the same. The goal for all data collection is to capture
quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible
answers to the questions that have been posed.

Major step in research design is the determination of the required data. Data used for this
study is primary and secondary data.


Primary sources of data are the data which needs the personal effort of collecting it which is
not readily available.


Primary data are collected through questionnaire. It is collected throughout Chennai from

both known and unknown respondents.


Secondary data are the important sources of data through which the data was collected. These
are readily available sources of the data one need not put much effort to collect.

It is based on the information from:

 Text books like marketing management, sales promotion etc.

 Internet was made use for the collection of the data.


By using percentage random sampling technique of 50 respondents are collected for the
purpose of the study.


The survey method was adopted to collect the primary data. Survey technique using interview
method guided by questionnaire.

 The finding of this study is accurate to some extent only because of reluctant
respondents of being not perfectly accurate.
 The study is limited to particular online website.
 The study helps the consumer only who have technical knowledge.
 The result of the study, are specific to the sample selected and dimensions
used. Hence, they may not be generalized for overall population.
 Due to fast pace of life, some customers were not able to do justification to
their questionnaire.

According to Kotler & Armstrong, 2007 It is also necessary for the marketers to
communicate with their consumers on how they choose their products and which are the factors
they look and influences them to go for a product as the marketers has limited control on the
advertising strategies and quality of the product. Therefore individual’s perception and
characteristics of  the consumers are also depended on the influence.

Pooja Mordani (2008) explored the study on investigation of consumer‘s perception towards
internet based e-shopping and the study involved an experiment in which the respondents were
asked to go through the online shopping process and relate their experiences. The study found
that the positive experience with a website plays a vital role in forming consumers trust while
shopping online and if consumers trust the website then they will perceive ease of use, perceive
enjoyment and perceive the 89 website to be less risky which would finally culminate into an
intention to transact with the website. e a center of attentions and keep consumers.

According to Wayne Feng (2008) it has been described that online consumers are mostly
wealthier customers who are young and have computer knowledge and literate people

According to Jansson and Cathrine, 2010 Psychology of a consumer is to understand about

the consumer why and how they get involved in the purchasing procedure, and the basis on
choosing a particular brand or a medium.

Demery (2010) reports, the advantage of the online channel is that some customers find it
convenient, think that it saves their time, and observe that it is easier to find a particular item in
online store.

Samadi & Ali (2010) compared the perceived risk level between Internet and shopping store and
revisits the relationship among past positive experience, perceived risk level, and future purchase
intention within the online shopping environment these are risks affecting companies marketing
through Internet shopping to be of higher risk that in-store shopping.
Another study conducted by Variawa (2010) analyzed the influence of packaging on consumer
decision making process for Fast Moving Consumer Goods. The aim of the research was to
analyze the impact of packaging for decision making processes of low-income consumers in
retail shopping. A survey method has been used in order to reach the research objectives. In a
survey conducted in Star Hyper in the town of Canterville 250 respondents participated. The
findings of the research indicate that low-income consumers have more preferences towards
premium packaging as this can also be re-used after the product has been consumed. Although
the findings indicate that there is a weak relationship between the product packaging and brand
experience. However, it has been proven by the findings of the research that low-income
consumers have greater brand experience from the purchase of ‘premium’ products when
compared to their experience from purchasing ‘cheap’ brand products.

According to Cherry, 2011 Well consumer’s psychology doesn’t only states about the decision
process of a consumers, but also states the motivational and influential factors as well as from
where they are purchasing the product, all this help them to take a decision on buying a product. 

According to Jobber & Fahy, 2012  It is not something secret talk about. The internet has
changed the face of the world with its accessibility worldwide and turned the world much more
competitive and fast. When the internet was invented of about 40 years ago, at that time it was
used by only academics, researchers, scientists and sometimes students. Though now the
circumstances has changed as businesses throughout the world are now using internet as part of
their advertising campaign where they can promote their offers on purchases.

According to Kotler and keller, 2012 The topic of consumer behavior is one of the
massively studied topics by the researchers and marketers in the past and still being studied.
Researchers show different reasons as to why consumer behavior has been the topic of many
academics and researchers. One of the common views is that understanding consumer behavior
has become a factor that has a direct impact on the overall performance of the businesses.
. According to Ankit Goel Et At (2014) study founded that services after sale provided by
sellers (online shops) are quite excellent and what they assure makes buyers comfortable
therefore, online shopping getting more success. He concluded that technology is accepting
theories of consumer it is helping researchers to know the demand for global online shopping.

According to Alka Kumawat and Tandon (2014) made study using questionnaire with 200
customers as a sample. The study revealed the customers are very satisfied towards online
because of the delievery system in working effective environment.


Amazon.com, Inc., doing business as Amazon, is an American electronic commerce and cloud
computing company based in Seattle, Washington was found by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994. The
tech giant is the largest Internet retailer in the world as measured by revenue and market
captialisation and second largest from Alibaba Groups in terms of total sales. The Amazon.com
started an online book store and later diversified into video downloads, MP3 downloads,
software, electronic, apparel, food, furniture, videogames, toys and jewelery. The company also
produces – kindle e-readers, fire tablets, fire TV and Echo_ and is the world’s largest provider of
cloud infrastructure services. Amazon also sells certain low-end products under its in-house
brand Amazon Basics.

Amazon has separate retail websites for the United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland,
France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Australia, Brazil, Japan, China, India, and
Mexico. In 2016, Dutch, Polish, and Turkish language versions of the German Amazon website
were also launched. Amazon also offers international shipping to certain other countries for some
of its products.

In 2015, Amazon surpassed Waltmart as the most valuable retailer in the United States by 
market capitalization. Amazon is the fourth most valuable public company in the world, largest
internet company by revenue in the world, in the world,  and the eighth largest in the United
States.  In 2017, Amazon acquired Whole Foods Market for $13.4 billion, which vastly increased
Amazon's presence as a brick-and-mortar retailer.[11] The acquisition was interpreted by some as
a direct attempt to challenge Walmart’s traditional retail stores.

Amazon.com began as Earth's biggest bookstore, but has become Earth's biggest everything
store. Its website still offers millions of books, as well as other media, home furnishings,
clothing, pet supplies, office products, and hundreds of other product categories (with items often
ordered and delivered the same day). The company is also the dominant cloud services provider,
an influential entertainment company through its video operations (it produced 2017 Oscar-
nominated Manchester-by-the-Sea), a force to be reckoned with in grocery with its ownership of
natural foods chain Whole Foods, and a leader in digital personal assistant devices with Alexa
and its Echo product line.
Amazon also wants to make it easier to consumers to buy products from it. Its $99-a-year Prime
service provides free two-day delivery as well as next day delivery when products are stocked in
a nearby fulfillment center. Owners of the Echo products can order products through Alexa. To
get shipment to customers faster, Amazon has been on a fulfillment center building binge. In its
2017 fiscal year, the company added 26 warehouses. The company also offers same-day delivery
for some products in some cities for a price.
Besides the line of Echo devices, Amazon offers other consumer products such as its Fire TV
devices, Kindle e-book readers, Audible audio books, and more that tie closely into its
ecosystem. They provide services to consumers as well as data for Amazon that it uses to change
and improve its products and come up with new ones.

Amazon has ventured into brick-and-mortar locations with three bookstores and its Amazon
Fresh store in its hometown of Seattle. The twist with Amazon Fresh is that customers don't have
to go through a checkout line. Barcodes are read as they head out of the store and their Amazon
accounts are billed. The deeper move into physical stores came with the purchase of Whole
Foods. Prices for many items are Whole Foods stores fell on the day Amazon's ownership was
finalized. Operating some 460 grocery stores should provide Amazon with insights to compete
with other grocery chains and Amazon's operational know-how should help Whole Foods run
more efficiently. AWS has been Amazon's turbocharged growth engine, attracting customers that
range from startups that need minimal amounts of computing power to companies like Netflix
that stream millions of hours of video a day around the world from AWS servers. Following the
Amazon philosophy, AWS continues to add functionality and reduce prices to attract more users
and figure out how to run more efficiently to make it work financially.

Lastly, the company is making moves into the health care industry. In 2018 it announced plans
for a health care alliance (details are sparse) with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase.
Amazon is also bulking up its medical supplies inventory as it looks to better serve hospitals and
other medical facilities through its business-to-business offering.

The company was founded as a result of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos called his regrets
minimization framework which describes his effort to fend off any regards for not participating
so sooner in the Internet business boom during that time. In 1994, Bezos left his employment as
vice-president D.E. Shaw & Co., a wall sheet frame and move toscattle Washington. He begn to
work on a business plan on which eventually became Amazon.com. On July 5, 1994, Bezos
changed the name into Amazon.com, Ins. A few months later after a lawyer misheard his original
name as Candaver. In September 1994, Bezos purchased the URL Relentless.com and briefly
the list what he felt were the most promising products, which included compact discs, computer
hardware, computer software, videos and books.

Lastly, the company is making moves into the health care industry. In 2018 it announced plans
for a health care alliance (details are sparse) with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase.
Amazon is also bulking up its medical supplies inventory as it looks to better serve hospitals and
other medical facilities through its business-to-business offering.


TABLE 4.1: Showing the gender of respondents

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Male 18 69

Female 32 31

Total 50 100

The table above shows the gender distribution of the selected respondents. It was found that
majority of the respondents were female 32% and male with 18%.
CHART: 4.1 Chart showing the gender of respondents of Amazon
Chart showing the gender respondents of Amazon


TABLE 4.2: Showing the marital status of respondents

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Married 22 17

Unmarried 28 83

Total 50 100


The above table shows the marital status of the selected respondents. It was found that
majority of the respondents are unmarried with 28% and married with 22%.

CHART: 4.2 Chart showing the marital status of the


Chart showing the age group of the respondents

CHART: 4.3 Chart showing the age group of the respondents

Chart showing the age group of the respondents

46 and above
TABLE 4: Showing the income status of respondents

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Below 20,000 18 52
21,000-40,000 10 16
41,000-60,000 15 18
61,000-80,000 7 13
Total 50 100


The above table shows the income of the respondents with regard to their online shopping. It was
found that majority of the respondents are below20,000, followed by 18 respondents with
21,000-40,000, 150respondents with 41,000-60,000 and 15respondents with 61,000-80,000 with
CHART: 4.4 Chart showing the income status of the respondents

Chart showing the income status of the respondents

Below 20,000
TABLE 4.5: Showing the occupation of the respondents

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Government sector 6 4

Private Sector 14 20

Self-employed 12 7

Student 28 69

Total 50 100


The above table shows the occupation of different respondents. It was found
that majority of 28% of respondents were student followed by private sector with 14%, self-
employed with 12% and government sector with 6%.
CHART: 4.5 Chart showing the occupation of the respondents

Figure showing the occupation of the respondents

Government Sector
Private sector
TABLE 4.6: Showing the frequency of shopping by respondents

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Once in a week 20 2
Once in a month 11 23

Frequently 17 21

Rarely 2 54
Total 50 100

The above table shows the frequency of shopping by different respondents. It shows that
maximum level of consumers buy once in a week with 20%, frequently with 17%, once in a
month with 11% and rarely with 2%.
CHART: 4.6 Chart showing the frequency of shopping by the

Chart showing the frequency of shopping by the

Once in a week
Once in a month

TABLE 4.7: Showing the desire to choose Amazon

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Reliability 4 18

Quality 12 29

Service 10 10

Availablity of a required 24 43
brand at required time
Total 50 100

The above table shows the desire to purchase in Amazon for different respondents. It shows that
maximum customers choose for “availability of a particular brand at the particular time” with
24%, Service with 10%, Quality with 12% and reliability with 4%.
CHART: 4.7 Chart showing the desire to purchase in Amazon

Chart showing the desire to purchase in Amazon

Availablity of a required brand
at a required time
TABLE 4.8: Showing the mode of awareness about the website to customers

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Television ad 17 20
Website 10 43
Newspaper ad 13 5
Friends or Family 10 32
Total 50 100

The above table shows the mode of awareness about the website for different respondents. It
shows that maximum respondents falls under television ad with 17%, website with 10% ,
newspaper ad with 13% and friends or family with 10%.
CHART: 4.8 Chart showing the mode of awareness about the
Website to customers

Chart showing the mode of awareness about the

website to customers
TABLE 4.9: Showing the drawback of online shopping with reference to

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Products are not the same 13 29
Delay in service 10 22
Online payment 11 11
Process in return of 16 38
Total 50 100

The above table shows the drawbacks or difficulties faced by the respondents. It shows that
maximum respondent face their issue in the products are not the same with 13%, delay in service
with 10%, online payment with 11% and return process with 16%.
CHART: 4.9 Chart the showing the drawback of online shopping

With reference to Amazon

Chart showing the drawback of online shopping with
reference to Amazon
Products are not the same Delay in service Online payment Process in return of products

TABLE 10: Showing the adverse effect of shopping by respondents

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Payment process 10 20
Quality of the product 12 26
Return process 18 39
Cancel product 10 15
Total 50 100

The above table shows the adverse effect of online shopping from different respondents. It shows
that the maximum level of customers fall under return process with 18%, payment process with
10%, quality of the product with 12% and cancel product with 10%.
CHART: 4.10 Chart showing the adverse effect of Amazon
Chart showing the adverse effect of Amazon
Payment process Quality of the product Return process Cancel product

TABLE 4.11: Showing the factor influence to purchase in Amazon

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Offers and discounts 13 51
Timely delivery 17 28
Desired brand 20 21
Total 50 100

The above table shows the factor that influence the customer to purchase in Amazon. It shows
that the maximum level of respondents fall under desired brand with 20%, timely delivery with
17% and offers and discounts with 13%.
CHART: 4.11 Chart showing the influencing factor to purchase in


Chart showing the influencing factor to purchase in





Offers and discounts timely delivery Desired brand
TABLE 4.12: Showing the desire to purchase in Amazon

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Festive season 11 11
Occassion 16 16
Discount 17 34
Depends upon desire 10 39

Total 50 100

The above table shows the desire of different respondents to purchase in Amazon. It shows that
maximum number of customers fall under festive season with 11%, discount with 17%, occasion
with 16% and depends upon desire with 10%.
CHART: 4.12 Chart showing the desire to purchase in Amazon

Chart showing the desire to purchase in Amazon

10 Sales

Festive season Occasion Discount
TABLE 13: Showing the type of products purchased in online shopping

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Electronic Appliances 20 40

Clothing 6 21
Accessories 18 28
Footwear 6 11

Total 50 100

The above table showing the type of products purchased by the customers in online shopping
with reference to Amazon. It shows that maximum respondents fall under electronic appliances
with 20%, accessories with 18%, clothing with 6% and footwear with 11%.
CHART: 4.13 Chart showing the type of products purchased in


Chart showing the type of products purchased in



15 Sales


Electronic appliances Clothing Accessories
TABLE 4.14: Showing the secured method of payment by the respondents

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Pay pal 2 2
Credit card/Debit card 18 18
Cash on delivery(COD) 30 80
Total 50 100

The above table shows the secured method of payment sent by respondents. It shows that
maximum respondents fall under cash on delivery with 30%, credit card/debit card with 18% and
pay pal with 2%.
CHART: 4.14 Chart showing the secured method of payment

by the respondents

Chart showing the secured method of payment by the




20 Sales



Paypal Credit card/ Debit card Cash on delivery (COD)
TABLE 15: Showing the safety with the quality of product delivered by

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 30 55
No 5 5

Neutral 15 40
Total 50 100

The above table shows the safety with the quality of the product by number of respondents. It
shows that maximum number of respondent are found in yes with 30%, no with 5% and neutral
with 15%.
CHART: 4.15 Chart showing the safety with the quality of

Product delivered by Amazon

Chart showing the safety with the quality of product
delivered by Amazon



20 Sales



Yes No Neutral

TABLE 4.16: Showing the closest competitors of Amazon

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Flipkart 20 75
E-bay 15 10
Myntra 12 12
Limeroad 3 3
Total 50 100

The above table shows the closest competitor of Amazon by different respondents. It shows that
majority of the respondents choose flipkart as the closest competitor with 20%, e-bay with 15%,
myntra with 12% and limeroad with 3%.
CHART: 4.16 Chart showing the closest competitor of Amazon
Chart showing the closest competitor of Amazon



15 Sales


Flipkart E-bay Myntra Limeroad
LE 4.17: Showing the number of respondents continue to purchase in

Options No. of respondents Total

Yes 40 71

No 4 4
Neutral 6 25
Total 50 100

The above table shows the number of respondents who would like to continue online shopping
with reference to Amazon. It shows that majority of the respondent says yes with 40%, no with
4% and neutral with 6%.
CHART: 4.17 Chart showing the number of respondents to

Continue shopping with Amazon

Chart showing the number of respondents to continue

shopping with Amazon
Yes No Neutral
TABLE 4.18: Showing the satisfaction level of products delivered by Amazon

Options No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 33 67
No 7 7
Neutral 10 26
Total 50 100

The above table shows the satisfaction level of respondents for the products provide by Amazon.
It shows that maximum respondents fall under yes with 33%, no with 7% and neutral with 10%.
CHART: 4.18 Chart showing the satisfaction level of the customers

Chart showing the satisfaction level of the customers







Yes No Neutral


 Gender wise majority of 69% of female are more user of online shopping with
 Majority of 77% of Amazon.com users are in the age group between 17 – 25.
 Majority of 52% of Amazon users fall under the income level below 20,000.
 Majority of Amazon users were private sector who will have more knowledge about
current market trending.
 Majority of respondents fall under the category rarely according to the survey collected
for frequency of shopping.
 Majority of the respondents 42% purchase in Amazon in order to satisfy the required
brand at the required time.
 Under the study it was found that majority of 43% the respondents were aware about
Amazon through website.
 Majority of the respondents of 38% felt drawback process in return of products.
 Majority of the respondents of 39% felt difficult or adverse effect in the return process.
 Majority of the respondents of 51% purchase during the period of offers and discounts.
 Majority of the respondents of 39% purchase in Amazon depends upon their desire.
 Majority of the respondents of 28% of Amazon users purchase accessories.
 Majority of the respondents of 80% felt secured payment for online purchase as Cash on
delivery (COD).
 Majority of the respondents of 55% are satisfied with the quality of the service provided
by Amazon.
 Majority of the respondents of 75% felt ‘Flipkart” as the closest competitor of
 Majority of the respondents of 71% would like to continue shopping with regard to
 Majority of the respondents of 67% are satisfied with the quality of the product supplied
by Amazon.com.
 Amazon.com can reduce the procedure for online payment because majority
of the respondents felt that is the major drawback to pay in online.
 As India is a developing country with huge number of population it is possible to
attract customers in large scale by awareness through means of advertisement in
television, social media etc.
 With expansion of internet facilities in rural areas can bring the more customers
for the online shopping sites.
 Through prompt service, wide variety and easy accessibility even customers from
the remote area can be tapped.
 Calling facility to make an order and exchange an order as well as, urgent
delivery with no extra cost service can add a cherry on the cake and would help
Amazon to perform even better than its competitors. The cash on delivery (COD
service has will help a lot of traditional customers to turn into shopping.
 There is also need to remove the fear in the minds the customers regarding the
online shopping the available online shopping stores can widen their market by
getting into expansion strategies.

Due to fast moving lifestyle, online shopping has been growing drastically in India. With
developed internet penetration, increasing adoption of devices like smart phones, tablets and
laptops and access to the internet and shift in buying behavior among the consumers has
contributed to the rapid growth of the online consumer base. The increase of online shopping has
become a trendy way for consumers to shop over internet. The research indicates that shift in
buying behavior towards online is positive due to reasons like cash on delivery, discounts,
schemes & quality of products offered. Increasing awareness towards use of internet,
satisfactorily results in online shopping, rise in standard of living, occupation, influence of
friends and attractive offers had affected purchase decision making. Youth contributes a
considerable proportion of the online users with India’s youth comprising a significantly larger
share than global internet users. ‘Y' generation which are between the age group of 18-35 years
were mostly attracted towards online shopping of electronic product through smart phones.
Amazon as India’s leading e-retailer has revolutionized online shopping like never before
maintains top position on consumers mind followed by Snapdeal and Flipkart. Amazon to retain
top position it needs to offer better schemes &offers with superior quality and services. With
nearly one-third of internet users already making purchases online, the e-retail growth will rely
more on increased spending from existing buyers to first-time online buyers. When it comes to
liking most about online shopping, most of the e-consumers likes cheaper prices as their primary
motivation for shopping electronic products online and Cash on Delivery is the most preferred
payment method. E-consumers decision making mostly influenced by marketing influences like
Price, Advertisements on TV, Newspapers& Magazines, Free samples, Quality of Products &
Brand Image impacts most on consumers’ willingness to buy online. Overall, most of the e-
consumers reported to have satisfied experience with the quality and services offered to them by
the e-retailers. Hence the study directs the e-retailers that they should focus on these important
aspects in order to attract more customers towards online shopping.


Text books like marketing management, sales promotion etc.

1. Name:


3. Income:


a. Government Sector b. Private Sector

c. Self-employed d. Student
5.Marital Status:

a. Married b. Unmarried
6. How frequently do you buy products from online shopping with reference to

a. Once in a week b. Frequently

c. Once in a month d. Rarely

7.What makes you choose Amazon.com?

a. Reliability b. Quality

c. Service d. Available of required brand

8. How did you know about Amazon.com?

a. Newspaper ad b. Television ad

c. Website d. Friends or family

9. What is the drawback you felt in online shopping with reference to


a. Products are not the same c. Delay in service

b. Online payment d. Process in return of products

10. What are the adverse effect you feel while shopping with Amazon.com?

a. Payment process b. Quality of the product

c. Return process d. Cancel product

11. Which factor influence you to purchase in Amazon?

a. Offers and discounts b. Timely delivery

c. Desired brand d. Brand perception

12. When did you like to purchase in Amazon?

a. Festive season b. Discount

c. Occasionally d. Depends upon desire

13. What type of products do you purchase on the Amazon?

a. Electronic appliances b. Clothing

c. Accessories d. Footwear

14. What type of payment do you feel comfort or secure in shopping with

a. Pay pal b. Cash on delivery

c. Credit card/ Debit card

15. Whether you feel safe with the quality of service provided by Amazon?

a. Yes b. No

c. Neutral

16. Whom do you think the closest competitors of Amazon?

a. Flipkart b. e-bay

c. Myntra d. Limeroad

17. When you like to continue online shopping with reference to Amazon?

a. Yes b. No

c. Neutral

18. Are you satisfied with the products provided by Amazon?

a. Yes b. No

c. Neutral

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