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D 153
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Panel M onitor. For a quick overview, please see the Setup Poster that was shipped
with your monitor.
Shipping contents
The product package should include the following items:
v Setup Poster
v Monitor Safety, Troubleshooting, and Warranty Guide
v Reference and Driver CD
v Flat Panel Monitor
v Power Cord
v Analog Interface Cable dD
v Audio Cable
Note: Do not touch the monitor within the screen area. The screen area is glass
and can be damaged by rough handling or excessive pressure.
Product overview
This section will provide information on adjusting monitor positions, setting user
controls, and using the cable lock slot.
Types of adjustments
Please see the illustration below for an example of the tilt range.
User controls
Your monitor has controls on the front which are used to adjust the display.
For information on how to use these controls, please see “Adjusting your monitor
image” on page 2-3.
Note: One end of the signal cable is already pre-attached to your monitor.
3. Insert the power cord into the monitor, then plug the monitor power cord and
the computer cord into grounded electrical outlets.
6. To optimize your monitor image, press the Automatic Image Setup key.
Automatic image setup requires that the monitor is warmed up for at least 15
minutes. This is not required for normal operation.
Note: If automatic image setup does not establish the image that you prefer,
perform manual image setup. See “Manual image setup” on page 3-3.
Lenovo will send you information and updates on your registered product unless
you indicate on the Web site questionnaire that you do not want to receive further
For more detailed information on any of these topics, visit the Healthy Computing
Web site at: http://www.ibm.com/pc/ww/healthycomputing
Organize your work area to match the way you use materials and equipment.
Keep your work area clean and clear for the materials that you typically use and
place the items that you use most frequently, such as the computer mouse or
telephone, within the easiest reach.
Equipment layout and setup play a large role in your working posture. The
following topics describe how to optimize equipment setup to achieve and
maintain good working posture.
The following are some other tips for comfortable viewing of your monitor:
Any concentrated and sustained visual activity can be tiring for your eyes. Be sure
to periodically look away from your monitor screen and focus on a far object to
allow your eye muscles to relax. If you have questions on eye fatigue or visual
discomfort, consult a vision care specialist for advice.
Accessibility information
Lenovo is committed to providing greater access to information and technology to
people with disabilities. With assistive technologies, users can access information in
the way most appropriate to their disability. Some of these technologies are already
provided in your operating system; others can be purchased through vendors or
accessed at: http://www.ibm.com/able/
The image size, position and shape might change when the display mode changes.
This is normal and the image can be readjusted using automatic image setup and
the image controls.
Unlike CRT monitors, which require a high refresh rate to minimize flicker, LCD or
Flat Panel technology is inherently flicker-free.
Note: If your system has previously been used with a CRT monitor and is
currently configured to a display mode outside the range of this monitor, you may
need to re-attach the CRT monitor temporarily until you have re-configured the
system; preferably to 1024 x 768 at 60 Hz, which is the Native Resolution Display
720 x 400 70 Hz
800 x 600 60 Hz, 72 Hz, 75 Hz
1024 x 768 60 Hz, 70 Hz, 75 Hz
For optimal performance, switch off your monitor at the end of each working day,
or whenever you expect to leave it unused for long periods during the day.
Table 2-4. Power indicator
State Power Indicator Screen Operation Compliance
On Steady blue Normal
Standby/Suspend Steady amber Blank Press a key or ENERGY STAR
move the mouse
There may be a
slight delay
before the image
Note: Standby
also occurs if
there is no
image output to
the monitor.
Off Off Blank Press a key or ENERGY STAR
move the mouse
There may be a
slight delay
before the image
Do not:
v Apply water or liquid directly to your monitor.
v Use solvents or abrasives.
v Use flammable cleaning materials to clean your monitor or any other electrical
v Touch the screen area of your monitor with sharp or abrasive items. This type of
contact may cause permanent damage to your screen.
v Use any cleaner which contains an anti-static solution or similar additives. This
may harm the coating of the screen area.
v Lightly dampen a soft cloth with water and use this to gently wipe the covers
and the screen.
v Remove grease or finger marks with a damp cloth and a little mild detergent.
Monitor specifications
Table 3-1. Monitor specifications for type-model
Dimensions Height 346.5 mm
Depth 160 mm
Width 344.6 mm
Stand Tilt range -5°/+20°
VESA mount Supported 75 mm
Storage 5% to 95%
Shipping 5% to 95%
If you have a problem setting up or using your monitor, you might be able to
solve it yourself. Before calling your dealer or Lenovo, try the suggested actions
that are appropriate to your problem.
Table 3-2. Troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Suggested action Reference
The words ″Out The system is set v If you are replacing an “Selecting a supported
of Range″ are to a display old monitor, reconnect display mode” on page
shown on the mode which is it and adjust the 2-5
screen, and the not supported by display mode to within
power indicator the monitor. the specified range for
is flashing green. your new monitor.
v If using a Windows
system, restart the
system in safe mode,
then select a supported
display mode for your
v If these options do not
work, contact the
Customer Support
The image The video signal Be sure the signal cable is “Connecting and turning
quality is cable is not firmly plugged into the on your monitor” on
unnacceptable. connected with system and monitor. page 1-3
the monitor or
The color Select another color “Adjusting your monitor
settings may be setting from the OSD image” on page 2-3
incorrect. menu.
The automatic Perform automatic image “Adjusting your monitor
image setup setup. image” on page 2-3
function was not
The power v The monitor’s v Be sure the power cord “Connecting and turning
indictator is not power switch is connected properly. on your monitor” on
lit and there is is not page 1-3
v Be sure the outlet has
no image. switched on. power.
v The power v Power on the monitor.
cord is loose
v Try using another
power cord.
v Try using another
v There is no
electrical outlet.
power at the
v Fuzzy lines in v Image setup Adjust the resolution “Adjusting your monitor
text or a has not been settings on your system image” on page 2-3
blurry image. optimized to match the native
resolution for this “Manual image setup”
v Horizontal or v Your system
monitor: 1024 x768 at 60
vertical lines Display
through the Properties
image. setting have Perform automatic image “Selecting a supported
not been setup. If automatic image display mode” on page
optimized. setup does not help, 2-5
perform manual image
When working in the See the Advanced section
native resolution, you of your system’s display
may find additional properties.
improvements by
adjusting the Dots Per
Inch (DPI) setting on
your system.
Note: Have your monitor powered on for about 15 minutes, until the monitor
warms up.
1. Press Menu at the bottom of the monitor to open the OSD menu.
2. Use < or > to select and press Menu to access.
If the frequency is not correct, the screen shows vertical stripes and the picture does not have
the correct width.
· Phase adjusts the phase of the pixel clock signal. With a wrong phase adjustment, the
picture has horizontal disturbances in light picture.
4. When the image no longer looks distorted, save the Clock and Phase adjustments.
5. Press Auto to leave the OSD menu.
Número de Série:
Para evitar choques elétricos, não abra a tampa do monitor.
Sólo personal de servicio calificado debe reparar este producto.
EU only
Para evitar choque eléctrico, no abra la cubierta del monitor. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte
Data de Fabricação: toures les exigences du Réglement sur le matériel
Alimentação: 100 - 240VAC, 1.5A, 50/60Hz LENOVO brouilieur du Canada.
Apparaten skall ansultas till jordat uttag när den
Código do Chassis: CBPC7 ansults till ett nätverk.
Customer responsibilities
The warranty does not apply to a product which has been damaged due to
accident, misuse, abuse, improper installation, usage not in accordance with
product specifications and instructions, natural or personal disaster, or
unauthorized alterations, repairs or modifications.
The following are examples of misuse or abuse and not covered by warranty:
v Images burned onto the screen of a CRT monitor. Burned image is preventable
by utilizing a moving screen saver or power management.
v Physical damage to covers, bezel, base and cables.
v Scratches or punctures on monitor screens.
computer, you might be entitled to service at your location. Your technical support
representative can help you determine the best alternative.
Toll free: 0120-887-874
For International: +81-46-266-4724
Both of the above numbers will be answered with a Japanese language voice
prompt. For telephone support in English, please wait for the Japanese voice
prompt to end, and an operator will answer. Please ask for ″English support
please,″ and your call will be transferred to an English speaking operator.
PC Software:
Overseas calls: +81-44-200-8666
Korea 1588-5801 (Korean)
Latvia +386-61-1796-699
Lithuania +386-61-1796-699
Luxembourg +352-298-977-5063 (French)
Malaysia 1800-88-8558 (English, Bahasa, Melayu)
Malta +356-23-4175
Mexico 001-866-434-2080 (Spanish)
Middle East +44 (0)1475-555-055
Netherlands +31-20-514-5770 (Dutch)
New Zealand 0800-446-149 (English)
Nicaragua 255-6658 (Spanish)
Norway Up and running support: 6681-1100
Warranty service and support: 8152-1550
Panama 206-6047 (Spanish)
Peru 0-800-50-866 (Spanish)
Philippines 1800-1888-1426
(English, Philipino)
Lenovo may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you
any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:
Lenovo (United States), Inc.
500 Park Offices Drive, Hwy. 54
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Attention: Lenovo Director of Licensing
The products described in this document are not intended for use in implantation
or other life support applications where malfunction may result in injury or death
to persons. The information contained in this document does not affect or change
Lenovo product specifications or warranties. Nothing in this document shall
operate as an express or implied license or indemnity under the intellectual
property rights of Lenovo or third parties. All information contained in this
document was obtained in specific environments and is presented as an
illustration. The result obtained in other operating environments may vary.
Lenovo may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it
believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Any references in this publication to non-Lenovo Web sites are provided for
convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web
sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this Lenovo
product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.
The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other
countries, or both:
ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR logo are registered US trademarks.