Hort 354
Hort 354
Hort 354
HORT-354 (1+1)
17. Mass effect: The use of one general form of plant material in large numbers
in one place is done to have a mass effect. Such mass arrangement should not
become monotonous. The size of mass should be varied.
20. Time and colour: A thorough knowledge is essential to select the plants
depending on their flower colour or foliage colour. Colour schemes like
monochromatic, analogous complementary or contrasting are laid out by
selecting different plants. It is better to have masses of single colour against a
mixture of colour.
21.Style: Every garden lover has to invent his own style. A good style has to be
developed by studying great garden styles of the world and grasping the
underlying principles. Even more know ledged gardener will commit mistakes.
Informal style gardens: The whole design looks informal. Features are arranged in a
natural way without any hard and fast rules but here also the work has to proceed
according to a well set plan. The idea behind this design is to imitate nature.
formal gardens, whereas the English and Japanese gardens are classified in the
informal style of gardening.
Some of the famous gardens established by the Mughal rulers are listed below
Trees are very fascinating because of their graceful appearance and the
abundance of bloom. They are grown for their economic importance or aesthetic value
or both. The cultivation of trees for their aesthetic or recreational value is known as
Trees should be planted carefully and thoughtfully for the benefit of height,
shade, colour and vertical emphasis.
In selecting ornamental trees, the purpose should be decided first and then the place of
its culture should be finalized.
Shrubs are defined as woody or semi woody perennial plants, the branches of
which arise from the base of the plant and grow up to a height ranging from 50 cm to 4
a) They are important garden plants not only because of the large number of
cultivated species and varieties but also due to the wide range of variation in the
shape and size of the plants
b) They fit very well to home gardens in cities and towns.
c) Shrubs act as a foundation plant in the buildings.
d) Flowering can be seen throughout the year from one or other plant.
e) They can be used as a hedge, fencing and also for topiary e.g. Hibiscus, Divi Divi,
Thevitia, Casuarina etc.,
f) They can also be grown as potted plants.
Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one season or one year. They
attain their full growth from seed, flower and die in one year or one season. They
comprise of several of the most beautiful and easily grown plants widely varying in form,
habit of growth and colour.
The word “bulb” in gardening includes bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers, fascicled
roots, etc. Some popular bulbous plants suitable for landscaping include Canna, crinum,
dahlia, hippeastrum, lilium, tuberose, caladium, amaryllis, zephyranthes, iris lily, Oxalis
species, tiger lily, gladiolus, anemone and ornithogalum.
Selection of climbers
1. Annual climbers e.g. Clitoria ternata, sweet pea, morning glory, (Ipomoea
3. Climbers for low walls or trellis for this purpose only light climbers are selected.
e.g. Lonicera japonica, Solanum seaforthianum, Tristellatia australis, Tecoma
jasminoides, Jacquemontia violacea.
4. Climbers for pergola usually heavy climbers are grown. e.g. Quisqualis indica,
Petrea volubilis, Adenocalymma allicea, Allamanda cathartica etc.
5. Climbers for porches e.g. Pyrostegia venusta, Petrea volubilis, Clerodendron
splendens, Bougainvillea, Jasminum sp. etc.