Water Resources
Water Resources
Water Resources
Water resources are used in various ways including direct consumption, agricultural irrigation, fisheries,
hydropower, industrial production, recreation, navigation, environmental protection, the disposal and treatment of
sewage, and industrial effluents. Water has sources and supplies, economic, social, and political characteristics
which make it a unique and challenging natural resource to manage.
Water is used in economic activities and hence must be allocated among competing uses. The commercial needs for
water resources complicate matters, since water is a difficult to measure and identify. Water flows, evaporates, seeps
and is transpired. This evasive nature entails that exclusive property rights are difficult to establish or enforce. As
such it is difficult to subject water to market forces in a market economy. Furthermore water has a long-term value
to the sustainability of life and economic activity, over periods that dwarf those considered in conventional cost-
benefit analysis. The value of useable water to future generations is hard to quantify and define and requires
considerations of quantity, quality, timing, and accessibility. As well, the value of water to particular uses depends
crucially on its location, quality, and timing. Its location determines its accessibility and costs. Its quality affects
whether it can be used, and what treatment cost it will require. The time when it is available governs its reliability
and its relative value for power, irrigation, environmental or potable uses (FAO, 1995). Moreover, many
development economists agree that the widespread provision of water is a prerequisite for the transformation of
poorer economies into modern economies. For instance, new industries can be constrained by lack of useable water.
Currently, developed countries’ industry uses more than 40 percent of total worldwide water withdrawals versus 10
percent in developing countries (ITT, 2003). Lack of control on pollution and consumption of water could lead to
greater scarcity as developing countries pursue industrial growth.
Theoretically, managing water as an economic good entails that water can be allocated across competing uses in a
way that maximizes the net benefit from the amount of water in question. Practically, the increasing financial burden
on users to pay for clean water has social and political implications. For example, more than three thousand million
people worldwide have daily incomes of less than $US 2, which places a severe limitation on their capacity to pay
the full economic costs of water services (FAO, 1995). There has been growing controversy over the privatization of
water worldwide as the economic principals of valuation, privatization, and efficiency are being applied to water, a
resource that many consider a basic human need and right.
Social characteristics
It is commonly accepted that access to water is a basic human right. The Dublin Conference in 1992 asserted that “it
is vital to recognize first the basic right of all human beings to have access to clean water and sanitation at an
affordable price” (ICWE , 1992). Moreover, it is argued that water is a social good in that the widespread
availability of clean and affordable water improves both individual and social well-being. Clean water reduces the
prevalence of water-related diseases, a social benefit shared by all users of the same water source. The public health
impacts of inadequate water supply and sanitation has serious social and economic consequences for all. Being a
social good and private good are not mutually exclusive conditions. In fact, more water for one individual can mean
less water for other individuals who share a water-supply system. Ensuring that the public receives an adequate
supply of social goods requires some level of governmental action, since purely private markets often do not find it
profitable to provide social goods
Classifying water as a basic human right introduces further social complications in terms of equitable distribution.
Only a fraction of water consumption is actually used for preserving life. A large portion of urban water is used for
convenience and comfort. For example in the arid western United States, the per capita water withdrawal by
households frequently exceeds 400 liters per day, about half of which is used to irrigate lawns and gardens, the
remainder being used for toilets, bathing, and washing cars (FAO, 1995). Clearly with 1.1 billion people still lacking
access to safe drinking water, the allowance for such frivolous usage is inequitable. Moreover, the moral dimensions
of water management intersect with the property rights issues that underlie the economic allocation of water. If local
people “own” or have a right to water in its natural place, they must be persuaded to voluntarily accept removal of
water from its natural place .Tens of millions of people have been forced from their homes, without compensation or
little warning to make way for economic water uses. The case of China’s Three Gorges Dam exemplifies these
moral issues. In addition, water has cultural and symbolic importance. It is used in religious rituals such as baptism
and it acts as a source of national identities for many native peoples (Graz, 1998). As such, the value of water to
people will differ across cultures and further complicates the characteristics of the resource.
Political characteristics
In addition, water is not evenly distributed throughout the world, and there are great variations in natural abundance.
For example, mountain areas produce 80 percent of global water resources yet they have less than 10 percent of the
global population.. This uneven distribution entails the need for large-scale transfers and agreements. Previously,
large-scale transfers of water occurred within national borders. Agreements were common among nations that
shared a watershed, such as the U.S. and Mexico .Recently, as domestic, industrial, and agricultural demands for
fresh water have grown, proposals for bulk water transfers are being made at the international level. Entrepreneurs
have created a wide range of markets for water, leading to various forms of international water trading and
exchanges. Thus, fresh water has become an issue in international trade negotiations and disputes. The lack of legal
precedence governing the trade of water has placed water at the forefront of international concern and tension.
As well, it is historically common for regions to experience vulnerability to water availability. Disputes over shared
water resources can lead to violence and continue to raise local, national, and even international tensions .. Countries
may be willing to go to war to defend their interests. There is a serious risk of water becoming a casus belli in some
of the arid parts of the world . Rising conflict is expected as populations expand, economies grow, and the
competition for limited water supplies intensifies. Competition for and conflicts over water are not new, although
the mismatch between expected supplies and expected demand is historically unprecedented.
In addition, decisions about water concern many interested parties or stakeholders. The decision to use more water
in agriculture, for instance, could have implications for power generation, for municipal use, for industrial off take,
for in-stream uses such as fishing, navigation and recreation, and for the environment, including wetlands, deltas and
game parks. Decisions over water could also entail major public health risks, such as the spread of malaria. As such,
national political implications regarding water management are also a characteristic of choosing among competing
water uses.
The above physical, economic, social and political characteristics of water make it a unique resource in which a
degree of government involvement is inevitable. The discussion will now turn to the governance structures which
have been implemented in order to manage and provide this complicated and vital resource.