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Refrigeration System for

Food Preservation
Dr. Apichit L. Pana (Ph.D.(Hon), ME)
Managing Director – ITC Group
Fellow – ASHRAE
Distinguish Lecturer (DL)
กรรมการบริหาร (BoD) ASHRAE-USA
• Refrigeration System
• Refrigeration Load Estimation
• Freezing Technology
• Product Weight Lost
• Fruits & Vegetables : Control Parameters
• Fruits & Vegetables : Pre-Cooling Method
• Control atmosphere (CA)
 Control Parameters
 Type of C.A. System
 C.A. Equipment & Accessories
With Economizer (Screw Comp)
Single Stage
Without Economizer (Piston, Screw)

Injection interstage gas cooling (system A)

System Selection

Injection interstage gas and liquid cooling (system B)

Two Stage
Open flash interstage cooling (system C)

Closed flash interstage cooling (system D)

Ammonia – CO2
HFC - R23
Application Temperature Range

High Medium Ultra Low

Low Temp.
Temp. Temp. Temp.

Processing Cold
Ante Cryogenic
Line Storage

Chill Room Freezer Freezer

Chill Water

“Typical Temperature Range”
In Food Processing Plant
Room Application Room Temp. Evaporating
(C) Temp. (C)
Ante, Loading, Boxing +5 ~ +15C +5 ~ -5C

Cut up, Processing Area +10 ~ +12C +5 ~ -5C

Chilled Room +5 ~ +0C -10C

Cold Storage -20 ~ -25C -30 ~ -35C

Freezing -35 ~ -40C -40 ~ -45C
Refrigeration System
• Typical using ammonia as an refrigerant
• For worker congestion area using
secondary refrigerant such as P.G. or E.G.
Flooded System for Falling Film Plate Chiller


Falling Film
Plate Chiller

Plate in frame or shell & tube for glycol system


Plate Heat Exchanger

1 3
1. Transmission load
2. Product load
3. Internal load & Wet floor load
4. Infiltration air load 4
5. Equipment related load
6. Safety factor 5
7. Refrigeration system load

1. Transmission load

2. Product load

3. Internal load & Wet floor load

4. Infiltration air load

5. Equipment related load

6. Safety factor

7. Refrigeration system load

q : heat gain; W
A : outside area of section; m2
t : difference between outside air
temperature and air temperature
of the refrigerated space; K
U : overall heat transfer coefficient;
x : wall thickness; m
k : thermal conductivity of wall
material; W/(m∙K)
hi : inside surface conductance;
ho : outside surface conductance;
Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated-Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration
Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated-Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration
Value in Table 3
apply over a 24 h
period and are
added to the
ambient temp.
when calculating
wall heat gain.

For general insulation panels

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated-Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

Climate design information
Bangkok Metropolis

Ref: Chapter 14 Climate Design Information, 2013 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamental

Climate design information
Bangkok Metropolis

Ref: Chapter 14 Climate Design Information, 2013 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamental

Climate design information
Bangkok Metropolis

Ref: Chapter 14 Climate Design Information, 2013 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamental

Climate design information
Bangkok Metropolis

Ref: Chapter 14 Climate Design Information, 2013 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamental

Climate design information
CDDn Cooling degree-days base n°F, °F-day Lat Latitude, °

CDHn Cooling degree-hours base n°F, °F-hour Long Longitude, °

DB Dry bulb temperature, °F MCDB Mean coincident dry bulb temperature, °F

DP Dew point temperature, °F MCDBR Mean coincident dry bulb temp. range, °F

Ebn,noon Clear sky beam normal and diffuse MCDP Mean coincident dew point temperature, °F
horizontal irradiances at solar noon,
Edh,noon Btu/h/ft2
MCWB Mean coincident wet bulb temperature, °F

Elev Elevation, ft MCWBR Mean coincident wet bulb temp. range, °F

Enth Enthalpy, Btu/lb MCWS Mean coincident wind speed, mph

HDDn Heating degree-days base n°F, °F-day MDBR Mean dry bulb temp. range, °F

PCWD Prevailing coincident wind direction, °, WS Wind speed, mph

0 = North, 90 = East

Ref: Chapter 14 Climate Design Information, 2013 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamental

Climate design information
Period Years used to calculate the design conditions

Sd Standard deviation of daily average temperature, °F

StdP Standard pressure at station elevation, psi

taub Clear sky optical depth for beam irradiance

taud Clear sky optical depth for diffuse irradiance

Tavg Average temperature, °F

Time Zone Hours ahead or behind UTC

WB Wet bulb temperature, °F

Hours 8/4 & 55/69 Number of hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. with DB between 55 and 69 °F

HR Humidity ratio, grains of moisture per lb of dry air

Ref: Chapter 14 Climate Design Information, 2013 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamental

1. Transmission load

2. Product load

3. Internal load & Wet Floor Load

4. Infiltration air load

5. Equipment related load

6. Safety factor

7. Refrigeration system load

Q1 = m ∙ c1 ∙ (t1 – tf) above freezing 6
Q2 = m ∙ hif latent heat 7
Q3 = m ∙ c2 ∙ (tf – t3) below freezing 8

Q1,2,3 : heat remove; kJ

m : mass of product; kg
c1,c2 : specific heat of product; kJ/(kg∙K)
t1 : initial temperature of product above freezing; oC
tf : freezing temperature of product; oC
t3 : initial temperature of product above freezing; oC
hif : latent heat of fusion of product; kJ/kg

Ref: Chapter 13 Refrigeration Load, 2006 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

q4 = m ∙ heat of respiration 5

q4 : heat remove; W
m : mass of product at full storage; kg
heat of respiration : W/kg

Ref: Chapter 19 Thermal properties of foods, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

tf c1 c2 hif

Ref: Chapter 19 Thermal properties of foods, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

Ref: Chapter 19 Thermal properties of foods, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration
• Total product load, kW

𝑄1 +𝑄2 +𝑄3
=( )+(𝑞4 x10−3 )
Cooling or Freezing Time

Cooling or Freezing = Pull Down Time

for Walk-in Cooler and Freezer
1. Transmission load

2. Product load

3. Internal load & Wet floor load

4. Infiltration air load

5. Equipment related load

6. Safety factor

7. Refrigeration system load

• Electric equipment
• Forklift
• Processing equipment
• People
• Latent load
• Electric motor

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

• Lighting

• Chill & Cold Room : 200 Lux

• Fluorescent Fixtures room temp. ≥ -5 OC

• High Pressure Sodium Fixtures

• Metal Halide Fixtures

• Incandescent
• Lighting

• Packing Room : 300 Lux

• Fluorescent Fixtures room temp. ≥ -5OC

• Incandescent
• Forklift

Forklift in some facilities can be a large and

variable contributor to the load. Although many
forklift in a space at one time, they do not all
operate at the same energy level.
• Processing equipment

• Grinding, mixing, or cooking equipment

• Packaging, glue melt, or shrink wrapping

• Makeup air replacing equipment exhausts air

from refrigerated space.
• People

qp = 272 – 6t 10

t : the temperature of the refrigerated space (°C)

qp : Heat load from a person (Watts/person)

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

• Wet floor latent load

𝑏𝑡𝑢/ℎ𝑟/𝑓𝑡 2 = 95 + 0.425𝑉 . 𝑒𝑤 − 𝑒𝑎
V = Air velocity across floor, assume 50 fpm
ew = vapor pressure of water temp. on wet floor, inHG.
( ex. 0.363 inHG at 50OF 100%RH )
ea = vapor pressure of water vapor in room air, inHG.
( ex. 0.225 inHG at 45OF 75%RH )

Ref: Carrier Product Refrigeration “Load Estimating Data”

1. Transmission load

2. Product load

3. Internal load & Wet floor load

4. Infiltration air load

5. Equipment related load

6. Safety factor

7. Refrigeration system load

Fig.7 Flowing Cold and Warm Air Masses for Typical Open Freezer Doors

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration



Fig.8 Psychrometric Depiction of Air Exchange for Typical Freezer Doorway

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

When the door is open as need
𝑞𝑡 = 𝑞. 𝐷𝑡 . 𝐷𝑓 . (1 − 𝐸) 14

qt : average heat gain for the 24 hr period; kW

q : sensible & latent refrigeration load for fully established
flow; kW
Dt : doorway open-time factor
Df : doorway flow factor (0.85 – 1.1)
E : effectiveness of doorway protective device
E= 0.95 or higher for newly installed strip, fast-fold, and other non-tight-closing doors. Depending on the
traffic level and door maintenance, E may quickly drop to 0.8 on freezer doorways and to about 0.85
for other doorways.
E = 0.85 - 0.95 for airlock vestibules with strip or push-through for freezers and between 0.95 and 0.90 for
other doorways.
E = ranges from very poor to more than 0.7 for air curtains.
E = 0 for a wide-open door with no devices
Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration
Df , doorway flow factor is ratio of actual air exchange to
fully established flow.
Fully established flow occurs only in the unusual case of an
unused doorway standing open to a large room or the
outdoors, and where cold outflow is not impeded by
obstructions. Under this condition, Df is 1.

Recommend Value
Df = 1.1 for temp. difference less than 11K (20F).
Df = 0.8 for temp. difference higher than 11K (20F).

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

Where the doorway open-time factor can be
calculated as

𝑃. 𝜃𝑝 + 60. 𝜃𝑜
𝐷𝑡 = 17
3600. 𝜃𝑑

Dt : doorway open-time factor, decimal fraction

P : number of doorway passages
p : door open-close time, seconds per passage
o : time door simply stands open, min
d : daily (or other) time period, hour

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

When the door is open all the time
developed by Gosney and Olama (1975)
𝑞 = 0.221𝐴 ℎ𝑖 − ℎ𝑟 . 𝜌𝑟 . (1 − 𝜌𝑖 𝜌𝑟 )0.5 . (𝑔ℎ)0.5 . 𝐹𝑚 15
q : sensible and latent refrigeration load; kW
A : doorway area; m2
hi : enthalpy of infiltration air; kJ/kg
hr : enthalpy of refrigerated air; kJ/kg
i : density of infiltration air; kg/m3
r : density of refrigerated air; kg/m3
g : gravitational constant = 9.81 m2/s
H : doorway height; m
Fm : density factor
Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration
Fm : density factor

𝐹𝑚 =
1 + (𝜌𝑟 𝜌𝑖 )1/3

i : density of infiltration air; kg/m3

r : density of refrigerated air; kg/m3

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

When known the air velocity

𝑞𝑡 = 𝑉. 𝐴. ℎ𝑖 − ℎ𝑟 . 𝜌𝑟 . 𝐷𝑡 18

qt : average refrigeration load; kW

V : average air velocity; m/s ( 0.3 – 1.5 m/s )
A : opening area; m2
hi : enthalpy of infiltration air; kJ/kg
hr : enthalpy of refrigerated air; kJ/kg
r : density of refrigerated air; kg/m3
Dt : doorway open-time factor, decimal fraction (< 1.0)

Ref: Chapter 24 Refrigerated Facility Loads, 2014 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration

1. Transmission load

2. Product load

3. Internal load & Wet floor load

4. Infiltration air load

5. Equipment related load

6. Safety factor

7. Refrigeration system load

• Fan motor
• Reheat for humidity control
• Heat from defrosting
• Electric defrost
• Hot gas defrost
• Water defrost
• Air defrost
1. Transmission load

2. Product load

3. Internal load & Wet floor load

4. Infiltration air load

5. Equipment related load

6. Safety factor

7. Refrigeration system load

• ASHRAE = 10%
• General = 20 – 25%

This factor should be selected in consultation

with the facility user and should be applied
individually to the first four heat load segments
1. Transmission load

2. Product load

3. Internal load & Wet floor load

4. Infiltration air load

5. Equipment related load

6. Safety factor

7. Refrigeration system load

𝑄. 24ℎ𝑟
𝑄𝐿 =
𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

Pull down time = 24 – (defrosting time + resting time)

Ref : KRACK “Engineering Manual Refrigeration Load Estimating”

Table 8 Time Cycle Factors
Application Recommended Factors
24 hour Hourly
(divide by) (multiply by)
Coil temp. above 32OF, No frost
24 1.0
Light frost with positive defrost systems 22 1.1
Medium temp. with positive defrost
20 1.2
Low temp. with positive defrost systems 18 1.3
Off cycle defrost, 32OF or higher storage
16 1.5
temp., with evap. temp. below 32OF
Note: Factors noted are for average frosting. For heavier frost, or lower
than normal evaporating temperature, use 1-2 hours less operating Time.

Ref : KRACK “Engineering Manual Refrigeration Load Estimating”

Freezing Technology
• Air Blast Freezer
• Contact Plate Freezer
• Tunnel Freezer
• Fluidized Bed Freezer
• Spiral Freezer
• Brine Freezer
• Cryogenic Freezer
• Cryodesiccation Freezer
Air Blast Freezer
Contact Plate Freezer
Tunnel Freezer
Fluidized Bed Freezer
Spiral Freezer
Brine Freezer
Brine Freezer
Cryogenic Freezer
Cryodesiccation Freezer
(KD Freezer)
Cryodesiccation Freezer
(KD Freezer)
1 2


Freezer/Dryer Ice Condenser

Packaged Vacuum
Condensing Unit Pump
Slow Freezing -- >
Ice crystal big

Fast Freezing -- >

Ice crystal very small
Water Phase Diagram

13.3 Pa
Fresh / Freeze Vacuum Primary Secondary Freeze
Cooked Drying Drying Dried
Product 25OC < 100 5 OC 35OC

-18OC -18OC 5OC


2. เติมนา้ ร้อน, หรือเติม

1. ใส่ภาชนะ น้าแล้วเวฟ 1 นาที 3. พร้อมอร่อย
2 ชนิด (Refrigerant + สารท้าความเย็น 1 ชนิด (Refrigerant)
Heat Transfer Fluid)
Conduction วิธีการท้าความเย็น Conduction + Convection

Conduction การท้าแห้ง Conduction + Radiation

ต่้ากว่า 1,000 ไมครอน การท้าสุญญากาศ ต่้ากว่า 100 ไมครอน
น้า การละลายนา้ แข็ง แก๊สร้อนทิงจากช่วงฟรีซสินค้า
100 บาทต่อชั่วโมง ต้นทุนค่าไฟ 35 บาทต่อชั่วโมง
Cryodesiccation Freezer (KD Freezer)
Product Weight Lost
• Weight lost in storage and freezing

• Chilling injury

• Freezing injury

• Ammonia injury

• C.A. injury
Percentage of Weight (Moisture) Loss from Fruits and
Vegetable that Affects Produce Quality after Harvest
Product Weight Loss (%)
Beans (broad, runner, snap) 6.0, 5.0, 41.0
Broccoli 4.0
Cabbage 8.0
Carrots (mature, young) 8.0, 4.0
Celery 10.0
Cucumbers 5
Lettuce 3.7
Onions 10.0
Potatoes 7.0
Spinach 3.0
Sweet Corn 7.0
Tomatoes 7.0
Weight lost during storage
• Room temperature & temperature fluctuation
• Humidity
• Air flow over the product
• Radiation effects of lighting
• Shape and size of the product
• Type of wrapper (packing)
Weight lost during freezing
• Type of product
• Type of packing
• Type of freezer
• Temperature different & Air velocity
• Freezing time (Retention time)
• Freezer operating conditions
Chilling Injury
Freezing Injury
Freezing Injury
Freezing Thawing
Large ice Cell wall has
crystals been ruptured
damage cell

Slow Freezing

Freezing Thawing
Small ice Cell wall intact

Quick Freezing
Ammonia Injury
C.A. injury
Table 3. Examples of C.A. injury (from Thompson A.K, 1998)
Control Parameters
Fruits & Vegetables
Commodity Max. Opt. Highest Recomm. %RH Air Ethylene
transit & transit freezing Change
temp. Produc- Sensi-
Shelf life temp. temp. setpoint (cfm)
tion tivity
(Days) (C) (C) (C) Rate
Beans, 10-14 7.2 -0.7 5.0-7.2 90-95 45 (H) Low M
Broccoli 10-14 0 -0.6 0-1.1 90-95 20 (M) VL High
Cabbage 90-180 0 -1.4 0-1.1 95-100 45 (H) VL High
Cantaloupes 10-14 3.3 -1.2 2.2-5.0 85-90 45 (H) High M
Carrot, 28-180 0 -1.4 0-1.1 95-100 15 (L) VL Low
Celery 14-28 0 -0.5 0-1.1 90-95 45 (H) VL M
Cucumbers 10-14 10.0 -0.5 10.0-11.1 90-95 45 (H) Low High

Eggplant 10-14 10.0 -0.8 10.0-12.2 90-95 15 (L) Low Low

Fruits & Vegetables
Commodity Max. Opt. Highest Recomm. %RH Air Ethylene
transit & transit freezing temp. Change Produc- Sensi-
Shelf life temp. temp. setpoint (cfm) tion tivity
(Days) (C) (C) (C) Rate

Lettuce 8-12 0 - 0-1.1 90-95 45 (H) Low M

Onions, 7-10 0 -0.9 0-1.1 95-100 20 (M) VL Low
Onions, 30-180 0 -0.8 0-1.1 65-75 20 (M) M M
Spinach 10-14 0 -0.3 0-1.1 95-100 45 (H) VL High
Strawberries 5-10 -0.5 -0.8 0-1.1 90-95 20 (M) Low Low
Sweet Corn 4-6 0 -0.6 0-1.1 90-95 15 (L) VL Low
Tomatoes, 7-14 10.0 -0.5 10.0-11.1 90-95 45 (H) M High
breaker to
light pink
For Fruits & Vegetables
Pre-cooling Methods for Fresh Produce

• Top Icing
• Hydro Cooling
• Hydrair Cooling (air + cold water spray),
Wet Air Cooling
• Air Cooling
 Room Cooling
 Force Air Cooling
• Vacuum cooling
Top Icing
Hydro Cooling
Hydro Cooling


Cooled Water Distribution Pan

Product Out

Water Reservoir

Continuous Flow Shower Type Hydrocooler

Hydro Cooling

Water Distribution Pan

Refrigerati Water
on System
Pump Bins

Evaporator Water Reservoir

Batch Hydrocooler
Hydro Cooling

Product Out

Immersion Tank


Continuous Flow Immersion Type Hydrocooler

Hydro Cooling

System Refrigerant

Ice/cold Water
Storage Tank

Chilled Water
1 ~ 4C

Thermal Storage Immersion Hydrocooler

Hydrair Cooling System, Wet Air
Cooling System
Wet Air Cooler

Cold, Humid Air

Ice Water


Compressor Ice Chiller & Water

Tank Cold Room
Hydrair Cooling System, Wet Air
Cooling System
Hydro-Force Cooler (HAC)
Hydro-Force Cooler (HAC)
High Humidity Air Supply

Drift Eliminator Spray


Circulate Pump
Air Cooling -- Room Cooling
Recommended Temperature (TD) for Four
Classes of Foods (Forced Air Unit Coolers)
Class TD RH Suitable for
1 7-9F 90% Fruits, vegetables, flowers,
(~5C) unpacked ice, chill room
2 10-12F 80 - 85% General cool room, packed
(~7C) products
3 12-16F 65 - 80% Beer, wine, pharmaceuticals, short
(~9C) term packaged products,
tomatoes, onions, and tough skin
fruits e.g. melons
4 17-22F 50 - 65% Processing rooms, cutting rooms,
(~12C) candies, loading docks
Air Cooling -- Forced Air Cooling



Cold Room Air

Produce Produce

vent open when pallet is pushed against bumper

Tunnel type FAC using cold-wall system

Air Cooling -- Force Air Cooling
Air Cooling -- Force Air Cooling

Canvas System
Canvas System
Air Cooling -- Force Air Cooling

Canvas Free System

Air Cooling -- Force Air Cooling

Air Bag (Vertical Air Circulation)

Vacuum Cooling
Typical schematic of a vacuum cooler



Compressor Vacuum Pump

Vacuum Chamber
Vacuum Cooling
Compare Cooling Methods for Fruits and Vegetables
Room Vacuum FAC Hydro Top/Liquid
Cooling Cooling Cooling icing
Typical cooling time 20 to 100 0.3 to 2.0 1 to 10 0.1 to 1.0 0.1 to 0.3
Product moisture 0.1 to 2.0 2.0 to 4.0 0.1 to 2.0 0 to 0.5 No data
loss (%)
Water contact with No No No Yes Yes, unless
product bagged
Potential for decay Low none Low High Low
Capital cost Low Medium Low Low High
Energy efficiency Low High Low High Low
Water-resistant No No No Yes Yes
packing needed
Portable No Common Sometimes Rarely done Common
Feasibility of No No Rarely done Yes Rarely done
in-line cooling
Max. Opt. Highest Recommended %RH Air Ethylene
transit & transit freezing container temp. Change Production
setpoint (C) (cfm) Rate
Shelf life temp. (C) temp. (C)

Mango 14-25 13.3 -0.9 12.2-13.3 85-90 20 Medium

Export Fresh Mangos Process Flow
Hand harvest Transfer to
Remove Transfer to
into baskets, field lug boxes
nets or buckets latex packinghouse

Hot water Pre-size for hot Dump into

Portable water
quarantine water treatment chlorinated
presort defect brush & rinse
treatment water

Rest 12-24 hrs Transfer to Grade according

at ambient packing line & to buyer
cooling wax application
temp. requirements

Move pallets to cold Forced

Palletizing & Pack fruit into
storage room prior Air strapping cartons by size
to shipping cooling
Ripen Mangos Process Flow
Ripen Mangos

Clean & Rinse



KD Freeze Freeze (Air Blast, Tunnel) Vacuum Dry

Pack Vacuum Pack Pack

Cold Storage
For Fruits & Vegetables
Control Parameters

• Oxygen (O2)
• Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
• Ethylene Gas (C2H4)
• Temperature
• % RH
Effect of C.A. Parameters
Cold storage atmosphere is way out from
C.A. Storage
21% of O2 and 300 PPM of CO2
Burn & Broken down the Nutrients. Reduce of O2 will
reduce metabolism of the produce.
It generate from respiration. Too much will damage the
product; Soft Scale, Cortex and Core heart Browning.
Ripening agent, Stimulate aging process i.e. Kiwi Fruit
allow only 200 ppm.
Cause Dehydration, Shrinkage, Lost quality and weight.
% RH
Rod & Mold will form during high RH.
Chilling, Freezing Injury, Low temperature breakdown.
Temperature Vascular tissue becomes browning, often no external
Average Optimum C.A. levels of
Tropical Fruit Storage
Variety O2 CO2 Temp. %RH Storage (Month)
(%) (%) (C)
Banana 2-5 2-5 12-16 90-95 Commercial Use in
Durian 3-5 5-15 12-20 85-90 Information from 7th
Grapefruit 3-10 5-10 10-15 85-90 International CA
Lemon/Lime 5-10 0-10 10-15 85-90 Research Conference
Lychee 3-5 3-5 5-12 85-90 July 13-18, 1997.
Mango 3-7 5-8 10-15 85-90 Many of them is using
Orange 5-10 0-5 5-10 85-90 during Marine Transport.
Papaya 2-5 5-8 10-15 85-90 Further Specific evidence
Pineapple 2-5 5-10 8-13 85-90 levels need to be
Rambutan 3-5 7-12 8-15 85-90 proved by more
Average Optimum C.A. levels of
Vegetable Storage
Variety O2 (%) CO2 Temp. %RH Storage
(%) (C) (Month)
Asparagus 10-16 10-14 1-4 90-95 10-15 Days
Artichokes 2-4 2-3 0-1 90-95 20-25 Days
Broccoli, 2-3 6-7 0 95 10 Days
Cabbage, 2-3 4-5 0 95+ 3-4 Months
Cauliflower 3-4 5-7 0 90-95 40-50 Days
Garlic 3 5 -1 65-70 6-7 Months
Leeks 2-4 5-10 0 90-95 4-5 Months
Onion 2-5 10-15 0 70-75 8-9 Months
Tomato 3-4 2-3 2 85-90 30-40Days
Type of C.A. System
• Flow Through/Purge System

• Recirculation

• N2 Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)

• N2 Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption

Flow Through Test

รูปหน้า 46

Jars For Flow Through Test

Cabinet System
Control atmosphere (CA)

Membrane type PSA type

Nitrogen Generator Nitrogen Generator
Type of Material
• Hollow Membrane

• Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS)

Type of Material -- Hollow Membrane
Type of Material -- Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS)
VPSA Type O2 Scrubbers
C.A. Equipment & Accessories
-- CO2 Scrubbers
C.A. Equipment & Accessories
-- Ethylene Scrubber
C.A. Equipment & Accessories
-- Gas Analyzer

C.A. Equipment & Accessories
-- C.A. Door
C.A. Equipment & Accessories
-- Gas Tight Doors for CA/ULO-Storage
C.A. Equipment & Accessories

Wall & Equipment Viewing Window

C.A. Accessories

Air bags to equilibrate pressure in

controlled atmosphere rooms
Freezing and Refrigeration in Food Industry

Any question?

For more information

please email to
Tel: +66-2184-0055
Thank You www.itc-group.co.th
I.T.C. (1993) Co., Ltd.
10, 12 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 118 Yak 61
Kwang Sapansoong, Khet Sapansoong,
Bangkok 10240, Thailand

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