Wealth-Lab Developer 6.9 Performance: Strategy: Channel Breakout VT Dataset/Symbol: Hgcopper
Wealth-Lab Developer 6.9 Performance: Strategy: Channel Breakout VT Dataset/Symbol: Hgcopper
Wealth-Lab Developer 6.9 Performance: Strategy: Channel Breakout VT Dataset/Symbol: Hgcopper
9 Performance
Strategy: Channel Breakout VT 13.11.2016 15:08:17
Dataset/Symbol: HGCopper
124 66 58 1
Win Rate 37.80% 39.29% 36.25% 100.00%
Gross Profit kr 112 676,44 kr 67 681,61 kr 44 994,84 kr 614 496,28
Average Profit kr 908,68 kr 1 025,48 kr 775,77 kr 614 496,28
Average Profit % 7.96% 8.99% 6.79% 619.28%
Average Bars Held 30.96 30.00 32.05 9,082.00
Max Consecutive Winners 6 4 5 1
Maximum Drawdown kr -24 897,31 kr -15 271,28 kr -16 536,98 kr -1 428 390,55
Maximum Drawdown Date 15.05.2015 15.05.2015 05.12.2006 01.05.2014
Maximum Drawdown % -18.68% -11.92% -15.86% -99.94%
Maximum Drawdown % Date 15.05.2015 15.05.2015 05.12.2006 01.05.2014
Backtesting provides a hypothetical calculation of how a security or portfolio of securities, subject to a trading strategy, would have performed over a historical time
period. You should not assume that backtesting of a trading strategy will provide any indication of how your portfolio of securities, or a new portfolio of securities,
might perform over time. You should choose your own trading strategies based on your particular objectives and risk tolerances. Be sure to review your decisions
periodically to make sure they are still consistent with your goals. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.