Luxaprime1501 Etch Primer
Luxaprime1501 Etch Primer
Luxaprime1501 Etch Primer
Etch Primer
PRODUCT A two component, etching / wash primer based on a polyvinyl butyral resin, phosphoric acid and
zinc chromate anti corrosive pigmentation.
DESIGN An acidic pre-treatment etching primer for use on galvanised iron, aluminium, zinc, copper and
*other non-ferrous substrates to promote and enhance adhesion of subsequent coatings.
Very fast drying.
Can be over-coated with a variety of single pack and two pack products.
Extended overcoating times of up to 3 months.
Excellent intercoat adhesion properties.
*Please consult your Berger Paints Representative for specific recommendations on substrate
suitability and product suitability for overcoating.
CURING TIME Substrate Touch Dry Hard Dry Overcoating Interval Pot Life
Temperature Minimum Maximum
15 C 30 minutes 2 hours 6 hours 3 months 10 hours
25 C 20 minutes 1 hour 4 hours 3 months 8 hours
35 C 15 minutes 30 minutes 3 hours 3 months 6 hours
SUITABLE FINISH Luxol 1000, Epilux 610, Epilux 78, Epilux 685, Epilux 218, Epilux 58HS, Epimastic 3000HS,
COATS Luxol 5000, Luxathane 5075, Luxathane 5150HS, Luxathane 5000 HB, Epilux 4, Epimastic
NOTES The coating specifications given above are typical. For specific recommendations to suit
individual applications, please refer to your Berger Paints representative.
Do not over-apply. Do not exceed 20m. Over-application may lead to loss of adhesion.
Do not apply after the pot-life has expired although the paint still appears liquid.
This product is not designed to confer opacity on the substrate.
DISCLAIMER The information provided on this data sheet is not intended to be complete and is provided as general advice
only. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the product is suitable for the purpose for which he
wishes to use it. As we have no control over the treatment of the product, the standard of surface
preparation of the substrate, or other factors affecting the use of this product, we are not responsible for its
performance nor would we accept any liability whatsoever or howsoever arising from the use of this product
unless specifically agreed to in writing by us. The information contained in this data sheet may be modified
by us from time to time, and without notice, in the light of our experience and continuous product