Hacienda Brandbook Fin PDF
Hacienda Brandbook Fin PDF
Hacienda Brandbook Fin PDF
10/5/15 – v1
Hacienda has always been and continues to be a vibrant and This Brand Book provides guidelines for presenting the Hacienda
evolving place. Thoughtful management of the brand makes con- brand online, in print, at events, and anywhere else the brand is
necting to people easier and allows everyone the opportunity to represented. In this book you will find general guidelines on using
develop a more meaningful relationship with Hacienda. the logo, colors, typography, photography, and more. It is not
The essence of Hacienda is captured in three core concepts: possible for these guidelines to cover all the situations the brand
connected, innovative, and complete. Hacienda is ideally suited to could exist in and there will be times when how presentation of the
foster a thriving business and living environment. brand should occur. Contact marketing@hacienda.org if you need
further clarifications or have any questions.
Pleasanton lays the foundation for successful living and working. Positioning Statement 1) Functional Message - What utility does Hacienda provide?
Hacienda extends this by responding to the needs of businesses Hacienda sets itself apart from competitors by providing a scalable Convenient - Hacienda is a convenient location to live and work.
and creating a special community for those living there. Hacienda and varied environment that supports all types of business and Compared with the rest of the Bay Area, Hacienda is a cost
evolves to create new environments where everyone can thrive. residences. It is ideally situated near BART and major freeways en- effective location for a business. All the conveniences of a major
The information on messaging is intended to help establish a abling easy access to the rest of the Bay Area as well as local com- metropolitan area. Schools, stores, and a great community within
Hacienda frame of mind. Anyone representing Hacienda should munities. This mix of amenities creates a rich eclectic environment, Hacienda and as part of the greater Pleasanton area.
understand it’s message and look for opportunities to use it. making Hacienda a uniquely ideal place for working and living.
Valuable - Unlike many business locations in Northern California,
Hacienda has plenty of room to expand, room to develop, room
100 Words About Hacienda Core Concepts for individual business expression. Hacienda provides access to
Our goal is to provide convenience and value to owners, residents, Connected the great talent pool in the Bay Area. The quality control and a high
and employees who live, work, and have interests in Hacienda. Hacienda is connected and a place where businesses and people degree of design make Hacienda a profitable place to invest and
Since the 1980s, Hacienda has been a scalable and varied envi- connect. Easy access via BART and major freeways makes it pos- own property.
ronment supporting all types of businesses and residences. It is sible for businesses and residents to connect to the surrounding 2) Emotional Message - How does Hacienda make people feel?
ideally situated near BART and major freeways with easy access Bay Area. Within its boundaries, Hacienda encourages a live, work, Interwoven - Hacienda brings things together: work and life;
to the rest of the Bay Area, as well as local communities. The mix play, environment that supports strong connections for everyone business and community; commercial, retail, and residential; etc.
of amenities available at Haciendas creates a rich environment involved. Communications from Hacienda should make people feel like they
uniquely suited for working and living. are connected to other businesses park and connected to the
Hacienda is a place where businesses connect, innovation thrives, Hacienda has a history of supporting innovative business pro- other people who live and work there.
and where companies find a turn-key environment for growth. grams, activities and development. This is a location where new Excited - Hacienda is a place where things are happening, from
ideas thrive, where a wide range of industries meet, interact, and small events like a farmers market to the big developments that
Vision Statement build on their proximity to each other. are literally reshaping Hacienda, our communications should re-
flect the fact that there is always something new around the corner.
Business and Life, Interconnected and Progressing Complete
The workday is no longer defined as a nine to five stint at an office. Unlimited - Unlike other business districts, Hacienda thrives based
Hacienda has never been, nor will it ever be, just one thing.
People work from home, in coffee shops, while commuting and on variety rather than limits and our marketing should reflect the
However, Hacienda does provide a complete foundation for both
more. We work best when we are happy at work, and we are hap- feeling that at Hacienda anything is possible.
business and home life. It is a turn-key environment featuring the
piest at work when we feel that work is a seamless part of how we right space and resources for any size business from any sector. It 3) Aspirational Message - What does Hacienda help people
view our lives. Hacienda is a multifaceted business/life ecosystem. is an ideal setting for both home life and work, with all the ameni- achieve with their business, career, and personal lives?
One that supports the interconnection of a variety of businesses, ties necessary to support a live/work/play lifestyle. Success - Successful businesses are located in Hacienda and Ha-
transportation options, recreation, facilities, and more, all flourish- cienda is a great location for businesses to succeed. Hacienda is
ing in their proximity to one another and promoting a sense of Key Messages
a location where people can set down roots and grow their career
connection and innovation. The quality of life in Pleasanton Every marketing material or piece of collateral should answer one, and personal life.
- housing, schools, community, activities lays the foundation for if not all three, of these questions.
successful living and Hacienda extends this as a nimble “develop-
ment” responding to the needs of businesses and the people who
create and support them.
Writing Style
Formal is the primary writing style for Hacienda. Communications THINGS (“items,” “objects,” “components”) Using the Hacienda Name
should always start with a formal style. In some instances writing NOWADAYS (“today”) Hacienda is referred to by its name only without any modifications
can be less formal as dictated by the content. An example of this is or definitions. Do not add words that modify the meaning of the
A LOT (“much” or “many”)
when writing about casual topic, like a picnic or a whimsical topic. name or attempt to describe it like ‘Business Park’, or ‘District’, or
Below are some guidelines on achieving a formal style. GUYS (“individuals” or “people”) ‘Center.’ Do not follow Hacienda with the word “Inc.”
Next, try to avoid clichés and other overused phrases. Examples of Here are some examples of proper usage:
clichés include: “time will tell,” “the blind leading the blind,” “hit the
We use words like “good,” “bad,” “great,” and “big” all the time Hacienda is a great place.
nail on the head,” “cold as ice,” etc. Using more unique and specific
in everyday conversation. Our friends and family know what we Let’s meet in Hacienda.
language helps make your writing more formal.
mean when we use these general descriptive terms. In contrast, We enjoy Hacienda hospitality.
when they show up in writing, these words may not always reflect Second Person Here are some examples of improper usage:
exact meaning. Use a thesaurus to find more specific words. For Second person refers to the use of “you” or “your” to address
The Hacienda business district is an exciting place to visit.
instance, “effective,” “beneficial,” “fortunate,” or “advantageous” are the reader and is considered by most to be too conversational
Hacienda park is growing fast.
all possible alternatives to “good,” while “significant,” “influential,” for college writing. For example, in a paper on the dangers of
We are considering a move to the Hacienda district.
“immense,” or even “large” provide more descriptive substitutions texting while driving the writer uses, “If you have to answer a text
for the word “big.” Use words that more accurately deliver the message, do so only at a red light.” This sentence addresses the NOTE: On the rare occassion Hacienda must be described as
intended meaning. reader (the instructor) in such a way that implies that the instructor something, use the term development. Try to do this only where
has a problem with texting while driving, when in fact he or she Hacienda is being referred to as an object.
Likewise, more effective alternatives exist for overused verbs like
“says” and “talks about” (as in: The author says…). Try “suggests,” may not. Changing the point of view from second to third person Other Guidelines
“asserts,” “offers,” “explains,” or a wide variety of other active and helps make this sentence more formal: “If drivers have to answer a Do not start a sentence with the word “And.” Paragraphs must
vivid verbs - there are plenty, so use a variety. text message, they should do so only at a red light.” always have at least two sentences. Minimize the use of personal
Many readers are comfortale with first person (“I,” “we,” and “our”) pronouns. Do not end sentences with a preposition.
Slang Language and Clichés
but keep in mind that you should assert yourself very sparingly
Again, we use slang terms every day in conversation. Like the
when writing for Hacienda, if at all. Third person is always best for
vague words listed in the previous section, these cannot always
achieving a formal tone.
match your intended meaning, and better alternatives are usually
available. Here is a list of words and their more formal and precise Contractions
substitutions. We use contractions in speech all the time, but try to avoid them
KIDS (use “children”) when writing. For example, use “will not” instead of won’t and “they
will” instead of they’ll.
TEENS (spell out “teenagers”)
MOMS/DADS (“mothers,” “fathers”)
Brand Image
The main brand image for Hacienda is a stylized rendition of the
arch. This works well when used as a footer at the bottom of an
email or at the bottom of stationery, or a report.
The image works best when set against a baseline as shown
below. It’s simplicity allows this image to compliment photography
or other imagery on the page.
The Hacienda Logo is the core asset of the Hacienda brand. The
shape of the logo should never change. The letter spacing should
Logo Color
The approved colors for the logo are black, white, and gold and
not change. The width of the line for the “horizon arch” should
there are files for each of these. The black logo should always
never be thicker or thinner. Do not stretch or skew the logo. When
be used against a white or light background. The white version
resizing the logo take care to always do so proportionately.
is for use against black, gold, or other dark backgrounds. The
Design gold version is for black and dark backgrounds, but should never
be used on gray or medium color backgrounds. The entire logo,
The horizon line indicates the openness and spaciousness of text and horizon arch, should always be the same color. To see
Hacienda. The arch, with its “steps” left and right, represents the the exact color specifications for Gold, Black, and both shades of
purest form of architecture and technological progress. The thin- Gray please see the page on color. Logo clear space is measured by the width and height of the capital “H”
ness of the line represents accuracy and precision and clean, crisp,
elegance. The name in all-caps represents bold and passionate
confidence while retaining elegance and grace. The logo always in
Clear space
“Clear space” is the required empty space around the logo that
just one color represents the unity of all these concepts.
no other objects should encroach upon. It’s as if the logo has a
Components of the Logo magnetic field around it that repels all other objects by to a fixed
distance. This is important for maintaining the integrity of the
The logo consists of two parts—the letters of the name in all capi- visual identity of the logo. Note that there is also a clear space
tals and the “horizon arch” line above the name. The logo should required when using the horizon arch by itself.
contain both of these parts. The name part of the logo (HACIEN-
DA) should never appear on its own without the horizon arch line
above it. But the horizon arch can be used by itself.
Logo files
All approved versions of the logo are available in EPS, PDF, PNG,
The logo is the only place the name should appear in all caps. and JPG files. Use these files with no modifications. For access to
Everywhere else it should be initial cap (Hacienda). logo files and other core marketing assets contact the Hacienda
Owners Association at marketing@hacienda.org
Horizon Arch
When using the horizon arch by itself it should not be altered in
any way other than to change its color. Files for the horizon arch Hacienda owners association logo
are provided in all file types. for use on correspondence with
the association only.
Clear space for arch when used by itself. Below are variations for the logo. (Note all these color versions are available for the association logo as well.)
Logo Don’t s
It is important to use the logo properly. There are many possible
examples of what not to do. Here are a few to help understand
what we are trying to avoid. If you have any questions about logo
usage please contact marketing@hacienda.org
Don’t change or alter the Don’t place text next to the logo. Don’t distort, rotate or crop the Don’t add drop shadows to the
colors in any way. logo in any way. logo.
Don’t create a two-color version of Don’t alter individual parts of the Don’t add an outline or use the Don’t use the logo in text or use
the logo.* logo. logo in outline form. the name in all caps in body copy.
Don’t use the logo against a tex- Don’t add graphics to the logo.
tured background or photographic
Color Primary Colors
Hacienda Gold
RGB: 202R, 159G, 85B
CMYK: 23%C, 36%M, 78%Y, 0%K
PMS: 7407
Hacienda Black
RGB: 0R, 0G, 0B
Use these primary colors often in marketing materials to support
brand recognition. Stay with just these colors as much s possible to
The Two Grays HEX: 000000
There are two shades of gray. Use these for lines and rules. Avoid CMYK: 75%C, 50%M, 25%Y, 100%K
avoid diluting the brand identity.
using either of these for backgrounds. And avoid using large PMS: Black
Gold areas of them. The darker gray is good for type, although do not
use it interchangeably with black type. Although the logo should
Hacienda Dark Gray
RGB: 153R, 153G, 153B
The primary color for Hacienda is what we are calling gold. This not be gray, the horizon arch graphic used by itself can be in HEX: 999999
color is the first choice for color. It is our goal that this color is either gray. CMYK: 43%C, 35%M, 35%Y, 0%K
noticeable and closely identified with the brand. Use this color as a PMS: Cool Grey 7
background or to fill large areas. Use it for signs and banners and
anywhere else there is an opportunity to color something in a bold
Text Color Hacienda Light Gray
way. Avoid using this color in small amounts, as in thin lines or bor- Use this color for all body text both web and print. Headline text RGB: 200R, 200G, 200B
ders or small graphics. This color is best used boldly. When using may also be in this color or Hacienda Gold or Black HEX: C8C8C8
CMYK: 21%C, 17%M, 17%Y, 0%K
the logo on this color always use the white version.
Secondary Colors PMS: 420
Black Use these colors sparingly in designs. They are both a bit brighter Hacienda Text Color (web & print)
than the primary colors and make good accent colors that compli- RGB: 85R, 85G, 85B
For Hacienda we consider black a color. This is the color for the
ment the primary colors. These colors are helpful when highlight- HEX: 555555
logo against white or light backgrounds. It is the primary color for CMYK: 0%C, 0%M, 0%Y, 85%K
text. It is also secondary to gold and compliments gold. This being ing a specific data point in a graph or chart or outlining an area
PMS: 425
the case, black makes a smaller impression in a designs than gold. in an image. They should never be used in large areas like back-
Black is good for rules and frames and outlines. Use it right up grounds or large graphical areas of a design. Avoid using these
against gold as in a border around a gold field of color or as two two colors together. So, for example, if highlighting something on
fields of color side by side. On-site at Hacienda black shows up on a page with Red do not use Blue as a highlight color elsewhere
posts for signs and in some other structural components. on that same page or in that same design.
Secondary Colors
Hacienda Blue
RGB: 51R, 153G, 255B
HEX: 5490CC
CMYK: 67%C, 35%M, 0%Y, 0%K
PMS: 7688
Hacienda Red
RGB: 255R, 89G, 51B
HEX: FF5933
CMYK: 0%C, 80%M, 85%Y, 0%K
PMS: 7417
Typefaces are very important to keep consistent. The specifica-
tions below apply to all content with the exception of the most for-
Captions Promxima Nova
mal, direct, correspondence such as official letters. In those cases Captions are set in Proxima Nova Light and the size of captions is A B C D E FGH IJK L M N O P Q RSTU V W X Y Z
the body copy as well as heads and subheads may be Perpetua. In relatively smaller than the body copy—by about 15%. Captions may
no case shall the body copy online (website or email) be anything also have their own subheads which should be the same size as a b cd e f ghijk lmn opqrstu v w x y z
the captions but set in Proxima Nova Bold.
other than Proxima Nova. !@#$%^&*(){}€fifl°‚£¢∞§•“”
Heads and Subheads Web 1 23 456 7 8 9 0
Heads and subheads are set in Perpetua Regular. This is the same These same basic rules apply for web fonts with a couple of
font used in the logotype. Subheads should have a distance of exceptions Kerning (or letter spacing) and line spacing should be
20% the size of the subhead for paragraph spacing before body increased slightly, by about 10%. Promxima Nova Bold
copy. As subheads increase in size letter spacing should be A BCD E F G HIJ K L M NO P Q R STUV W X Y Z
reduced. At the smallest uses letter spacing should be set to 0 or Email
normal from about a size of 14 points and smaller. Header copy can Email presents a challenge for font matching. Proxima Nova may a bc de f g hi j k l mn op q rstu v w x y z
be as large as desired for the design and headers can look good work in Gmail and in some other cases but otherwise fonts will
in the Hacienda Gold color. The bold version of the font is not
default to what is specified by the email client. Heads can be set in
used. Italic can be used in the rare instance it is needed in a head Perpetua but they must be saved as graphics. 123 4 567 890
or subhead.
Secondary Subheads There are a handful of stylistic considerations for copy that will help Perpetua Regular
For secondary subheads in the body copy use Proxima Nova Bold maintain continuity throughout Hacienda written material.
in the same size as the body copy.
Body Copy Use hyphens instead of em dashes with a space on either side. abcdefg h ijk lmnopqr s t uv wxy z
Body copy is set in Proxima Nova Light. Line spacing is 120% of Semicolons
the character height (which on many applications is referred to as Use semicolons to separate thoughts in a single sentence
“Auto”). Generally, the body copy needs no letter spacing. Empha- 1234567890
Liniar commas
sis can be given to words in the body copy by using Bold. URLs
Omit the last comma at the end of a sequence or list before the
and linking text in documents can be set in bold and in Hacienda
last two items separated by an “and” or “or.” (There is an apple, a
Gold. Underlines are not used for links either in documents or on
potato, a carrot and an orange.)
the web. The italics for these can be used as needed. Other cuts of
the font are not used. Body copy is set rag right or left justified on Single spaces only
the web. Use full justified type in the case of longer multi-column Use only single spaces after sentences. No double spaces any-
documents. where in documents
Purpose and Goals People In Pictures
When possible include people in pictures. Race, background, style,
The goal for photography is to get great shots and maintain some dress, are all ways that diversity is shown. Also, in keeping with
stylistic consistency across the many photographs taken for and the idea that Hacienda is a vibrant and active place, show people
used by Hacienda. This is particularly challenging because there doing things—walking someplace, working on something, and
will be many photographers involved in taking these shots, each interacting with each other. It’s OK to include just parts of people as
with their own style and equipment. Following these general guide- well. Arms holding a computer or pointing, legs walking or riding a
lines will help. bike, a hand reaching for something, the back of a person walking
Composition into a building.
Simplify the scene by looking carefully at everything in the photo- Buildings and Outdoors The picture above is a good example of using perspective and “diagonal
graphic frame. Try to position yourself and the camera to cut out lines” in an image to add dimension and interest to the shot.
Show the pedestrian perspective. Try to emphasize walking paths
unwanted clutter like a car or truck in the background, or a sign and sidewalks and walkways into buildings instead of roads and
that is not relevant. parking areas. Show buildings in their surroundings as much
Avoid positioning subjects dead center on the frame. Aiming the as possible, featuring the landscaping and surroundings. Bring
camera so the subject is a bit off-center makes for a more interest- dynamics to outdoor pictures by including something in the fore-
ing composition. ground of the frame. A bench, or tree or shrub, or a persons arm
Look for opportunities to include perspective in pictures. A path, or holding a tablet, etc. This technique draws the viewer in and adds
row of trees, moving from the foreground to the background in the interest to the image.
picture frame, can add depth and dimension to a picture. Another Effects
way to think about this is to include objects that create “diagonal
Avoid special or added effects like sepia, high contrast, textured
lines” in the picture.
filters, etc. However, some nice results can come from using the
Contemporary Workplace camera in specific ways. Slower exposures that show moving
objects with a bit of blur, like a person walking quickly or car driving Here is an example of a picture using a large aperture setting to get a short-
When taking pictures of workplaces, look for the more contempo-
er focal distance and a “depth of field” effect. This image also illustrates
rary setting. Try to show people in workplaces interacting. Avoid by. A large aperture setting creates a narrow focal length that
putting the subject slightly off center to add interest to the shot.
shots that show older technology like dated computers or fax keeps the subject in the foreground in focus while blurring the
machines, or older style cubicals. If possible, show windows with background. Additional lighting from either a lamp or a reflector
views but be careful not to overpower the foreground of a picture can bring extra light to a subject.
with too bright a background.
settings. These have been set up to automatically use the right No HS >$60K
colors and fonts. After creating your graph or chart increase it’s size >$30K
Some HS >$50K
in the spreadsheet by at least 3 or 4 times. A point of reference for >$40K
Shadow 3D frame around icon 3D styling of objects Multi-colored objects Outlined objects