Ofsml PDF
Ofsml PDF
Ofsml PDF
Release R15.000
June 2015
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Table Of Contents
Introduction 3
Purpose of this Guide 3
Intended Audience 3
OFSML 1.4 Overview 4
Prerequisites 4
Assumptions 4
Getting Started 4
Intended Audience
This User Guide is intended for the use of Internal Temenos users and Clients.
The TEMENOS Open Financial Services XML interface (OFSML) - is supported by the TEMENOS Open Connectivity Framework.
OFSML is the unified public XML API of T24 (& GLOBUS) for on-line messaging. The OFSML definition is fully compliant with the W3C XML
Schema 1.0 specification. Through the XML messages defined via the OFSML specification, external applications may integrate with any core or
customised business service offered by the T24 (& GLOBUS) Universal Banking Engine.
This section provides the specification of OFSML in terms of the XML Schema, graphical visualisations, use cases and the Schema notes
The unified OFSML interface offers many advanced features over bespoke interfaces, particularly when linked to message broker middleware
T24 business services accessible via OFSML include core transactions and core table-based enquiries. Where a T24 installation has been loc-
alised for the needs of a specific installation, typically these customisations (localisations) are also supported via OFSML. It is also possible to
extend OFSML with a custom Schema, however, this is not normally required.
For information on the supported releases of OFSML, please check the downloads or resources pages on the TOCF Home for information
regarding TOCF releases supporting the OFSML API. Or check the support status section of the OFSML specification resource page.
OFSML is exclusively supported via the TOCF components known as the TEMENOS Connector/TEMENOS Application Gateway. Full val-
idation against the OFSML Schema (XSD) of both inbound (request) and outbound (response/send) messages is also supported.
OFSML is the unified public XML API of T24 (& GLOBUS) for on-line messaging. The OFSML definition is fully compliant with the W3C XML
Schema 1.0 specification. Through the XML messages defined via the OFSML specification, external applications may integrate with any core or
customised business service offered by the T24 (& GLOBUS) Universal Banking Engine.
l T24 R13
l TOCF R13
l jre 1.6 and above.
This document assumes that the reader knows about XML and XSD. Also this document assumes that the user has knowledge about the pre-
vious version of OFSML.
Getting Started
The major change in OFSML 1.4 is to provide enhanced support for AA and bulk transactions.
This version of OFSML provides the following types for sending the request:
l ofsStandardRoutine – This denote a OFSML Request to a standard routine in T24, that can produce a string output. No validation on
the input is performed.
l ofsXMLRoutine – This denotes a OFSML Request to a routine in T24 that can accept XML as a parameter and generated a XML out-
put. Here an external element definition is utlised. XML Parsing errors will result in a OFSFault Response
l ofsTransactionAuthorise – This denotes an authorization request. ofsTransactionDelete - This denotes delete request of an unau-
thorized record.
l ofsTransactionInput - This denotes a request to create or edit an existing T24 record.
l ofsTransactionReverse - This denotes a request to reverse an authorized record.
l ofsTransactionSee - This denotes a request to view an existing record.
l ofsExtendedEnquiry – This denotes a de-normalised OFSML Enquiry response.
l ofsStandardEnquiry - This denotes a normal OFSML Enquiry response.
l ofsStandardRoutine – This denote a response of a standard routine from T24. The custom routine can generate a string output. No val-
idation of the output is performed, but forbidden characters are replaced on the output with XML-compliant escape sequences.
l ofsXMLRoutine – This denotes a XML response from a routine in T24 that can return an XML output compliant with the
T24RoutineResponse element definition.
l ofsTransactionFailed – Denotes a failure to process the transaction due to a business validation failure. The original transaction
request is returned, along with the fields in error.
l ofsTransactionOffline – Denotes an off-line transaction response (rejected due to T24 running the close of business cycle - this option
is configurable in T24).
l ofsTransactionProcessed - Denotes a processed transaction response, where the overall processing status is indicated via the pro-
cessingStatus attribute. Note that override conditions may exist on a 'processed' transaction, and is denoted by the existance of over-
ride elements in the response.
l ofsTransactionQueued - Denotes an off-line queued transaction response (accepted for processing at the start of the next business
l ofsTransactions – Denotes a list of processed transaction responses
l ofsFault - Any request that could not be (or was not) processed due to a technical error is returned as an ofsFault. The default beha-
viour is to return the original service request, but custom routines may return their own fault details.
The following link leads to the OFSML1.4 Schema. This schema is bundled with TOCF(EE) Component.