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Do you need help writing a sample poultry farming business plan template? This post is a poultry
business plan sample that can be used to develop one for your own farm There are several business
plan software for poultry production available online including business plan creation tools that you
can use.

I hope you find this sample business plan for poultry production useful to developing one for your big
and small farming businesses.

Download Poultry Farming Business Plan Template for 2400 Layers Production


Table Egg production via the process of raising poultry layer birds from Point Of Lay (POL) for
the purpose of producing table eggs and birds using battery cage. 2,400 POL birds, feeding and
medication of the birds and sales of eggs and spent layers produced from them in the first one and
half year after construction, increasing the number thereafter 5,000 Birds in the second year
utilising Day Old Chicks, 10,000 capacity in the third, and 20,000 in the fifth.
In the first year, at peak production, the farm should produce about 60 crates (30 eggs/crates) per
day and generate 1.1 million in revenue and about grossly 0.4 million as gross profit after deduction
of cost of feed on monthly basis. Spent layers would be sold at the end of one year of lay and utilized
in the purchase of replacement birds.

Annual revenue could be up to 16 million and profit grossly could be up to 4.5 million in the first
year. At full capacity, the project, housing 20,000 laying birds would generate up to 70 million in
revenue and about 17.0 million on net profit every year.
1.1 Business Overview

Egg production is the most popular form of of poultry farming because egg consumption
cut across wide divide. Poultry production come in different forms ranging from parent
stock breeder meat (broiler/production), egg production, Quail production, turkey
production, ostrich farming, duck farming, Geese farming and ornamental bird rearing
among other.

The farming business could also come in specialization such as brooding, Point of Lay
production, liquid egg package, egg trading, cold room marketing, day old chicks, feed
milling, birds transportation or egg deport business.

Because of the vastness of this industry, entrepreneurs focus will be on an aspect and with
time add other aspect either for vertical or horizontal integration, this industry is still
grossly untapped and any part of the industrial possess great potential. Specialization and
continuous improvement on skills is always paramount.

Poultry industry is a multi billion dollars industry: The major hindrances to the growth
of the industry ranges from absence of credit, high interest rate, high cost of maize,
unavailable electricity which is important for cold rooms, incubators and operation of
automated cages. Because of the fallow nature of the industry, the prospect is high.
Right now the demand for egg, broiler meat, day old chicks, day old poult etc
remain overwhelmingly high.

1.2 Description of Business

Mr Poultry’s plan to participate in chicken egg production. The business entails keeping of
chicken from (Day old to) fourteen weeks when the growers will be transfer to cages. The
caged birds at the age of 19 – 22 weeks start to lay eggs. The eggs are packed in crates of
30 packs, transported to the city where they are distributed to customers.

The laying birds by the age of 60 to 75 weeks of laying, are sold out as spent layers for meat.

1.3 Vision and Mission

- To produce nutritious eggs, generate employment, and create wealth for

investor. Mission:
-Build a mechanized poultry that is efficient. And
rewarding . 1.4 Value Proposition

Poultry Production for wealth creation.

1.5 Critical Success factors of the business

A. Finance: Fund must be available as when needed according to plan to avoid creating
stress factors which would cost so much in revenue loss

B. Expertise: The poultry industry is knowledge based home employment of expertise is

imperative. Consultancy is paramount. Training and retraining of staff is sacrosanct no
matter how small the level and acquisition of knowledge of modern trend is a factor to

C. Housing: Proper ventilation and spacing is a critical success factor. Position your
house to give the birds maximum ventilation and reduce heat.

D. Biosecurity: Disease entrance and spread are as a result of any form of breach in
biosecurity. Foot bath, car bath, prohibition of unauthorized persons etc.

E. Water: Watering and water source is of great importance. Foul water source or water
getting contaminated in poultry house signifies that the farm will fail. Water should be
managed to ensure that clear and clean water is available for bird ad libitum.

F. Nutrient: Most farm fail because they wanted to reduce cost of feed by compounding
farms should only venture into self compounding on ground with available experiment.
All nutrients must be readily available in the market to prevent malnutrition.

G. Sales: Egg produced must be sold. Proper marketing with vigorous

advertisement will ensure the product is made available to the target market.
H. Management: Pilfering shrinkages, indulgence, misappropriation are few of the
several epidemic that constantly plaque poultry in USA, Canada, Australia, the
Netherlands and other countries of the world. Workers steal eggs, birds, feed, money
and even drugs if they are not properly monitored.

Sales agents and drivers could sell at different prices and report differently.
Effective management of this ends are critical factor.

I. Administration: . At full capacity,Management is separated from administration,

when the owner is not directly involved in day to day management. Absentee farming is
hazardous. Someone with stake in the venture should give quality time to it to survive.
1.6 Current status of the industry.

The poultry industry in many countries is largely untapped.

1.7 Contribution to National and local economy.

The poultry will provide employment in the first year for at lease two persons. By five
years at full capacity it would employ about 14 persons. Contractors and suppliers
should also benefit.

Nationally, it will reduce cash flight or lost in Forex and generate about 17 million per
annum in revenue. The banks, insurance companies and Agricultural consulting firms
shall all be beneficiaries with the attendant tax going to the government. The investors shall
also have find a means of expressing their entrepreneurial skill.

The manure will service proximal farms and far farms. Egg marketers, maize or feed
suppliers, transporters, spent birds marketers etc shall all be affected positively. The impact
on the economy will be positive.
3.1 Operational Detail

Attendants and manager get to the pen latest 6.30am. Mix disinfectant and pour at the
entrances. Change into work cloth and foot wears. Soak their legs with the disinfectant as
well as wash hand with same. Each nest is observed for discomfort birds sick or dead. Such
animals are then culled and recorded. Water is checked each Tip is tested to ensure normal

Blocked Tips are cleaned or replaced. Feed (already measured) is given to the birds by
evenly pouring them into the trough. Eggs are packed from the cage using basket or
directly into the crates. Record is taken; this shall include number of morbidity, number
of mortality, number of eggs, abnormal observation on feaces or in the pen etc.

The eggs now packed in crates, are taken to the store room for onward transport out to
the city facility.

3.5 Staff Housing.

such as insect attack, late feeding, brooding and security.

3.6 Infrastructural cost for Start up with 2,400 birds.

land – 660,000
Poultry house -(12m*25m) 1.7
million Borehole – 150,000
Delivery van –
Staff house – 380,000
20 units of Battery cages- 1.8
million Feed to lay – 341,000
Point of lay birds -2.28
million Utility – 30,000
TOTAL = 7,341,000

3.7 City facility requirement.

A shop within the town shall serve the ware house feed and as depot for the produced eggs. Feeds from
the company will be truck load. Sales to other farmers will generate additional income and provide the
farm with reduce cost. When buyers buy from the farm egg outlet, it reduces visitation to farm which
has attendant risk of break of security and biosecurity.

Following the completion of physical structures, Semi-automatic battery cages of premium quality will
be purchased and installed in for 2,400 capacity pen. 20 units of 120 birds per unit capacity cages will
be utilised to hold at least 2400 birds.


The Stocking plan involves the purchase of 2400 Birds as POL which will be placed in the first year. The
birds will be purchased at 14 weeks age and hence will take 6 weeks to come to lay. They should peak by
age week 30 when they are 17 weeks In the farm and spent by week 70 weeks and thereafter sold as Old

Within one month, the Spent Layers should have been sold out. 5 to 10% mortality room is allowed


Biosecurity measure will be put in place to prevent disease outbreak. Foot bath for visitors and workers
will be put in place at the entrances. Every vehicle coming into the facility will also pass through a bath
and get sprayed. All quality control standards will be adhered to strictly so as to produce a world class

Animals and materials will be kept away from the poultry pens. Biosecurity training will be
mandatory given to attendants and other staff

SEE: Common Bacterial, Fungal, Viral Diseases Of Poultry


The major material inputs required for the success of this proposed project are Point Of Lay, Feed
(Grower mash, and Layer mash), various types of medications when needed and vaccinations
according to schedules. The current prices and sources of these inputs as stated below are safe,
dependable and readily available.

Plan to utilize Vital feed from UAC plc. With the consumption of 7 tons per month of Feed which is the
expected requirement for 2400-capacity poultry, Poultry will be qualified for 12% discount on prices of
Feeds from UAC.

COMPARE: Battery Cage Vs Deep Litter System


Mr Poultry shall employ a Marketer at full capacity. He would be employed to sell the eggs from one
egg deport to another/ through the marketing activities, many clientele base shall be created. These
customers will be allocated dates.

They either pick up the eggs from the farm on their dates or have it delivered with the farm van at a
price. All customers shall only be given allocation with a confirmation of a bank payment. To expand
the clientele base, advert will be placed on different fora online.


The projected revenue from the project is mentioned in the summary. The revenue projection for the first year
in lay is in the figure of 9 to 17.5million from the sales of eggs and spent layers. Site Selection and LayOut of
Poultry Pen Housing Location


The projected cash flow for the Farm could be presented on request.. Positive net cash balances are
realized at the end of second laying year. From the projection, the farm shows profitability.


There is no reasonable profit visible in the first year of the project due to huge investment cost but
subsequent recorded reasonable profits.


Mr Poultry farm shall be a success. Poultry Farming is a highly developed industry. Its efficacy and
productivity is a product of bringing together of all the available industrial facilities, this can never be
provided enough by just one individual or company, hence Mr Poultry plan to collaborate with investors
and experts.
The industry works effectively as a network with different specialization, bringing in diverse inputs.
Also, to avoid overcrowding of ideas and thinning of the limited resources, focus will be on egg
production for a long time under the supervision of an experienced consulting firm.


Though many successful companies have been started without the benefit of a formal business plan on
poultry farming, it can be an essential factor in the birth and growth of your farm. Our poultry egg,
meat and hatchery business plan will help you obtain financing, arrange strategic alliances, attract key
employees, and boost your confidence. Our poultry production business plan sells your poultry project
to the world and gives you direction as the world answers back.

A comprehensive business plan for poultry production that includes marketing and finances can help
determine the feasibility of a value-added enterprise. Developing your poultry business and marketing
plan helps you define your business, creates a roadmap to operate the farming business, sets the goals
you will aim for, and satisfies outsiders’.

The basics of any business plan include the following.

What? Describe your product or service.

Why? Describe the need for your product or service.

Who? Describe the customer.

When? Draw a timeline and list all the tasks that need to be accomplished.

Where? Describe the location of your business.

Building a Sustainable Business: a Guide to Developing a Poultry Business Plan for Farms and Rural
Businesses helps alternative and sustainable agriculture entrepreneurs develop profitable enterprises.
Sample worksheets illustrate how real farm families set goals, researched processing alternatives,
determined potential markets, and evaluated financing options.

Here’s a complete sample poultry farming business plan template & feasibility report you can use for
FREE to raise money.


Fakabe poultry is a farm focused on both egg and meat production that provides for a large market
range. It also produces manure as a by-product. It is based in yola city, wuro haussa. The founders
have noticed the health implication of red meat and are creating a business to meet the increased
demand for white meat and eggs.

Chickens happen to be a great source of white meat and are also largely known for egg
production. The persons who have come together to start this business are Faustin
Hategekimana, Aisha Alimi, Eric
Hagenimana, Lawal nura bada, Khadijah Ibrahim Khalid, Asmau Abubakar Umar.

Not only are the founders interested in meeting the demands of the customer, we also plan to create
utmost satisfaction for these customers. The founders also want to use this business as a means of
creating employment within the community it is based in and to contribute to the economy of the
country. We plan on provide products with quality and maintain this supply efficiently.

This is a partnership business that plans on distributing eggs and chicken to restaurants, home delivery
food centers, hotels, schools, clubs, bakery and catering businesses and supermarkets. We also plan on
doing this at very affordable prices. We will also distribute manure to farmers that are into crop

This business plan for poultry farm is meant to articulate the vision and future of our poultry, and to
appeal to investors and external stakeholders to get involved in this business and help with its funding
as it is a capital intensive business. We also hope that it will serve as a guideline for the firm’s employees
to move towards the goal of the poultry.

Not only do we offer products, but we offer services as well. We plan on providing home delivery
services to customers who order a certain amount of products. This offer will mostly be used by the
section of our target market that uses eggs in large quantities like schools and bakeries.

1000 chickens would be optimum for the initial operation of the business. Production site is in Yola city,
plenty open space, cheap labors, road connection, water availability and immediate access to markets
like yola market. A house with 5 rooms will be rented for the storage of pellets, equipments as well as for
the employees to guard the farm. Revenue for this will be gotten from contributions from each partner.

Investment in this business shall be allocated to the following purposes: buying chickens, building cage
house, stocking the pellets, hiring the experts and other miscellaneous tasks. Fifty percent gross margin
is expected within 6 months of its operations withholding the chances of any accidental or unexpected
incidence and we hope to obtain the breakeven point within 2 years.

We have considered the risks, financial, health and technology wisely

Poultry farm Objectives

Fakabe poultry will measure its success by its ability to achieve the following objectives:

• Becoming the "Best and most hygienic poultry producer in the area" complying by the national standards
for food and drugs.
• Turn in profits from the first six months of
operations. • Maintain 50% gross margin ratio.
• Winning the hearts and tastes of our beloved consumers and establishing a brand image of the
company through heavy marketing campaigns in the first one year.

Poultry farm Mission

Fakabe poultry’s mission is to provide customers with quality, fresh, and valuable products. To
respect all employees and enable everyone to have a say in company affairs.
Quality and service are our number one priority. To provide investors with opportunities to receive
a nice return on investment and high-quality growth. To contribute to the community through
physical and social programs.

Fakabe’s poultry farm intends to have the largest poultry farm products. We plan to increase and
expand our production of chicken to challenge the ever growing demand for chicken products. The
nutritious and protein rich products from our farm would always be the first choice of our consumers.

Our keys to success:

Fakabe poultry will follow these principles in order to achieve success in its market:

• State of art cage framework accommodating optimum number of chickens with lessened possible
hazards. • Diverse slaughters network, market chain management, optimum inventory level and
‘customer is king’ policy.
• Regular visits by veterinary medical workers and hygienic poultry house environment.


Company Ownership
Fakabe poultry is owned by six persons. They are namely Faustin Hategekimana, Aisha Alimi, Eric
Hagenimana, Lawal nura bada, Khadijah Ibrahim Khalid and Asmau Abubakar Umar. It is a
partnership and each person has an equal share in the business and is also equally liable for any
business debts or claims.

Location and facilities

At this point in the business, we don’t have an exact point yet but we have narrowed the location down to
wuro haussa, yola city. We are trading from this spot because is it a great place to reach our target
market. We think the population base is large enough for our business and it has a stable economic base
that promotes a healthy environment for the poultry.

Also we think it is a spot that could tap a healthy workforce. We also considered pedestrian traffic and
we think a large percentage of them are potential customers.

We plan on having a good parking space and sufficient security in our working site to create a safe
environment for the customers. We plan on renting the building at first, and then buy it after we gain
enough profit.

Our facilities will include a broiler grow out facility, a layer grow out facility, a hatchery unit and
table eggs production unit. The hatchery unit is where the fertile eggs will be incubated to produce
day old chicks. The incubation will be done manually. The production cycle will be made up of 50%
broilers and 50% layers.

It will include the setter incubator and the hatchers incubator. The broilers grow out facility will be a
deep litter system and the layer grow out facility will be a battery cage system. Both systems require

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