The document is a sample test paper for Class 10 Social Science covering the topic of federalism. It contains 12 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key concepts related to federalism in the Indian context such as states with their own constitutions, the division of powers between central and state governments, and local government bodies. It also provides the answers to the test questions which highlight features like India being a "holding together" federation and the roles of the Union, State, and Concurrent lists in dividing powers between levels of government.
The document is a sample test paper for Class 10 Social Science covering the topic of federalism. It contains 12 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key concepts related to federalism in the Indian context such as states with their own constitutions, the division of powers between central and state governments, and local government bodies. It also provides the answers to the test questions which highlight features like India being a "holding together" federation and the roles of the Union, State, and Concurrent lists in dividing powers between levels of government.
The document is a sample test paper for Class 10 Social Science covering the topic of federalism. It contains 12 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key concepts related to federalism in the Indian context such as states with their own constitutions, the division of powers between central and state governments, and local government bodies. It also provides the answers to the test questions which highlight features like India being a "holding together" federation and the roles of the Union, State, and Concurrent lists in dividing powers between levels of government.
The document is a sample test paper for Class 10 Social Science covering the topic of federalism. It contains 12 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key concepts related to federalism in the Indian context such as states with their own constitutions, the division of powers between central and state governments, and local government bodies. It also provides the answers to the test questions which highlight features like India being a "holding together" federation and the roles of the Union, State, and Concurrent lists in dividing powers between levels of government.
Test Paper-01 Class –X Social Science (Federalism)
General Instruction: -
All Question are Compulsory.
Question No. 1 to 4 Carry one marks each. Question No. 5 to 10 carry three marks each. Question No. 11 to 12 carry five marks each.
1. Name the Indian state that has its own constitution.
2. What is federalism? 3. What is Unitary Government? 4. Define Gram Panchayat? 5. Why is the central government of India not compelling states to adopt Hindi as their official language? 6. Contrast a federal system of government with a unitary set-up with examples. 7. Highlight the two types of routs through which the federations are formed. Give example. 8. Explain the role of union list, state list and concurrent list with context to India. 9. What are significances of Panchayat Raj? 10. Explain the organization of the local government bodies of urban areas. 11. What are the causes responsible for very slow progress of Panchayat Raj System in India? 12. What are the features of Federalism?
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Class –X Social Science (Federalism) [ANSWERS]
1. Jammu and Kashmir has its own constitution.
2. Federalism is a system of government under which power is divided between a central authority and its various constituent units. 3. Unitary government is a form of federalism in which there is only one level of government and sub units are subordinate to the central government. 4. Gram Panchayat is a council consisting of several ward members at village level, often called the Panch and the head is Sarpanch. 5. The central government of India not compelling states to adopt Hindi as their official language as India is multilingual country. According to the census of 1991 recorded more than 1500 distinct languages, people mentioned their mother tongues. Hindi is mother tongue of only 40% of the people of India. There are 21 languages recognized by the constitution of India. In states of Southern India there has been violent opposition to the language Hindi. 6. Federalism has at least two levels of government i.e. Central and State goverment. The central government is responsible for subjects of national importance. The state government looks after the daily administration of the states. In Unitary syatem, the central government can pass on orders to the provincial or local government but in in a federal system the central government cannot do so. In Unitary system there is only one level of government and if any subunits are there that remains subordinate to the central government. 7. Independent states come together on their own to form a bigger unit and form a Coming Together federation route. Example: USA, Switzerland and Australia. Here all the constituet states usually have equal power. A country decides to divide its power between the constituent state and the national government. This kind of route is called Holding Together federation. Example: India, Spain and Belgium.
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8. Union list includes those subjects which are of national interest and on which a uniform policy is needed in the whole country. The Union Government makes laws on these subjects. Example, defense, foreign affairs, banking etc. State list includes subjects of state and local importance. Example, police, trade, agriculture etc. State government alone can make laws in the subjects of importance. Concurrent list includes subjects of common interest to the Union Government and the State Government, Example: Education, forest, adoption etc. 9. The significances of Panchayat Raj are: Panchayat Raj is the third level of Indian Federal System. This level gives a chance to the people to become the representatives of people. There are 36 lakhs elected representatives in the local bodies. There is reservation for women, SCs and STs. They strengthen the democratic system of India. 10. Local Government bodies exist in urban areas also. In Towns there are Municipalities and in big cities there are Municipal Corporations. Both Municipalities and Municipal Corporations are controlled by elected bodies consisting of people’s representatives. Municipality is headed by the chairman and Municipal Corporation is headed by the Mayor. 11. Lack of awareness: The lack of awareness and conceptual clarity is one of the reason of slow success of Panchayat Raj. Some people treat it just as an administrative agency, some as an intention of democracy at grass root level and some treat it as a charter of rural, local government. Irregular election: Election should hold in a gap of five years, but still irregularity is there to helding the elections. Relationship of government officials and elected representatives: All work of the Panchayat Raj System is being done by the government officials, but contradiction always comes in between government officials and elected representatives and then it progresses very slowly. Lack of money and other support: The Panchayat Raj institutions lack enough money, administrative support and help from the government officials. That’s why its progress rate is very slow.
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Most state governments havenot transferred sinificant powers to the local governments. 12. The features of Federalism are: There are two or more levels of government in federalsm. Different tiers of government govern same citizens but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. The jurisdiction of respective levels is specified in the constitution. So, the existence and authority of each tier of government is constitutionally granted. Fundamental provisions of the constitutions cannot be unilaterally changed by one level of government and require the constitutions and the powers of government of different levels. The highest court acts as the umpire if disputes arise in the exercise of their respective powers. Sources of revenues are specified to ensure the financial autonomy.