Rioh Autosaved
Rioh Autosaved
Rioh Autosaved
Division of Rizal
Kasiglahan Village, Rodriguez, Rizal
Quijano, Emmanuel R.
Asurto, Leo Alvin S.
Analay, Rioh Jane G.
Abuedo, Joan P.
Dayuha, Rica C.
Grade 12 – GAS B
The findings were also supported by the 2012 children and families study when it revealed
that the parental absence displacement, disruption and changes in caregiving arrangement and that
the departure of one both parents leaves an emotional mark on the children left behind the children
long for the presence of the migrant parents especially when the mothers are away.
Overseas Filipino Workers or OFWs are Filipinos who are employed in foreign countries.
They travel abroad to seek better opportunities in order to provide for the needs, to support their
and also help their families in the Philippines.
Based on issues about emotional and psychological effect on children is the feeling of
insecurity when parents are thousands of kilometers away or are in the other side of the globe.
In Parreñas’ interviews with OFW children, she noted that children admitted feelings of insecurity
not knowing when they would see their parents again. This is the irony of it all. Parents leave to
provide financial security for their children both in the present and the future and yet by doing so
they actually leave their children feeling insecure psychologically and emotionally.
According to Elspeth Graham and Lucy P. Jordan in Migrant Parents and the Psychological
Well-Being of Left-Behind Children in Southeast Asia, the balance sheet of international labor
migration typically involves a trade-off between economic well-being and family.
Respondents Interview
“Effects of having an
Students Gathering of
OFW parent on the
Analysis and academic performance
Performance Interpretation of GAS students in
Feelings/Emoti of data
Figure 1.
For better understanding of the research following terms are clearly to define:
Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) – It refers to values and guide for their children
while they are overseas
Academic performance – it refers to how students work/perform in school. It can
be describing us poor and high performance in terms of the result obtains in their class
cards. Student should do their best in their academic to sacrifice for their parents.
GAS – it is selected students to aim problem of having OFW parents.
This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the instruments, the data collection
procedure, and the plan for data analysis.
This study is qualitative in nature since the research question we seek to answer lead to
number of data.
Specifically descriptive survey design was used in this study. The technique that was used
under descriptive method is the structured questionnaire approach and evaluation, which is
commonly used to explore opinion according to respondents that can represent a whole population.
The method was appropriate to this the study aims to describe Effects of having an OFW parents
on the academic performance of GAS students in KVSHS.
The target population of the study are the grade GAS student during the second term of the
academic year, 2018-2019 in KVSHS. These students belong to the General Academic Strand also
known as GAS.
With the population size of grade GAS students is 293, the researchers will consider a
sample of 9 respondent’s determined using Purposive technique. These samples shall be selected
students through stratified random sampling with the GAS strand being used to define effects of
having OFW parent on the academic performance of GAS students in KVSHS.
In as much this study dealt with the descriptive of the Effects of having an OFW parents
on the academic performance of GAS students in KVSHS. The researchers particularly use the
structured questionnaire:
Structured questionnaire. The information was better gathered through personal
interview. The researchers used method for checking a questionnaire and making sure it is
accurately capturing the intended information that was answered by the respondents.
This research is qualitative and researcher will use a one on one interview to conduct a
research for the students of GAS who have OFW parent and to know what is the effect of this to
their academic performance of a student and after that we can analyze the answer to know what
is the effect of having an OFW parents on their child.
This chapter presents analysis and interpretation of data for the study.
1. What is the academic performance of the respondents?
Student A Student B Student C Student D Student E Student F Student G Student H Student I
Figure 2. Shows the General Average in 1st semester of the respondents. The students got
average in of 83 is Student A from grade 11 GAS-B, 2nd is Student B from grade 11 GAS-B got
82 average in first semester, 3rd are Students C, Students D from grade 12 GAS-B and Student E
From grade 11 GAS-A got 81 average in first semester then the 4th is Student F from grade 11
GAS-A got 80 average in first semester and the 5th are Students G from grade 12 GAS-B, students
H from grade 12 GAS-C and Students I from grade 11 GAS-A got 79 average in first semester.
Some of the students are motivated to continue or excell in their studies but some are did
not. Students D, Students C and Students G from grade 12 GAS-B Students H from grade 12
GAS-C, Students F and Students E from grade 11 GAS-A saids “ Yes, because their inspired to
continue for their parents”. But student I from grade 11 GAS-A, Students B and Students A from
grade 11 GAS-B saids “ No, because they supine and indispoded to continuing their study”.
4. What is the of having an OFW parents on the academic performance of the respondents?
The effect of having an OFW parent to their studies. “They no longer miss your grades
because they are busy” Student B from grade 11 GAS-B, Student D from grade 12 GAS-B and
Student H From grade 12 GAS-C said. Meanwhile the three respondents from grade 11 GAS-A
has same point to answer the interview “The time they should give to their child to the rest of it
they allocated themselves time” Student F, Student I and Student E said. And also Student C and
Student G from grade 12 GAS-B, Student A says “there is no effect on us because there is only
their self-relied”.
This chapter presents the conclusion s and recommendation of the study
This research investigated the effects of having an OFW parent on the academic
performance of GAS students in KVSHS. The statement of the problem served as the primary
guide formulating finest result needed. This research was conducted together with 9 respondents,
of which five of them are males and that is actually came from GAS strand.
1. The student who got high grades of 83 there are the students who always do their tasks
in school and the students who got 79 is the students who often perform in class.
2. Some of students our encountered we have major views and the negative effect of having
OFW parent such as, incomplete family leading to distant relationship; lack of guidance and
become feel alone. In positive use, they force who and positive way they know that their parents
do this for them also and their study and for their better future. And never situation, we have our
different views and students in this certain situation, especially having an OFW parents, is a thing
we must give time to know. It could be very difficult to understand being left by parents, most
especially to the young ones and they could be emotional and stubborn but it is part process.
3. One of those are the sacrifices of our OFW parents that is why aside from the fact that
students aims for a better future, they major point in performing well in their study is to pay the
hard works of their parents.
4. The effects of having an OFW parent on the academic performance of GAS students are
manageable but it does not mean that students did not undergo into some changes and adjustment.
Because of the fact that their parents are miles away from them they are still courageous and
unobstructed in doing everything just to make them proud.
The following are recommendations given by the researchers to help the parents, students,
and even the teachers, and readers to understand. And adjust to the situation of a person
experiencing this kind of situation.
For the students and parents.
1. To the students be continue to study even your grade are lowest try to learn and get the
high average to work hard and do the task. For the students get high average still your high average
and do your best and be much better than latest your average jn first semester.
2. To the students who have emotion because your parents are in abroad be don’t be sad
because your parents work for your own needs.
3. To the students even though your parents are in abroad you will able to inspire your
parents to continue to study because the education that’s the only treasure they can give us.
4. To the parents who work in abroad even you work in abroad give a time and attention
even video calls and chat to share problem in school
This study aims to seek if the students demand more time from their parents as for
material satisfaction and for parental attention leading to good academic performance. A huge
percentage of the parent’s remittances go to tuition fees of their children. Allowing them to enroll
in school for offering quality education. Being a student with an OFW parent could make it
difficult one to cope with his/her studies. Some aspects affect them because of the absence of the
parent psychologically, emotionally, and academically. The method that the researchers use is
qualitative research and it is purposive research is used to collect data to describe of a population
too large to observe directly. Our respondents are GAS students in Kasiglahan Village Senior High
School over all interviewee is 9, the researchers will consider a sample of 9 Interviewee to
determined using Purposive Formula. The researcher use interview to gathered data. Therefore,
effects of having an OFW parent on the academic performance of GAS students are manageable
at the same time understandable, but it does not mean that students did not undergo into some
changes and adjustment. It could be very difficult to understand being left by parents, most
especially to the young ones and they could be emotional and stubborn but it is part process. One
of those are the sacrifices of our OFW parents that is why aside from the fact that students aims
for a better future, they major point in performing well in their study is to pay the hard works of
their parents. Because of the fact that their parents are miles away from them they are still
courageous and unobstructed in doing everything just to make them proud.
A useful.
as it may not accurately reflect the views and opinions of the participants