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SpeederOne Software Interface

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6) Speeder One Phone (+39) 0444 440441 - Fax (+39) 04444 440418


ver.1 rev.09/'08

Enclosures to Service Manuals of:

• McbNET DigitalTM
• Magnum400TM
• MiniMagnum400TM

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 1


1 Speeder one Interface 3

2 Main menu 5
3 Operative Mode 9
4 Drive Status 10
5 Speed Window 11
6 Current Window 13
7 Encoder Out window 14
8 Motor window 15
9 Analog I/O window 16
10 Digital I/0 window 17
11 Position window 22
12 Homing window 25
13 Axor Profile Tool window 27
14 Oscilloscope window 30
15 Standard configuration files 33

Release Notes
ver.1 rev.06/'07 First edition.
ver.1 rev.02/'08 Corrections.
ver.1 rev.09/'08 Addresses, for ModBus management, inserted.

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without prior

written consent of the copyright owner. All specifications are subject to change
without prior notification.
This manual has been carefully checked. However, Axor does not assume liability
for errors or inaccuracies.



2 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

1 Speeder one Interface

The Axor software Speeder One interface allows you to setup, modify and save all the parameters of
the system, by connecting a PC to the drive.

The interface communicates with the drive via serial RS232 and ModBus communication protocol.

PC minimum preconditions:
Operative system: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XT;
Graphic sheet: Windows compatible, coloured;
Drive: Hard disk having at least 5 MB free;
Drive for CD-ROM
Work memory: at least 8 MB;
Interface: free serial interface

Installation procedure:
1- connect the RS232 cable to the PC serial interface and to the drive connector (do this with the
drive not supplied).
2- insert the CD, click on the installation file "Setup.EXE" that you find on the CD directory, then
follow the instructions.
3- at the end of the installation, to start the interface click on the "Axormb.exe" file that you find
on the directory: "C:\ Program\Axor" (or in the directory selected during installation).

Attention: The parameter variation, via interface, should be done only by technical qualified

Note: The main parameters set by Speeder One interface can be changed by keypad or via ModBus.
On the following pages, near the name of parameters there is the corresponding address, that you can
use for the keypad or for the ModBus managements.
For more information see enclosures "Display and Keypad Manual" and "ModBus Manual" avail-
able on the CD provided with the drive.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 3

1 Speeder one Interface

The program is started by clicking on "Axormb.exe".

The main window "Axor Servo Drive" and the "Select Driver" window open simultaneously. On the
Select Driver window insert the drive's address (all drives have 1 as default value), then click OK.

If the PC is not connected to the drive or the drive is not supplied, clicking on "OFF line" and then
clicking on icon "Open", a window containing a serie of pre-set files will open. Openig one of these
files you can visualise a series of standard parameters:

4 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

2 Main menu

The main window of the Speeder One software is displayed below:

File Settings Tuning Profile Tool Oscilloscope

Users Drive About General Set Main supply

Operative Mode

Digital Drive
Inputs/Outputs State

Inputs Analog

encoder Alarms

Homing settings State bar Disable drive Enable drive

By clicking on “File” it is possible to open, save or save as a file
“*.dev”, or to compare two configurations or to exit the program.

Axor reserved information.

By clicking on “Settings” the “General Settings” and “Com Port” menu are displayed.

Com Port
By clicking on “Com Port”, it is possible to modify the serial communication data between the PC and

Set the serial port of PC.

By clicking on “Baud”, you can set

the velocity communication baud
rate between PC and driver.
[By keypad: F2  c2]
[ModBus address: 3]

By clicking on “Parity”, you can dis-

play the parity bit settings.
[By keypad: F4  E8]
[ModBus address: 20]

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 5

2 Main manu

General Settings
By clicking on “General Settings”, it is possible to visualize some of the drive’s properties, and to
impose some generic functions:

It visualizes the main properties of the drive, such as:
• Drive Ver. Type of digital connected servodrive;
• Size Nominal size in Amperage;
• Firmware Ver. Firmware version;
• Boot Ver. Boot Software version.

PC Software Ver.
It visualizes the software version of Speeder One.

Regen resistance [By keypad: F12  I15]

It visualizes the type of regen resistance: Internal or External (more information on the Service
Manual of the drive).

Relay OK
It enables two functions:
• “Open with I2t Drive”: It enables or not the opening of the “Relè OK” contact during the alarm
6: “I2t Drive”;
• “Closed when ready”: When the auxiliary power supply (+24V) is turned on, this option enables
the closing of the “Relè Ok” before the main supply is turned on.

Baudrate CAN bus [By keypad: F2  c3] [ModBus address: 4]

This option allows you to set the "baudrate" of the drive during the Can Bus communications. The
selectable values are those specified by the CAN DS301 ver. 4.0.2 instructions, therefore: 50, 100,
125, 250, 500, 800, 1000 Kbps.

Device ID [By keypad: F2  c1] [ModBus address: 2]

This option allows you to set or to change the address of the drive. All drives have as default value
1. If you change the address of the drive you have to save it onto the EEPROM and then disable and
enable the drive.

Emergency Stop
It enables/disables the Emergency Stop function, which allows you to stop the motor, by using a
settable emergency ramp, in presence of a disable or an alarm (more information on enclosure "Ad-
ditional Features Manual").

6 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

2 Main menu

“Select Drive” opens the "Select Driver" window, “Compare with File” opens a window which allows
you to compare two configuration files, while “Enable” and “Disable” manage the state of the drive.

This menu is utilized for the phasing of the motor (“Motor Phasing”), the settings of the offset of the
velocity analog input reference (“Speed offset”) or the torque offset settings (“Torque Offset”).

Motor Phasing
When you select this option the program asks if it should execute motor phasing, if confirmed the
motor automatically enables and executes. The phase angle is visualized in the “Motor” window.

Speed Offset
This option is to be paired with the operation mode “0:Analog Speed” and it calculates the voltage
on the analog +/-VREF inputs taken as zero speed reference (0 rpm).
The value of the calculated offset can be read in the “Analog I/O” window and it is expressed in

Torque Offset
This option calculates the voltage on the analog +/-VREF inputs taken as zero torque reference.
The value of the calculated offset can be read in the “Analog I/O” window and it is expressed in

This option shows the program version and additional information, for example: ”Axor Servo Drive
Software 1.1.8”.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 7

2 Main menu

The program functions may be chosen both from the main menu, as well as from the icons shown

Open Reset Drive General Settings

Save as Load default data Oscilloscope
Set Id Device Load data from EEPROM Axor Profile Tool
Save data to EEPROM

It opens a file “filename.dev”.

Save as
It saves with name on EEPROM a file with the configuration visualized on the interface at the moment
of the memorisation.

Set Id Device [By keypad: F2  c1] [ModBus address: 2]

It opens the "Select Driver" window, which allows you to select
the drive’s address with which you wish to communicate; this
permits "single drop communication" (with a single driver) or
"multi drop communication" (with multiple drivers).
All drives have as default value 1. It is possible to change the
drive’s address in the "General Settings" window.

Save data to EEPROM [By keypad: F10  U4] [ModBus address: 69]
It saves the configuration created on EEPROM of the drive and therefore it makes it operative. The
program asks for confirmation.
Note: Every time you desire to make modifications and render them operative at the re-
start of the drive, the information must be saved on the EEPROM by clicking this icon.

Load data from EEPROM [By keypad: F10  U4] [ModBus address: 69]
It loads all the values which are present on EEPROM to the drive.
The program asks for confirmation.

Load default data [By keypad: F10  U4] [ModBus address: 69]
It uploads a list of standard parameters.
Note: These parameters could be different from those actually required by the motor utilized.
The program requests confirmation.

Reset Drive
It re-sets the basic functions of the drive.

Axor Profile Tool

It opens the “Axor Profile Tool” window, with which you can setup all the parameters about the

General Settings
It opens the “General Setting” window.

It opens the “Oscilloscope” window.

8 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

3 Operative Mode

The “OP. MODE” menu allows you to select the operation mode of the drive. With every selection all
associated information are automatically pre-disposed.
The Axor digital drives offer the following operation modes:

0: Analog Speed
The motor is controlled in velocity mode through an analog differential or common mode input from
an external controller.

1: Digital Speed
The motor is controlled in velocity mode through a digital reference.

2: Analog Torque
The motor is controlled in torque mode through an analog reference.

3: Digital Torque
The motor is controlled in torque mode through a digital reference.

4: Position Mode
The motor is controlled in position.

5: Gearing
The position of the motor is controlled through the quadrature signals from an incremental encoder of
a Master motor, or through the emulated encoder signals from a Master drive.

6: Pulse/Dir Mode
The position of the motor is controlled through the digital piloting inputs: +/- Pulse and +/-Dir.

7: Can Open
This mode allows you to configure and control the drive using CanBus.

10: Square Wave

The motor is piloted with a “square wave” signal.
This is useful for adjustments of the speed loop.

Note: To set the desired operative mode by the keypad, use the following address: F10 

Note: To set the desired operative mode by ModBus use the following address: 71.

Note: You can found more information about operative modes on enclosures "Operative
Modes Manual" and "Positioner Manual" available on the CD provided with the drive.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 9

4 Drive Status

Drive Status (Status bar on the right of the main window)

- Motor Speed displays the velocity of the motor in RPM [ModBus address: 59];
- Motor Position displays the rotor position in mechanical degrees;
- Motor Current displays the motor current (in percentages) with respect to twice the rated current
of the drive. 50%= rated current, 100%= 2*rated current ;
- Bus Voltage displays the bus voltage [ModBus address: 53];
- Position displays the rotor position in pulses (only in the following operative modes: "4: Position
Mode", "5: Gearing", "6: Pulse/Dir Mode");
- Analog Out1 and Analog Out2: by clicking on those it is possible to select which internal param-
eter will be put into the analog outputs. Default settings are: “motor speed” on Analog Out1 and
“motor current” on Analog Out2 [ModBus address: 66 for Analog Out1, ModBus address: 67
for Analog Out2].
Speed_Rpm Iq

I_Phase_U I_Phase_U

I2t_Drive I2t_Drive

I2t_Regen I2t_Regen

FF_vel FF_vel

Posit_Err Out1 Posit_Err Out2

Id Id

V_Bus V_Bus

Angle Angle

Iq Iq

* The grey options

+10 Volt -10 Volt are not yet active.

Selecting this window allows you to visualize the history of the drive’s alarms and the status of
A red dot  and the red symbol  near the alarm
name indicate that the alarm is currently on, while
a red checkmark signifies that the alarm has been
It is possible to reset the history of alarms by disa-
bling and enabling the drive or clicking on “Reset
Historic Alarms”.
You can found more information about alarms
on enclosure "Alarms Manual" available on
the CD provided with the drive.

Enable, Disable
By clicking on this button you can enable or disable the drive’s torque.

10 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

5 Speed Window

This window allows modification of the dynamic costants of the drive’s speed loop.

OK confirms the set Cancel closes the win- Apply confirms the set
value and closes the dow without change value, but it does not
window. any parameter. close the window.

Speed limit [By keypad: F5  h9] [ModBus address: 31]

Generally in this box there is the rated speed of the motor coupled with the drive, but it is possible to
insert greater value up to 8000rpm max.

Rotary Direction
It allows you to set the rotor’s sense of rotation: Positive (CW) or Negative (CCW).

Acc. Ramp [By keypad: F5  h12]

[ModBus address: 34] +RPM
It is possible to insert the value of the acceleration ramp “in
ms”. The range is between zero and 5000 ms (0-5sec).
Dec. Ramp [By keypad: F5  h13]
[ModBus address: 35]
It is possible to insert the value of the deceleration ramp ACC ACC

“in ms”. The range is between zero and 5000 ms (0- -RPM DEC DEC

Emer.Ramp [By keypad: F5  h14] [ModBus address: 36]

It is possible to insert the value of the deceleration ramp “in ms” during the emergency stop.

PID-Filter [By keypad: F5  h5] [ModBus address: 27]

It is a filter on the output of the speed regulator.

Feedback [By keypad: F5  h4] [ModBus address: 26]

It is a filter on the feedback speed.

Note: Setting the PID-Filter and Feedback parameters make the system less noisy, therefore
non appropriate tuning may cause a less dynamic or instable system.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 11

5 Speed Window

KP [By keypad: F5  h1] [ModBus address: 23]

It is the proportional gain of the speed loop.
This setting optimises the dynamic behaviour of the motor. The range is between zero and 4000.

KI [By keypad: F5  h2] [ModBus address: 24]

It is the integral gain of the speed loop.
This setting optimises the dynamic behaviour of the motor. The range is between zero and 4000.

The procedure for the speed loop tuning is described on enclosure "Procedure Manual" available
on request. That procedure can be executed only by technical qualified personnel. For any
question contact Axor.

12 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

6 Current Window

This window allows you to modify the dynamic costants of the drive’s current loop.

OK confirms the set Cancel closes the win- Apply confirms the set
value and closes the dow without change value, but it does not
window. any parameter. close the window.

I rms [By keypad: F4  E1] [ModBus address: 13]

In this box it is possible to insert the percentage value of the rated current furnished by the drive. The
numerical range is between 1 and 50 and it is referred to the peak current value.
Example: suppose we have a drive size 8/16, if we insert into this box the value 15%, we’ll have a
setting of rated current equal to 2,4A (in fact 16X15/100=2,4), so the drive will provide a rated cur-
rent equal to 2,4A to the motor.

I peak [By keypad: F4  E2] [ModBus address: 14]

In this section it is possible to insert the percentage value of the peak current furnished by the drive.
The numerical range is between 1 and 100
Example: suppose we have a drive size 8/16, if we insert into this box the value 75%, we’ll have a
setting of peak current equal to 12A (in fact 16X75/100=12), so the drive will provide a peak current
equal to 12A to the motor.

The value of nominal and peak current is RMS.

I2T Message [By keypad: F4  E9] [ModBus address: 21]

Time of the peak current.
Typically with an adjustment of Ipeak = 100%, the time will be 5 seconds (for the Magnum400 and
the MiniMagnum), 2 seconds (for the McbNET Digital).
Not to change this parameter before consulting Axor.

KP [By keypad: F4  E3] [ModBus address: 15]

It is the proportional gain of the current loop. This adjustment allows for optimizing the dynamic be-
haviour of the motor’s current loop. The numerical range of this parameter varies from 0 up to 999.

TI [By keypad: F4  E4] [ModBus address: 16]

It is the integral time in “ms” of the current loop.
The numerical range of this parameter varies from 0 up to 999ms.

The procedure for the current loop tuning is described on enclosure "Procedure Manual" available
on request. That procedure can be executed only by technical qualified personnel. For any
question contact Axor.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 13

7 Encoder Out window

With this parameter you can set the number of pulses per turn on encoder emulation outputs available
to the numerical controller or PLC.

Using an encoder with N pulse/rev, it is possible to set N, N/2, N/4, N/8, N/16, N/32, N/64,
N/128 pulse/rev.

Example: Utilizing a motor transducer with 2048 PPR, the setable values are: 2048, 1024, 512, 256,
128, 64, 32 and 16.

The figure below illustrates the typical encoder emulation output pulses when the motor turns clockwise:
the emulation output pulses are emitted under the form of two signals, A and B, which are electrically
staggered by 90° and a zero signal, Z.






Note: If the 2 pole resolver feedback is used, the max resolution of the emulated encoder will be
1024 pulses per turn, so the setable values are: 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16 and 8.

Note: To set by keypad the Encoder Out parameter, use the following address: F10  U3.

Note: To set by ModBus the Encoder Out parameter, use the following address: 68.

Note: You can found more information about emulated encoder on enclosure "Operative
Modes Manual" available on the CD provided with the drive.

14 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

8 Motor window

Clicking this icon it is possible to

modify items relating to the motor’s

OK confirms the set Cancel closes the win- Apply confirms the set
value and closes the dow without change value, but it does not
window. any parameter. close the window.

No. of Poles [By keypad: F3  d1] [ModBus address: 7]

Number of motor poles. It is possible to set 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 poles.
The value pre-set as a default is 6 poles. The value 0 is to be used when utilizing linear motors.

Feedback Type [By keypad: F3  d6] [ModBus address: 12]

It permits to select the type of motor feedback: Encoder or Resolver.

Resolution (pulses/rev) [By keypad: F3  d3] No. of Poles [By keypad: F3  d2]
[ModBus address: 9] [ModBus address: 8]
Insert in this section the value of encoder pulses/ It visualises the number of resolver poles.
rev. Currently only 2 poles resolver feedback is

Phase angle [By keypad: F3  d5] [ModBus address: 11]

In this section the phasing angle of the motor, previously calculated with the “Tuning  “Motor
Phasing” procedures, is visualized. The phasing angle, for Axor motors serie SuperSAX encoder feed-
back, is 330° ±5°, while for resolver feedback it is 0° ±5°.

Holding Brake
When the "Without" option is selected the electromechanical brake integrated on the motor is not
manage, while when the "With" option is selected the electromechanical brake can be manage exter-
nally by the user or internally by the control (You can find more information about holding brake on
enclosure "Additional Features Manual" available on the CD provided with the drive).
ATTENTION: McbNET DigitalTM does not manage this function.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 15

9 Analog I/O window

This window allows you to control and condition the analogic signal of the differential or common mode
reference from the external controller or the analogic signal of the torque reference (TPRC input).

Filter [By keypad: F4  E5 for the Analog Input 1, F4  E10 for the Analog Input 2]
[ModBus address: 17 for the Analog Input 1, ModBus address: 22 for the Analog Input 2]
Filter in “ms” on the analog input signal.

Offset (Speed) [By keypad: F5  E7] [ModBus address: 29]

Voltage in “mV” on the +/-VREF analog inputs taken as zero speed reference (0 rpm). This value is
calculated using the “Tuning  Speed Offset” procedure or by clicking on the “Speed” button of the
“Analog I/O” window, otherwise it is possible to increase or decrease this value using the up/down
arrows near the ”Offset” window.

Offset (Torque) [By keypad: F5  E8] [ModBus address: 30]

Voltage in “mV” on the TPRC analog input taken as zero torque reference. This value is calculated us-
ing the “Tuning  Torque Offset” procedure or by clicking on the “Torque” button of the “Analog
I/O” window, otherwise it is possible to increase or decrease this value using the up/down arrows
near the ”Offset” window.

Dead Band (Speed) [By keypad: F5  h6] [ModBus address: 28]

If the voltage on the +/-VREF analog inputs is within the range [-Dead Band, +Dead Band], the analog
speed reference is zero (0 rpm).

Dead Band (Torque) [By keypad: F8  A3] [ModBus address: 50]

If the voltage on the TPRC analog input is within the range [-Dead Band, +Dead Band], the analog
torque reference is zero.

Input Value
[By keypad: F14  ]15 for the Analog Input 1, F14  ]16 for the Analog Input 2]
[ModBus address: 138 for the Analog Input 1, ModBus address: 139 for the Analog Input
It visualises in “mV” the voltage measured on the analog inputs This value depends by the Offset, the
Filter and the Dead Band settings.

Auto Offset
The two buttons automatically execute: the settings of the offset of the velocity analog input reference
(“Analog1”) and the torque offset settings (“Analog2”).

16 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

10 Digital I/0 window

This window allows you to modify via software the status of the programmable digital inputs and to
control the hardware status of the digital inputs and outputs.



Botton for

Hardware Selectable Auxiliary

state function variable

The “St” led visualises the status (software or hardware) of the digital inputs. Clicking on the but-
ton near the name of the digital input, the “St” led becomes red and a high logic signal is present on
the input.

The “Hw” led visualises the hardware status of the digital input, if it is red a voltage is present on
the input.
he DGT-IN1,...DGT-IN9 inputs are enabled by giving +24V, while the DGT-INAUX1 and DGT-
IN-AUX2 inputs are enabled by giving +5V.
Attention: it is not possible to enable the DGT-INAUX1 and DGT-IN-AUX2 giving +24V.

If the Hw led is red, the St led is red too.

The “Hw” led, about digital outputs, visualises the hardware status of the digital outputs, if it is red
the output is closed.

Near the name of each digital input/output there are two fields:

• There is a menu that allows you to select a function;

• There is a field where you can insert the auxiliary variable if necessary. (Not all functions need
an auxiliary variable).

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 17

10 Digital I/0 window

The DGT-IN2...DGT-IN5 and DGT-IN-AUX1...DGT-IN-AUX2 inputs can be set to enable the fol-
lowing functions:


With this settings there is not a particular function assigned to
Off all
the input.
It enables the motor rotation. Analog Speed
Digital Speed
Pulse/Dir Mode
Positive limit switch. A low logical signal on this input disables
the "CW" rotation of the motor.
Negative limit switch. A low logical signal on this input disables Analog Speed
the "CCW" rotation of the motor. Digital Speed
Positive and negative limit switch. A low logical signal on this
P+N Stop
input disables the CW or CCW rotation of the motor.
Brake It enables the external manage braking by the user. all
Homing sensor. Position Mode
Homing Sensor Gearing
Pulse/Dir Mode
It enables a movement having the following parameters:
• acceleration time that is equal to the homing acceleration
• speed (in rpm) equal to the value set in the auxiliary vari-
Start Jog
• target equal to the positive extreme (PSTOP software) of the
axis if the speed is positive, or equal to the negative extreme
(NSTOP software) of the axis if the speed is negative;
• deceleration time that is equal to the homing acceleration
It enables the task set by the auxiliary variable. There is not
possibility of blending with this function.
Position Mode
It enables the task set by the digital inputs DGT-IN5...DGT-
Start Task I/O
IN9. There is not possibility of blending with this function.
It enables a sequence of tasks. The first task is set by the dig-
ital inputs DGT-IN5...DGT-IN9, while the next tasks are set by
Start Sequence
using the "Next Profile" parameter associated to each task. At
the end of each task the following automatically starts.
It enables a sequence of tasks. The first task is set by the dig-
ital inputs DGT-IN5...DGT-IN9, while the next tasks are set by
using the "Next Profile" parameter associated to each task. At
Start Next
the end of each task the motor stops, the user has to click the
task button (clicking twice: disabling and enabling) in order to
start the next task of the sequence.
Lowering the logic input along with this function, stops the Analog Speed
Emergency motor rotation utilising the Emer. Ramp set in the Speed win- Digital Speed
dow. Position Mode
It is used to start/stop the homing procedure. Position Mode
Start Homing Gearing
Pulse/Dir Mode
Reset Fault It allows the reset the "resettable" alarms. all

18 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

10 Digital I/0 window

Very Important Notes:

• The function just illustrated are selectable on all the digital inputs, otherwise the
functions: Ref-On, PStop, NStop, Brake, P+N Stop, Homing Sensor, Start Task I/O,
Start Sequence, Star Next, Emergency, Start Homing, Reset Alarm can be set on
one input at a time.

• If the OP MODE "6:Pulse/Dir Mode" is set, the digital inputs DGT-IN-AUX1 and
DGT-IN-AUX2 cannot be utilised as programmable digital inputs.

• Before changing the function on a programmable input make sure that the func-
tion is disabled.
For example:
The “Start Homing” function is not active with a low signal on the dedicated in-
put.The “Pstop” function is not active with a high signal on the dedicated input.

• Remember to save to the EEPROM all settings made on the programmable digital
input in order to make them permanent.

• To set or reset by keypad the digital inputs, see enclosure "Display and Keypad Manual"
available on the CD provided with the drive.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 19

10 Digital I/0 window

The DGT-IN5...DGT-IN9 are used to select via software one of the 32 pre-set positioning profiles
for the functions: Start Task I/O, Start Sequence, Start Next.

If the DGT-IN5 digital input is set with the “Off” function, it is possible to make the direct addressing
of all the 32 available tasks by using the tables below:
Profile Digital Inputs Profile Digital Inputs
N° N°
9 8 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5
1 0 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 1 18 1 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 1 0 19 1 0 0 1 0
4 0 0 0 1 1 20 1 0 0 1 1
5 0 0 1 0 0 21 1 0 1 0 0
6 0 0 1 0 1 22 1 0 1 0 1
7 0 0 1 1 0 23 1 0 1 1 0
8 0 0 1 1 1 24 1 0 1 1 1
9 0 1 0 0 0 25 1 1 0 0 0
10 0 1 0 0 1 26 1 1 0 0 1
11 0 1 0 1 0 27 1 1 0 1 0
12 0 1 0 1 1 28 1 1 0 1 1
13 0 1 1 0 0 29 1 1 1 0 0
14 0 1 1 0 1 30 1 1 1 0 1
15 0 1 1 1 0 31 1 1 1 1 0
16 0 1 1 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 1
Example: If the DGT-IN5 digital input is set with the “Off” function and you want to select the n° 10
profile: apply a high logic signal to the DGT-IN8 and DGT-IN5 inputs and disable the DGT-IN6,
DGT-IN7 and DGT-IN9 inputs.

If the DGT-IN5 digital input is set with any functions other than “Off”, it is possible to make the direct
addressing of only 16 profiles, from 1 to 16, using the tables below:
Profile Digital Inputs

9 8 7 6 5
1 0 0 0 0 X
2 0 0 0 1 X
3 0 0 1 0 X
4 0 0 1 1 X
5 0 1 0 0 X
6 0 1 0 1 X
7 0 1 1 0 X
8 0 1 1 1 X
9 1 0 0 0 X
10 1 0 0 1 X
11 1 0 1 0 X
12 1 0 1 1 X
13 1 1 0 0 X
14 1 1 0 X
15 1 1 1 0 X
16 1 1 1 1 X
Example: If the DGT-IN5 digital input is set with any functions other than “Off” and you want to se-
lect the n° 10 profile: apply a high logic signal to the DGT-IN9 and DGT-IN6 inputs and disable the
DGT-IN7 and DGT-IN8 inputs.

20 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

10 Digital I/0 window

In the following table there are the setting functions for the two digital outputs:


Off Selecting this function the output will always be open. all
If the absolute value of the actual speed is greater than the value inserted
in the auxiliary variable, the output will be closed. On the contrary, if the
|Speed|>x all
absolute value of the actual speed is less than the value inserted in the
auxiliary variable the output will be opened.
If the absolute value of the actual speed is less than the value inserted
in the auxiliary variable, the output will be closed. On the contrary, if the
|Speed|<x all
absolute value of the actual speed is greater than the value inserted in
the auxiliary variable the output will be opened.
The output will be closed after a complete and successful homing pro- Position mode
Homing OK cedure. At the start of every new homing procedure the output will be Gearing
opened. Pulse/Dir Mode
The output will be closed if the I2t condition is reached. When this condi-
I2t all
tion comes down the output will be opened.
If the absolute value of the actual current is greater than the value in-
serted in the auxiliary variable, the output will be closed. On the contrary,
|Irms%|>x all
if the absolute value of the actual current is less than the value inserted
in the auxiliary variable the output will be opened.
If the absolute value of the actual current is less than the value inserted
in the auxiliary variable, the output will be closed. On the contrary, if the
|Irms%|<x all
absolute value of the actual current is greater than the value inserted in
the auxiliary variable the output will be opened.
This function closes the output when a positioning task successfully ter-
Target OK Position mode
minates; at the start of a new profile the output is opened.
With this function the output is closed if one or more alarms are present.
Error all
When all alarm are cleared the output will be opened.
When the control circuitry is powered up (with a minimum delay), the
Ready all
output will be closed.
When 80% of the maximum recovery is reached, the output is closed and
it will be re-opened if the value becomes less than 80% of the maximum
P.A. Max all
recovery value.
ATTENTION: McbNET DigitalTM does not manage this function.
If the absolute value of the actual Position Error is greater than the value
inserted in the auxiliary variable, the output will be closed. On the con-
trary, if the absolute value of the actual current is less than the value Position mode
|Err Pos|>x inserted in the auxiliary variable the output will be opened. Gearing
The actual position error can be monitored in main window of Speeder Pulse/Dir Mode
One interface by selecting Posit_Err option in Analog Out1 or Analog Out2
If the absolute value of the actual Position Error is less than the value
inserted in the auxiliary variable, the output will be closed. On the con-
trary, if the absolute value of the actual current is greater than the value Position mode
|Err Pos|<x inserted in the auxiliary variable the output will be opened. Gearing
The actual position error can be monitored in main window of Speeder Pulse/Dir Mode
One interface by selecting Posit_Err option in Analog Out1 or Analog Out2
This function is to be utilized exclusively with either the Start Sequence
function or the Start Next function on a programmable input. At the start
Next Target Position mode
of the first profile the output is opened and it will change status (toggled)
at the start of every new profile.

Note: to set or reset by keypad the digital outputs, see enclosure "Dispaly and Keypad Manual" avai-
lable on the CD provided with the drive.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 21

11 Position window

This window allows you to set the static and dynamic parameters about “4:Position Mode”, “5:Gear-
ing”, “6:Pulse/Dir Mode”.
With every selection all associated parameters are pre-disposed automatically.

"4:Position Mode"

If the “4:Position Mode” operative mode is set, the “Position” window is the following:

Feed Forward
This improves the sys-
tem’s dynamics.
Suggested value: 100%.
[By keypad: F6  P4]
[ModBus address: 41]

Kp Dynamic
This is the position loop
Suggested values:
[By keypad: F6  P1]
[ModBus address: 38]

Kp Static
Set as Kp Dynamic.
[By keypad: F6  P2]
[ModBus address: 39]

Position Polarity
Positive or Negative. This parameter enables a complete inversion of axis control.
Selecting the “Negative” choice you have effects on homing and positioning procedures like as fol-
1) The rotation wise of supported homing procedures is inverted referred to the procedures in the
chapter relative to homing procedures.
2) The “Homing Offset” value set is multiplied by -1.
3) All target positions (“Final Position”) are multiplied by -1.

Max Position Error [By keypad: F6  P5] [ModBus address: 42]

This is the position error after which the drive goes into alarm 14 ("Following Error").
To calculate the value to insert in this field, use the following formula:

Max_Position_Error = K° * 65536

where K° is the value in mechanical degrees of the maximum accepted error.

The maximum selectable position error is 180° (32767 pulses).

Example: If the maximum mechanical accepted error is 45° (1/8 mechanical turn), then the value to
insert in the Max Position Error box is 8192, in fact:

Max_Position_Error = 45° * 65536 = 8192


We suggest to insert the value 8192.

Note: You can find more information about Positioner on enclosure "Positioner Manual"
available on the CD provided with the drive.

22 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

11 Position window

If the “5:Gearing” operative mode is set, the “Position” window is the following:

The Feedforward, Kp Dynamic, Kp Static and Max.Position Error parameters have the same
functions illustrated in the preceeding page, but may have to be re-set, while adding the new param-
eters for gearing:

Pulses per turn [By keypad: F7  L1] [ModBus address: 45]

Insert into this field the number of pulses per turn of the encoder of the Master motor or the number
of pulses per turn of the emulated encoder from the Master drive.

Gear Ratio [By keypad: F7  L2 for the numerator, and F7  L3 for the denominator]
[ModBus address: 46 for the numerator, and 47 for the denominator]
Insert into the numerator and denominator, the ratio that allows you to obtain the desired Slave speed
in regards to the Master.
Note: the values which you can insert are between the 1/64<|Ratio|<64 range.

Ref-Filter [By keypad: F8  A2] [ModBus address: 49]

It is a filter on the position reference. It can be used, at low speed, to limit axis' vibration or to make
the system less noisy.

You can find more information about gearing on enclosure "Operative Modes Manual" avai-
lable on the CD provided with the drive.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 23

11 Position window

"6:Pulse/Dir Mode"
If the “6:Pulse/Dir Mode” operative mode is set, the “Position” window is the following:

The Feedforward, Kp Dynamic, Kp Static, Max Position Error and Ref-Filter parameters have
the same functions illustrated in the preceding page, but the Pulses per Turn and Gear Ratio win-
dows are significantly different.

Pulses per turn [By keypad: F8  A1] [ModBus address: 48]

This is the number of pulses that must be given to the PULSE input in order to have a motor’s me-
chanical turn.
Insert in this field one of the given values (256…16384).
Example: Putting the value at 2048, the motor will complete a mechanical turn with 2048 pulses
present on the PULSE input.

Gear Ratio [By keypad: F7  L2 for the numerator, and F7  L3 for the denominator]
[ModBus address: 46 for the numerator, and 47 for the denominator]
If the number of the desired pulses is not present on the Pulses per Turn menu, adjust it by using the
Gear Ratio factor in the 1/64<|ratio|<64 range. Therefore:

2) put in the Gear Ra-

tio’s numerator the
1) Select in the Pulses value set on the Pulses
per Turn menu the value per Turn menu;
that is closest to the de-
sired value;

3) put in the Gear Ra-

tio’s denominator the
desired value.

It is suggested to use values around 1, especially in systems that requires high precision.

You can find more information about Pulse/Direction mode on enclosure "Operative Modes
Manual" available on the CD provided with the drive.

24 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

12 Homing window

In the main window of the interface there is an area where you can set the parameters of the Hom-
ing procedure:

The homing procedure uses the signal of the homing sensor and, eventually, the zero signal of
the encoder.
Before start a positioning it is necessary execute a successful homing procedure.

Homing Method [By keypad: F12  I3] [ModBus address: 91]

It defines the method of homing. The supported options are:

• No homing: disables the homing procedure.

For safety reasons it is not possible to use this option in the “4:Position Mode” operational mode.
If this method is set it will not be possible to make the positioning procedure.

• Homing method 1 (direct): the drive makes the motor turn in a counter-clockwise direction
to search for the homing sensor.

• Homing method 2 (reverse): the drive makes the motor turn in a clockwise direction to search
for the homing sensor.

• Immediate: the current position becomes the home position without moving the motor to search
the homing sensor.

It selects the type of sensor used for the homing procedure. The available options are NOpen (nor-
mally open) or NClosed (normally closed).

Zero Encoder
Marking the “Zero Encoder” box the home position is set on the first zero pulse of the motor feed-
back after the interception of the homing sensor. This allows you to execute the homing procedure
with better precision.

Max Search Angle [By keypad: F12  I20] [ModBus address: 108]
It is the maximum mechanical angle (0-359 degrees) that can be made during the search for the
zero encoder signal after the correct interception of the homing sensor. Above this angle the motor
stops, no homing position is saved and alarm 26 (the “Homing Error” alarm) is displayed (this alarm
is cleared after the disabling of the digital input set with the “Reset Fault” function).
This parameter (when used correctly) allows the homing process to be repeated with excellent results
and avoid errors due to sensor signal elasticity or mechanical tolerance.

Speed [By keypad: F12  I2] [ModBus address: 90]

This parameter sets the speed reference used during the homing process and it is given in “rpm”. The
admitted values are in ranges between 10 and 1000 rpm.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 25

12 Homing window

Acceleration [By keypad: F12  I18] [ModBus address: 106]

This is the acceleration and deceleration time for the homing procedure. It is defined in milliseconds
and allows values in ranges between 10 and 5000 ms. This time references the maximum motor speed
set by using the "Speed Limit" parameter in the "Speed" window, so the actual acceleration time can
be found utilizing the following formula:

T_acc_homing [ms]= Speed_homing [rpm] * T_acc_sett[ms]


Where: T_acc_homing = real acceleration time during the homing search process;
Speed_homing = speed set for the homing process ("Speed" parameter);
Speed_motor = motor speed limit set on the interface ("Speed Limit" parameter);
T_acc_set = value inserted in the "Acceleration" parameter.

For example if you have a motor with the following parameters:

- "Speed Limit" (on the "Speed" window) = 3000 rpm;
- "Acceleration" (on the "Homing" window) =500 ms;
- "Speed" (on the "Homing" window) = 1000 rpm.

The acceleration time set in the homing window is the time that the motor should employ to accelerate
from 0 rpm to the maximum speed (in this case 3000rpm).
The real acceleration time from 0 rpm to 1000 rpm is 167ms, in fact:

T_acc_homing [ms] = 100 rpm * 500 ms =167 ms

3000 rpm

Zero Speed [By keypad: F12  I19] [ModBus address: 107]

This defines the motor's speed during the realignment with the homing sensor and/or during the search
for the encoder's zero pulse from the motor feedback after the home sensor is reached.
It is defined in “rpm” and allows values in ranges between 1 and 50 rpms. We suggested utilising low
values for this parameter in order to obtain good precision.

Homing Offset [By keypad: F12  I4 and I5] [ModBus address: 92 and 93]
This defines the difference between the zero position for the application and the machine's home posi-
tion (which is found during homing process). It is measured in pulses and the allowed values are in
ranges: +/-(232-1). This value is assigned to the home position found at the end of a successful homing
process. The Homing Offset value is obtained by the execution of the following calculation:

Homing Offset = n° turns (also not integer) * 65536

Example: suppose we have an application where the distance between the home position and the zero
position of the axis is equal to the distance that the axis can go with a rotation of 4 turns plus an ad-
dition 90° mechanical turn.
The first thing to do is to find the number of turns to insert into the formula. In this example: n° turns
= 4 + 90°/360° = 4.25 to refer to the fraction of turn above 360°. Now it is possible to calculate uti-
lizing the following operation: 4,25 *65536 = 278528. This bold number is the value that must be
inserted in the "Homing Offset" window.

After the setting of the desired homing parameters save the changes using the “Save To
EEPROM” function on the software interface, doing this the drive's setup will become perme-

You can find more information about homing procedures on enclosure "Positioners Manual"
available on the CD provided with the drive.

26 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

13 Axor Profile Tool window

This window allows you to setup all the parameters about the 32 positioner trapezoidal profiles.

Final position
It defines the absolute position reference for the selected position profile.
The admitted values are in the range +/-(231-1). Setting the value 0 means "return to zero position"
(the position found during homing only if the Homing Offset was set to zero).
To define the value (approximated at the nearest integer value) that should be inserted, the following
formula will be used:

Final position = n° turns (also not integer) * 65536

Example: We want to start from the position 0 after a successful homing procedure, with a Homing
Offset value equal to zero. Suppose that the set task makes a rotation of the motor’s shaft of 20 turns
and 60° mechanical. First thing is to normalise 60° on 360° and add the obtained value to the number
of integer turn: n° of turns = 20 + 60°/360° = 20 + 0,16 = 20,16 after this you must multiply by
65536 the obtained number like as follow: 20,16 * 65536 = 1321642,6 and insert in the Final Position
parameter the integer part of the number found, in this case 1321642.

Acc Time
It sets the acceleration time value for the trapezoidal profile ramp. This parameter admits values in the
range: 10...5000 ms. The time value is refered to the max motor speed, "Speed Limit" parameter set
in the "Speed" window, so the real acceleration time related to the profile speed can be found using
the following expression:

T_acc [ms] = Speed [rpm] * T_acc_set [ms]

Speed_motor [rpm]

where: T_acc = real acceleration time for the profile ramp;

Speed = speed set for the profile ("Speed" parameter);
Speed_motor = motor speed limit set on interface ("Speed Limit" parameter in the "Speed"
T_acc_set = value inserted in the "Acc. Time" parameter.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 27

13 Axor Profile Tool window

Dec Time
It sets the deceleration time value of the trapezoidal profile ramp. This parameter admits values in the
range: 10...5000 ms. The time value is refered to the max motor speed, "Speed Limit" parameter set
in the "Speed" window, so the real acceleration time related to the profile speed can be found using
the following expression:

T_dec [ms] = Speed [rpm] * T_dec_set [ms]

Speed_motor [rpm]

where: T_dec = real deceleration time for the profile ramp;

Speed = speed set for the profile ("Speed" parameter);
Speed_motor = motor speed limit set on interface ("Speed Limit" parameter);
T_dec_set = value inserted in the "Dec. Time" parameter;

It sets the speed reference of the trapezoidal profile. This parameter is limited by "Max Position

Max Position Speed

It sets the maximum speed allowed for all motion position profiles. It is defined in "rpm" and rappre-
sents the minimum value between 6000 rpm and the motor speed limit ("Speed Limit" parameter on
the "Speed" window).

Next Profile
It is the number of the following profile to execute after the quote reached of last task. This parameter
is defined for concatenated profiles mode.

Window Pos.
It is the window of position quotes admitted around the sensor position to declare “position reached”.
It is defined in feedback pulses and can be calculated with the following formula:

Window Pos = n° turns (also not integer) * 65536

Window Time
It is the time limit used when the motor is within the position window to set "target reached" indica-
tion. It is declared in "ms" and admits values in the range: 0...65536.

Window Delay
It is the waiting time after the quote reached and after the "Window Time", to declare "position

Note: The Window Pos, Window Time, and Window Delay parameters are utilised to guarantee
a good positioning; in fact there are some situations (very high inertia, joint elasticity or belt, etc),
where after a positioning there is an oscillation. Setting correctly these parameters it is possible to be
sure that these oscillation is contained in a range (Window Pos) for a time over the time set in "Window
Time" parameter.

28 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

13 Axor Profile Tool window

PSTOP Software
If the Final Position parameter is greater then the PTSOP Software, the task stops when the PSTOP
target is reached.

NSTOP Software
If the Final Position parameter is greater then the NTSOP Software, the task stops when the NSTOP
target is reached.

First profile
Not used.

Note: Each profile is identified and saved with a number from 1 to 32 (for example "Position Task Nr.
1"), selectable in the dedicated menu on the "Axor Profile Tool" window.

The "Axor Profile Tool" window has 4 icons which helps you during the parameter configuration:

Open Profile File

Load Data from Flash
Save Profile File
Save Data to Flash
Load Data from Flash
It permits the visualisation of the data saved into Flash. This values can be different from the prec-
edent visualised value, if a saving process has not been performed yet.

Save Data to Flash

It permits to save the parameter into Flash. In this mode the parameter will be loaded automatically
at the next power-up.

Save Profile File

It permits to save on a file the parameters set in the "Axor Profile Tool" window.

Open Profile File

It permits the loading of the parameters saved on a file.

Note: The functions Save Profile File and Open Profile File are very useful if you want to configure
more than a drive with the same setup.
In this case you can configure all parameters on a drive, save in flash and save the setup on a file.
For other drives it is not necessary to configure one by one the parameter of the single task but you
can use the file saved before and load the parameter saved on the file. After this save the parameter
into flash.

You can find more information about positioner on enclosure "Positioner Manual" availa-
ble on the CD provided with the drive.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 29

14 Oscilloscope window

With drives Magnum400TM, McbNET DigitalTM, Fast BackTM and MiniMagnumTM it is possible to use
the digital oscilloscope implemented into the Axor Speeder One interface.
The oscilloscope functions as a normal two channel digital oscilloscope and it allows visualizing: motor
speed, phase current, position error, etc.

To open the Oscilloscope window (see Fig.1) click on the oscilloscope icon in the main window of
the Speeder One interface:

Fig. 1: Oscilloscope window


It starts data acquisition in both modes It resets the window eliminating the
Single or Continuous Acquisition. visualized traces.

It stops data acquisition in Continuous

Acquisition mode, or in Single Acquisition
mode if there is not a trigger event.

30 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

14 Oscilloscope window


Fig. 2: Data acquisition settings

Single Acquisition
Selecting the Single Acquisition option, the oscilloscope's behaviour is dependant upon enable-
ment/disablement of a trigger event:
CASE 1: If the trigger event is enabled on rising edge or falling one of signal in Channel 1, the
oscilloscope waits for the first trigger event. At trigger arrival the trace is visualized and data
acquisition is stopped. To capture a new trigger event it is necessary to start a new acquisition
by clicking on the icon .
CASE 2: If trigger event is disabled, the oscilloscope acquires new data, it visualizes it, then it
stops. To upgrade the trace it is necessary to start a new acquisition by clicking on the icon .

Continuous Acquisition
Selecting the Continuous Acquisition option, the oscilloscope's behaviour depends upon enable-
ment/disablement of trigger event:
CASE 1: If trigger event is enabled on the rising or falling edge of a signal in Channel 1, os-
cilloscope waits until the first trigger event. At trigger's arrival the trace is visualized and it is
updated at each trigger event.
CASE 2: If trigger is disabled, oscilloscope continually acquires new data and updates traces.


Fig. 3: Trigger event setting

Enabling trigger event it is possible to acquire and visualize the traces only at the occurrence of a
definite signal in Channel 1; that signal is characterized by a ring edge or a falling one and by a
level (or amplitude). To enabled a trigger event it is necessary:
1° to set the rising or falling edge (Edge icons);
2° to set the desired level (Level parameter).

Clicking the Auto button it is possible to disabled the trigger event ⇒ the oscilloscope will continue
to acquire new data and update the traces.
You should use the Auto trigger function:
• during first acquisition, in order the know the scale of input signals;
• in presence of low repetitive rate signals;
• in presence of dc signals.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 31

14 Oscilloscope window


Fig. 4: Time base setting

Time Base
This allows you to change the scale of the horizontal axis, the time base. The min. resolution is
1ms/div, while the max is 1s/div.

If the trigger event is enabled the value set in Delay fixes the point, in the horizontal axis, where
the trigger event will be visualized; on the contrary, if the trigger event is disabled the value set in
Delay is ignored.
The default value set for the Delay parameter is in the middle window.


Fig. 5: Input signal setting

Channel 1 (View) and Channel 2 (View)

This allows you to select the signal to visualize. The different options are as follows:
• the motor speed: Speed [rpm]
• the phase U current: I_Phase_U [A]
• the position error: Posit_Err [Pulses] (not yet enabled)
• the quadrature current: Iq[A]
The Channel 1 is enabled if the reference button Enabled is red, while Channel 2 is enabled if the
reference button Enabled is blue.
To disable a channel click on the Enabled button ⇒ Disabled appears.

Channel 1 (Scale) and Channel 2 (Scale)

The unit of vertical scale is automatically set by choosing an input signal:
• rpm/div for speed
• mA/div or A/div for current
• Pulses/div for position error
However, it is possible to change the scale selecting from values in the Scale menu.
For Channel 1 the scale will be visualized in red on the left, while for Channel 2 the scale will be
visualized in blue on the right.

32 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

15 Standard configuration files

Using the Axor's Speeder One software you can select some standard configuration files to allow the
drive to be setup for SuperSAX series brushless servomotors.

To select a "standard" configuration file with the software:

1) Open the Speeder One interface.

2) In the main window select the "Open" icon

(otherwise select "File" and then "Open").

3) Select a file in the directory: ...\Axor\Data\Devices\, and then press “Open”.

4) Save the values loaded using the "Save Data To EEPROM" button.

5) Disable and enable the drive.

A standard configuration file loads the following settings:

• OP.MODE: the operative mode "0: Analog Speed" is selected.

• "Motor" window: sets for 6 motor pole, with or without brake, encoder (2048 ppr) or resolver
(2 pole) feedback.

• "Current" window: gains and currents (rated and peak) are set to work with a specific motor,
while I2t value ("I2t Message" parameter) is set reference to the drive.

• "Speed" window: gains are set for a motor without load (free).
The Acc and Dec ramp are set at 0ms; while the Emergency ramp is set at 100ms.
The Speed Limit is set equal to the max speed supported by the motor.
Others parameters are set at 0.

• "Encoder Out" window: The pulses per turn of the simulated encoder are set equal to those of
the motor's encoder.

• "Digital Speed" window (operative modes: "Digital Speed", "Square Wave"): the speed refe-
rence is set to 0 RPM.

• "Square Wave Period" operative mode: the semi-period of the square wave is set to 500 ms.

• Homing settings: the "No homing" method is set while all others homing parameters are set at

• “Position” window (operative modes: “Position Mode”, “Gearing” and “Pulse/Dir Mode”): all gains
are set at 100, while the max position error is set at 8192.
In the "Pulses per Turn" parameter the number of pulses/rev of the encoder is set, while the Gear
Ratio is set equal to 1/1.

• “Digital I/O” window: all inputs and outputs are set with "0:Off" function.

• “Analog I/O” window: the filter times, the offsets and the deadband are set to 0.

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 33

15 Standard configuration files

The files are made in this conditions:

- Drive standard.
- Drive not installed in an electrical cabinet.
- Motor with no load (free to run).
- Encoder feedback 2048 pulse/rev.


• The loading of a file and the parameter variation should be done only by qualified techni-
cal personnel.

• The standard configuration files are not protected against accidental changing, so after loading a new
file it is necessary to control all the parameter, in particular:
- Main voltage (Main Voltage menu in the main window)
- Number of motor pole (Motor window)
- Feedback (Motor window)
- Irms (Current window)
- Ipk (Current window)
- Rated speed (Speed window)

34 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08 35
36 Enclosure to Service Manual Speeder One Interface ver.1 rev.09/'08

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