Local Screen Changes (LSC) Version 2.0.0 Operating Guide: TP-820594-001A PD 4771
Local Screen Changes (LSC) Version 2.0.0 Operating Guide: TP-820594-001A PD 4771
Local Screen Changes (LSC) Version 2.0.0 Operating Guide: TP-820594-001A PD 4771
Operating Guide
TP-820594-001A PD 4771
Local Screen Changes (LSC) Version 2.0.0
Operating Guide
May 2001
TP-820594-001A PD 4771
Document History
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©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Section 1
Local Screen Changes (LSC) Version 2.0.0 is a user exit application that can save
network download data, load the terminal from the saved network download data,
and load additional custom configuration data. In addition to all functionality
included in prior versions of LSC, LSC Version 2.0.0 includes support for the
Windows 2000 operating system only.
This section contains the hardware and software requirements for the Local
Screen Changes (LSC) Version 2.0.0 user exit application.
1.1.1 Hardware
1.1.2 Software
1.3 Documentation
• Diebold 91X Terminal Control Software (TCS) and 91X TCS CSP Terminal
Programming Manual (TP-799387-001L)
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Section 2
Local Screen Changes (LSC) comes pre-installed on the ATM. Use the Diebold
ATM Configurator interface provided in the Management Console to authorize
the application. See the Diebold 91x Terminal Control Software (TCS) Plus
Installation and Configuration Manual (TP-820605-001A) for instructions.
Once the application has been authorized, you must configure the software
and enable it.
2.1 Configuration
Local Screen Changes (LSC) can be configured using the Diebold ATM
Configurator interface provided in the Management Console. The configuration
screen can be accessed only if the Local Screen Change feature has been
All current values on the Diebold ATM Configuration screen are initially set
to ’No’, by default.
4. Click on Diebold_ATM.
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TP-820594 (Ed. A)
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
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9. Table 2-1 provides options to set the configuration fields. The current
value of each setting always displays. You can change any or all of the
displayed settings. If no change is made to a field, the current value is
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Table 2-1 LSC Configuration Settings (continued)
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
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Table 2-1 LSC Configuration Settings (continued)
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TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Table 2-1 LSC Configuration Settings (continued)
10. Click OK to save the changes and exit the configuration screen or Apply
to save the changes without exiting.
Not all variables in the configuration file can be set through the Diebold ATM
Configuration interface. The variables not set have default values in them as
shown in Table 2-2. Please note that these default values can only be changed by
Software Engineers, and are not accessible to Field Representatives.
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Table 2-2 Configuration Variables Not Set in Management Console (continued)
Use the following steps to enable the Local Screen Change (LSC) feature.
2. Click OK to save the changes and exit the configuration screen or Apply
to save the changes without exiting.
Local Screen Changes (LSC) Version 2.0.0 supports lockout lists, but the
handling of lockout lists is different than in prior versions. All states and screens
are allowed by default. The host can disable a set of states, screens, FITs, or
miscellaneous data by sending a special write command II using the format
shown in Table 2-3. The LSC Lockout (LSCLOCK) utility and the Send Lockout
List (SLL) utility are no longer used.
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
To disable a state, screen, or FIT, the host uses the minus (-) character. The plus
(+) character enables a state, screen, FIT, or miscellaneous data.
Table 2-3 Write Command II Message Format for Lockout and Allow Lists
Table 2-4 contains the format of the data elements associated with the screen data.
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Section 3
Trigger Messages
This section describes the trigger messages supported by LSC 2.0.0 and the
actions taken in response to the trigger messages. Following are the valid
trigger commands:
• Reconfigure
• Loadall
• Loadnetwork
• Loadcustom
• Update_custom
The following paragraphs describe the trigger commands and provide samples
of SXA trigger messages directed to LSC. In addition, a script can be used to
run the trigger messages.
• Diebold 91X Terminal Control Software (TCS) and 91X TCS CSP Terminal
Programming Manual (TP-799387-001L)
The RECONFIGURE command causes LSC to both reload its INI file and change
its configuration parameters using the new INI file settings. LSC reconfigures
itself only if it is in the ready state. The ready state is defined as LSC not being
in the process of storing or loading network or custom data, or processing a
transaction. If LSC is not in the ready state, then an error condition is returned.
If an error occurs while reading or validating the contents of the INI file or
while configuring LSC for use with the new settings, then an error condition is
returned. LSC continues to use the original configuration file settings during the
current run of LSC.
Table 3-1 contains valid return codes for the RECONFIGURE command.
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TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Table 3-1 RECONFIGURE Return Codes (continued)
The LOADALL command causes LSC to load all stored network data and
custom configuration data using the names specified in the INI file. It behaves
as any other load operation in that an error loading stored network data causes
all stored network data to be deleted and a powerfail message to be sent to the
host and an error loading custom data turns off custom configuration loading
until LSC is reconfigured or restarted.
SXATrigr /S:/Trigger:LSC:LOADALL;
The LOADALL command executes only if LSC is in the ready state. If LSC is not
in the ready state, then an error condition returns. Stored network data loads only
if LSC is configured to load stored network data. Likewise, custom configuration
data loads only if LSC is configured to load custom configuration data.
Table 3-2 provides valid return codes for the LOADALL command.
The LOADNETWORK command causes LSC to load its stored network data
using the file names specified in the INI file. An error causes LSC to delete all
stored network data and send a power fail message to the host.
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
LSC loads stored network data only if it is in the ready state. If LSC is not in the
ready state, then an error condition returns. Stored network data loads only if
LSC is configured to load stored network data. If a reject message is received in
response to any write command that is part of the load, an error condition returns.
Table 3-3 provides valid return codes for the LOADNETWORK command.
The LOADCUSTOM command causes LSC to load its custom terminal
configuration data using the file names specified in the INI file. An error causes
custom loading to be disabled until LSC is reconfigured or restarted.
LSC loads custom configuration data only if it is in the ready state. If LSC is
not in the ready state, then an error condition returns. Custom configuration
data is loaded only if LSC is configured to load custom configuration data. If a
reject message is received in response to any write command that is part of the
load, an error condition is returned.
Table 3-4 provides valid return codes for the LOADCUSTOM command.
The UPDATE_CUSTOM command causes LSC to replace some or all of its
custom ATM configuration files with newly supplied custom configuration files.
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
LSC updates custom configuration data only if it is in the ready state. If LSC is
not in the ready state, then an error condition is returned. Custom configuration
data is updated only if LSC is configured to update custom configuration data.
• States.dat • Icons.dat
• Screens.dat • Fonts.dat
• FITs.dat • Cells.dat
• Misc.dat • Formats.dat
• CCS.dat • WriteA.dat
The custom configuration files are validated. If validation is successful, then they
are copied to the path and filename specified in the LSC.INI file.
Table 3-5 provides valid return codes for the UPDATE_CUSTOM command. For
all return codes other than 0 or 23, LSC restores its original custom configuration
files as the active custom configuration files.
©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
Table 3-5 UPDATE_CUSTOM Return Codes (continued)
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©Diebold, Incorporated (5/2001) - All Rights Reserved
TP-820594 (Ed. A)
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