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1. Direction: In the given question, by someone. From the options it is

four words are given of which two are clear that the ruling part is
most nearly the same or opposite in responsible for these ‘rhetorical
meaning. Find the two words and claims’.
indicate your answer by marking the Option i – ‘backing’ means help or
option which represents the correct support and has been used in
combination. conjunction with the correct tense
A) Diligent B) Adorable format of the sentence.
C) Meticulous D) Prominent Option ii – ‘endorsement’ also means
A. B-D B. A-C help or support and it tallies with the
C. A-B D. A-D sentence structure.
Ans. B Option iii – although ‘backed’ has
Sol. The meanings of the words are: been used it is in the incorrect tense
Diligent: having or showing care and form. This makes it incorrect.
conscientiousness in one's work or Thus, option D is the correct answer.
duties. 3. Which letter—cluster will replace the
Adorable: inspiring great affection or question mark (?) in the following
delight. series?
Meticulous: showing great attention HQCF, MVHK, JSEH, OXLM, ?
to detail; very careful and precise. A. FTRD B. LUGJ
Prominent: important; famous. C. MKOP D. SWQ
Hence, option B is the correct Ans. B
answer. Sol. Pattern is-
2. Direction: A statement with one
blank is given below. Choose the set
of words from the given options which
can be used to fill the given blank.
Despite almost ubiquitous scepticism,
the electoral bonds have prevailed
and, that too, almost solely _______
rhetorical claims of “transparency of
political funding system,” “clean
money,” and “donor’s anonymity.”
i. with the backing of the ruling Hence, the correct answer is option
government’s B.
ii. based on the endorsement derived 4. Three different positions of the same
from the political party at power’s dice are shown. Which symbol will be
iii. backed by the political party at on the face opposite to the one having
power’s ‘*’?
A. Only i B. Only ii
C. Only iii D. Both i and ii
Ans. D
Sol. The given sentence talks about the
prevailing nature of ‘electoral bonds’ A. + B. !
in spite of concerns and doubts C. $ D. @
regarding the same. The sentence Ans. A
goes on to explain that this is Sol. Pick out the dices in which one symbol
occurring because of rhetorical claims is common , after that arrange them
in ACW or CW direction.


In II and III ‘+’ is common conclusions and then decide which of

+=@ the given conclusions logically follows
*+!$ the given statements.
Interchange the missing symbol ‘*’ Statement:
with repeated symbol ‘+’ Parents must understand that their
Hence, option (A) is the correct child cannot attain excellence on his
answer. own. He needs their support. They
5. In the following diagram, the triangle must thus be open to help him at
represents 'Dentists‘, the circle various steps rather than merely
represents 'Professors' and the setting high expectations.
rectangle represents ‘Doctors’. The Conclusion:
numbers in different segments show I. Ideal students are not born ideal or
the number of persons. perfect. They are nurtured to become
ideal by their educators. The
environment at home has a great
impact on the way a student performs
in school.
II. The life of an ideal student may
seem tough from a distance.
However, it is actually much more
sorted as compared to those who
procrastinate and do not give
How many professors are dentists but
complete attention to their studies.
not doctors?
A. If only conclusion I follows
A. 17 B. 9
B. If only conclusion II follows
C. 15 D. 13
C. If both I and II conclusion follow
Ans. B
D. If neither I nor II conclusion
Sol. Given diagram is-
Ans. A
Sol. Conclusion I follows, based on the
given statement a major component
in the making of an Ideal student is
described that it takes efforts not only
from the students but also from the
educators( Teachers and Parents)
Conclusion II is a correct statement
circle represents Professors that is the hard work and struggle
rectangle represents Doctors that it takes to become an ideal
triangle represents Dentists student but it cannot be the
No. of professors who are dentists but conclusion of the given statement.
not doctors=2+7=9 7. Direction: Each question below is
Hence, the correct answer is option B. followed by two statements I and II.
6. In the following question, some You have to determine whether the
statements followed by some data given in the statement is
conclusions are given. Taking the sufficient for answering the question.
given statements to be true even if You should use the data and your
they seem to be at variance from knowledge of Mathematics to choose
commonly known facts, read all the the best possible answer.


A man deposited Rs. ‘x’ in bank which 8. The given pie chart shows the
gives simple interest at the rate of 8% breakup of total number of the
p.a. Find the value of ‘x’. employees of a company working in
Statement I: After 3 years, amount different offices (A, B, C, D and E).
received by him is Rs. (x + 672). Total no. of employees = 2400
Statement II: Interest earned by
him after 3 years is 24% of the
amount deposited by him.
A. If the data in Statement I alone are
sufficient to answer the question,
while the data in Statement II alone
are not sufficient to answer the
question. What is the number of offices in which
B. If the data in Statement II alone the number of employees of the
company is between 350 and 650?
are sufficient to answer the question,
A. 3 B. 4
while the data in Statement I alone
C. 2 D. 1
are not sufficient to answer the
Ans. A
question. Sol. Total no. of Employees (360o) =
C. If the data either in Statement I or 2400
in Statement II alone are sufficient to No. of employees in office A(126 o)
answer the question.
D. If the data in both Statements I
and II together are necessary to No. of employees in office B(18o)
answer the question.
Ans. A
No. of employees in office C(54o)
Sol. Statement I:
Simple interest earned by him
No. of employees in office D(90 o)

No. of employees in office E(72o)

So, statement I alone is sufficient to
answer the question.
Number of offices in which the
Statement II:
number of employees of the company
We have to calculate principal(x) but
is between 350 and 650 = 3
we are not given interest since it is 9. Find the numbers a, b, c between 2
also in form of x. Hence, there are 2 and 18 such that
unknowns. I. their sum is 25,
Statement II alone is not sufficient II. the numbers 2, a, b are
to answer the question. consecutive terms of an A.P. and
Thus, the data in Statement I alone III. The numbers b, c, 18 are
are sufficient to answer the question, consecutive terms of a G.P.
while the data in Statement II alone A. a=5, b=8, c=12
are not sufficient to answer the B. a=7, b=8, c=12
C. a=5, b=9, c=11
D. a=7, b=5, c=11
So option (A) is the correct answer.


Ans. A found an exception, the conclusion is

Sol. We have a + b + c = 25 …(i) not true in every case. Thus it is not
2, a, b are in A.P. ⇒ 2a = 2 + b implied.
…(ii) We can draw many scenarios that
b, c, 18 are in G.P. ⇒ 18b = c2 satisfy the statements using
…(iii) Venn diagram & check for the validity
Substituting for a and b in (1), using of the conclusions.
relations (2) and (3), we get Conclusions (i), (ii), (iii) hold good for
⇒ every case so they are implied.
21. The minimal expression of
⇒ c2 + 12c – 288 = 0 function f(A,B,C,D) is
⇒ (c – 12) (c + 24) = 0
⇒ C= 12 or c= -24
Since the numbers lie between 2 &
We take c=12
⇒ a + b = 13
⇒ a + 2a -2 = 13
⇒ b=8, a=5
10. Statements:
All lions are ducks. A.
No duck is a horse. B.
All horses are fruits. C.
I. No lion is a horse.
Ans. A
II. Some fruits are horses.
III. Some ducks are lions.
IV. Some lions are horses.
A. Only either I or II and III & IV
B. Only either I or IV and both II and
III follow
C. Only either I or IV and II follow
D. Only Conclusion I & II and III
Ans. D So,
Sol. 12. Consider an angle modulated signal
with phase modulation as follows

Assume . Find the

bandwidth (in kHz) when is

We use elimination to find an doubled.
exception to the generality of the Sol.
question. Thus we prove they are not
implied. The diagram above satisfy all
the above statement but contradict Thus, m(t) =
with the conclusion (iv). Since we


Modulation index Ans. A

When Sol.

When (as is
Even component of x(n) is given by
independent of

13. If PSD of a real process x(t) is shown

in figure. Calculate the maximum
value of auto correlation function.

Given Xe(n) = a.cos(bn)

So, a = 0.5 & b = 2
15. The sum of Z-parameters of the two
port network shown below is ______?

A. B.

C. D.
Sol. Apply kVL to inner and outer loops
Ans. D
V1 = 4I1 – 3I2 + (I1 + I2)
Sol. Maximum = 5I1 – 2I2
value (average V2 = I2 + (I1 + I2) = I1 + 2I2
The sum of the Z-parameters

16. If the transistors in Fig. have high
values of β and a VBE of 0.65 Volts,
the current I flowing through 2kΩ
resistance is

14. Let x(n) = Even

component of x(n) is acos(bn) then

the value of a & b are respectively.
A. 0.5 and 2 B. -0.5 and 2
C. 0.5 and -2 D. -0.5 and -2


A. 2mA B. 6.5 mA
C. 1 mA D. 10 mA
Ans. C

The relevant circuit with V2 = 0 is

shown in above figure.
Using current division rule,

18. If A3×3 is any real matrix such that lAl

= 24, trace of ‘A’ = 9 and one of the
eigen values is ‘2’ then trace of Adj A
For high values of β, current through = _____?
base IB is almost zero. Sol. Let the another two eigen value of
∴ IB = 0A ‘A’ be α, β
By using voltage division principle at Given that ( α + β + 2) = 9
the bases α + β = 7 ………. (1)
and 2.α.β = 24
α.β = 12 ……….(2)
By solving (1) & (2) we get α , β =
4, 3
VE2 = V2 – 0.65V The eigen value of 'A' are 2, 3, 4
= 1.65 – 0.65
VE2 = 1V If λ is eigen value of ‘A’ then is

and eigen value of adj.

Hence, the eigen value of Adj A are
I = 1mA
6, 8, 12
17. A two-port network is shown in figure.
The parameter h21, for this network Trace of Adj A = 6+8+12=26
can be given by 19. The divergence of the vector field

at (1,1,1) is
A. 1 B. -1
C. 0 D. 2
Ans. C
Sol. h – parameter equation to calculate Sol.
I2 = h21 I1 + h22V2


20. The mean value C of Cauchy’s Sol. Case I

theorem for the functions

and in the interval [2, 3] is

A. 2.4 B. 2.5
C. 2.6 D. 2.8
Ans. A When Vin > 0 (inverting terminal >
Sol. The conditions of Cauchy’s theorem non inverting terminal. )
hold good for f(x) and g(x). So D1=ON; D2=OFF
By Cauchy’s theorem, there exists a Current through is 0 A ,
Hence V0=0V
value c such that
Case II.

When Vin < 0, (inverting terminal <

21. The transfer characteristics of the non inverting terminal.)
circuit shown below? D1=OFF & D2=ON
VA=[-R/R]Vin= -Vin
V0= -2Vin
Hence V0/Vin= slope= -2
So option B is correct.

22. An NMOS transistor with threshold

voltage VT = 1 V, mn cox = 0.02 A
/V2 and the terminal voltages are
VGS = 1.2 V and VDS = 0.1 V.
The drain current of the NMOS
B. transistor is ____________ mA
Sol. VT (Threshold voltage) = 1V

parameter, = 0.002
Gate to source voltage, VGS = 1.2 V
Drain to source voltage, VDS = 0.1 V
Since, VGS > VT NMOS transistor
is ON
VGS – VT = 1.2 – 1 = 0.2
Hence, NMOS transistor is in linear
Ans. B region.


Drain current, We get

ID =

ID = 0.002 A

Hence, x(t) is even provided ROC is

ID = 30 A chosen to be -1 < Re (s) < 2
23. For the given pole zero plot which one For Plot D:
could correspond to an even function We note that the ROC cannot be
of time. chosen to correspond to a two sided
function X(t).
Hence, it is not even.
24. An EM wave at wave length 500 nm
traveling with speed of 2 × 108 m/s in
certain medium and enters another

B. medium of refractive index times

that of the first medium, then velocity

of the second medium is _____ ×
108 m/s
C. Sol.


Ans. C
Sol. For a signal to be even it must be 25. Which of the following is correct ?
either two sided or finite duration. A.
Therefore if X(s) has poles and the B.
ROC must have strip in s-plane. C.
For Plot A
Ans. A
For even function
X(s) = X (-s)
26. Consider the two diode circuit shown
in the figure below:

Therefore X(A) is not even (it is odd)

For Plot B:
We note that the ROC cannot be
chosen to correspond to a two-sided
function X(t) therefore signal is not
For plot C:


The diodes D1 and D2 can be Sol. In this circuit, zener diode works as a
modelled as a constant voltage voltage regulator. So, the equivalent
source of 0.7 V, when forward biased. circuit is drawn as
The value of current flowing through
diode D1 is equal to ID1, then the
value of current ID1 is equal to
______ mA
Sol. Assuming both the diodes to be ON,
thus the circuit will reduce to

From the circuit, we have

V1 = VBE + Vz = 0.7 + 8.3 = 9 V
Using voltage divider rule, we get

= 15V

28. In the circuit shown in figure, voltage

The current ID2 will be equal to V0 is
= 0.5 mA

Now, the current I from the 5V source

will be equal to

Current ID1 = I - ID1

= (0.86 - 0.5) × 10-3 A
= 0.36 mA
Sol. We solve this problem using principal
∵ ID1 and ID2 both are positive, hence
of power conservation.
out assumption was correct.
ID1 = 0.36 mA
27. In the series voltage regulator circuit
shown below VBE = 0.7 V, β = 50,
VZ = 8.3 V. The output voltage V0 is
_____ volts.

Using passive sign convention, we

calculate power absorbed by each
Element e1: P1 = 6 × 5 = 30 W
Element e2: P2 = 3V0 (absorbed)
A. 15 B. 11 Element e3: P3 = 1 × 14 = 14 W
C. 10 D. 12 (absorbed)
Ans. A


Element e4: P4 = 1 × 14 = 14 W Sol. Comparing with standard transfer

(absorbed) function
15 V source: P5 = -15 × 5 = -75 W
or, P5 = 75W (delivered)
Dependent source: P6 = -(5I0) × 2 = Here,
-10 W
or, P6 = 10 W (delivered)
Power absorbed = Power delivered
30 + 3V0 + 14 + 14 = 75 + 10
3V0 = 27 ⇒ V0 = 9 V Lead network
29. If , Maximum phase occurs at a
frequency of
where x represents the minimum
number of NOR gates required to
implement a half adder, then the
positive value of radix ‘r’ is ______. 31. An 8 bit unipolar successive
Sol. Given that: approximation register type ADC is
used to convert 6.1 volts to digital
equivalent output. The reference
Where x = Number of NOR Gates voltage is + 15V. The output of ADC
required to implement a half adder = at the end of 4th clock pulse after the
5 start of the conversion, is
A. 01010000 B. 01110000
C. 01100000 D. 01001000
Decimal equivalent of each individual
Ans. C
term is as follows:
Sol. VR = 15V size of ADC = 8 bit (D0 to
VD7 = 7.5 V, VD6 = 3.75 V, VD5 =
1.875 V, VD4 = 0.9375 V
Substituting all decimal values in the
above equation,

Hence, the positive value of radix ‘r’

is 6.
∴ Find output at the end of 4th clock
30. The transfer function of a network can
is 01100000
be written as . The maximum The output at the starting of 5th
clock is 01101000
phase angle occurs at a frequency of
32. The input impedance of short-
_______ rad/sec.
circuited transmission line of
A. 2 B. 5
C. 8 D. 16 length
Ans. A


A. jzo B. Sol. Maximum signal to Noise ratio of

C. Zero D. -jzo
matched filter is
Ans. C
Sol. For short circuited line E = Energy of the signal

Energy of X(t) is

33. A pulse X(t) = Arect

Where A> 0, τ > 0 are constants, is

added to white noise. The impulse
response matched to X(t) and output
signal to noise ratio (SNR)
respectively are.


34. X and Y are two continuous random

variable with joint distribution:

C. The value of the constant c is:

Sol. For a joint probability distribution,
we must have:


Ans. D


35. A bipolar transistor has ICBO = 0.5 37. In the circuit shown in figure below,
mA, common base current gain a = what is the value of RL such that
0.98 and emitter current IE = 2mA . maximum power is transferred to the
Then the trans conductance of the load?
transistor is _______ m .
(Assume VT = 26 mV and ղ= 1)
Sol. IE = 2mA
Common base current gain,
a = 0.98
ICBO = 0.5 mA
Collector current, IC = aIE + ICBO
= 0.98 (2 × 10–3) + 0.5 × 10–3 A. 20 Ω B. 18 Ω
= 2.46 mA C. 25 Ω D. 16 Ω
Transconductance of the transistor, Ans. D
Sol. For maximum power to be
transferred to the load,
RL = RTh
= 94. 62 m
36. The Fourier series coefficient for the
periodic signal below is

For calculating RTh, independent

sources are replaced by their internal
Therefore, the circuit reduces to


Connect the 1 V source across the a-
Ans. B b terminals,
Sol. We have T = 2π and

RTh = V/I’ = 1/I’

Applying KVL in the loop.
1 – 10I – 10I = 0
1 – 20I = 0
I = 1/20 = 0.05 A


Voltage across 10 Ω resistor = 10I = = – 1.6 × 10–19 × 6.5 × (– 3.33 ×

0.5 V. 1021)
Current through 40 Ω resistor = JP = 3.46 kA/cm2
0.5/40 = 0.0125 Amp. 39. Considered two signals, X(n) = {1, 2,
I’ = current through 10 Ω resistor + 4}, h(n) = {1, 1, 1, 1} also Y(n) =
current through 40 Ω resistor X(n) * h(n).
I’ = 0.05 + 0.0125
I’ = 0.0625 Amp Then the value of ?
RTh = 1/0.0625 = 16 Ω
RTh = 16 Ω Sol.
38. In a silicon p–n junction, the variation
of the hole concentration in the space
charge region is shown in the figure
below, where the hole concentration
changes from PPO to Pno aver the
space charge layer width

The hole diffusion constant in the

space charge region is 6.5 cm2/sec.
Then the hole diffusion current
density JP is _______ kA/cm2.
Sol. Depletion width in the p–side, xp = 1 40. An analog signal of bandwidth 20kHz
is sampled at a rate of 40kHz, and
Depletion width in the n–side, xn = quantized into 16 levels. The
2 resultant digital signal is transmitted
Total depletion width, W = xn + xp = using M-ary PSK with raised cosine
pulse(with α = 0.3). A channel with a
110 kHz bandwidth is available to
The diffusion constant of holes, Dp =
6.5 cm2/sec transmit the data. Then find the
The diffusion current density of holes smallest acceptable value of number
of phase angles.
is Jp = –q DP A. 3
B. 4
The concentration gradient across
C. 2
the space charge region is D. none of the above
Ans. B
= Sol. 16 levels = 24 levels
Therefore, n = 4 bits/sample
= – 3.33 1021 cm–4 Bit rate
The diffusion current density of holes =
JP is
For M-ary PSK signalling the pulse
JP = – q DP rate would be


Since, its an LTI system thus error

due to sum of input is equal to sum
of errors due to single inputs.
Error due to u(t) is:
∴ The smallest acceptable value of M
is 4

41. A unity-feedback servo-driven Error due to 4tu(t) is:

instrument has an open loop transfer

function given as . It is given Total steady state error is

42. Find the Laplace transform of the
that the peak overshoot of the system
function f(t) given as
on step input is 35.1 %. Find the
steady state error to an input (1 +
A. 0.70 B. 0.60 A. + , s>0
C. 0.80 D. 0.50
Ans. C B. + , s>0

Sol. Consider, C. + , s>0

D. + , s>0

Ans. A
Sol. Given L [ ]

Closed loop transfer function is given
by, Using integration by parts with u’
= and V = we will
Comparing it this with the general
second order transfer function +

We get, and thus,

Using by parts with u’ = and v

Peak overshoot is given by,
=t-2 we find

Let T in the above expression

we will get


Signal h(t – 1) and h(t – 3) are

obtained by shifting h(t) to the right
by 1 unit and 3 unit respectively as
F(s) = = + shown below

, s>0
43. An LTI system has the impulse
response shown below.

Now, adding above two we get the


If the system is excited by an input

x(t) = δ (t – 1) + δ (t – 3), then
output y(t) will be

A. 44. Calculate the time constant, τ (in sec)

of the circuit shown below?


Sol. Calculation of open circuit voltage

across capacitor,


D. 2VOC = 10
VOC = 5 V
Calculation of ISC:

Ans. D
Sol. Output of the system is
Y(t) = h (t) * x(t)
= h(t) * [δ (t – 1) + δ (t – 3)]
= h(t) * δ (t – 1) + h (t) * δ (t – 3)
= h(t – 1) + h (t – 3)
As we know that, x(t) * δ (t – t0) = x writing KVL in outer loop,
(t – t0) 10 – 2ix – 4ISC = 0


By putting the value of i x from

equation (1)
10 – 2 × 2ISC – 4ISC = 0

Resistance seen by capacitance is

46. The value of integral ,

where C is the square with vertices

Time constant, τ = RTh × C = 4 × 1
at ±i, 2 ±i is ………………….
= 4 sec A. -1 B. -2
45. Find the output voltage of the C. -3 D. -4
following circuit assume the ideal op- Ans. A
amp behavior ______ V.
Sol. = sum of


At Z = 1, Residue of


= -1

By virtual short circuit Vc = 1V

47. An enhancement type NMOS
transistor has threshold voltage of 0.8
V, process transconductance
Applying KCL at node A
parameter and
channel length modulation parameter
VB = 3VA – 2 λ= O, VG = 2.8 V, drain Voltage (VD)
From eq (1) = 5 V, Source Voltage VS = 1V and
drain current ID = 0.24 m. Then the
ratio (W/L) is
Applying KCL at node C A. 10 B. 14
C. 24 D. 34
Ans. C
Sol. Given, threshold voltage,
3VC – 2VB – V0 = 0
VT = 0.8 V
VC = 1V
Process trans conductance


Gate Voltage, VG = 2.8 V

Drain voltage, VD = 5 V
Source voltage, VS = 1V
Drain current, ID = 0.24 mA =>
VGS = VG – VS = 2.8 – 1 = 1.8 V
VDS = VD – VS = 5 – 1 = 4V =>
VGS - VT = 1.8 – 0.8 = 1 V
Clearly, VDS > VGS – VT
Hence, the MOSFET in saturation
mode Therefore, by solving we get,
S=-9, -2.64, -15.37
So, there are three real breakaway
0.24 10–3 = 20 10–6 50. Consider the NMOS transistor as
shown in figure. The MOSFET has
= 24 , VT = 2V and λ = 0. The transistor is
used to amplify the small signal Vin as
48. The magnetic field intensity in a
shown in the figure. If the value of
region is , signal Vin = 3sin(wt) mV, then the
the current density in A/m at a value of output signal V0(t) is equal to
point (1, 2, 3) is :-
Sol. Given that:

From Maxwell's equation,

49. The loop transfer function of the

A. –30 sin(ωt) V
system . B. –15 cos(ωt) V
C. –15 cos(ωt) mV
The root locus plot of the system has
D. –30sin (ωt) mV
A. Three real breakaway points
Ans. D
B. No breakaway point
Sol. First applying the D.C. analysis, we
C. One real and one complex
breakaway point
D. Only one breakaway point
Ans. A
Sol. 1+G(s)H(s)=0


Now, assuming MOS to be in 52. A binary PAM communication system

saturation region employs rectangular pulse of duration
Tb and amplitudes +A to transmit
digital transmission information at a
ID = 0.5 × 10–3 mA
rate Rb = 105 bps. If power-spectral
VDS = 10 – 10 × 10+3 × 0.5 × 10–3 =
10 – 5 = 5V density of AWGN is No/2 where No =
VDS > VGS – VT 10–2 W/Hz, determine the value of A
5>3–2 that is required to achieve a
Hence, our assumption was true. probability of error Pe = 10–6
Assume Q(4.5) ≈ 10–6
A. 100.62 V B. 200.62V
C. 300.62 V D. 400.62 V
Ans. A
gm = 1 mA/V
Sol. Rb = 105 bps, No = 10–2 (W/Hz) Pe =
Now, drawing the small signal
equivalent circuit, we get

V0 = –gmVgsRD
V0 = –(gmRD)Vin = –[1 × 10–3 × 10 ×
103] × 3 sin ωt × 10–3
V0 = –30 sinωt mV
51. The given integral

S1(t) – S2(t) = 2A, 0 < t < Tb

for some . Then the value of k

Sol. Changing the order of integration we

Using given data

⇒ A = 100.62 V
53. The cut off wavelength of wave guide
is given as 80 mm. find the length (in
km) of waveguide to ensure signal of
5 GHz emerging out of waveguide is
delayed by 10μ sec with respect to
the signal that is propogating in free
space outside the waveguide is
_________ km.


56. In a lightly depend p–type

Sol. semiconductor, the corresponding
accepter doing concentration to get
= 3.75 GHz
minimum conducting is
____ 1010 cm–3.
(Assume intrinsic carries
Where ‘l’ is the length of the concentration is
waveguide and Vg is the group ni = 2.5 1010/cm3 & mp = 0.4 mn)
velocity of signal through the Sol. ni = 2.5 1010 /cm3
waveguide, C is velocity of wave p = 0.4 n
outside the waveguide.
= 0.4

We know that electrical neutrality

Vg = 1.98 × 108 m/s condition ND + P = NA + n
for lightly doped p–type
∴ Tdelay = l semiconductor
10 × 10–6 = l [1.717 × 10–9] ND = O
NA = P – n

54. A memory is mapped to 8085

NA = P –
microprocessor. The memory map is
B00F to FCDE H. The number of bytes
stored in memory are (________)10. NA =
Sol. Starting address = B00F H
Ending address = FCDE H
Total number of bytes = Total
number address
=(FCDE – B00F + 1)H NA = ni
=4CCF+ 1 =4CD0 H = (19664)10
55. The normalized radiation intensity of
an antenna in spherical coordinates is
given by
= 2.372 1010 /cm3
U = sinθ sinφ, 0≤ θ ≤ π , 0≤ φ ≤ π
57. The Nyquist plot for a stable open
The directivity of antenna is given by
loop system is shown below:

For , how many closed loop

poles of a unity feedback system are

in the right half of s-plane


Sol. Given that open loop system is

stable, so we have no pole of open
loop in right half of s-plane, i.e. P =
The intersection point of Nyquist plot
with negative real axis


Now, for the given range,

–5 + 5i (0–) – VC (0–) = 0 (KVL in
the right sided mesh)
Or VC (0–) = –5 + 5(1.5) = 2.5V
For t > 0, the circuit becomes as an
RLC series network.

The intersection point will be in left of

the critical point, so (–1 + j0) point
will lie in the small loop in Nyquist
plot. Therefore, the Nyquist plot
encircles the critical point (–1 + j0)
two times in clockwise direction, i.e.
N = –2 Characteristic equation,
So, we obtain the number of closed
loop poles in right half plane as
Or –2 = 0 – Z
Or Z = 2
s2 + 10s + 25 =0
Hence, the closed loop system has
Roots, (s + 5)2 = 0 ⇒ s1 = = –5,
two poles in the right half of s-plane.
s2 = –5
58. The switch S in the circuit of figure
has been closed for a long time and is
opened at t = 0. The current i(t) for t
α = ω0 (Critically damped)
> 0 is
So, i(t) = (A + Bt) e-at
i(t) = (A + Bt) e-5t
Now, we obtain A and B using initial
I (0–) = i(0+) = 1.5 = (A + 0) e0 = A
A = 1.5
At t = 0+,

A. i(t)=(15 + 1.5t)e–5t A
B. i(t)=1.5e–5t A
C. i(t)=7.5e–10t A
D. i(t)=(7.5 + 1.5t)e–5t A
Ans. B
Sol. For t < 0:


Writing KVL at t = 0+ 60. Consider the channel

P(Y/X) =

P(X1) =1/8 P(X2) =1/8 P(X3) =6/8

Calculate information carried by the
Sol. We have

Differentiating equation (1) P(X,Y) =

Now bits/message

B = –7.5 + 5(A) = –7.5 + 5(1.5) =

So i(t) = 1.5e–5tA
59. The solution curve of the differential
equation passes
through the point (1,0). Then among
the points given below, the curve also
passes through: =1.0613
A. (-1, 0) B. (0, -1) Now mutual information is given by
C. (2, 10) D. (-2, 6)
Ans. A = 1.0613+1.5- 2.432
Sol. The differential equation can be = 0.1293
written as: 61. The characteristic equation of the
system is
C.E = =0
The number of symmetric poles
located in right half of s-plane is
A. 3 B. 1
C. 4 D. 2
Ans. D
Thus, the solution of the equation
Sol. C.E = s5 – 2s4 – 2s3+ 4s2 + s – 2 =
will be:

Putting (1,0) we get


Clearly only (-1,0) satisfies the

above equation. AE1 = -2s4+ 4s2 – 2 = 0


Then the modulus of the given

counter is _________.(Assume Q3 be
AE2 = 2s2 – 2 = 0 MSB & Q0 be LSB)
Sol. Let the initial contents of the flip-
flops (Q3Q2Q1Q0) be 0000
3 signs changes in the first columns
To reset the counter, output Y must
AE1 = -2s4 + 4s2 – 2 = 0
be equal to 1.
Or, s4–2s2+1=0
The expression for the output Y is
Or, (s2 – 1)2 = 0
given as

So, from the table below,

There are two symmetric poles

are located in RHP.
1 non symmetric pole in RHP.
Total 3 poles in RHP.
62. All queens and kings are removed
from a deck of playing cards. Ace will
be considered as 1 and jack will be
considered as 0. You took out 4 cards. Now, the output Y becomes 1, hence
The probability that all cards will be in the combination (Q3Q2Q1Q0) becomes
order (order is – 1010.
1234,0123,2345,6789….) from the The decimal equivalent of 1010 is
same deck is M. What is (M x 105 )? 10. Hence the modulus of the given
A. 0.982 B. 0.700 counter is 10.
C. 0.643 D. 0.500 64. A uniform plane wave with
Ans. A
E= propagates in a lossless
Sol. Total cards = 52 – 4 – 4 = 44
(cards) medium ( ) in
→ You took out 4 cards the +z direction. Consider is
∴ (1) Let order be 0, 1, 2, 3 sinusoidal with a frequency 100(MHz)
and has a maximum value of +
∴ Lost possible set – (7, 8, 9, 10) – 8 (V/m) at t=0 and z=1/8 m.
such sets are possible Instantaneous expression for H is
∴ P (Total) = 8 × P(order – 0, 1, 2, _____.
3) = 8x A.
⇒ 8x × 105 = 0.982 H(z,t)= )) A/m
63. Consider the counter circuit shown in
figure below:
H(z,t)= )) A/m
H(z,t)= )) A/m
H(z,t)= )) A/m


Ans. B
Sol. AS we know , standard equation of
Plane wave is :
E(z,t) =E
So , here we need to

f = 100MHz = Hz

A. –3.35 V B. 3.35 V
Therefore, E(z,t)= = C. –4.68 V D. 4.68 V
Ans. B
Sol. Given,
= ) Threshold voltage, VT = 1V
Since Ex equals + 10 when the
Cox = 0.3 mA/v2
argument of the cosine function
equals zero, i.e. As drain and gate are connected
=0 when t=0, together MOSFET is in saturation
Drain current,

ID = _______ (i)
E(z,t)= ) But,

Now, instantaneous expression for H

ID = ___ (ii)
is , H= = Equating equation (i) & (ii)

Where, = 60 = (0.3 10–3) (VGS–1)2

Hence, Since, VGS = 0
H(z,t)= )
= (0.3 10–3) (Vo–1)2
H(z,t)= ) 5 – V0 = 0.3 (V0 – 1)2

) A/m 5 – V0 = 0.3
65. For on n–channel E – MOSFFT used in
the circuit shown below, the threshold 5 – V0 = 0.3 – 0.6V0 + 0.3
voltage, VT = 1V, the channel length V0 =
modulation parameter
Since, V0 can be only +Ve
l = 0 and = 0.3 mA/V2.

Then the output voltage Vo is



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