AMFEIX Whitepaper
AMFEIX Whitepaper
AMFEIX Whitepaper
AMFEIX Fund Operations
8. Fund Fees 11
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
For months AMFEIX has been deposit you make into the AMFEIX Fund is
outperforming assets and since the start of recognised as a separate investment. And
the year we have had over 161.72% on BTC due to the fact that it’s built on a smart
and 263.6% on USD, both are compounded contract, none of the data can be lost. For
as the accounts get updated every 24 example, a user deposits 1 BTC into the
hours, giving us an average of 17.96% a fund address by confirming the investment
month on BTC and 29.28% on USD. with his password which is stored locally on
his computer/phone after he enters his
The AMFEIX Platform is built on its smart seed keys when logging in.
contract which you can find with this
address on the ETH blockchain: Once the user has confirmed his
0xb0963da9baef08711583252f5000Df44D4 investment the smart contract then reads
F56925 which you can voluntarily search. the transaction. From there onwards, the
The platform is referred to as a “Portal”. The total investment value is dictated by all the
AMFEIX Portal is a one of a kind banking transactions that have been multiplied and
style system built on the ETH blockchain. added together. Further information will be
The portal tracks Bitcoin transactions mentioned in the respected areas in this
made into the fund wallet. The smart whitepaper.
contract then multiplies those transactions
based on your deposit time and amount AMFEIX: The best performing digital asset
into the fund. This is the reason why each fund period.
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
AMFEIX manages investor funds through projected returns, from those digital
a number of positions, in both long and assets which show both historically high
short strategies. We have allocated 54.5% performance and strong potential future
of our portfolio to our short-term strategy gains. Likewise, our analysts have chosen
via our trading desk, where AMFEIX will pairs with a low-risk profile to maximise
make regular trades in a number of BTC returns while safeguarding funds.
to fiat and BTC to crypto pairings. These
pairings have been chosen for their
45.5% 54.5%
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
1% 0.5% 0.5%
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
The other 45.5% is holding BTC reserves, a infrastructure. BTC, also known as Bitcoin
safe haven in cold wallets protected and has been the best performing asset since
secure. This provides cold storage its creation in 2009, so hence its only right
custodian service for those that simply to have a large portion in reserves for
don’t understand how to do it or don’t liquidity and safeguarding in cold storage
have the ability to invest in such custodian wallets.
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
After you create your wallet, you will need From here, you will need to confirm your
to transfer Bitcoin f rom either your investment into the fund by re-entering
exchange of choice or another existing your password, you will be shown a green
wallet. Upon sending your Bitcoin to the checkmark along with a transaction ID to
AMFEIX wallet, your balance at the top track your funds across the blockchain.
right corner should reflect the amount of
Bitcoin you transferred to the wallet. Now Within 24 hours, you will see your
that these funds are visible, navigate to investment on the AMFEIX Fund page.
the left side of the page and click on the This processing is due to our system's
‘AMFEIX Fund’ tab. At the top of this page, investment cycle restarting every 24
click on the ‘Investment Confirmation’ hours, updating all profits and losses
button. made during that day.
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
If you choose to exit the fund, we will AMFEIX Fund page and click the
deposit your account balance (initial ‘Withdraw’ button. Once completed,
capital plus any profits) into your AMFEIX enter your password and the withdrawal
wallet. It will take around 24 hours for the will be requested. Once the withdrawal is
fund to liquidate your positions and send approved, your funds will be sent to your
you your BTC. By removing your BTC from AMFEIX wallet, from which you will be
the AMFEIX fund, you will no longer see able to transfer your digital asset to any
any investment growth on your holdings. destination outside of the wallet as you
To initiate a withdrawal, you must visit the would with any other BTC wallet.
Fund Fees
A fund that charges flat fees does not In other words, we only make money if
believe in their fund and thus AMFEIX you profit from your investment; we are
does not charge any flat fees, apart f rom a financially incentivized to deliver returns
20% profit fee. on your capital.
AMFEIX calculates all profits in Bitcoin, As with any investing activity, losses are
meaning that after your Bitcoin is also possible in the fund. When losses
invested, our goal will be to increase that occur, the value of the losses will be
amount of Bitcoin. For example, if you distributed among investors proportional
deposit 1 BTC, our mandate would be to to their respective degrees of investment
increase that amount to 1.1....+ 1.2....+ BTC in the fund. Such losses will then be
via trading and investing. updated in the account in the same
manner as the profits.
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
All profits will be split at a ratio of 2:8 in to us and 80% to you). Your capital will
that AMFEIX takes 20% and the investor continuously be compounding in the
(you) takes 80%. fund; your profits will continue to add up
in your account until you choose to
Your account balance gets recalculated withdraw a portion or all of your earnings.
and updated every 24 hours. After the 24 You are also able to withdraw your entire
hours, if your account has made a profit, it account balance at any time.
will be split via the profit ratio of 2:8 (20%
Let's consider an example to illustrate how AMFEIX's profit distribution model works.
Suppose an investor deposits 1 BTC on January 1st, and the total profit generated from
that 1 BTC investment equals 1.3 BTC as at 00:00 UTC on January 2nd. In this case,
AMFEIX would deduct its 20% of the profit (0.06 BTC), and the investor would be left
with an updated balance of 1.24 BTC (0.3/10*8+1 = 1.24).
0.06 BTC
The investor's starting capital at 00:00 UTC on January 2nd is now 1.24 BTC. And the
compounding pattern continues. This is how the accounting portal system works
automatically via the smart contract.
AMFEIX Digital Asset Management
Investment Disclaimer
We are here to invest and trade digital and regulations governing the sales of
assets on your behalf because when you securities and provision of financial
profit, we profit with you. You must be services in your jurisdiction; you are
aware of the risks and accept these risks permitted under the laws applicable to
in order to invest in our fund. you and any organization which you
represent to access this website.
Furthermore, we operate on the most In the event that you are unable to
secure cryptocurrency exchanges in the provide the confirmation above, you are
world. Only 30-60% of the pooled forbidden from accessing the website
investment amount is actively traded on and AMFEIX disclaims all liability arising
exchanges, and the remaining 40-70% of to you as a result of your prohibited access
pooled funds are stored in our base of the website and fund itself.
currency, Bitcoin, and held in cold
storage, thereby mitigating risks of hacks Moreover, AMFEIX is not responsible for
as cold storage cannot be tampered with. lost or stolen funds if you give your own
password away or do not lock up your
Information contained on the AMFEIX device and/or account. Your wallet seed
website ( and portal, as well keys and passwords are entirely yours to
as the products, services, tools, and keep safe and you must do so to ensure
materials contained or described herein your account’s security.
(the “Whitepaper”), is only appropriate for
viewing by those who are interested in Finally, AMFEIX is an investment fund that
growing their BTC assets. sees daily changes in both directions. This
means that your BTC may grow on some
By accessing this Whitepaper and the days and decline on others. This is critical
AMFEIX Portal, you confirm that: to understand before entering the fund as
losses do happen even though AMFEIX
You are doing so at your own initiative has been profitable in the long haul and
and that any subsequent investment by continues to strive in that path.
you in a product or service related to .
AMFEIX may not be covered by the laws