2 Physical Design of Transportation Facilities
2 Physical Design of Transportation Facilities
2 Physical Design of Transportation Facilities
There are many ways to describe the design process for transportation
facilities or transportation systems. The overall process of developing a
transportation project is a mixture of technical, legal, and political elements.
When it is carried out by a public agency, it must balance the interests of
users, residents in the immediate vicinity of the project, and the general
public. Many of its features will be spelt out by public laws and regulations
or by agency policy.
These laws, regulations, and policies are intended to ensure that the resulting
facility is safe and economical, that its environmental impacts are
reasonable, and that the interests of different political constituencies are
adequately represented. Among the laws and regulations that govern the
project development process are enabling legislation for transportation
funding, which often establishes minimum design standards and requires
compliance with other laws and regulations.
1. Deciding generally what sort of system or facility is needed. A
highway, a mass transit route (or station), an airport, even a whole
system. This step is normally considered to be part of the planning
process and is the responsibility of transportation planning officials
and the political system as a whole; nevertheless, design engineers are
key participants. Intelligent decisions depend on the ability to predict
costs and impacts; these predictions, in turn, often depend on
preliminary designs. In addition to cost and impact information,
decisions at this point in the process often depend on transportation
demand analysis for alternative facilities or systems.
2. Demand analysis for the system or facility to be designed. In this
context, transportation demand analysis is an attempt to predict, as
accurately as possible, the number and types of trips, which will take
place on a particular facility.
3. Traffic performance analysis. In this step, the designer establishes
the relationship between anticipated demand and the design features
of the facility or system. This step is often referred to as capacity
analysis, although it usually involves analysis of more than just
capacity. Also, it is necessary to take into account some of the
physical characteristics of the system in order to perform this step;
consequently, it is usually necessary to reconsider preliminary
performance analyses after the facility or system is located and certain
features of the geometric design are decided.
4. Size the facility or system, based on performance standards and the
traffic analysis. For a highway, for instance, this consists of deciding
the number of lanes to be provided at various locations. For an airport,
it involves determining whether several parallel runways will be
required and, if so, how many. For a railroad, it involves decisions
about whether to provide single or double track.
5. Determine the location of the facility or system. This step ordinarily
requires consideration of several alternative locations. Deciding
between them may further require preliminary designs, cost estimates,
and environmental impact analyses, and will usually involve public
hearings and other public decision processes. In order to carry out
these analyses, detailed physical mapping based on aerial photography
and field surveys, may be required.
6. Determine the configuration and/or orientation of the facility or
system. Orientation refers to such matters as the direction of an
airport runway; configuration refers to things like transit system route
structures or selection of highway interchange types.
7. Identify physical design standards. These are often a matter of
policy within a given design organization, but the individual designer
must judge the applicability of given design standards to particular
8. Geometric design. Geometric design refers to establishment of
horizontal and vertical alignments and cross sections, based on
considerations such as operating characteristics of vehicles, design
standards and drainage.
9. Design auxiliary systems, such as drainage, lighting, traffic control,
and power supply (for electrified rail lines)
10.Design surface or guide way. This refers to the design of pavement
or track for land transportation facilities.
11.Estimate construction costs and project impacts. Major cost items
in the design of the transportation facility include land (right-of-way),
earthwork, structures, and control devices. Final cost estimates are
necessary before jobs can go out to bid; it is good practice, however,
for the designer to make rough cost estimates throughout the design
process and to base design decisions on them. It is also necessary to
identify environmental impacts and the cost of environmental
12.Evaluate design. Designs should be evaluated continually throughout
the design process. Evaluations are based on criteria such as physical
feasibility; economy; and social, economic, and environmental
Feedback arrows in the diagram represent the process of redesign. This is the
process of mutual adjustment of the various elements of the design. Like
cost estimating and design evaluation, it goes on continuously throughout
the design process.
horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, cross section, and various design
Human capabilities and characteristics important in setting design standards
depend on acceleration/deceleration characteristics, design speed, and
human characteristics.
influenced by traffic levels and the need to maintain reasonable speeds
on upgrades.
Minimum grades for some types of highways are limited by the need
to provide drainage.
Minimum cross-slopes for highways, runways, and taxiways are also
limited by the need to provide drainage.
Minimum length of vertical curve. This standard applies to
highways, railways, and airport runways and taxiways. For highways
minimum length of vertical curves is limited by stopping or passing
sight distance requirements, vertical acceleration, and appearance
Edge radii in roadway and taxiway intersections are limited by
vehicle turning radii. These, in turn, are related to vehicle wheelbase
Horizontal and vertical clearances apply to all modes of
transportation. These are limited by vehicle dimensions and, in the
case of horizontal clearances for highways, by the need to provide
clear recovery zones for vehicles that run off the road.
The driver’s ability to see ahead contributes to safe and efficient operation of
the road. Ideally, geometric design should ensure that at all times any object
on the pavement surface is visible to the driver within normal eyesight
distance. However, this is not usually feasible because of topographical and
other constraints, so it is necessary to design roads on the basis of lower, but
safe, sight distances.
Passing sight distances are normally of concern only on two-lane roadways,
and need not be maintained everywhere on them, rather, the usual
consideration is that passing sight distance exist for a sufficient fraction of
the highway’s length to prevent driver impatience. Stopping sight distance,
on the other hand, should be maintained at all points on the roadway.
As a general rule, the stated design speed for a highway section establishes
the minimum standard for design features related to it (such as horizontal
curve radius and vertical curve length), and the same design speed will be
used for each of these, so as to provide a “balanced” design.
A road carrying a large volume of traffic may justify a higher design speed
than a less important road in similar topography. However, the design speed
should be consistent with the speed a driver is likely to expect, and a low
design speed should not be assumed for a secondary road, where the
physical limitations and the traffic are such that a driver is likely to drive at
high speeds.
d1=distance traversed during perception and reaction time and during the
initial acceleration to the point of encroachment on the left lane
d2=distance traveled while the passing vehicle occupies left lane
d3=distance between the passing vehicle at the end of its maneuver and the
opposing vehicle
d4=distance traversed by opposing vehicle for two-thirds of the time the
passing vehicle occupies the left lane, or 2/3d1
2. The profile. This drawing has elevation as its vertical axis, and
horizontal distance, as measured along the centerline of the facility, as
its horizontal axis.
3. The geometric cross section. This view has elevation as its vertical
axis and horizontal distance, measured perpendicular to the centerline,
as its horizontal axis.
4. The superelevation diagram. This applies to curved facilities, such as
highways or railways, only. It consists of a graph with roadway or
railway cross-slope (vertical axis) versus horizontal distance
(horizontal axis). The cross-slope is measured relative to the
centerline or some other axis of rotation for the facility.
Elevations are in meters above some datum; usually this datum is mean sea
level, but it may be any arbitrary scale.