Apriori Algorithm (Python 3.0) - A Data Analyst
Apriori Algorithm (Python 3.0) - A Data Analyst
Apriori Algorithm (Python 3.0) - A Data Analyst
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Apriori Algorithm
The Apriori algorithm principle says that if an itemset is frequent, then all of its subsets are frequent.this means that if {0,1} is frequent,
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then {0} and {1} have to be frequent.
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We rst need to nd the frequent itemsets, and then we can nd association rules.
Association analysis
Looking for hidden relationships in large datasets is known as association analysis or association rule learning. The problem is, nding
di erent combinations of items can be a time-consuming task and prohibitively expensive in terms of computing power.
These interesting relationships can take two forms: frequent item sets or association rules. Frequent item sets are a collection of items
that frequently occur together. The second way to view interesting relationships is association rules. Association rules suggest that a
strong relationship exists between two items.
With the frequent item sets and association rules, retailers have a much better understanding of their customers. Another example is
search terms from a search engine.
The support and con dence are ways we can quantify the success of our association analysis.
The support of an itemset is de ned as the percentage of the dataset that contains this itemset.
The con dence for a rule P ➞ H is de ned as support(P | H)/ support(P). Remember, in Python, the | symbol is the set union; the
mathematical symbol is U. P | H means all the items in set P or in set H.
6. Use: This will be used to nd frequent itemsets and association rules between items.
The way to nd frequent itemsets is the Apriori algorithm. The Apriori algorithm needs a minimum support level as an input and a data
set. The algorithm will generate a list of all candidate itemsets with one item. The transaction data set will then be scanned to see which
sets meet the minimum support level. Sets that don’t meet the minimum support level will get tossed out. The remaining sets will then be
combined to make itemsets with two elements. Again, the transaction dataset will be scanned and itemsets not meeting the minimum
support level will get tossed. This procedure will be repeated until all sets are tossed out.
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If so increment the count of can
In [1]:
In [2]:
def loadDataSet():
return [[1, 3, 4], [2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 5], [2, 5]]
It creates C1 .C1 is a candidate itemset of size one. In the Apriori algorithm, we create C1, and then we’ll scan the dataset to see if these one
itemsets meet our minimum support requirements. The itemsets that do meet our minimum requirements become L1. L1 then gets
combined to become C2 and C2 will get ltered to become L2.
Frozensets are sets that are frozen, which means they’re immutable; you can’t change them. You need to use the type frozenset instead of
set because you’ll later use these sets as the key in a dictionary.
You can’t create a set of just one integer in Python. It needs to be a list (try it out). That’s why you create a list of single-item lists. Finally,
you sort the list and then map every item in the list to frozenset() and return this list of frozensets
In [11]:
def createC1(dataSet):
C1 = []
for transaction in dataSet:
for item in transaction:
if not [item] in C1:
return list(map(frozenset, C1))#use frozen set so we
#can use it as a key in a dict
This function takes three arguments: a dataset, Ck, a list of candidate sets, and minSupport, which is the minimum support you’re
interested in. This is the function you’ll use to generate L1 from C1. Additionally, this function returns a dictionary with support values.
In [28]:
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support = ssCnt[key]/numItems
if support >= minSupport:
supportData[key] = support
return retList, supportData
In [29]:
dataSet = loadDataSet()
In [30]:
C1 = createC1(dataSet)
In [31]:
In [32]:
D = list(map(set,dataSet))
In [33]:
Now that you have everything in set form, you can remove items that don’t meet our minimum support.
In [34]:
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These four items make up our L1 list, that is, the list of one-item sets that occur in at least 50% of all transactions. Item 4 didn’t make the
minimum support level, so it’s not a part of L1. That’s OK. By removing it, you’ve removed more work from when you nd the list of two-
item sets.
The main function is apriori(); it calls aprioriGen() to create candidate itemsets: Ck.
The function aprioriGen() will take a list of frequent itemsets, Lk, and the size of the itemsets, k, to produce Ck. For example, it will take
the itemsets {0}, {1}, {2} and so on and produce {0,1} {0,2}, and {1,2}.
The sets are combined using the set union, which is the | symbol in Python.
In [35]:
In [38]:
In [39]:
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L,suppData = apriori(dataSet)
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In [40]:
L contains some lists of frequent itemsets that met a minimum support of 0.5. The variable suppData is a dictionary with the support
values of our itemsets.
In [46]:
In [47]:
In [48]:
[frozenset({2, 3, 5})]
In [49]:
In [50]:
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[frozenset({1, 3}),
frozenset({1, 2}),
frozenset({1, 5}),
frozenset({2, 3}),
frozenset({3, 5}),
frozenset({2, 5})]
To nd association rules, we rst start with a frequent itemset. We know this set of items is unique, but we want to see if there is anything
else we can get out of these items. One item or one set of items can imply another item.
The generateRules() function takes three inputs: a list of frequent itemsets, a dictionary of support data for those itemsets, and a
minimum con dence threshold. It’s going to generate a list of rules with con dence values that we can sort through later.
In [51]:
calcConf() calculates the con dence of the rule and then nd out the which rules meet the minimum con dence.
In [53]:
rulesFromConseq() generates more association rules from our initial dataset. This takes a frequent itemset and H, which is a list of items
that could be on the right-hand side of a rule.
In [54]:
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L,suppData= apriori(dataSet,minSupport=0.5)
In [56]:
This gives you three rules: {1} ➞ {3},{5} ➞ {2},and {2} ➞ {5}. It’s interesting to see that the rule with 2 and 5 can be ipped around but not
the rule with 1 and 3.
In [70]:
In [71]:
In [73]:
frozenset({'93', '2'})
frozenset({'36', '2'})
frozenset({'53', '2'})
frozenset({'23', '2'})
frozenset({'59', '2'})
frozenset({'67', '2'})
frozenset({'86', '2'})
frozenset({'39', '2'})
frozenset({'85', '2'})
frozenset({'76', '2'})
frozenset({'63', '2'})
frozenset({'34', '2'})
frozenset({'28', '2'})
frozenset({'90', '2'})
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In [83]:
frozenset({'23', '85'}) --> frozenset({'86', '39', '34', '59', '2', '36', '63'}) conf: 0.7298578199052134
frozenset({'86', '23'}) --> frozenset({'85', '34', '59', '2', '39', '36', '63'}) conf: 0.7298578199052134
frozenset({'23'}) --> frozenset({'86', '85', '34', '59', '2', '39', '36', '63'}) conf: 0.7298578199052134
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piush vaish
k-Nearest Neighbors(kNN)
In "Machine Learning"
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September 19, 2017
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I have a question and I hope you can help me.
I am working on an apriory algorithm for a large list of item.
My question is if I can save all the rules generated in the same le?
Roopa T R
February 22, 2018
In[28] y ssCnt is used, and y ssCnt[can] is assigned for 1
May 21, 2018
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