Ipa 2014 Kosovo A Decommisioning 20141027 PDF
Ipa 2014 Kosovo A Decommisioning 20141027 PDF
Ipa 2014 Kosovo A Decommisioning 20141027 PDF
Kosovo A Decommissioning
and Feasibility Study on
Kosovo B TPP
Action Summary
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo
declaration of independence.
Action Identification
Programme Title 2014 Annual Action Programme for Kosovo
Action Title Kosovo A Decommissioning and Feasibility Study on Kosovo B
Zone benefiting from the Kosovo
Specific implementation Municipality of Obiliq/Obilić, KEK –Kosovo A & B Thermal Power
area(s) Plants
Deadline for conclusion of 31 December 2014
the Financing Agreement
Contracting deadline 3 years following the date of conclusion of Financing Agreement
End of operational 6 years following the date of conclusion of Financing Agreement
implementation period
The total action cost should be net of VAT and/or of other taxes. Should this not be the case, clearly indicate the amount of VAT and the
reasons why it is considered eligible.
The location of TPP Kosovo A also contains a disused heat plant which produced technological steam.
The production capacity of the heat plant was about 1 million tonnes of steam per year. The heat plant
has three boilers. Boilers K (1) and K (2) have terminated their steam production and are out of
operation since 20 years and, therefore, in very poor condition. Steam Boiler K (3) is out of operation
since 2005. This boiler also faces significant technical problems.
The heat plant has two installed turbines with a capacity of 16 MWh and 25 MWh. The 16 MWh
capacity turbine is not operational since 20 years, and therefore cannot be further used for safe and
reliable operation. The 25 MWh turbine has not been in operation since 2005 and is facing technical
problems because of lack of repairs. In general, these facilities are in a condition which doesn’t allow
them to operate in compliance with technical and environment standards.
Until now no study (including necessary cost benefit calculations) was undertaken on the existing
district heating equipment and facilities.
Kosovo B Power Plant consists of two units with an installed capacity of 339MW each and it
commissioned in 1983-84.
Given the need to meet the environmental standards, the TPP Kosovo B requires a feasibility study to
determine the level of environmental pollution from emissions and discharges of industrial
wastewater, and to determine the processes and technology required to reduce all emissions and to
recycle the industrial waters and other waste coming out from the plant. TPP Kosovo B must have all
necessary paperwork regarding the scale and technology necessary for such environmental
improvements, to ensure that it has the basis for the procurement and contracting of necessary services
and works for such investments.
In order to meet these objectives, a study must be carried out in order to produce the following:
¾ An assessment of the level of contamination by dust and gaseous emissions, technological
measures and the level of the investment required to reduce such emissions.
¾ An assessment of the volume and content of discharged wastewater and technological
measures and level of investment required for the processing and recycling of such
¾ An assessment of the remaining useful lifetime of the pipeline system and integral steam pipe
system with all relevant technical and financial investment recommendations for the steam
¾ An assessment of the remaining useful lifetime of the condensation equipment, water cooling
system, water supply system and 6.3kV electrical equipment, technological measures and the
level of required investment to rehabilitate te condensation equipment, water cooling, water
supply and 6.3kV electrical equipment..
¾ Other necessary assessment related to the remaining part of the plant that is important for safe
and reliable operation of the power plant until the end of its lifetime.
Additional investment will be needed for TPP Kosovo B to comply with European emission standards,
especially with the Directive on industrial emissions 2010/75/EU. The current level of dust emissions
according to KEK own measurements in Kosovo power plant is approx. 665mg/Nm3 while it should
be under 20 mg/Nm3 (allowed values). Average quantity of SO2 emissions is 678 mg/Nm3, and it
shouldn’t be higher than 200 mg/Nm3 (allowed values). Average quantity of NOx emissions is 835
mg/Nm3 and it shouldn’t be higher than 200 mg/Nm3 (allowed values).
The studies to be produced under the umbrella of this action will form the basis for the refurbishment
of both Kosovo B units and the sustainable generation of electricity in Kosovo, in order to improve the
living conditions of its citizens.
The affected stakeholders are the citizens of Pristina district and in particular municipalities of
Obiliq/Obilic and Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje.
Security of supply, promotion of investments in the sector, environmental protection and further
development of the energy market are the main strategic goals of the new EU Strategy on Energy. A
number of important objectives derive from these goals, including the so-called 20% - 20% - 20%
target. Kosovo’s aim is to approach the EU by considering the EU energy acquis. This requires
Kosovo to implement the EU 20-20-20 targets which require by 2020: A reduction of greenhouse
emissions by 20%, an increase of the share of renewable energy in energy consumption by 20%, and a
20% increase in energy efficiency.
This action will contribute toward the reduction of environmental impacts of the energy sector in
Kosovo by providing technical assistance for the decommissioning of Kosovo A power plant and for
the improvement of environmental, operational and technical aspects of the operation of TPP Kosovo
B. As such, this action is in line with the strategic objectives of the Kosovo Country Strategy Paper
2014 – 2020, strategic objectives of Kosovo's energy sector strategy and policies on environmental
protection from energy sector activities presented in the Energy Strategy of the Energy Community.
which will cooperate with the working groups and the experts of this action that are expected to be
engaged in the process of decommissioning of the facilities and equipment in the compound of
Kosovo A power plant.
Activities for the implementation of this action will be focused on the implementation of the
Government decision on the decommissioning and dismantling of facilities that are at the site of TPP
Kosovo A, but which do not prevent the normal operation of units producing electricity, including
gasification, fertiliser plants, heating and other facilities, as well as the implementation of the
feasibility study on TPP Kosovo B.
The action, planned to be carried out under the IPA 2 framework, on the decommissioning and
feasibility study for TPP Kosovo B, is in full compliance with the policies established in the Energy
Strategy and the Country Strategy Paper for Kosovo 2014-2020. All activities, from the planning stage
and up to the implementation and monitoring of the completion of the action, will be implemented in
close cooperation with the EU Office in Kosovo.
Although some studies and analyses have already been performed, (Study for Decommissioning of
Kosovo-A Power Plant, March 2010; Kosovo A Power Plant Decommissioning Study Workforce
Redevelopment to Minimise Negative Socio-Economic Impact, 2010; Further support on Kosovo A
TPP decommissioning process, November 2012; Clean Up of a Gasification Plant Site -Site
Investigations, Feasibility Study, Conceptual Design and Environmental Management Plan August 14,
2009), there is a need for additional studies and analyses on certain areas of this process, especially on
the area of the environmental pollution and its mitigation.
Considering the complexity of the processes that need to be analysed, the appointed experts should
have extensive experience in these fields and all relevant trainings on the decommissioning process
must be provided in order to ensure that in future Kosovo will have all necessary capacities to
implement and develop similar decommissioning and dismantling processes of major energy plants
and facilities.
To support the energy sector in Kosovo in ensuring compliance with the The EU Directive for large combustion Annual European
requirements of the Energy Community Treaty. plants and the EU Directive for industrial Commission Progress
emissions are implemented in the existing Reports for Kosovo.
power plants Kosovo A and Kosovo B. European Partnership Action
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Plan.
¾ CO2 reduction by approx. 1 million ton Energy Strategy.
by 2018; Study report “Further Support
¾ Other pollutants reduction by approx. for the Decommissioning
30% by 2018. Process” – Financed by EU in
To improve the environment, to support the Government of Kosovo and Completed studies and other documents WG Annual Reports on the Continued Government
other stakeholders in relation to the decommissioning process and the necessary for the dismantling process. Decommissioning Process. support to the established
feasibility study for TPP Kosovo B, to strengthen institutional capacities. mechanisms for the
Professional capacities associated with the Different reports prepared by
decommissioning process are improved. KEK including monthly and Decommissioning Process.
annual reports from Kosovo Contracting of specialised
B TPP. companies for such activities
Contractors’ Reports. will significantly impact the
quality of the implementation
Provision of sufficient funds
to implement the
recommendations and
measures deriving from such
Government and KEK will
allocate sufficient resources
to timely and correctly
implement the action.
Results for the decommissioning process of Kosovo A TPP: OVI for the decommissioning process of Regular progress and other Continue of the
Kosovo A TPP: reports of the contractor(s).Government's and KEK
¾ Professional capacities are built.
support to the mechanisms
¾ Legal framework for the Regular quarterly reports of
¾ Manual on the legal procedures for the decommissioning process is established for the
decommissioning process is completed the Working Groups.
prepared. decommissioning process.
and harmonised with the acquis on
Different KEK reports related KEK continues in making
¾ Procedure for requiring permits relevant for the decommissioning environment as required in the Energy
to Kosovo B TPP production available all necessary data
process is defined. Community Treaty.
and other operational details. and details relevant for a
¾ The study on the decommissioning of facilities is performed. ¾ The required permits including the proper implementation of the
procedures relevant for the activities.
¾ The detailed work and security plans for the dismantling of facilities decommissioning process are defined.
are prepared. Continue of the
¾ Feasibility study on the Government's support to
¾ The Tender Dossier for dismantling and cleanup of the location with decommissioning process and the improve the security of the
all other relevant documentation required for the tender are prepared. manual on the legal procedures are power production and
¾ Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report (ESIA) and completed and delivered. pollution from Kos B TPP.
other required reports for the facilities to be decommissioned are ¾ Dismantling plan of facilities and
prepared and submitted. addressing the related social impact,
¾ The project for the construction of the landfill for the waste generated including the security plan is
by the decommissioning process is designed. completed and submitted.
¾ Infrastructure and terrain adjustment projects after the dismantling is OVI for the feasibility study on Kosovo B
completed. TPP:
¾ Supervision of the implementation of the dismantling process is ¾ The actual pollution and contamination
completed. level from Kos B TPP is defined.
Results for the feasibility study on Kosovo B TPP: ¾ The financial and technological
measures for revitalisation of Kosovo
¾ Study on technological, operational and financial measures to reduce B units are defined.
the environmental pollution from TPP Kosovo B is completed.
¾ Study on the remaining operation lifetime of the units and the
technical, financial and technological measures for the revitalisation
of TPP Kosovo B units is completed.
Activities for the decommissioning process of Kosovo A power plant: These activities will be completed through EUR 3 million in total, with The Beneficiary/MED and
All necessary services to support the process of the decommissioning of two services contracts that will include two main components: KEK allocate sufficient
Kosovo A TPP (but not limited to) such as: professional capacity building, necessary Technical support to the professional staff to the
studies and preparation of the tender dossier decommissioning process of activities of the action
¾ Analysis of the existing legislation and drafting the necessary legal
and the supervision of the implementation Kosovo A TPP regarding the
amendments for implementation of the decommissioning process.
of concrete decommissioning works. decommissioning process
¾ Preparation of the manual for relevant legal procedures for the Feasibility Study on Kosovo and the feasibility study for
decommissioning process, to serve also for the decommissioning of B TPP Kos B TPP.
other large industrial facilities.
KEK allocate sufficient
¾ Prepare the necessary documentation to obtain environmental
professional stuff during the
permits, dismantling permits, permits for the export of hazardous
supervision of the
dismantling works.
¾ Carry out of the feasibility study for the decommissioning and
dismantling of facilities which will contain all necessary components Relevant EU Office staff
and analyses, including costs and the work plan for the mobilised for the action
implementation of the decommissioning. monitoring.
¾ Drafting of a detailed plan for the dismantling of facilities and
treatment of workers after the decommissioning process, including a
detailed security plan.
¾ Preparation of Tender Dossier for the dismantling and clean-up of the
¾ Preparation of the study for EIA for the facilities and equipment that
will be decommissioned.
¾ Preparation of the project for the construction of a landfill facility for
the waste generated from the decommissioning process.
¾ Preparation of the project infrastructure and regulation of the terrain
after the decommissioning is performed.
¾ Supervision of the dismantling and the entire process of the
decommissioning of non-functional facilities and equipment in the
location of Kosovo A TPP.
Activities for the feasibility study of Kosovo B power plant:
All necessary assessments and services needed for the preparation of the
Feasibility Study on Kosovo B TPP in terms of (but not limited to):
¾ Collection of data and parameters needed for the study, analysis of
appropriate environmental technologies and proposal for technical
and financial resources to achieve the objectives.
The decommissioning and dismantling process under this activity will initially be carried out in
accordance with the Government Decision No. 04/156 and will focus on the gasification and fertilizer
plant facilities, heat plant and a few other facilities at the Kosovo A power plant site. The
decommissioning of these facilities will not have any impact on the operation of the electricity
generating Kosovo A power plant units. The feasibility study for Kosovo B will provide opportunities
for the necessary technical and environmental investment in Kosovo B, for the revitalisation of units in
the period 2017-2018.
The benefits of these studies will be that they will form the basis for the implementation of two major
power generation and environmental projects in Kosovo in order to fulfil the environmental
requirements of EU Directives.
Kosovo will benefit from the professional experience gained during the implementation of the
proposed action, clean environment in the affected areas and will also actively participate in the
implementation of the environmental standards under the ECT and relevant EU directives. In parallel,
the implementation of this action will allow the EU to support the implementation of its environment
policies and will create opportunities to use such developments to generate further jobs and economic
The decommissioning process of the gasification and fertilizer plants, heat plant and other facilities at
the location of TPP Kosovo A must be developed initially through the preparation of studies and
technical documentation and training of the staff involved in the preparation and implementation of
the action. Following that, the dismantling of equipment can take place.
Various options for the clean-up of demolished areas and the removal of material and debris should be
explored in the studies including the filling of construction pits with recycled construction materials.
Furthermore, the treatment of residuals (concrete, brick etc.) should preferably take place in a specific
location that uses mobile crushing and recycling equipment, but also in a location where potential
usable materials could be deposited (e.g. ash landfill or coal exploitation field assuming that sufficient
space is available). In addition, appropriate security measures should be applied when dismantling all
technical equipment and facilities. These include rules for safe dismantling, in accordance with
environmental and health protection standards, fire protection measures and measures to prevent
unauthorized entry on site.
The above indicated issues should be considered during the preparation of the proposed studies and
other documents necessary for the decommissioning of gasification and fertilizer plants, heat plant and
other facilities on location of the Kosovo A power plant.
Security measures for the clean-up activities include the following:
¾ Suspension, disconnection and dismantling of all installations (including water, heat,
electricity, compressed air, fuel, etc.)
¾ Emptying and cleaning of components found in installations and equipment (tanks, various
caches, etc.) and disposal of residual materials, such as fuels, lubricants, chemicals, etc.
¾ Implementation of measures to avoid fire or explosion possible outbreaks of dangerous
Most appropriate modes and routes for the actions, and specific standards in order to prepare these
measures will be selected.
The drafting of the feasibility study for TPP Kosovo B will produce a technical and financial overview
of investments necessary to meet the environmental criteria and documentation necessary for
investments regarding the revitalisation of equipment and systems of Kosovo B units important for
safe and reliable operation until the end of their life time.
Contractors with appropriate expertise and experience in drafting of these documents will be engaged.
The pool of experts engaged on this action shall include (but will not be limited to) environmental
experts, experts in lignite-fired power plant technologies, metal-structure demolitions, etc. In addition,
economic experts who can provide economic justification for the investments needed to revitalise the
units will also be engaged.
Indicator Description Baseline Last available Milestone 2017 Target Source of information
(2014) (2014) 2020
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Meeting Energy Community CO2: approx. CO2: approx. CO2: approx. CO2: approx. 2nd National Energy
(GHG) Treaty requirements related to 7,1 million 7,1 million 6,1 million 7,6 million Efficiency Action Plan.
environmental acquis (Large ton/year ton/year ton/year ton/year
• CO2 reduction by approx. Energy Community
Combustion Plants Directive and
1 million ton by 2018; Other pollutants: implementation report for
Industrial Emissions Directive).
Other pollutants Other pollutants approx. 27,000 Other pollutants: Kosovo.
• Other pollutants reduction (SOx, NOx, (SOx, NOx, ton/year approx. 22,000
by approx. 30% by 2018 Note: The CO2 emissions
Dust): approx. Dust): approx. ton/year
forecast for 2020 is higher
(Overall objective) 38000 ton/year 38000 ton/year (including new
than in 2017 because of the
power plant) r
new coal fired power plant
expected to be operational
by 2020 upon
decommissioning of Kosovo
A units, whereas other
pollutants form the new
power plant will be
significantly lower due to
compliance with Industrial
Emissions Directive.
Action outcome indicator 1 Completed studies and other N/A N/A Indicatively 90% 100% of the WG Annual Reports on the
(Specific objective) documents necessary for the of the Action Action Plan Decommissioning Process,
dismantling process. Plan implemented different reports prepared by
implemented power company/KEK and
the contractors’ reports.
Action outcome indicator 2 Professional capacities associated N/A N/A Indicatively 90% 100% improved WG Annual Reports on the
(Specific objective) with the decommissioning of the Action professional Decommissioning Process,
process are improved. Plan capacities. and the contractors’ reports.
The implementation of these activities that are comprised of two components, represent a good basis
for the implantation of major energy and environmental projects in Kosovo with the aim of fulfilling
the environmental criteria in line with relevant EU Directives.
Related to the decommissioning process, Kosovo will benefit from a professional technical assistance,
the implementation of the action will result in a cleaner environment and the action will also
contribute to the implementation of the ECT and EU environmental standards. This will lay the
foundations for future actions that would clear the area from buildings and facilities that are no longer
in use and which pollute the environment, in part due to hazardous materials used.
The cleared area may be designated for other purposes creating new employment and business
development opportunities. The implementation of the study on TPP Kosovo B will create an
opportunity to adequately plan investments into the improvement of environmental standards and
technologies which will essentially improve the stability and security of electricity generation. In
addition, the action is supporting the implementation of EU environmental and energy policies
contributing to long-term sustainable economic and social development.
Communication with all relevant stakeholders, the local community and civil society will be done
through the organisation of workshops, by presenting data on the implementation of the action in the
media and on the websites of the Ministry for Economic Development and KEK.
Communication and visibility will be given high importance during the implementation of the Action.
The implementation of the communication activities shall be the responsibility of the beneficiary, and
shall be funded from the amounts allocated to the Action.
The EU Office in Kosovo has developed clear visibility guidelines and ensures that all projects which
are implemented in Kosovo are fully in line with these guidelines. The visibility of this action is also
clearly stipulated in all contractual documents whereby the contractors/implementers are obliged to
adhere to all EU visibility requirements, as stipulated in the Communication and Visibility Manual for
EU External Actions.
Visibility and communication actions shall demonstrate how the intervention contributes to the agreed
objectives of the programme and the accession process. Actions shall be aimed at strengthening
general public awareness and support of interventions financed and the objectives pursued. The
actions shall aim at highlighting to the relevant target audiences the added value and impact of the
EU's interventions. Visibility actions should also promote transparency and accountability on the use
of funds.
It is the responsibility of the beneficiary to keep the EU Office fully informed of the planning and
implementation of the specific visibility and communication activities.
The beneficiary shall report on its visibility and communication actions in the report submitted to the
IPA monitoring committee and the sectoral monitoring committees.