Summative Test
Summative Test
Summative Test
the space provided. B. Conclusion
A. Definition of terms C. Introduction
B. Statement of the Problem D. Methodology
C. Introduction 5. This study is anchored on Walberg’s (1981)
D. Conclusion theory of educational productivity, which is one of
E. Related Literature the few empirically tested theories of school
learning based on an extensive review and
1. It is technical term used to tell information about the
integration of over 3000 studies (DiPema, et al,
topic. C
2. It is a problem or an issue in the study that a
researcher ought to address. B Which technical term in research does it belong?
3. It is to give the meaning of the term used to clarify A. Hypothesis
its ideas. A. B. Statistical Tool
4. It is a term used in research to gather other related
studies either local or national. E C. Theoretical Framework
5. It is a term used in research to sum up ideas.D. D. Conceptual Framework
your answer. Directions: Write T if the sentence is technical
1. The study was conducted at the University of the and O for operational
Immaculate Conception, located along 300 1. A student was caught upon actual changing of
Margarita Village Rd, Buhangin, Davao City, scores of his test. T
Davao del Sur, Philippines. Which technical term 2. Some freedom advocators persuade during their
of research does the example above belong? speech a change in us. O
A. Research Locale 3. Philippine Sea Games players bring great honor to
B. Research Participants our company. T
4. I honor the check, he issued outright upon our
C. Scope and Delimitation conversation. O
D. Significance of the Study 5. Both the client and the contractor have agreed and
signed the contract. T
6. Once the metal as furnace severely on the heat, the
2. The focus of this study was to determine the
size contracts into small. O
insights of high school adolescents on sex education
7. A device is a machine invented to make work
where only 102 Grade 10 students of Davao City
simpler and easier, T
National High School were asked in the survey.
8. A device is a plan or method designed to work out
A. Research Design things as possible., T
B. Research Instrument 9. Strike is a forceful contact in hitting an object., O
C. Scope and Delimitation 10. Strike is an activity engaged by people against
someone or to the authority.T
D. Significance of the Study
IV. Expanding Definition
3, The study aims to assess the students’
experiences and feedbacks regarding the new 1. What is the other word for term in expanding
implementation of inclusive education in Davao definition of words?
City National High School. Specifically, it seeks to A. class
B. genus
C. concept
What are the struggles being experienced by the D. differentia
students under inclusive education?
How do students deal and cope with the changes 2. What word means the same with class in
brought by the new system? expanding definition of words?
A. term
. Which technical term in research does the given B. word
example above belong? C. genus
D. concept
A. Theoretical Framework
3. What is meant by differentiating characteristics in
B. Conceptual Framework expanding definition of
C. Significance of the Study words?
A. It is the word that needs to be defined in the
D. Statement of the Problem sentence.
4. Based on the findings of this study, the B. It refers to where or what the term being defined
researchers conclude that the inclusive education belong.
system has both positively and negatively affected C. It makes the term different from other
the students under it. members of the class.
Which technical term does the example belong?
D. It refers to any word in the sentence which does 1. A. Non-restrictive is a modifier that is non-
not belong to the group. restrictive adds meaning
to a noun phrase in a way which does not restrict or
4. “Fox is a carnivorous mammal of the dog family limit its reference.
with a pointed muzzle and bushy tail.” What is the B. A Non-restrictive are a modifier that is non-
term in the sentence? restrictive adds meaning
A. fox to a noun phrase in a way which does not restrict or
B. mammal limit its reference.
C. dog family C. A Non-restrictive were a modifier that is non-
D. muzzle and bushy tail restrictive adds meaning
to a noun phrase in a way which does not restrict or
5. A star refers to a data or communication network limit its reference.
in which all nodes are independently connected to
one central unit. What is the class? 2. A. Lactobacillus is a bacterium usually found in
A. a star fermenting products,
B. data or communication network such as yogurts.
C. all nodes are independently connected to one B. Lactobacillus are bacterium usually found in
central unit fermenting products,
D. a data or communication network in which all such as yogurts.
nodes are independently C. Lactobacillus were bacterium usually found in
connected to one central unit fermenting products,
6. Little Prince is a fable which represents the such as yogurts.
open-mindedness of children.
What is the differentia? 3. A. The boom and bust cycle is business cycle or
A. a fable economic cycle of
B. Little Prince alternating phases of economic growth and decline.
C. open-mindedness of children B. The boom and bust cycle are business cycle or
D. represents the open-mindedness of children economic cycle of
alternating phases of economic growth and decline.
7. Devotion is a religious activity that is done in C. The boom and bust cycle were business cycle or
private rather than in a economic cycle of
religious service. Which is the class? alternating phases of economic growth and decline.
A. devotion
B. religious service 4. A. .A banjo or a mandolin are what we need
C. a religious activity B. A banjo or a mandolin were what we need.
D. done in private that in a religious service C. A banjo or a mandolin is what we need.
V. Identification