G.R. No. 155282 January 17, 2005
BOARD (MTRCB), petitioner,
LEGARDA, respondents.
For our resolution is the petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of
the 1997 Rules of Court, as amended, filed by petitioner Movie and
Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) against ABS-CBN
Broadcasting Corporation (ABS-CBN) and former Senator Loren
Legarda, respondents, assailing the (a) Decision dated November 18,
1997,1 and (b) Order dated August 26, 20022 of the Regional Trial Court,
Branch 77, Quezon City, in Civil Case No. Q-93-16052.
Heretofore, all subsequent programs of the ‘The Inside Story’ and all
other programs of the ABS-CBN Channel 2 of the same category shall be
submitted to the Board of Review and Approval before showing;
otherwise the Board will act accordingly."101awphi1.nét
Respondents then filed a special civil action for certiorari with the
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 77, Quezon City. It seeks to: (1)
declare as unconstitutional Sections 3(b),13 3(c),14 3(d),15 4,16 7,17 and
1118 of P. D. No. 1986 and Sections 3,19 7,20 and 2821 (a) of the
MTRCB Rules and Regulations;22 (2) (in the alternative) exclude the
"The Inside Story" from the coverage of the above cited provisions; and
(3) annul and set aside the MTRCB Decision dated March 12, 1993 and
Resolution dated April 14, 1993. Respondents averred that the above-
cited provisions constitute "prior restraint" on respondents’ exercise of
freedom of expression and of the press, and, therefore, unconstitutional.
Furthermore, the above cited provisions do not apply to the "The Inside
Story" because it falls under the category of "public affairs program,
news documentary, or socio-political editorials" governed by standards
similar to those governing newspapers.
On November 18, 1997, the RTC rendered a Decision23 in favor of
respondents, the dispositive portion of which reads:
The issue for our resolution is whether the MTRCB has the power or
authority to review the "The Inside Story" prior to its exhibition or
broadcast by television.
"SEC. 3. Powers and Functions. – The BOARD shall have the following
functions, powers and duties:
x x x x x x."
"The law gives the Board the power to screen, review and examine all
‘television programs.’ By the clear terms of the law, the Board has the
power to ‘approve, delete x x x and/or prohibit the x x x exhibition and/or
television broadcast of x x x television programs x x x.’ The law also
directs the Board to apply ‘contemporary Filipino cultural values as
standard’ to determine those which are objectionable for being ‘immoral,
indecent, contrary to law and/or good customs, injurious to the prestige of
the Republic of the Philippines and its people, or with a dangerous
tendency to encourage the commission of violence or of a wrong or
Settled is the rule in statutory construction that where the law does not
make any exception, courts may not except something therefrom, unless
there is compelling reason apparent in the law to justify it.28 Ubi lex non
distinguit nec distinguere debemos. Thus, when the law says "all
television programs," the word "all" covers all television programs,
whether religious, public affairs, news documentary, etc.29 The principle
assumes that the legislative body made no qualification in the use of
general word or expression.30
If this Court, in Iglesia ni Cristo, did not exempt religious programs from
the jurisdiction and review power of petitioner MTRCB, with more
reason, there is no justification to exempt therefrom "The Inside Story"
which, according to respondents, is protected by the constitutional
provision on freedom of expression and of the press, a freedom bearing
no preferred status.
The only exceptions from the MTRCB’s power of review are those
expressly mentioned in Section 7 of P. D. No. 1986, such as (1) television
programs imprinted or exhibited by the Philippine Government and/or its
departments and agencies, and (2) newsreels. Thus:
It bears stressing that the sole issue here is whether petitioner MTRCB
has authority to review "The Inside Story." Clearly, we are not called
upon to determine whether petitioner violated Section 4, Article III (Bill
of Rights) of the Constitution providing that no law shall be passed
abridging the freedom of speech, of oppression or the press. Petitioner did
not disapprove or ban the showing of the program. Neither did it cancel
respondents’ permit. Respondents were merely penalized for their failure
to submit to petitioner "The Inside Story" for its review and approval.
Therefore, we need not resolve whether certain provisions of P. D. No.
1986 and the MTRCB Rules and Regulations specified by respondents
contravene the Constitution.
Consequently, we cannot sustain the RTC’s ruling that Sections 3 (c) (d),
4, 7 and 11 of P. D. No. 1986 and Sections 3, 7 and 28 (a) of the MTRCB
Rules and Regulations are unconstitutional. It is settled that no question
involving the constitutionality or validity of a law or governmental act
may be heard and decided by the court unless there is compliance with
the legal requisites for judicial inquiry, namely: (1) that the question must
be raised by the proper party; (2) that there must be an actual case or
controversy; (3) that the question must be raised at the earliest possible
opportunity; and, (4) that the decision on the constitutional or legal
question must be necessary to the determination of the case itself.38