First of all, I thank the almighty god who showered his immense blessings on me, which helped me to complete this project successfully. My heart full thanks to Mr. Jay Patel, MMES Women s !rts " Science #ollege for gi$ing me the accessory en$ironment to ac%uire knowledge and skill. My sincere and warmest thanks to principal, &ead of the 'epartment of #omputer !pplication. I feel indebted to guide Mr. (ay )atel, who guide our project with re$iews, e$aluations, guidance and suggestions offered throughout this project. She offered her time to perfect my work. I appreciate her immense patience. Who has gi$en his $aluable guidance clearing this project. I also greatly thankful to who helped me in completion of this project. I am also greatly thankful to the entire computer laboratory staff that has helped me in completion of this project directly or indirectly. I also e*press my whole hearted thanks to my parents for their encouragement to bring this project to a successful completion.
Topic No. 1. Introduction of the system (a) objective (b) Needs of ATM System 2. System Specification 1.1 ard!are re"uirement 1.2 Soft!are Specification 1.# $isp%ay mode #. About too%s (a) About &isua% 'asic ()ront*end+ (b) About ,rac%e -i ('ac.*end+ /. 0roject $escription /.1 Needs of the Soft!are /.2 0rob%em description 1. System study and Ana%ysis 1.1 23istin4 System 1.2 0roposed System 1.# )easibi%ity System 1./ %imitation 1. System $esi4n (a) )unction $ecomposed $esi4n $ia4ram()$$) (b) $ata )%o! $ia4ram($)$) (c) Tab%e $esi4n (d) $ata $ictionary (e) Screen 5ayout 6. System testin4 Topic
System Imp%ementation
in the main menu. When the option is entered alone with the respecti$e argument, then the payment history is displayed on the screen. +he user also must be gi$en option to browse through the pages like pre$ious page, ne*t page, etc. +he user may e*perience a delay in retrie$ing or $iewing the data, when there are many users logged on to the same bank branch system. b" Need for t$e !TM system% Millions of times per day around the globe people are instantly withdrawing money at automatic teller machines 5!+Ms6. 7i$en the fast8pace of the world today, it is not surprising that the demand for access to %uick cash is so immense. +he power of !+Ms would not be possible without secure connections. +he final act of !+M dispending cash is the result of an ama9ingly fast burst of the customer ne$er sees, but a trust is being done in a confidential manner.
!TM &'&T(M +he !TM &ystem is the project which is used to access their bank accounts in order to make cash withdrawals. Whene$er the user need to make cash withdraws, they can enter their )I: number 5personal identification number6 and it will display the amount to be withdrawn in the form of -;;<s 2;;<s and -;;;<s. 3nce their withdrawn was successful, the amount will be debited in their account.
O*eratin+ Syste ,
Microsoft 9indo! 3p
S:5 Server
"ro&ect Duration,
"ro&ect Guide,
<aydip 0ate%
). &'&T(M &P(CI*IC!TION ).1. +ard,are Re-u#rements% -. )rocessor = )entium 1 .. >!M = - 70 /. &ard 'isk = 1;70 1. Mouse = Standard Mouse 2. ?eyboard = @ogitech ?eyboard A. )rocessor Speed = ..17&B ).). &oft,are Re-u#rements% -. 3perating System = Microsoft Windows C) With Ser$ice )ack . .. Front8End = Microsoft Disual Studio .;;2 /. 0ack8End = Microsoft !ccess .;;/ )... D#splay Mode% -. #olor Euality = &ighestF/. bitG .. Screen >esolution = -;.1 by HAI )i*els
/. A(out Too's
/#sual 0as#c .N(T 5/0.N(T6 is an object8oriented computer programming language that can be $iewed as an e$olution of the classic Disual 0asic 5D06, implemented on the .:E+ Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two main editions of I'Es for de$eloping in Disual 0asic, Microsoft Disual Studio .;-., which is commercial software and Disual 0asic E*press Edition .;-., which is free of charge. +he command8line compiler, D0#.ECE, is installed as part of the freeware .:E+ Framework S'?. Mono also includes a command8line D0.:E+ compiler. +he most recent $ersion is D0 .;-/, released :o$ember -I, .;-/.
-. First of all, D0.:E+ pro$ides managed code e*ecution that runs under the #ommon @anguage >untime 5#@>6, resulting in robust, stable and secure applications. !ll features of the .:E+ framework are readily a$ailable in D0.:E+. .. D0.:E+ is totally object oriented. +his is a major addition that D0A and other earlier releases didnKt ha$e. /. +he .:E+ framework comes with !'3.:E+, which follows the disconnected paradigm, i.e. once the re%uired records are fetched the connection no longer e*ists. It also retrie$es the records that are e*pected to be accessed in the immediate future. +his enhances Scalability of the application to a great e*tent. 1. D0.:E+ uses CM@ to transfer data between the $arious layers in the ':! !rchitecture i.e. data are passed as simple te*t strings. 2. Error handling has changed in D0.:E+. ! new +ry8#atch8Finally block has been introduced to handle errors and e*ceptions as a unit, allowing appropriate action to be taken at the place the error occurred thus discouraging the use of 3: E>>3> 73+3 statement. +his again credits to the maintainability of the code. A. !nother great feature added to D0.:E+ is free threading against the D0 single8threaded apartment feature. In many situations de$elopers need spawning of a new thread to run as a background process and increase the usability of the application. D0.:E+ allows de$elopers to spawn threads where$er they feel like, hence gi$ing freedom and better control on the application. H. Security has become more robust in D0.:E+. In addition to the role8based security in D0A, D0.:E+ comes with a new security model, #ode !ccess security. +his security controls on what the code can access. For e*ample you can set the security to a component such that the component cannot access the database. +his type of security is important because it allows building components that can be trusted to $arious degrees. I. +he #@> takes care of garbage collection i.e. the #@> releases resources as soon as an object is no more in use. +his relie$es the de$eloper from thinking of ways to manage memory. #@> does this for them.
M#crosoft &23 &er4er is a relational database management system de$eloped by Microsoft. !s a database, it is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrie$e data as re%uested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network 5including the Internet6. +here are at least a do9en different editions of Microsoft SE@ Ser$er aimed at different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single8machine applications to large Internet8facing applications with many concurrent users. Its primary %uery languages are +8SE@ and !:SI SE@.
o *eatures
Rel#ab#l#ty With !ccess each client reads and writes directly to the raw data tables. If a client machine crashes while writing data this will usually cause the back8end database to also crash and become corrupt. +he same thing will occur if the network fails, has a glitch or temporarily becomes o$erloaded. +his problem becomes more apparent as the amount of data or the number of users increases. Data Inte6r#ty 'ata integrity in SE@ Ser$er is enhanced by the use of KtriggersK which can be applied whene$er a record is added, updated or deleted. +his occurs at the table le$el and cannot thus be forgotten about, ignored or bypassed by the client machine. For
e*ample audit processes cannot be a$oided 5accidentally or deliberately6 with this scenario. Performance With !ccess all tables in$ol$ed in a form, report or a %uery are copied across the network from the ser$er to the clientKs machine. +he tables are then processed and filtered to generate the re%uired record set. For e*ample if looking up details for one particular order from an orders table containing, say, 2;,;;; records then the whole table 5all 2;,;;; records6 is dragged o$er the network and then 1J,JJJ of these records are thrown away 5this is an o$er8simplification since inde*ing can be used to mitigate this to some e*tent6. #ontrast this with SE@ Ser$er where the filtering takes place on the ser$er 5if designed properly6 and only - record is transmitted o$er the network. Net,or5 Traff#c !s can be seen from the pre$ious section, network traffic is greatly reduced in a client4ser$er scenario, often by many orders of magnitude. +his both impro$es network reliability 5by reducing collisions, etc.6 and also impro$es the performance of the network for other software 5as there is less traffic on the network6. Where there is a slow connection, such as o$er a telephone dial8up, !ccess is usually so slow as to be all but unusable 5ob$iously this does depend upon the amount of data6 whereas a SE@ Ser$er application, if designed for this en$ironment, can still be perfectly useable. 3o, 0and,#dt$
+his occurs when you are accessing your database o$er a connection that only supports low data speeds, which, for all practical situations, means anything other than a @!:. In all low bandwidth situations !ccess4(E+ usually performs so slowly as to be unusable whilst a correctly designed SE@ Ser$er system can be similar in speed to running it o$er a @!:.
7. PROJ(CT D(&CRIPTION 7.1 Need *or T$e &oft,are% :ow a days e$ery one $ery busy in their work. So they feel that the job must be easier so the system is used to reduce their work which is done in the !+M system. Instead of keeping lots of paper into a record or file and it may be missed somewhere so, this system help to keep the record of the customer it also keeps the details of he customer. It is also easy to access. 7.) Problem descr#pt#on % +he system mainly used by the bank clients. When a client comes to !+M centre to update and delete their account. It reduces the time consumption and lot of paperwork. For any single operation it in$ol$es numerous references and updating also takes subse%uent changes in other places.
8. &'&T(M &TUD' !ND !N!3'&I& 8.1. (x#st#n6 &ystem% $ +he e*isting system is manual system. $ $ $ $ $ $ +he manual system is prone to error. +his system in$ol$es a lot of manual entries with the application to perform a desired task. Lsage of papers and records in the process leads to less efficiently less producti$ity. Increase lots of mistakes while writing in paper. +ime delay between the user and customer is reduced. For this reason the new system in in$ented.
8.). Proposed &ystem% +he system customer transactions, satisfies the re%uirements of the e*isting system in full8fledged manner. +hrough this system, customer can make fast transactions and $iew the last transactions easily.
8... &ystem !nalys#s% Lnderstand the problem before the system to create analysis model there is a tendency to rush to a solution, e$en before the problem is understood. 'e$elop prototypes that enables user to understand how human4machine interaction will occur. Since the perception of the %uality of software is often based on the perception of the MfriendlinessN of the interface prototyping is highly recommended. >ecord the origin of and the reason for e$ery re%uirement. +his is the first step8in establishing traceability back to the customer. Lse multiple $iews of re%uirements building data, functional and beha$ioral models pro$ide the software engineer with three different $iews. +his reduces the likelihood that something will be missed and increases the likelihood that inconsistency will be recogni9ed. >ank re%uirements. +ight deadlines may preclude the implementation of e$ery software re%uirements to be deli$ered in the first increment must be identified. Work to eliminate ambiguity because most re%uirements are described in a natural language, the opportunity for ambiguity abounds.