Electricl Steels PDF
Electricl Steels PDF
Electricl Steels PDF
Non Oriented
Fully Processed
Introduction 2
Quality assurance 3
Environmental management system 3
Research and development 3
Customer service 3
Quality logging system 4
Guaranteed magnetic properties at 50 Hz 5
Typical magnetic properties at 50 Hz 6
Typical specific total loss at 60 Hz 7
Typical physical and mechanical properties 8
Dimensions, ranges and tolerances 9
Coatings 10
SURALAC® Coatings 11
HP Grades 12-13
International standards 14
Comparison of grades and standards 15
Conversion factors 15
Stress relief annealing 16
Applications 16
Typical data tables 17-26
Thin NO for medium to high frequencies 26
Coil weight and outside diameter 27
Registered trademarks
SURALAC® is a trademark used to describe the insulation applied to
Cogent fully processed non-oriented electrical steels.
The range of non-oriented fully processed electrical steels is produced
by Cogent Power Ltd at Surahammars Bruks AB in Sweden and
Orb Electrical Steels Ltd in the UK. This publication describes that
range with data relating mainly to products manufactured at
Surahammars Bruks AB. These products comply with the latest
specifications of the European Committee for Standardization and the
International Electrotechnical Commission.
Quality assurance
The products described in this brochure
represent the latest stage in the development
of non-oriented fully processed electrical steels.
They are subjected to rigorous quality control
procedures throughout the processing routes.
The quality management systems of Orb
Electrical Steels Ltd and Surahammars
Bruks AB are approved by Lloyd’s Register
Quality Assurance Ltd to the Quality
Management System Standards
EN ISO 9001/9002 (respectively) applicable
to the manufacture of electrical steels.
Quality logging system
Cogent Power Ltd is continuously developing
processing systems to provide customers with
products of enhanced quality. A part of this
development is the unique, computerized,
quality logging system at Surahammars
Bruks AB, based on continuous monitoring of
Annealing and pickling line
the processing variables. Large quantities of
measured data for each coil are stored in a
database and are available on demand in
graphical or numerical form.
Guaranteed magnetic properties at 50 Hz
Cogent non-oriented fully processed electrical IEC 60404-2. Half of the sample strips are
steels are graded according to European taken in the rolling direction and half in the
Standard EN 10106. A comparison with transverse direction. Samples are not stress
previous designations and other international relief annealed after shearing. The specified
standards is included on page 15. values apply to aged samples for the
The measurements of magnetic properties thicknesses of 0,35 mm, 0,50 mm and
are performed on a 25 cm Epstein frame 0,65 mm, and to non-aged samples for the
system according to the method of thickness of 1,00 mm.
Typical magnetic properties at 50 Hz
This data relates to products manufactured by Cogent at Surahammars Bruks AB
Cogent non-oriented fully processed electrical Magnetic test samples are given a rapid
steels are free from magnetic ageing. ageing treatment by heating at 225°C ±5°C
Ageing, or the increase of power loss with for a duration of 24 hours and cooling to
time, is caused by an excessive carbon ambient temperature before testing, as
content in the steel. The carbon content is described in EN 10106.
continuously monitored by state-of-the-art All typical data refer to aged samples,
analytical equipment to ensure freedom from except those with a thickness of 1,0 mm.
Typical specific total loss at 60 Hz, W/kg and W/lb at ^J = 1,5 T
This data relates to products manufactured by Cogent at Surahammars Bruks AB
Grade Thickness Maximum** Typical
EN 10106
mm W/kg W/lb W/kg W/lb
M235-35A 0,35 2,97 1,35 2,78 1,26
M250-35A 0,35 3,14 1,42 2,91 1,32
M270-35A 0,35 3,36 1,52 3,06 1,39
M300-35A 0,35 3,74 1,70 3,26 1,48
M330-35A 0,35 4,12 1,87 3,66 1,66
M700-35A* 0,35 8,66 3,93 6,81 3,09
Typical physical and mechanical properties
Dimensions, ranges and tolerances
Alternative tolerances
These may be possible for specific orders.
The surface of Cogent non-oriented fully will withstand normal punching operations.
processed electrical steel is clean, smooth and has Cogent coatings provide some corrosion
a very thin layer of oxide. To improve surface resistance and have only a marginal effect on
insulation resistance, grades are normally supplied stacking factor.
with insulating coatings. Coatings have differing The schematic diagrams below provide an
properties and the thickness can be varied, indication of how coating properties are related
normally ranging from 1 to 3 µm. and how they depend upon thickness and type
All coatings have excellent adherence and of coating.
Coating properties
Insulation Weldability
Coating thickness Coating thickness
Organic Inorganic
SURALAC® Coatings
Thickness range, per side 0,7 - 6 µm 3,5 - 6 µm 0,7 - 1,2 µm 0,7 - 3,5 µm
Stress relief annealing2) – – – YES
Burn-out repair – YES – YES
Aluminium casting YES YES YES YES
Chemical resistance:
Stamping lubricants 3) YES YES YES YES
Transformer oils YES YES YES YES
Typical pencil hardness 8-9H 8-9H 8-9H 9H
Typical thickness,
µm per side 0,7 2,5 6 3,5 6 0,7 1,2 0,7 1,5 3,5
Typical welding 4) good spec spec spec spec exc exc exc good mod
Typical punching 4) exc exc good good mod good exc good good mod
Surface insulation
(Franklin ASTM A717):
Typical value,
Ω·cm2 per lamination 5 100 >200 >200 >200 5 20 5 50 >200
Typical value,
Amperes per side 0,55 0,06 <0,03 <0,03 <0,03 0,55 0,25 0,55 0,11 <0,03
HP grades
HP grades have an improved permeability Another advantage of HP grades is a higher
compared to standard non-oriented fully thermal conductivity than the comparable
processed grades, over a range of magnetic standard grade. HP grades are available with
polarization from approximately 1,0 T and SURALAC® coatings as described in this
upwards. The improvement is particularly brochure.
pronounced at about 1,5 T.
HP grades
Heat conductivity
The following table compares typical heat
conductivity of HP grades in comparison with
corresponding standard non-oriented, fully
processed products.
International standards
Electrical steel grades are designated
according to guaranteed maximum specific
total loss at a peak magnetic polarization of
1,5 T and 50 Hz.
Cogent's current grades are compared
with previous designations and international
standards in the table on page 15.
EN European Standard
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
JIS Japanese Industrial Standard
GOST National Standard of the USSR
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
American standards
American standards are based on US units American standard thicknesses differ from
and a test frequency of 60 Hz. There is no metric standards, particularly at 0,50 mm:
exact conversion of loss data from 50 Hz to
60 Hz, but these approximate relationships EN/IEC ASTM
may be used for losses at 1,5 T: 0,35 mm 0,36 mm (0,0140 inch)
0,50 mm 0,47 mm (0,0185 inch)
= 1,77 (for 0,35 mm grades) 0,65 mm 0,64 mm (0,0250 inch)
(W/kg at 50 Hz) = 1,74 (for 0,50 mm grades)
(W/lb at 60 Hz) = 1,70 (for 0,65 mm grades)
Cogent publishes separate brochures for the
= 1,64 (for 1,00 mm grades) North American market, in appropriate units.
Comparison of grades and standards
Conversion factors
1 Tesla (T) = 1 Weber/m2 (Wb/m2) = 10000 Gauss = 64,5 kilolines/sq.in.
1 A/m = 0,01 A/cm = 0,0254 A/in = 0,01257 Oersted
1 W/kg = 0,4536 W/lb (at the same frequency)
1 VA/kg = 0,4536 VA/lb (at the same frequency)
1 N/mm2 (MPa) = 145,0 psi (lbs/sq.in.)
Stress relief annealing Applications
Cogent non-oriented fully processed electrical Cogent grades cover a wide range of
steels are supplied finally annealed with fully properties. Since the materials are fully
developed magnetic properties and are processed the properties are fully developed
normally used without stress relief annealing. in the ‘as supplied’ condition. From the
magnetic viewpoint, different grades are
characterised, primarily, by values of power
loss and permeability. An increasing alloy
content (mainly silicon and aluminium)
increases electrical resistivity of the steel and
Stress zone thus reduces power loss. On the other hand,
Deformation zone an increased alloy content results in reduced
magnetic saturation and reduced permeability
Stress zones at the cut edge (section). at medium and high field strengths
(H >1000 A/m).
Generally, higher permeability is more
To make best use of low core loss of the
important for smaller machines whereas
steel, edge deformation zones and burrs
power losses are of greater importance for
should be minimised during the laminating
large machines. Grades of lower alloy content
process by using sharp tools, preferably those
with higher losses, higher permeability and
which are highly wear-resistant such as
lower cost, are therefore mainly used for small
tungsten carbide. The additional cost of
machines. Grades of high alloy content with
annealing for improvement of magnetic
low losses, lower permeability and higher cost
properties can normally only be justified for
are used for large machines. There are,
very narrow laminations.
however, many exceptions to this.
Some aspects of stress relief annealing
procedures are given in the Cogent Grain
Oriented electrical steels brochure. For stress The table lists examples of suitable Cogent grades for various applications.
relief annealing, uncoated or SURALAC 7000
coated steel should be used. M235-35A –
M250-50A– M400-50A – M800-50A –
Batch annealing M700-50A
M350-50A M940-50A
M330-65A – M400-65A – M800-65A –
Furnace bell
M350-65A M700-65A M1000-65A
Inner cover
Laminations Large size rotating machines
Sand seal Medium size rotating machines
Oil seal
Small size rotating machines
Hermetic motors
Small power transformers
Roller hearth annealing Welding transformers
Heating zone Fluorescent lamp ballasts
Cooling zone
Conveyer rollers
Typical data tables
The following pages contain data to show
typical magnetic characteristics of Cogent
grades from Surahammars Bruks AB. Grade EN
M270-50A Specific total loss
pages 18-19
Specific apparent power
M940-50A pages 20-21
M470-65A A.C. Magnetization
M600-65A pages 22-23
Grade EN
High frequency specific total loss
M270-50A pages 24-26
Typical specific total loss data, W/kg at 50 Hz
M250-50A 0,50 0,02 0,07 0,13 0,22 0,31 0,43 0,55 0,70 0,86 1,02
M270-50A 0,50 0,02 0,07 0,14 0,23 0,33 0,45 0,58 0,73 0,90 1,07
M290-50A 0,50 0,03 0,07 0,15 0,25 0,37 0,49 0,63 0,79 0,96 1,14
M310-50A 0,50 0,03 0,08 0,17 0,27 0,40 0,53 0,68 0,85 1,03 1,23
M330-50A 0,50 0,03 0,09 0,18 0,28 0,41 0,55 0,71 0,89 1,08 1,29
M350-50A 0,50 0,03 0,09 0,18 0,29 0,42 0,56 0,73 0,91 1,11 1,33
M400-50A 0,50 0,03 0,09 0,20 0,32 0,46 0,62 0,80 1,00 1,22 1,46
M470-50A 0,50 0,04 0,10 0,23 0,38 0,56 0,76 0,97 1,20 1,49 1,79
M530-50A 0,50 0,04 0,13 0,28 0,46 0,66 0,88 1,12 1,39 1,68 2,01
M600-50A 0,50 0,04 0,16 0,33 0,54 0,78 1,04 1,32 1,63 1,96 2,34
M700-50A 0,50 0,05 0,16 0,37 0,59 0,84 1,12 1,43 1,77 2,15 2,57
M800-50A 0,50 0,05 0,18 0,43 0,70 1,01 1,35 1,72 2,13 2,56 3,05
M940-50A 0,50 0,05 0,23 0,51 0,85 1,22 1,62 2,06 2,53 3,03 3,57
M530-50HP* 0,50 0,03 0,14 0,28 0,46 0,67 0,90 1,15 1,42 1,72 2,05
M310-65A 0,65 0,02 0,07 0,15 0,25 0,37 0,51 0,66 0,84 1,03 1,24
M330-65A 0,65 0,02 0,08 0,16 0,27 0,39 0,53 0,70 0,88 1,08 1,30
M350-65A 0,65 0,02 0,08 0,18 0,29 0,42 0,58 0,75 0,95 1,16 1,40
M400-65A 0,65 0,03 0,10 0,20 0,33 0,48 0,65 0,84 1,06 1,30 1,57
M470-65A 0,65 0,04 0,11 0,22 0,37 0,53 0,74 0,96 1,20 1,48 1,79
M530-65A 0,65 0,05 0,11 0,23 0,39 0,58 0,79 1,01 1,28 1,57 1,90
M600-65A 0,65 0,05 0,13 0,27 0,45 0,67 0,91 1,16 1,48 1,81 2,19
M700-65A 0,65 0,05 0,17 0,35 0,58 0,84 1,12 1,44 1,78 2,18 2,62
M800-65A 0,65 0,05 0,19 0,41 0,67 0,96 1,29 1,66 2,06 2,52 3,02
M1000-65A 0,65 0,06 0,24 0,50 0,81 1,16 1,56 1,99 2,47 3,01 3,60
M600-65HP* 0,50 0,04 0,15 0,30 0,49 0,71 0,95 1,22 1,52 1,86 2,24
M600-100A 1,00 0,03 0,11 0,24 0,42 0,63 0,86 1,16 1,52 1,90 2,32
M700-100A 1,00 0,04 0,14 0,29 0,51 0,77 1,05 1,42 1,85 2,32 2,83
M800-100A 1,00 0,05 0,17 0,37 0,62 0,92 1,27 1,70 2,18 2,74 3,33
M1000-100A 1,00 0,06 0,21 0,45 0,75 1,12 1,54 2,07 2,65 3,33 4,05
Typical specific total loss data, W/kg at 50 Hz
Typical specific apparent power, VA/kg at 50 Hz
Grade Thickness Specific apparent power, VA/kg at 50 Hz and peak magnetic polarization ^
J (T) of
EN 10106 mm
0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00
M235-35A 0,35 0,05 0,14 0,24 0,37 0,51 0,67 0,87 1,09 1,36 1,71
M250-35A 0,35 0,06 0,15 0,27 0,40 0,56 0,74 0,95 1,21 1,52 1,92
M270-35A 0,35 0,06 0,17 0,29 0,44 0,61 0,81 1,04 1,31 1,63 2,04
M300-35A 0,35 0,07 0,17 0,30 0,45 0,62 0,82 1,05 1,31 1,63 2,03
M330-35A 0,35 0,08 0,19 0,32 0,47 0,64 0,85 1,08 1,35 1,68 2,08
M700-35A* 0,35 0,14 0,37 0,62 0,90 1,20 1,53 1,88 2,26 2,67 3,13
M250-50A 0,50 0,06 0,17 0,31 0,46 0,65 0,86 1,12 1,41 1,77 2,21
M270-50A 0,50 0,07 0,18 0,32 0,48 0,67 0,89 1,14 1,45 1,80 2,25
M290-50A 0,50 0,07 0,18 0,32 0,48 0,67 0,89 1,15 1,44 1,80 2,24
M310-50A 0,50 0,07 0,19 0,33 0,50 0,69 0,91 1,16 1,45 1,79 2,21
M330-50A 0,50 0,07 0,19 0,34 0,51 0,70 0,93 1,20 1,50 1,86 2,30
M350-50A 0,50 0,07 0,19 0,34 0,52 0,72 0,95 1,21 1,52 1,88 2,31
M400-50A 0,50 0,08 0,22 0,39 0,58 0,80 1,05 1,33 1,65 2,02 2,46
M470-50A 0,50 0,10 0,27 0,47 0,70 0,96 1,25 1,58 1,94 2,36 2,87
M530-50A 0,50 0,11 0,29 0,49 0,73 1,00 1,29 1,62 1,99 2,41 2,92
M600-50A 0,50 0,13 0,35 0,59 0,87 1,18 1,51 1,88 2,28 2,73 3,25
M700-50A 0,50 0,14 0,36 0,63 0,92 1,23 1,58 1,96 2,38 2,84 3,36
M800-50A 0,50 0,17 0,44 0,76 1,12 1,52 1,97 2,46 3,00 3,60 4,27
M940-50A 0,50 0,21 0,54 0,92 1,36 1,80 2,28 2,81 3,38 4,02 4,65
M530-50HP* 0,50 0,12 0,31 0,54 0,80 1,09 1,40 1,75 2,13 2,56 3,04
M310-65A 0,65 0,05 0,15 0,28 0,43 0,61 0,82 1,07 1,36 1,70 2,13
M330-65A 0,65 0,06 0,16 0,28 0,44 0,62 0,83 1,08 1,37 1,73 2,16
M350-65A 0,65 0,06 0,16 0,29 0,45 0,64 0,85 1,11 1,42 1,71 2,08
M400-65A 0,65 0,06 0,17 0,32 0,49 0,70 0,95 1,25 1,60 2,02 2,53
M470-65A 0,65 0,07 0,18 0,33 0,50 0,71 0,95 1,23 1,56 1,94 2,41
M530-65A 0,65 0,09 0,25 0,45 0,68 0,94 1,23 1,56 1,93 2,36 2,87
M600-65A 0,65 0,10 0,28 0,49 0,73 1,01 1,32 1,67 2,06 2,52 3,05
M700-65A 0,65 0,12 0,32 0,56 0,84 1,16 1,51 1,91 2,36 2,87 3,46
M800-65A 0,65 0,15 0,41 0,71 1,04 1,41 1,82 2,27 2,78 3,35 4,01
M1000-65A 0,65 0,17 0,45 0,77 1,13 1,53 1,96 2,44 2,98 3,58 4,26
M600-65HP* 0,65 0,13 0,35 0,60 0,89 1,22 1,58 1,98 2,42 2,92 3,49
M600-100A 1,00 0,06 0,19 0,37 0,60 0,90 1,27 1,73 2,28 2,95 3,78
M700-100A 1,00 0,06 0,19 0,38 0,62 0,93 1,31 1,79 2,37 3,07 3,94
M800-100A 1,00 0,10 0,30 0,55 0,87 1,26 1,73 2,30 2,97 3,77 4,75
M1000-100A 1,00 0,11 0,34 0,64 1,02 1,48 2,04 2,71 3,49 4,42 5,52
Typical specific apparent power, VA/kg at 50 Hz
Typical peak magnetic field strength, A/m at 50 Hz
Grade ^
Thickness Peak magnetic field strength, A/m at 50 Hz and peak magnetic polarization J (T) of
EN 10106 mm
0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00
M235-35A 0,35 24,7 32,6 38,1 43,1 48,2 53,9 60,7 68,8 79,3 93,7
M250-35A 0,35 26,8 35,7 41,8 47,5 53,4 60,0 67,9 77,5 90,0 107
M270-35A 0,35 30,0 39,6 46,0 52,0 58,2 65,2 73,3 83,1 95,5 112
M300-35A 0,35 30,9 40,2 46,4 52,1 57,9 64,4 72,0 81,1 92,6 108
M330-35A 0,35 31,4 41,4 48,2 54,3 60,4 67,1 74,9 84,2 96,3 113
M700-35A* 0,35 70,2 89,1 98,8 106 113 120 127 135 144 155
M250-50A 0,50 30,6 40,7 47,9 54,5 61,3 69,0 77,8 88,6 102 120
M270-50A 0,50 31,5 42,0 49,4 56,1 63,1 70,7 79,5 90,1 103 121
M290-50A 0,50 32,2 42,9 50,3 57,1 63,9 71,4 79,9 89,9 103 119
M310-50A 0,50 33,3 43,9 51,2 57,7 64,2 71,2 79,1 88,4 100 116
M330-50A 0,50 33,2 44,3 52,0 58,9 65,9 73,4 82,0 92,2 105 122
M350-50A 0,50 34,8 46,0 53,7 60,6 67,4 74,6 82,6 91,8 103 119
M400-50A 0,50 40,1 52,5 60,8 68,1 75,2 82,5 90,4 99,3 110 125
M470-50A 0,50 48,8 64,8 74,3 82,4 90,2 98,2 107 117 129 146
M530-50A 0,50 51,5 68,1 77,6 85,6 93,3 101 110 120 132 147
M600-50A 0,50 65,6 83,8 94,1 103 110 118 127 136 147 159
M700-50A 0,50 67,8 88,3 99,2 108 116 124 132 142 152 164
M800-50A 0,50 84,5 107 121 133 145 156 168 180 194 209
M940-50A 0,50 102 129 146 161 171 181 192 203 217 228
M530-50HP* 0,50 57,7 74,9 85,2 93,7 102 109 118 127 137 148
M310-65A 0,65 25,8 35,5 42,9 49,7 56,7 63,8 71,7 80,6 91,5 107
M330-65A 0,65 26,5 36,2 43,7 50,6 57,6 64,8 72,7 81,8 93,3 109
M350-65A 0,65 27,3 37,7 45,9 53,1 59,9 66,8 74,2 82,5 90,1 101
M400-65A 0,65 29,5 40,1 48,4 56,2 64,2 72,6 81,9 93,0 108 127
M470-65A 0,65 31,2 42,0 50,2 57,8 65,5 73,5 82,1 91,6 103 118
M530-65A 0,65 44,0 59,5 69,6 78,2 86,6 95,0 104 113 125 138
M600-65A 0,65 48,8 65,1 75,6 84,9 93,8 103 112 122 133 147
M700-65A 0,65 57,4 75,8 87,6 98,0 108 118 129 140 153 167
M800-65A 0,65 74,7 97,5 110 120 130 140 150 162 175 190
M1000-65A 0,65 83,3 107 119 130 140 150 160 172 185 200
M600-65HP* 0,65 63,6 82,6 93,9 103 113 122 131 142 153 167
M600-100A 1,00 29,0 44,1 57,1 70,2 84,1 99,2 116 134 153 176
M700-100A 1,00 29,3 44,8 58,4 72,2 87,0 103 121 140 161 185
M800-100A 1,00 49,3 69,2 85,1 101 117 135 154 174 196 221
M1000-100A 1,00 56,0 80,8 100 119 139 161 183 208 233 257
Typical peak magnetic field strength, A/m at 50 Hz
Peak magnetic field strength, A/m at 50 Hz and
peak magnetic polarization ^J (T) of Grade
EN 10106
1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40 1,50 1,60 1,70 1,80
115 156 260 690 1950 4410 7630 12000 M235-35A
133 179 284 642 1810 4030 7290 11700 M250-35A
136 178 272 596 1700 3880 7160 11600 M270-35A
130 168 250 510 1440 3490 6700 11300 M300-35A
137 179 266 521 1380 3400 6610 11100 M330-35A
169 192 237 342 681 1890 4570 8580 M700-35A*
Typical specific total loss data, W/kg at 100 Hz - 2500 Hz
Measurements are carried out in the 25 cm Epstein frame according to IEC 60404-2 at 100 Hz and 200 Hz, according
to IEC 60404-10 at 400 Hz to 2500 Hz. Half of the sample strips are taken in the rolling direction and half in the
transverse direction. Samples are tested as sheared and are not aged or stress relief annealed.
100 Hz
Grade Specific total loss, W/kg at 100 Hz and peak magnetic polarization ^
J (T) of
EN 10106
0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40 1,50
M235-35A 0,04 0,14 0,30 0,49 0,71 0,97 1,25 1,57 1,92 2,31 2,75 3,26 3,88 4,67 5,54
M250-35A 0,04 0,14 0,31 0,51 0,75 1,01 1,31 1,64 2,00 2,41 2,87 3,40 4,03 4,83 5,72
M270-35A 0,04 0,16 0,34 0,55 0,80 1,08 1,38 1,73 2,10 2,51 2,98 3,51 4,15 4,97 5,92
M300-35A 0,04 0,17 0,35 0,58 0,84 1,14 1,46 1,83 2,23 2,66 3,16 3,72 4,39 5,23 6,22
M330-35A 0,04 0,18 0,38 0,63 0,92 1,24 1,61 2,01 2,46 2,96 3,52 4,17 4,95 5,93 7,13
M250-50A 0,04 0,16 0,34 0,57 0,83 1,13 1,47 1,85 2,28 2,75 3,28 3,89 4,61 5,51 6,51
M270-50A 0,04 0,17 0,35 0,58 0,85 1,16 1,51 1,90 2,33 2,81 3,36 3,98 4,71 5,62 6,69
M290-50A 0,04 0,17 0,36 0,60 0,88 1,21 1,57 1,98 2,43 2,93 3,49 4,12 4,86 5,78 6,83
M310-50A 0,05 0,20 0,40 0,66 0,97 1,32 1,72 2,16 2,65 3,19 3,78 4,44 5,22 6,17 7,31
M330-50A 0,05 0,20 0,43 0,71 1,04 1,42 1,84 2,32 2,85 3,43 4,08 4,81 5,63 6,60 7,71
M350-50A 0,06 0,21 0,44 0,72 1,06 1,45 1,89 2,39 2,95 3,58 4,29 5,08 5,99 7,11 8,43
M400-50A 0,06 0,23 0,47 0,76 1,11 1,52 1,97 2,49 3,07 3,73 4,48 5,32 6,28 7,44 8,80
200 Hz
Grade Specific total loss, W/kg at 200 Hz and a peak magnetic polarization J (T) of
EN 10106
0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40 1,50
M235-35A 0,08 0,32 0,73 1,21 1,78 2,44 3,19 4,03 4,97 6,01 7,19 8,54 10,1 12,2 14,4
M250-35A 0,08 0,33 0,73 1,23 1,82 2,49 3,26 4,12 5,07 6,14 7,33 8,69 10,3 12,4 14,7
M270-35A 0,09 0,37 0,79 1,31 1,91 2,61 3,39 4,26 5,23 6,30 7,51 8,88 10,5 12,5 14,9
M300-35A 0,09 0,40 0,85 1,41 2,06 2,81 3,66 4,61 5,65 6,80 8,09 9,54 11,2 13,4 15,7
M330-35A 0,10 0,43 0,92 1,55 2,30 3,16 4,13 5,23 6,45 7,83 9,37 11,1 13,2 15,7 18,6
M250-50A 0,10 0,42 0,88 1,47 2,17 3,00 3,95 5,05 6,30 7,73 9,36 11,2 13,4 15,9 18,9
M270-50A 0,10 0,43 0,91 1,51 2,24 3,09 4,07 5,19 6,47 7,94 9,61 11,5 13,6 16,3 19,2
M290-50A 0,10 0,44 0,93 1,55 2,31 3,21 4,24 5,41 6,75 8,25 9,94 11,8 14,0 16,6 19,5
M310-50A 0,12 0,50 1,04 1,73 2,56 3,54 4,67 5,96 7,42 9,07 10,9 13,0 15,3 18,0 21,1
M330-50A 0,13 0,49 1,06 1,78 2,65 3,66 4,83 6,17 7,69 9,42 11,4 13,6 16,0 18,7 21,8
M350-50A 0,14 0,53 1,13 1,88 2,80 3,88 5,14 6,61 8,29 10,2 12,5 15,0 17,8 21,1 24,7
M400-50A 0,15 0,56 1,16 1,93 2,86 3,95 5,23 6,71 8,41 10,4 12,7 15,3 18,2 21,6 25,4
Typical specific total loss data, W/kg at 100 Hz - 2500 Hz
400 Hz
Grade Specific total loss,, W/kg at 400 Hz and peak magnetic polarization J (T) of
EN 10106
0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40 1,50
M235-35A 0,19 0,87 1,88 3,17 4,73 6,56 8,67 11,0 13,8 16,9 20,3 24,3 28,9 34,8 41,2
M250-35A 0,21 0,90 1,93 3,24 4,81 6,69 8,82 11,2 14,0 17,1 20,6 24,6 29,2 35,1 41,6
M270-35A 0,21 0,92 1,99 3,33 4,94 6,84 9,00 11,4 14,2 17,3 20,9 24,9 29,5 35,4 41,8
M300-35A 0,23 1,00 2,15 3,61 5,36 7,42 9,75 12,4 15,4 18,8 22,5 26,8 31,6 37,7 44,3
M330-35A 0,27 1,15 2,45 4,13 6,16 8,58 11,4 14,5 18,2 22,3 27,0 32,4 38,7 46,2 54,7
M250-50A 0,28 1,15 2,41 4,03 6,03 8,47 11,3 14,7 18,7 23,4 28,8 35,2 42,4 50,9 60,7
M270-50A 0,29 1,15 2,48 4,17 6,24 8,75 11,7 15,2 19,3 24,1 29,7 36,0 43,3 51,9 61,9
M290-50A 0,30 1,18 2,51 4,25 6,40 9,01 12,1 15,7 20,0 24,9 30,6 37,1 44,5 53,0 62,5
M310-50A 0,34 1,36 2,83 4,75 7,14 10,0 13,5 17,5 22,1 27,4 33,6 40,7 48,6 58,0 68,5
M330-50A 0,34 1,36 2,84 4,77 7,18 10,1 13,6 17,7 22,5 28,1 34,6 42,0 50,2 59,3 69,6
M350-50A 0,39 1,49 3,11 5,23 7,85 11,1 14,9 19,4 25,0 31,3 38,8 47,5 57,7 69,5 83,1
M400-50A 0,40 1,54 3,20 5,38 8,08 11,4 15,3 20,0 25,7 32,2 39,8 48,7 59,0 70,9 84,6
1000 Hz
Grade ^
Specific total loss, W/kg at 1000 Hz and peak magnetic polarization J (T) of
EN 10106
0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10
M235-35A 0,93 3,55 7,45 12,3 18,5 25,8 34,6 45,0 57,2 71,5 88,3
M250-35A 0,98 3,65 7,58 12,7 18,8 26,3 35,2 45,7 58,1 72,6 89,6
M270-35A 0,99 3,67 7,63 12,7 18,9 26,4 35,4 46,0 58,4 73,0 90,1
M300-35A 1,07 4,08 8,48 14,0 20,9 29,2 39,0 50,6 64,1 79,8 98,0
M330-35A 1,30 4,84 10,0 16,7 24,9 34,9 46,9 61,3 78,3 98,4 122
M250-50A 1,38 4,91 10,0 16,8 25,6 36,6 50,3 67,2 87,8 113 143
M270-50A 1,40 5,01 10,2 17,2 26,1 37,4 51,4 68,7 89,6 115 145
M290-50A 1,41 5,10 10,4 17,7 26,5 37,9 52,1 69,5 90,8 116 147
M310-50A 1,62 5,63 11,5 19,5 29,7 42,6 58,4 77,8 101 130 163
M330-50A 1,64 5,71 11,7 19,7 30,1 43,1 59,2 78,2 103 132 166
M350-50A 1,77 6,19 12,6 21,2 32,4 46,8 65,1 88,0 116 151 192
M400-50A 1,83 6,34 12,9 21,6 33,0 47,6 66,0 89,0 117 152 194
Typical specific total loss data, W/kg at 100 Hz - 2500 Hz
2500 Hz
Grade Specific total loss, W/kg at 2500 Hz and peak magnetic polarization ^
J (T) of
0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00
M235-35A 3,89 14,3 29,6 50,2 76,7 110 153 205 270 349
M250-35A 4,09 14,8 30,6 51,7 78,8 113 155 208 273 352
M270-35A 4,10 14,9 30,7 52,0 79,1 113 156 209 274 353
M300-35A 4,45 16,1 33,6 56,9 86,6 124 170 227 297 382
M330-35A 5,44 19,5 40,9 69,5 107 154 213 287 373 476
M250-50A 5,71 19,8 41,4 71,8 113 169 243 338 461 617
M270-50A 5,75 20,1 42,4 73,7 116 173 248 344 468 627
M290-50A 5,79 20,3 42,6 74,1 117 174 249 346 470 629
M310-50A 6,31 21,8 45,9 80,2 128 193 279 390 526 695
M330-50A 6,55 22,7 47,8 82,9 130 194 281 392 529 697
M350-50A 7,37 25,4 53,3 93,0 148 224 324 454 608 796
M400-50A 7,48 25,7 54,0 94,1 150 226 327 457 612 800
For applications at frequencies higher than Grade Thickness Typical specific total loss W/kg at
that of the normal power frequency peak magnetic polarization
(50 or 60 Hz), it may be necessary to select a ^J = 1,0 T
thinner steel to maintain low losses. A range mm inch 50 Hz 60 Hz 400 Hz 2500 Hz
of thin non-oriented fully processed electrical NO 20 0,20 0.008 0,95 - 12,2 205
steels for application at medium to high NO 007 0,18 0.007 - 1,32 12,3 161
frequencies (200 -3000 Hz) has been NO 005 0,127 0.005 - 1,34 11,8 132
Coil weight and outside diameter
Density: 7,7 kg/dm3
Space factor: 98 %
Inside diameter: 508 mm
Slit width, mm
1250 1100 1000
10000 500
Coil weight (kg)
200 Slit width, mm
Outside diameter 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 mm
Wall height 50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 mm
Cogent Power Ltd
Cogent Power Ltd is a multinational group comprising electrical steels,
laminations, transformer products, precision engineering and electric
motor design businesses which form a unique company that offers the
customer complete solutions, from steel through to components,
design to delivery.
Product Information
This publication is part of a range of brochures that cover the following
products from Cogent, on electrical steel:
• Grain Oriented electrical steels
• Non-Oriented fully processed electrical steels
• Non-Oriented semi-processed electrical steels
• Thin Non-Oriented fully processed electrical steels
• Magnetic Shielding