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CT Scan

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August 2002

Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography,

involves the reconstruction of a tomographic plane of
Scope of this Product Comparison the body (a slice) from a large number of collected x-ray
absorption measurements taken during a scan around
This Product Comparison covers computed to- the body’s periphery. The result of a CT study is
mography (CT) scanners used to obtain cross- usually a set of transaxial slices, which can be mathe-
sectional images without restriction to a particu- matically manipulated to produce sagittal or coronal
lar anatomic region. It also covers the CT compo- image slices. See Figure 1 for an illustration of body
nents of combined positron emission tomography planes.
(PET)/computed tomography (CT) systems. For
PET component information, see the report ti- CT is clinically useful in a wide variety of imaging
tled SCANNING SYSTEMS, POSITRON EMISSION exams, including spine and head, gastrointestinal, and
TOMOGRAPHY. vascular.

UMDNS information Principles of operation

This Product Comparison covers the following Components of a CT system
device terms and product codes as listed in A CT system consists of an x-ray subsystem, a
ECRI’s Universal Medical Device Nomenclature gantry, a patient table, and a controlling computer. A
System™ (UMDNS™): high-voltage x-ray generator supplies electric power to
• Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography,
Axial, Full-Body [15-956]
• Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography,
Electron Beam [16-899]
• Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography,
Spiral [18-443]
• Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography/
Positron Emission Tomography [20-161]

CT scanners produce thin cross-sectional images of
the human body for a wide variety of diagnostic proce-
dures. CT is a noninvasive radiographic technique that

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Healthcare Product Comparison System

solid-state and ionization chamber arrays are very

Coronal Plane
Sagittal Plane
Collimators located near the x-ray tube and at each
detector are aligned so that scatter radiation is mini-
mized and the x-ray beam is properly defined for
scanning. The separation of the collimators defines
the thickness of the tomographic slice.
The patient table can be moved both vertically and
horizontally to accommodate various scanning posi-
tions. During a CT scan, the table moves the patient
into the gantry, and the x-ray tube rotates around the
patient. As x-rays pass through the patient to the
detectors, the computer acquires and processes data to
form an image. The computer also controls the x-ray
production, gantry motions, table motions, and image
display and storage.

Types of CT scanners
All currently marketed CT scanners use slip-ring
Transaxial technology introduced in 1989. Slip-ring CT scanners
(transverse) Plane use grooved copper bands or rings with a series of
electrically conductive brushes that provide for con-
tinuous one-way rotation of the gantry allowing rapid
continuous scanning. Slip-ring scanners can perform
helical (also called volumetric) CT scanning. In helical

scanning, the x-ray tube and detector rotate around

the patient’s body, continuously acquiring data while
the patient moves through the gantry. The acquired
Figure 1. The planes of the human body
volume of data can be reconstructed at any point
during the scan. Because data is collected from a
the x-ray tube, which usually has a rotating anode and volume of tissue rather than section by section, slices
is capable of withstanding the high heat loads gener- as thin as 1 mm can be reconstructed without increas-
ated during rapid multiple-slice acquisition. ing exam time. Advantages of helical CT include de-
creased radiation dosage, fewer motion artifacts, and
The gantry houses the x-ray tube, detector system, optimization of contrast levels. Additionally, helical
collimators, and rotational circuitry; in some scanners, CT improves lesion detection and decreases partial
it also contains a compact, high-frequency x-ray gener- volume artifacts. Helical CT techniques also shorten
ator. Two types of detectors are used in CT scanners. exam times (from 20 to 30 minutes for a conventional
Xenon-gas ionization chamber detectors produce a cur- exam to 5 to 10 minutes for a helical exam) to facilitate
rent (the output signal) when incoming radiation ion- imaging of emergency cases and to somewhat increase
izes xenon atoms; this signal is proportional to the patient throughput. This faster scanning speed mini-
intensity of the radiation. Solid-state detectors con- mizes the effects of patient movement on image quality
tain cesium-iodide or cadmium-tungstate crystals that and is, therefore, clinically advantageous for scanning
produce light when exposed to ionizing radiation. Sili- trauma victims and pediatric patients. Slower CT
con photodiodes convert this light into an electrical scanners also require the patient to maintain a longer
signal. breathhold; however, helical CT’s faster scanning
speed also helps improve image quality for patients
The xenon gas in the ionization chambers is at high
who have trouble doing so.
pressure (25 atm) to increase the detection efficiency
of these chambers. Each solid-state detector has a Some manufacturers offer multislice scanners,
higher detection efficiency than an individual xenon- which shorten scan time. A multislice CT scanner has —
gas ionization chamber, but ionization chambers can in addition to the gantry — a powerful computer proc-
be packed more densely than solid-state detectors. The essor. Inside the gantry, an x-ray tube projects a fan-
net result is that the overall detection efficiencies for shaped x-ray beam through the patient to the detector

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Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

array. As the x-ray tube and detector rotate, x-rays are

detected at a number of angles through the patient.
The computer mathematically reconstructs data from
each full rotation to produce an image of one slice. The
second component is a detector design that incorpo-
rates 1,000 elements along the length of the arc (x/y
axes) and between 8 and 34 elements across the width
(z-axis) of the detector. In contrast, the detector in a
single-slice CT scanner is only divided into segments
along the length of the detector. When using a multis-
lice CT scanner, the slice width is chosen by combining
data from adjacent elements across the detector in the
z-axis. This differs from single-slice CT scanning, in
which the slice width is selected by controlling the
width of the x-ray beam with collimators. The scanners
use multiple detectors to take multiple images (or
multiple slices) in each pass. Multislice CT technology
reduces the limitations caused by x-ray tube heating
and patient movement encountered in single-slice CT Figure 2. CT images: mid-brain (top left), chest (top
scanning. right), spiral scan of abdomen (bottom left), spiral
scan of pelvis (bottom right)
Multislice CT scanners make more efficient use of
the x-ray tube because the x-ray beam may be up to four
times wider than in a single-slice CT scanner. However and trauma patient imaging (in which patient motion
the actual increase in tube life may not be as great as could affect image acquisition).
might be expected because of other factors. In addition, Three-dimensional (3-D) CTA is used to assess
multislice CT scanners can acquire the data needed for aneurysms preoperatively and postoperatively, in
isometric voxel reconstruction faster than single-slice planning angiography and subsequent surgery, and to
CT scanners can. This means that larger volumes (e.g., complement conventional angiography, ultrasound,
complete organs) can now be reconstructed with a use- and magnetic resonance angiography.
ful spatial resolution in three dimensions. (Figure 2
shows four CT images.) Helical and multislice CT are Additionally, studies suggest CT coronary scans
also used for CT angiography (CTA), a technique for (both helical and ultrafast) may detect coronary calci-
imaging the large blood vessels that is used to assess fication as accurately as coronary angiography and/or
renal artery stenosis, carotid bifurcation, and abdomi- intracoronary ultrasound (ICUS) most of the time.
nal aortic aneurysms. Multislice scanners can now ac- The significance of these studies is that CT coronary
quire up to 16 slices simultaneously. scanning is the first noninvasive method for visualiz-
ing, localizing, and quantifying coronary disease. This
Developed in the mid-1980s, electron beam CT allows medical personnel to recognize potential coro-
(EBCT) systems eliminate the mechanical movement nary complications even if angiography and/or ICUS
of earlier designs by magnetically rotating an electron is not an option.
beam that strikes a tungsten target ring, producing an
x-ray fan beam from multiple angles around the 210° However, increased radiation exposure during the
target. The detector array consists of two 210° rings, scan should be avoided. Imaging needs and patient
each with 420 cadmium-tungstate detectors, directly safety should dictate the scanning technique.
opposite the target rings. Because only the electron
Some manufacturers also offer remote diagnostics,
beam moves during data collection, the scan times can
which allows for expedited handling of system prob-
be extremely short — on the order of 50 msec each. Scan
lems. With remote diagnostics, a supplier can down-
times of 10 msec are anticipated in the future. The
load a software patch, order replacement parts, or
principal purpose of this design is to allow transaxial
immediately alert a repair technician to problems.
imaging of the beating heart without having to resort
to electrocardiograph-gated data collection over several Most systems offer archiving capabilities, which
cardiac cycles. Based on its very rapid (subsecond) allow personnel to recall the images at a later time for
image acquisition, clinical applications of ultrafast CT review. For further information, see the Product Com-
include quantification of coronary artery calcification parison titled PICTURE ARCHIVING AND COMMUNICA-
and pericardial disease, as well as geriatric, pediatric, TIONS SYSTEMS (PACS), RADIOLOGY.

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Healthcare Product Comparison System

Many suppliers now offer specialized software for design of the detector system determines the minimum
bone mineral analysis, dental CT, cerebral blood-flow detectable lesion; beyond a certain point, nothing is
analysis, and pulmonary imaging. Additionally, the gained by increasing the radiation exposure. As the
use of ultrafast CT to detect coronary artery aneu- lesion-to-background contrast ratio decreases, increas-
rysms that were undetectable by conventional angiog- ing the radiation dose and thereby decreasing the
raphy has been described (Kobayashi et al. 1997). statistical noise in the image produces an apparent
increase in spatial resolution. Low-contrast resolution
Image manipulation can also be increased by using a reconstruction filter,
The quantitative nature of the CT image allows the which reduces the image noise. This relationship is
reviewer to perform a large number of image manipu- important because it is used in soft-tissue imaging
lations easily. Although the numerical range of pixels procedures to increase the probability of detecting
in the image is rather large, the numerical range low-contrast lesions, such as metastatic carcinoma in
spanned by most soft tissues is relatively narrow. To the liver. Because of this interdependence, it is critical
adequately display the values for soft tissue and still that all of the scan performance parameters (i.e., peak
maintain the ability to discriminate density differ- kilovoltage [kVp], milliamp-seconds [mAs], radiation
ences, CT scanners are designed to display user- dose, and reconstruction algorithm) be stated when-
selected CT numerical ranges (also called Hounsfield ever the spatial resolution of a scanner is quoted.
units) over the entire grayscale. The range to be dis-
Contrast resolution in a CT scanner is directly re-
played (window width) and the central value (level) are
lated to radiation dose and the efficiency with which
also user selectable.
transmitted x-rays are detected. Although the 0.3% to
Regions of interest in the image can be selected to 0.4% contrast resolution of current scanners could be
obtain average CT values within the region or to cal- increased by longer scanning times or more intense
culate total lesion volume. CT-guided needle biopsies x-ray beams, a clinically relevant improvement is un-
are facilitated by the ability to measure distance and likely without a significant increase in the radiation
orientation between two operator-selected points in dose. More likely, improvements in contrast resolu-
the images. tion will result from changes in design and adjust-
ments in the image reconstruction algorithms.
The transaxial images obtained directly from the
scanner can be reformatted into sagittal, coronal, and Spatial resolution in the final CT image can be
oblique images by software manipulation. Most cur- improved by several techniques, including limited fan-
rent systems can also construct tomographic images at beam scanning and geometric magnification. Limited
nonorthogonal orientations to provide a better display fan-beam scanning increases resolution by collimating
of anatomic detail. the x-ray beam so that it covers only the central 20 to
25 cm of the gantry opening. Because the beam spans
Most CT workstations are capable of 3-D image
fewer detectors, the sampling rate is much quicker,
reconstruction. Because anatomic relationships can be
and transmission measurements can be taken at
more clearly visualized by a 3-D image display than by
smaller angular increments during rotation; the finer
a planar image display, surgeons are using 3-D CT
sampling, in turn, increases spatial resolution in the
more frequently for surgery simulations and for plan-
reconstructed image.
ning reconstructive procedures. In addition, some soft-
ware allows the 3-D image to be rotated to view a
Radiation dose
variety of perspectives. Clinical applications of 3-D
reconstruction include craniofacial surgical planning; CT uses some of the highest doses of any diagnostic
postoperative evaluations; analysis of the pelvis, hip, imaging method, and the fact that multislice CT has
and spine; CTA; and virtual colonoscopy. the potential to increase these doses adds to the need
for some form of automatic dose control. CT manufac-
Image quality and resolution
turers are now implementing various strategies to
A number of factors combine to determine the qual- control dose. One such strategy is to use prepro-
ity of the image produced by any CT scanner, including grammed technique factors which manufacturers are
radiation dose, number of attenuation measurements currently fine tuning to specific patient sizes, particu-
taken, reconstruction algorithm, size of the digital larly for pediatrics. Because tube current directly af-
image matrix, and presence or absence of artifacts. The fects the patient dose and the image quality,
relationship between radiation dose, reconstruction manufacturers are working on methods to control tube
filter, and spatial resolution is such that, for high- current during the exposure. One method varies the
contrast resolution (e.g., in the inner ear), the physical tube current based on the scout view. At least one scout

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Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

view is normally collected before a scan begins and is various projections will not cancel appropriately, re-
acquired by fixing the x-ray tube while moving the sulting in linear streaks through the reconstructed
patient through the scanner. From the scout view, it is image. The streaks generally originate at high-contrast
possible to calculate the tube current needed for each interfaces, such as the bony protuberances on the inside
slice. The simplest dose-control system uses just one of the skull or the interface between bowel gas and
scout view, although some can make use of two views. contrast material. Patient cooperation and shortened
scanning time can reduce this type of artifact.
A more advanced dose-control method uses real-
time information about the patient’s anatomy derived The so-called metal artifact, in which bright streaks
from the beam signal received by the detectors as the radiate from a central high-density metal clip or bullet
scan is progressing. Obtaining such feedback informa- fragment, is in fact a motion artifact. The extremely
tion is possible because of the faster electronics on high density and small relative size of the metal object
today’s CT scanners. The user sets the desired image cause severe streaks even with very little motion.
quality level, and the scanner adjusts the tube current These artifacts often cannot be prevented because they
as needed. Studies with patients suggest that dose can arise from movement as fine as that caused by
savings up to 50% may be possible using these systems blood passing through an artery.
(Greess et al. 2000).
Failure to take enough transmission measurements
during the scan often results in sampling artifacts that
Reported problems
appear as repetitive high-spatial-frequency patterns
A recent study (Brenner et al. 2001) has reported radiating from some high-density object. The apparent
increased radiation-induced cancer risk because CT is source of the artifact may or may not be within the
increasingly being used for examining pediatric pa- image reconstruction circle.
tients. Although the risk/benefit ratio is such that most
CT examinations of children are necessary, one study Using polychromatic x-ray beams from a standard
(Donnelly et al. 2001) found that radiation dose of the x-ray tube introduces a potentially serious artifact
exam can be reduced by adjusting the CT protocol source. The preferential absorption of lower-energy
based on patient weight. In particular, the mA and photons (beam hardening) causes a large object to
pitch settings were lowered for helical scanning. Some appear less absorptive than a smaller object with the
helical CT units have software that automatically same attenuation characteristics. In images that are
chooses mA settings for the best image quality for adult inadequately corrected for this phenomenon, beam
imaging. The authors recommend overriding such hardening causes the CT values obtained for a particu-
automatic settings when imaging children. Recently, lar organ to be highly dependent on patient size. For
manufacturers have been fine-tuning preprogrammed example, the CT values for normal liver tissue in an
technique factors to specific patient sizes, particularly infant are significantly larger than those for a large
for pediatrics. Dose-control mechanisms are now avail- adult when both are imaged in the same system. A
able on many scanners, and manufacturers are experi- second effect of this phenomenon is that the thicker
menting with various options to find which is the most portions of a patient’s body appear to be less dense
acceptable to users. ECRI will monitor developments than the thinner portions. If severe enough, beam
in this area. hardening can interfere with the radiologist’s ability
to make clinical diagnoses.
Despite the superior low-contrast resolution that CT
offers, the spatial resolution of CT is relatively poor Beam-hardening artifacts can be partially corrected
compared to that of film radiographic techniques. This by proper scanner calibration or by a shaped filter (one
limit on spatial resolution is typically not a major with a bow-tie-shaped cross section) through which the
problem for most CT applications, but it may present x-ray beam passes on its way to the patient. The x-rays
a problem when attempting to scan thin structures, as passing through the shorter absorption paths at the
in bone-thickness studies (Newman et al. 1998). edge of the patient body pass through a thicker portion
of the filter, while the beam passing through the thin
Artifacts can arise in CT images from defects in the central part of the filter then passes through the
data-gathering process or as a result of the physics thicker central part of the patient’s body. The final
involved in x-ray imaging. Motion artifacts are common result is that the beam is uniformly hardened, inde-
in images produced from projection data acquired while pendent of the shape of the patient’s body.
the patient was moving. The filtered back-projection
process requires that the structures being imaged re- In helical CT, increased image noise, edge blur-
main stationary during the entire scanning procedure; ring, and artifacts can occur. Artifacts related to
otherwise, the positive and negative components of the helical CT include inhomogeneous patches and halos,

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Healthcare Product Comparison System

stair-stepping in 3-D images, artifacts resulting from patient populations (e.g., pediatric, trauma). However,
volume averaging, and artifacts simulating ascending as the number of slices that can be acquired increases,
aortic dissection. Varying the scan protocol, decreasing the incremental benefit actually decreases. For exam-
table feed or slice thickness, and changing the timing ple, the smallest slice width on a 4-slice scanner is the
of contrast medium injection can help reduce the oc- same as that on a 16-slice scanner. In addition, most
currence of artifacts during helical CT scanning. exams do not require the smallest slice width. Indeed,
for slices wider than 5 mm, there is absolutely no
Image quality and overall system performance
difference between 4-slice and 16-slice systems.
should be monitored through a comprehensive quality
control program that includes measurements of reso- Another important, though more subtle, difference
lution, noise, patient radiation dose, and the accuracy is the speed of image reconstruction. Acquiring more
of CT numbers. Patient couch positioning, image proc- slices is of little benefit if patient throughput is held up
essing, and hard-copy output should also be evaluated. by slow image reconstruction. Conversely, there is
Contrast medium injection can cause several prob- little point purchasing a very high specification com-
lems. The most common complication is the formation puter that will rarely be used to capacity. The same is
of blood clots, which can lodge downstream and occlude true for the x-ray generator and tube. Low volume
smaller vessels. Care must be taken to avoid injecting facilities will see little benefit from the more efficient
contrast medium directly into the vessel wall, which use of the x-ray tube on a 16-slice scanner to warrant
could cause dissection or occlusion of the vessel. New its over $100,000 replacement cost. Therefore, before
catheter designs have been introduced that reportedly buying a CT system it is necessary to evaluate patient
enable high flow while avoiding turbulence at the population, clinical needs, and desired throughput.
catheter terminus. Several incidents of toxic or ana-
phylactic reactions to contrast agents have been re- Other considerations
ported, including minor nausea and vomiting, skin
A number of design features must be considered
rashes, cardiac arrest, bronchospasm, ventricular fib-
before purchasing a CT scanner. Comparable scanners
rillation, and renal insufficiency. The American Col-
from various manufacturers differ little in their basic
lege of Radiology and the American College of
clinical applications. The principal differences be-
Cardiology have recently recommended the use of
tween top-of-the-line and less sophisticated models
newer nonionic or low-osmolality agents in certain
generally involve cycle time (scanning and reconstruc-
patients who are at a higher risk of suffering adverse
tion time), spatial resolution, data storage features,
reactions. Hospitals should implement a policy govern-
and helical scanning protocols. Any CT scanner model
ing use of high-osmolality versus low-osmolality and
being considered for purchase must be examined while
nonionic contrast agents. In addition, thrombus forma-
it is operating (preferably in a clinical setting rather
tion is possible when blood mixes with nonionic con-
than in a manufacturer’s demonstration room).
trast medium in an injection syringe or catheter.
Distributed processing in the construction of CT
Purchase considerations scanners has eliminated the need for specially air-
conditioned computer rooms in some cases, but such
ECRI Recommendations rooms are generally still required. Failure to provide
Included in the accompanying comparison chart are adequate air-conditioning for the computer equipment
ECRI’s recommendations for minimum performance severely compromises the reliability of the scanner
requirements for CT scanners; recommended specifi- system and ultimately shortens its useful life. In most
cations have been categorized into three groups — low, cases, the existing hospital air-conditioning system
mid, and high. The low-range category specifies a cannot be used because its operation is tied to outdoor
single-slice scanner; the mid- and high-range recom- weather conditions, and many times it is already oper-
mendations are for multislice scanners. Other differ- ating close to capacity. Conditioning the electrical
entiating criteria include the types of exams that can power supply is also required because the ability of the
be performed and the patient throughput possible. scanner to make artifact-free images often depends
strongly on the electrical power energizing the instru-
Most routine exams can be adequately performed ment. Surge suppressors and means for automatic
using a single-slice system; however, scan times might disconnection in the event of power failure should also
be somewhat longer since only one slice is acquired in be installed.
one rotation of the x-ray tube. Multislice systems ac-
quire more and thinner slices in one rotation, allowing The length of time required to install the scanner
for more complex exams (e.g., cardiac) and more varied varies with the supplier but may range from one week

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Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

to two months. Installation times of two weeks are outflow, the dollar discount factor (the cost of capital),
common. and the lifetime of the equipment (in years) in a mathe-
matical equation.
The complexity of CT scanners makes adequate
training an absolute necessity. However, technician The following represents a sample five-year PV/LCC
and physician training varies with the supplier. The analysis for a CT scanner with helical capability.
usual training consists of one or more visits to the
facility by an instructor provided by the supplier. Most Present Value/Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
initial training periods are three to four days, but
longer visits are often desirable, depending on the
in-house expertise and experience. Follow-up visits • Operating costs are considered for years 1 through 5
should be arranged three to six months after the initial
• Dollar discount factor is 5.8%
• Inflation rate is 6% for a full-service contract and
Cost containment 4% for disposables (e.g., contrast media, film)
Before purchasing a CT scanner, buyers should con- • Operating and ownership costs are for one CT scan-
sider the facility’s current patient volume and the ner operating two shifts per day Monday through
number and types of procedures performed. For in- Friday and one shift Saturday, with 15 scans per
stance, if the facility expects to perform a large number shift
of CTA studies or expects to scan a large number of
• Nonionic contrast medium is used for three scans
pediatric, geriatric, and trauma patients, it should
per shift, at a cost of $125 per dose (ionic contrast
consider purchasing a slip-ring CT scanner with multi-
medium is less expensive)
slice capabilities and an x-ray tube with a high heat
storage capacity (3,500,000 heat units [HU] or • 75 films per shift, at a cost of $1.50 per sheet, are
greater). generated
Because CT scanners entail ongoing maintenance • Costs for two full-time CT technologists include
and operational costs, the initial acquisition cost does salary, benefits, payroll expenses, and continuing
not accurately reflect the total cost of ownership. A education
purchase decision should be based on issues such as Capital Costs
life-cycle cost (LCC), local service support, discount
rates and non-price-related benefits offered by the • 4-slice, slip-ring CT system with helical scanning =
supplier, and standardization with existing equipment $1,200,000
in the department or hospital (i.e., purchasing all ra- Total Capital Costs = $1,200,000
diographic equipment from one supplier).
Operating and Ownership Costs
An LCC analysis can be used to compare alterna-
tives and/or to determine the positive or negative eco- • Service contract, including x-ray tube, years 2
nomic value of a single alternative. For example, through 5 = $135,000/year
hospitals can use LCC analysis techniques to examine • Salary and expenses for two FTEs = $110,000/year
the cost-effectiveness of leasing or renting equipment
• Contrast media = $214,500/year
versus purchasing the equipment outright. Because it
examines the cash-flow impact of initial acquisition • Film = $64,400/year
costs and operating costs over a period of time, LCC
Total Operating Costs = $388,900 for year 1;
analysis is most useful for comparing alternatives with
$523,900/year for years 2 through 5
different cash flows and for revealing the total costs of
equipment ownership. One LCC technique — present
PV = ($3,643,022)
value (PV) analysis — is especially useful because it
accounts for inflation and for the time value of money Other costs not included in the above analysis that
(i.e., money received today is worth more than money should be considered for budgetary planning include
received at a later date). Conducting a PV/LCC analy- those associated with the following:
sis often demonstrates that the cost of ownership in-
• Networking or interfacing the CT system to other
cludes more than just the initial acquisition cost and
devices such as laser imagers or workstations
that a small increase in initial acquisition cost may
produce significant savings in long-term operating • Film processing costs such as for chemicals or film
costs. The PV is calculated using the annual cash handlers

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Healthcare Product Comparison System

• Optional software packages such as for dental contract discounts may be negotiable for multiple-year
CT, bone mineral analysis, and CT radiotherapy agreements or for service contracts that are bundled
simulation with contracts on other equipment in the department
• Hardware and software upgrades not covered under or hospital.
the warranty or service contract With the current replacement-based CT market,
• Utilities hospitals may receive a significant discount from the
list price. The actual discount received will depend on
• Disposables and accessories related to certain the hospital’s negotiating skills, the system configura-
procedures tion and model to be purchased, previous experience
• Contributions to overhead with the supplier, and the extent of concessions
granted by the supplier, such as extended warranties,
As illustrated by the above sample PV/LCC analy-
fixed prices for annual service contracts, and guaran-
sis, the initial acquisition cost is only a fraction of the
teed on-site service response. Buyers should make sure
total cost of operation over five years. Therefore, before
that applications training is included in the purchase
making a purchase decision based solely on the acqui-
price of the system. Some suppliers do offer more
sition cost of a CT scanner, buyers should consider
extensive on-site or off-site training programs for an
operating costs over the lifetime of the equipment.
additional cost.
For further information on PV/LCC analysis, cus-
Standardization of equipment can make staff train-
tomized analyses, and purchase decision support,
ing easier, simplify servicing and parts acquisition,
readers should contact ECRI’s SELECT™ Group.
and provide greater bargaining leverage when negoti-
The above analysis considers film costs associated ating the purchase of new equipment and/or service
with printing hard copies on a laser imager. Film costs contract costs.
may be reduced by purchasing radiologist worksta-
An alternative to the permanent installation of a CT
tions that allow on-screen image review and diagnosis.
scanner is the use of a mobile service in which the
Hospitals can purchase service contracts or service scanner facility is mounted in a specially modified
on a time-and-materials basis from the supplier. Ser- truck or bus that visits the hospital or clinic on a
vice may also be available from a third-party organiza- regularly scheduled basis. Many small hospitals are
tion. The decision to purchase a service contract should finding this to be a workable alternative to the large
be carefully considered. Most suppliers provide routine financial commitment involved in a permanent instal-
software updates, which enhance the scanner’s per- lation. Properly designed mobile systems are as reli-
formance, at no charge to service contract customers. able as permanent systems and offer the advantage of
Furthermore, software updates are often cumulative; relieving the hospital administration of the ongoing
that is, previous software revisions may be required in concerns of scanner and facility maintenance. Further,
order to install and operate a new performance feature. mobile services are usually used on a fee-for-service
Purchasing a service contract also ensures that pre- basis, and instituting a CT clinical service on this basis
ventive maintenance will be performed at regular in- is more easily justified to the local healthcare regula-
tervals, eliminating the possibility of unexpected tory organization. In addition, leasing for more expen-
maintenance costs. Also, many suppliers do not extend sive, high-performance systems is becoming more
system performance and uptime guarantees beyond common. For additional information see the Health
the length of the warranty unless the system is covered Devices evaluation May 2002 citation listed below.
by a service contract. Although the solid-state electron-
ics of modern medical instrumentation are very reli- Stage of development
able, the complexity of CT scanners makes it
Although CT is now considered to be a mature
imperative that effective service capability be demon-
technology (the first scanner for imaging the head was
strated by any CT supplier under consideration. Serv-
introduced in 1972), multislice technology introduced
ice must be available without significant delay to
in 1998 is a significant development, shortening scan-
ensure cost-effective use of the scanner.
ning times, improving image quality, expanding the
ECRI recommends that, to maximize bargaining applications of helical CT (particularly for CTA), in-
leverage, hospitals negotiate pricing for service con- creasing x-ray tube efficiency, and enabling 3-D image
tracts before the system is purchased. As a guideline, reconstructions. Several manufacturers offer 4-slice
full-service contracts without tubes typically cost ap- scanning systems, and some manufacturers offer 8-
proximately 7% to 12% of the scanner’s purchase price. slice and 16-slice systems. Also, some manufacturers
Contracts with tubes are higher. Additional service state that their scanners — including single-slice

8 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

models — are being designed with future hardware Berland LL. Practical CT technology and techniques.
upgrades in mind. As more slices are added, the work- New York: Raven Press; 1987.
station and PACS will also need to be upgraded to
handle the increased data volume; therefore, it is not Bluemke DA, Chambers TP. Spiral CT angiography: an
just the detector that will need to be changed as this alternative to conventional angiography. Radiology
technology develops. 1995 May;195(2):317-9.

Some systems now offer cardiac gating as well. CT Bonk RT. Helical CT: principles and current applica-
fluoroscopy, which allows for real-time image acquisi- tions. Appl Radiol 1997 Mar;(Suppl):59-62.
tion and display during interventional procedures, is
available with some systems. As CT scanners become Brenner DJ, Elliston CD, Hall EJ, et al. Estimated
more widely used for real-time imaging during inter- risks of radiation-induced fatal cancer from pediat-
ventional procedures, CT fluoroscopy will likely be- ric CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2001 Feb;176(2):289-
come more widely available. 96.

Manufacturers are also offering systems which per- Broderick LS, Shemesh J, Wilensky RL, et al. Mea-
form image overlay. The CT image is combined with a surement of coronary artery calcium with dual-slice
magnetic resonance image, a PET image, or an image helical CT compared with coronary angiography:
of another radiographic modality of the same area. By evaluation of CT scoring methods, interobserver
using software to combine these images in an overlay variations, and reproducibility. AJR Am J
(image fusion), physiologic and anatomic conditions in Roentgenol 1996 Aug;167(2):439-44.
the area of interest may be enhanced. Details not
Bushberg JT, Seibert JA, Leidholdt EM Jr, et al. The
recognized by one modality may be registered by the
essential physics of medical imaging. Baltimore:
Williams & Wilkins; 1994.
Combined PET/CT systems are currently available
that acquire both images without moving the patient. Casey B. Computed tomography [article online]. Diag-
Combined PET/CT systems attempt to minimize mis- nostic Imaging Webcast [cited 1999 Apr 1]. Avail-
alignment in the fusion of two images which may differ able from Internet: http://www.dimag.com/webcast/
significantly due to the patient having been scanned wc_story3.htm.
on separate PET and CT systems at different times. Curry TS 3rd, Dowdey JE, Murry RC Jr. Christensen’s
Combined PET/CT systems are primarily intended for physics of diagnostic radiology. 4th ed. Philadel-
oncologic imaging, in particular to enhance treatment phia: Lea & Febiger; 1990.
planning for radiotherapy or surgery, because they
provide both anatomic and functional information. Dellaria MF. Future contrast media for computed to-
This capability also makes combined PET/CT useful mography. Appl Radiol 1996 Mar;(Suppl):47-50.
for cardiac imaging. During a PET/CT imaging proce-
dure, the CT image is acquired first, then the PET scan Donnelly LF, Emery KH, Brody AS, et al. Minimizing
is performed. The patient remains on the same imag- radiation dose for pediatric body applications of
ing table throughout the procedure, which takes about single-detector helical CT: strategies at a large chil-
30 minutes not including the radiopharmaceutical up- dren’s hospital [perspective]. AJR Am J Roentgenol
take time of approximately one hour (the radiophar- 2001 Feb;176(2):303-6.
maceutical is injected before the CT scan is performed).
For PET scanning system specifications, see the Ernst RD, Kim HS, Kawashima A, et al. Near real-
Healthcare Product Comparison System report titled time CT fluoroscopy using computer automated
scan technology in nonvascular interventional
procedures. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000 Feb;174(2):

Gay SB, Matthews AB. Computed tomography: ten

Bibliography reasons why helical CT is worth a million bucks.
Diagn Imaging 1998 Nov:111-4.
Baumgart D, Schmermund A, Goerge G, et al. Com-
parison of electron beam computed tomography Greess H, Wolf H, Baum U, et al. Dose reduction in
with intracoronary ultrasound and coronary angiog- computed tomography by attenuation-based on-line
raphy for detection of coronary atherosclerosis. J modulation of the tube current: evaluation of six
Am Coll Cardiol 1997 Jul;30(1):57-64. anatomical regions. Eur Radiol 2000;10(2):391-4.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 9
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Guerci AD, Spadaro LA, Popma JJ, et al. Relation of Rubin GD. Three-dimensional helical CT angiography.
coronary calcium score by electron beam computed Radiographics 1994 Jul;14(4):905-12.
tomography to arteriographic findings in asympto-
matic and symptomatic adults. Am J Cardiol 1997 Toth TL, Bromberg NB, Pan TS, et al. A dose reduction
Jan 15;79(2):128-33. x-ray beam positioning system for high-speed mul-
tislice CT scanners. Med Phys 2000 Dec;27(12):
Gunderman RB. Physics of helical CT. Appl Radiol 2659-68.
1996 Mar;(Suppl):13-6.
U.K. Medical Devices Agency. CT scanners comparison
Hendee WR, Ritenour ER. Medical imaging physics. of imaging performance 12. Evaluation 2000 Mar;
3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book; 1992. No. 11.

Hsu T. Ultra-high-speed tomography: scanning elec- Dual slice CT scanner comparison report V.3.04.
tron beam CT systems. Appl Radiol 1981 Mar-Apr; Evaluation 2001 Aug; No. 49.
Four slice CT scanner comparison report V.3.04.
Kalender WA, Seissler W, Klotz E, et al. Helical volu- Evaluation 2001 Aug; No. 50.
metric CT with single-breath-hold technique, con-
tinuous transport, and continuous scanner rotation. Single slice CT scanner comparison report V.3.04.
Radiology 1990 Jul;176(1):181-3. Evaluation 2001 Aug; No. 48.

Klinke G. Helical CT: advantages and artifacts. Appl Wallace SK. Current applications and techniques for
Radiol 1996 Mar;(Suppl):17-9. computed tomographic angiography. Appl Radiol
1996 Mar;(Suppl):36-41.
Kobayashi Y, Nonogi H, Toyofuku M, et al. Coronary
Weisser G, Lehman KJ, Scheck R, et al. Dose and
artery aneurysms detected with ultrafast computed
image quality of electron-beam CT compared with
tomography. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1997 Nov;
helical CT. Invest Radiol 1999 Jun;34(6):415-20.
Zickler P. Computed tomography: the current spin on
McCollough CH, Zink FE. Performance evaluation of
helical. Med Imaging 1996 Mar;11(3):47-9.
a multi-slice CT system. Med Phys 1999 Nov;26(11):
Standards and guidelines
McCunn M, Mirvis S, Reynolds HN, et al. Physician Note: Although every effort is made to ensure that the
utilization of a portable computed tomography scan- following list is comprehensive, please note that other
ner in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 2000 applicable standards may exist.
American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Speci-
Miller RL. The challenges of pediatric helical CT. Appl fication and acceptance testing of computed to-
Radiol 1997 Mar;(Suppl):55-8. mography scanners [report]. Diagnostic X-Ray
Committee Task Group #2. 1993.
Morgan CL, Morgan PM. Basic principles of computed
tomography. Baltimore: University Park Press; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Asso-
1983. ciation. Expert consensus document on electron-
beam computed tomography for the diagnosis and
Newman DL, Dougherty G, al Obaid A, et al. Limita- prognosis of coronary artery disease. J Am Coll
tions of clinical CT in assessing cortical thickness Cardiol 2000 Jul;36(1):326-40.
and density. Phys Med Biol 1998 Mar;43(3):619-26. American College of Radiology. Computed tomography
Ogilvy CS, Lustrin ES, Brown JH. Computerized to- [policy statement]. 1980 (reaffirmed 1990).
mographic angiography (CTA) assists in the evalu- MR and CT reimbursement [policy statement]. 1986
ation of patients with intracranial aneurysms (revised 1996).
[article online]. [cited 1999 April 1]. Available from Standard for diagnostic medical physics perform-
Internet: http://neurosurgery.mgh.harvard.edu/v-f- ance monitoring of computed tomography equip-
94-1.htm. ment. 1998.
Orames C. The efficiency of technology: can real-time American National Standards Institute/Association
CT scanners reduce interventional procedure times? for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
Radiographer 2000 Aug;47(2):67-8. Safe current limits for electromedical apparatus

10 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

[standard]. 3rd ed. ANSI/AAMI ES1-1993. 1985 (re- for computed tomography. IEC 60601-2-44 (2001-
vised 1993). 06). 2001.
American Society for Testing and Materials. Guide for Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiolo-
computed radiography. BSR/ASTM E2007-99. gists. Guidelines for operation of CT scanners. 1998
1998. June.
American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Radi- Royal College of Radiologists. Use of computed to-
ologic technologists in radiologic sciences perform- mography in the initial investigation of common
ing computed tomography technology [position malignancies [report]. 1995.
statement]. 1994 (revised 1998). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Electron and Drug Administration. Computed tomography
beam computed tomography; clinical and cost- ef- (CT) equipment. 21 CFR Part 1020.33. 2001.
fectiveness analyses. 1998. Performance standards for ionizing radiation emit-
ting products. 21 CFR Part 1020. 2001.
Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology
Assessment. Comparison of fixed and mobile CT and
MRI scanners [technology assessment report]. 1995. Citations from other ECRI publications
Health Devices
Committee for Evaluation and Diffusion of Innovative
Technologies. Low-end CT scanners. 1997. In-house servicing of x-ray and CT equipment [guid-
Environmental Health Directorate. Safety code 31: ance article]. 1992 Jun-Jul;21(6-7):231-47.
radiation protection in computed tomography in- Artifacts and the need for proper head centering on
stallations. H46-2/94-181E. 1994. Picker PQ 2000 computed tomography (CT) scan-
ners [User Experience Network™]. 1996 Feb-Mar;
International Electrotechnical Commission. Evalu-
ation and routine testing in medical imaging depart-
ments — part 2-6: constancy tests — x-ray Quality control phantom for computed tomography
equipment for computed tomography [standard]. (CT) scanners [Talk to the specialist]. 1997 Mar;
IEC 61223-2-6 (1994-04). 1994. 26(3):124.
Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re- GE HiSpeed Advantage computed tomography scan-
quirements for safety [standard]. IEC 60601-1 ner [evaluation]. 1997 Dec;26(12):457-70.
(1988-12). 1988. Unnecessary initiation of warm-up routine on GE
Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re- ProSpeed CT scanners [User Experience Net-
quirements for safety. Amendment 1 [standard]. work™]. 1998 Mar;27(3):118-9.
IEC 60601-1-am1 (1991-11). 1991. DICOM reference guide [guidance article]. 2001 Jan-
Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re- Feb;30(1-2):5-30.
quirements for safety. Amendment 2 [standard]. Inadequate warnings on a GE CT/i (Octane) CT scan-
IEC 60601-1-am2 (1995-03). 1995. ner may delay diagnosis [hazard report]. 2001 Apr;
Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re- 30(4):149-50.
quirements for safety. Section 1. Collateral stan- Longevity of x-ray tubes in multislice CT scanners
dard: safety requirements for medical electrical [Talk to the specialist]. 2001 Jun;30(6):231.
systems. IEC 60601-1-1 (1992-06). 1992. Eye on medical errors: dose control in computed to-
Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re- mography — automated systems are now available.
quirements for safety. Section 1. Collateral stan- 2002 May;31(5):164.
dard: safety requirements for medical electrical Money matters: X-ray tube life in multislice CT scan-
systems. Amendment 1 [standard]. IEC 60601-1-1- ners. 2002 May;31(5):166.
am1 (1995-11). 1995.
Multislice computed tomography systems [evalu-
Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re- ation]. 2002 May;31(5):161-88.
quirements for safety. Section 2. Collateral stan-
dard: electromagnetic compatibility — requirements Health Devices Alerts
and tests. IEC 60601-1-2 (2001-09). 2001. This Product Comparison lists Health Devices Alerts
Medical electrical equipment — part 2-44: particu- (HDA) citations published since the last update of this
lar requirements for the safety of x-ray equipment report. Each HDA abstract is identified by an Accession

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 11
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Number. Recalls and hazard reports include descrip- Health Technology Trends
tions of the problem involved; abstracts of other pub-
lished articles are referenced by bibliographic Virtual reality applied to colonoscopy and broncho-
information. HPCS subscribers can call the Hotline for scopy. 1995 Jan;7(1):3.
additional information on any of these citations or to Ultrafast CT shown to predict heart disease risk in
request more extensive searches of the HDA database. asymptomatic people. 1996 Jul;8(7):4-5.

A4535 FDA issued a Public Health Notification warn- Ultrafast CT gets cautious nod from heart association.
ing healthcare workers of the radiation overdose risks 1996 Oct;8(10):8-9.
to pediatric and small adult patients during computed New CT technique may reduce unnecessary appendec-
tomography (CT) procedures. FDA states that the tomies. 1997 Feb;9(2):8-9.
benefits of CT scanning far outweigh the risks associ-
ated with the procedure but cautions that unnecessary Healthcare Risk Control
radiation exposure should be avoided. Unnecessary
doses of radiation can occur during CT scans of children Technology overview. 1996;4:Radiology:3.
or small adults when CT scanner parameters are not
appropriately adjusted for patient size. FDA states
Supplier information
that the odds that children will develop cancer from
x-ray radiation are significantly higher than those for
adults because children have rapidly dividing cells and GE Imatron
a longer life expectancy. FDA recommends several GE Imatron Inc
measures to protect children and other small patients Div GE Medical Systems [402588]
from unnecessary radiation exposure during CT proce- 389 Oyster Point Blvd
dures and encourages reporting of CT equipment mal- South San Francisco CA 94080-1913
functions to the device manufacturer and to FDA’s Phone: (650) 583-9964, (800) 367-6545
voluntary reporting program, MedWatch, online at Fax: (650) 871-0418
http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scrips/medwatch, by E-mail: charles@imatron.com
telephone at (800) FDA-1088, by fax at (800) FDA-0178, Internet: http://www.geimatron.com
or by mail at MedWatch, Food and Drug Administra-
tion, HF-2, 5600 Fishers Ln, Rockville, MD 20857. For GE Medical Systems Europe [171319]
more information about CT scanners and radiation 283 rue de la Miniere
overdose, contact Marian Kroen, FDA, by mail at the boite postale 34
Office of Surveillance and Biometrics (HFZ-510), 1350 F-78533 Buc Cedex
Piccard Dr, Rockville, MD 20850; by fax at (301) 594- France
2968; by e-mail at phann@cdrh.fda.gov; or by voice mail Phone: 33 (1) 30704040
at (301) 594-0650. Source: U.S. Food and Drug Ad- Fax: 33 (1) 30709855
ministration. FDA public health notification: reducing E-mail: pascal.lucien@med.ge.com
radiation risk from computed tomography for pediatric Internet: http://www.gemedicalsystems.com
and small adult patients. 2001 Nov 2. GE Yokogawa Medical Systems Ltd [183063]
4-7-127 Asahigaoka
38874 Hirai T, Korogi Y, Ono K, et al. Preoperative Hino-shi
evaluation of intracranial aneurysms: usefulness of Tokyo 191
intraarterial 3D CT angiography and conventional Japan
angiography with a combined unit — initial experi- Phone: 81 (4) 2525853188
ence. Radiology 2001 Aug;220(2):499-505. E-mail: hisao.matsuka@gemsa.med.ge.com
Internet: http://www.gemedical.co.jp
38944 Dougherty G. A comparison of the texture of
computed tomography and projection radiography im-
GE Medical
ages of vertebral trabecular bone using fractal signa-
ture and lacunarity. Med Eng Phys 2001 Aug;23(5): GE Medical Systems [102107]
313-21. PO Box 414
Milwaukee WI 53201-0414
39134 Raggi P. The use of electron-beam computed Phone: (262) 544-3011, (800) 643-6439
tomography as a tool for primary prevention. Am J Fax: (262) 544-3384
Cardiol 2001 Oct 11;88(7B):28J-32J. Internet: http://www.gemedicalsystems.com

12 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

GE Medical Systems Europe [171319] Shimadzu

283 rue de la Miniere Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) PTE Ltd [172209]
boite postale 34 16 Science Park Dr #01-02 The Pasteur
F-78533 Buc Cedex Singapore Science Park
France Singapore 118227
Phone: 33 (1) 30704040 Republic of Singapore
Fax: 33 (1) 30709855 Phone: 65 7786280
E-mail: info@gemedicalsystems.com Fax: 65 7792935
Internet: http://www.gemedicalsystems.com E-mail: sales@shimadzu.com.sg
GE South Africa Medical Systems [340559] Internet: http://www.shimadzuasiapac.com.sg
Private Bag X124 Shimadzu Corp Medical Systems
Halfway House 1685 International Marketing Div [153971]
South Africa 3 Kanda-Nishikicho 1-chome
Phone: 27 (11) 3156625 Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-8448
GE Yokogawa Medical Systems Ltd [183063] Japan
4-7-127 Asahigaoka Phone: 81 (3) 32195641
Hino-shi E-mail: imd_med@group.shimadzu.co.jp
Tokyo 191 Internet: http://www.shimadzu.co.jp
Phone: 81 (4) 2525853188 Shimadzu Europe GmbH [161064]
Internet: http://www.gemedical.co.jp Albert-Hahn-Strasse 6-10
D-47269 Duisburg
Philips Medical Phone: 49 (203) 76870
Fax: 49 (203) 766625
Philips Medical Systems Asia [188101] E-mail: webmaster@shimadzu.de
16/Fl Hopewell Centre 17 Kennedy Road Internet: http://www.shimadzu.de
PO Box 2108
Hong Kong Shimadzu Medical Systems [106973]
Hong Kong SAR 20101 S Vermont Ave
People’s Republic of China Torrance CA 90502-3130
Phone: 852 28215364 Phone: (310) 217-8855, (800) 228-1429
Fax: 852 25276726 Fax: (310) 217-0661
E-mail: medical@philips.com E-mail: info@shimadzumed.com
Internet: http://www.medical.philips.com Internet: http://www.shimadzumed.com

Philips Medical Systems International bv Siemens Medical

[152365] Siemens AG
Global Information Systems Siemens Medical Solutions [401832]
I.B.R.S./C.C.R.I. Numero 11088 Hartmannstrasse 48
NL-5600 PB Eindhoven D-91052 Erlangen
The Netherlands Germany
Phone: 31 (40) 2782559 Phone: 49 (9131) 844190
Fax: 31 (40) 2764887 Fax: 49 (9131) 845400
E-mail: medical@philips.com E-mail: myriam.volz@siemens.com
Internet: http://www.medical.philips.com Internet: http://www.siemensmedical.com
Philips Medical Systems North America [102120] Siemens Canada Ltd [174735]
22100 Bothell Everett Hwy 2185 Derry Rd W
PO Box 3003 Mississauga ON L5N 7A6
Bothell WA 98041-3003 Canada
Phone: (425) 487-7000, (800) 526-4963 Phone: (905) 819-8000, (888) 303-3353
Fax: (425) 485-6080 Fax: (905) 819-5777
E-mail: medical@philips.com E-mail: webdesign@it.siemens.ca
Internet: http://www.medical.philips.com Internet: http://www.siemens.ca

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 13
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc [399199] thickness. Smaller slices provide greater spatial
186 Wood Ave S resolution but require a larger radiation dose.
Iselin NJ 08830-2704
Phone: (732) 321-4500 Gantry tilt, °: The gantry, which holds the x-ray tube,
Fax: (732) 321-4780 detectors, collimators, rotation motors, and posi-
E-mail: sales@siemensmedical.com tioning aids, can be tilted from the vertical to facili-
Internet: http://www.siemensmedical.com tate angulation of the slice without moving the
patient. With sufficient gantry tilt (about 20°), di-
Siemens SA de CV [339105] rect coronal scans of the head are possible.
Poniente 116 No 590
02300 Cd de Mexico Gantry aperture, cm: The gantry aperture is the open-
Distrito Federal ing in the scanner gantry in which the portion of the
Mexico patient anatomy to be scanned is placed.
Phone: 52 (5) 3282000
Fax: 52 (5) 3282017 X-ray tube anode, heat storage, HU: The capacity of the
Internet: http://www.siemens.de x-ray tube anode to store heat generated during its
operation, expressed in heat units. In certain types
Toshiba of studies in which high mA levels are used and
Toshiba America Medical Systems Inc [101894] many thin slices are required (e.g., spine studies),
2441 Michelle Dr the heat storage capacity of the anode can be a
PO Box 2068 limiting factor in the time between scans.
Tustin CA 92680-7047 X-ray tube anode, heat dissipation rate, HU/min: The
Phone: (714) 730-5000, (800) 421-1968 rate at which the anode cools, measured in heat
Fax: (714) 832-2570 units/minute. Higher rates of cooling are required
E-mail: mktgcomm@tams.com to accommodate the high heat loads generated dur-
Internet: http://www.medical.toshiba.com ing rapid multiple-slice acquisition (e.g., volumetric
Toshiba Medical Systems Co Ltd [139511] scanning).
3-26-5 Hongo
Bunkyo-ku Pitch: The speed of table motion (in mm/sec) divided
Tokyo 113-0033 by the x-ray beam collimation width; when the table
Japan speed and the collimation are equal for a one-second
Phone: 81 (3) 38182061 scan time, the pitch is 1. A pitch greater than 1 is
Fax: 81 (3) 38157215 used to scan a larger area in one helical scan during
Internet: http://www.medical.toshiba.com a single patient breathhold.
Toshiba Medical Systems Europe bv [160817] Range of movement, longitudinal, cm: Longitudinal ad-
Zilverstraat 1 justment of the patient table should be sufficient to
NL-2718 RP Zoetermeer allow the positioning of any portion of the patient’s
The Netherlands body in the center of the gantry aperture.
Phone: 31 (79) 3689222
Fax: 31 (79) 3689444 Scannable range, cm: The maximum length that can
Internet: http://www.medical.toshiba.com be scanned without having to move the patient
during the examination.
Toshiba Medical Systems Singapore [307328]
211 Henderson Rd #08-02 Scan FOVs, cm: Selecting a smaller scan field of view
Henderson Industrial Park (FOV) for image reconstruction allows an increase
Singapore 159552 in the spatial resolution of the scan. This entails
Republic of Singapore using the minimum acceptable scan field diameter
Phone: 65 2729766 required by the anatomic section being scanned.
Fax: 65 2726083
Reconstruction time, per slice, sec: The interval of time
About the chart specifications during which the computer and associated array
processors transform the raw data into a recon-
The following terms are used in the chart: structed image. The reconstruction time for a single
Slice thickness, mm: The width (in millimeters) of the slice is a small fraction of the throughput time, but
x-ray beam that passes through the patient. Image when multiple slices (10 to 20) are required, the time
resolution and patient dose are affected by slice can significantly affect patient throughput.

14 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Reconstruction time, for localization scan, sec: The time Abbreviations:

required to process new data taken during scan
localization radiographs. ARO — After receipt of order

Matrixes, pixels: The matrix refers to the number of CD-R — Recordable compact disc
pixels (picture elements) in the display. Each pixel CE mark — Conformite Europeene mark
has a fixed density level in the resultant image. The
larger the matrix, the more pixels and the greater CPU — Central processing unit
the possible resolution, depending on the scan field
CSA — Canadian Standards Association
of view.
CT — Computed tomography
Range of CT numbers: Density coefficients reflect the
actual tissue density of the area of anatomy repre- DEKRA — Institut fuer Sicherheit, Umweltschutz
sented by each pixel. By convention, water is as- und Energie (Institute for Health, Environ-
signed a CT number of zero. Higher CT numbers mental Protection, and Energy)
reflect greater tissue density.
ECG — Electrocardiogram
Hard disk, GB: Online image storage is a function of disk
drive capacity (given in megabytes). A large amount EN — European Norm
of online storage space eliminates the need to move ETL — ETL Testing Laboratories
patient images to archival storage immediately.
FDA — U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Dynamic scan rate: The high quality and quantitative
nature of CT images have led to the development of FOV — Field of view
dynamic scanning techniques. This application uses
scanning times of about one second per image to GB — Gigabyte
monitor the flow of contrast media through the HU — Heat unit
vascular structure of the organ being examined. To
obtain even shorter imaging times, the complete IEC — International Electrotechnical Commission
scan is divided into overlapping 240° segments. The
ISO — International Organization for Standardi-
attenuation data from these angular segments is
then used to construct tomographic images.
JIS — Japanese Industrial Standards
High-contrast spatial resolution: A measure of the re-
solving power of the system for objects with a con- mA — Milliamps
trast difference greater than 10% (e.g., bone, soft
tissue). Resolution is related to the modulation MB — Megabyte
transfer function (MTF), a curve describing the sys- MDD — Medical Devices Directive
tem’s ability to reproduce an image. The measure-
ment is expressed in line pairs per centimeter (lp/cm) MIP — Maximum intensity projection
or millimeters (mm) at 0% and 50% MTF to define
the MTF curve for a particular system. Higher num- MOD — Magneto-optical disk
bers indicate better resolution. MPR — Multiplanar reconstruction; a user-interac-
Low-contrast resolution, mm at % at ≤4 rads: A measure tive image manipulation function that reformats
of the ability of the system to resolve objects with a axial scan data to display coronal, sagittal, and
small difference in density. It is generally measured other views of the patient
from a contrast-detail curve, which plots the mini- MR — Magnetic resonance
mum contrast detectable at various diameters of
detail. MTF — Modulation transfer function

DICOM 3.0 interface: American College of Radiol- RISC — Reduced instruction set computer
ogy/National Electrical Manufacturers Association
TUV — Technischer Ueberwachungs Verein
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
standard; systems with this interface capability Note: The data in the charts derive from suppli-
may, under certain conditions, be networked with ers’ specifications and have not been verified through
other devices meeting the standard, regardless of independent testing by ECRI or any other agency.
the brand or image format. Because test methods vary, different products’

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Healthcare Product Comparison System

specifications are not always comparable. Moreover, For those models whose prices were supplied to us
products and specifications are subject to frequent in currencies other than U.S. dollars, we have also
changes. ECRI is not responsible for the quality or listed the conversion to U.S. dollars to facilitate com-
validity of the information presented or for any adverse parison among models. However, keep in mind that
consequences of acting on such information. exchange rates change often.

When reading the charts, keep in mind that, unless Need to know more?
otherwise noted, the list price does not reflect supplier For further information about the contents of this
discounts. And although we try to indicate which Product Comparison, contact the HPCS Hotline at +1
features and characteristics are standard and which (610) 825-6000, ext. 5265; +1 (610) 834-1275 (fax); or
are not, some may be optional, at additional cost. hpcs@ecri.org (e-mail).

About ECRI . . .
ECRI is a nonprofit health services research agency and a Collaborating Center of the World Health
Organization, providing information and technical assistance to the healthcare community to support
safe and cost-effective patient care for more than 25 years. The results of ECRI’s research and
experience are available through its publications, information systems, databases, technical assis-
tance program, laboratory services, seminars, and fellowships.

Our full-time staff includes a wide range of specialists in healthcare technology, hospital admini-
stration, financial analysis, risk management, and information and computer science, as well as
hospital planners, attorneys, physicists; biomedical, electrical, electronic, chemical, mechanical, and
registered engineers; physicians; basic medical scientists; epidemiologists and biostatisticians; and
writers, editors, and communications specialists.

Underlying ECRI’s knowledge base in healthcare technology are its integrity and objectivity. ECRI
accepts no financial support from medical product manufacturers, and no employee may own stock
in or consult for a medical equipment or pharmaceutical company.

The scope of ECRI’s resources extends far beyond technology. ECRI keeps healthcare professionals,
manufacturers, legal professionals, information specialists, and others aware of the changing trends
in healthcare, healthcare standards and regulations, and the best ways to handle environmental and
occupational health and safety issues. ECRI also advises on management issues related to healthcare
cost containment, accreditation, risk management, human resources, quality of care, and other
complex topics.

ECRI has more than 35 publications, databases, software, and services to fulfill the growing need
for healthcare information and decision support. They focus on three primary areas: healthcare
technology, healthcare risk and quality management, and healthcare environmental management.

16 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart

High Mid Low C300 EBT



TYPE Multislice Multislice Single slice Dual slice
Number of slices
simultaneously 16 4 1 1 or 2 **
Geometry Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotating electron
ring ring ring beam

Detectors, type Ceramic, solid state Ceramic, solid state Ceramic, solid state Solid state
(2 x 1,728) ***

Number of rows 16 4 1 Not specified

Elements per row ~1,000 ~1,000 ~1,000 Not specified
Number of
detection channels 16 x 1,000 4 x 1,000 1 x 1,000 Not specified
Scan times, sec
360° 0.5-2 0.5-2 1-4 0.05; 0.1-2 in
0.1 sec increments †

Partial NA NA NA NA
Slice thickness, mm 0.3 0.3 0.7 1.5, 3, 6, 7, 10

X-ray fan beam

angle, ° 30
Gantry tilt, ° ±30 ±30 ±30 See footnote ††
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 225 x 216 x 165

Gantry weight, kg <2,000 <2,000 <2,000 1,485

Gantry aperture, cm 70 70 70 78
Scan localizer Laser Laser Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 5,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 Fixed tungsten rings
with direct cooling
Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 700,000 700,000 500,000 1,260,000, based on
21 kW of cooling
Tube cooling Oil or water Oil or water Oil or water Recirculating
chilled water
Tube focal spot, mm 0.5 x 0.7 0.5 x 0.7 0.5 x 0.7 0.6 x 2.4

Optional tubes NA Yes Yes None

kW output 60 60 20 83
kVp range 80-140 80-140 80-140 130

mA range 20-500 20-500 20-250 640

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

* These recommendations are the opinions of ECRI's technology experts. ECRI assumes no liability for decisions made based on three pages covering
this data. the above model(s).
** 8 without couch motion. These specifications
*** Luminescent crystals coupled to silicon photodiodes. continue onto the

Complete scan is 210°. next two pages.
Table tilts 0-23° and swivels +23° to -23°.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 17
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart

High Mid Low C300 EBT


Max scan time, sec 100 100 60 32
Max scan volume, cm 150 150 150 88

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 20 20 20 9.5
Pitch NA NA 0.5-2 0.1:1 to 2:1 **

Reconstruction time
per image, sec 0.2 0.5 1 3 (512 x 512)

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 40-100 40-100 40-100 72-97
Longitudinal, cm 150 150 150 100
Scannable range, cm 150 150 150 88
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 200 200 200 160

Computer CPU Dual Pentium 800 MHz

Scan FOVs, cm 50 50 50 9, 12, 15, 18, 21,

26, 30, 35, 40, 47.5
matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 256 x 256, 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 0.2 0.5 0.5 3 (512 x 512),
0.8 (256 x 256)
For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time 1
Monitor size 20" 20" 20" 21"
Matrixes, pixels 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 256 x 256, 512 x 512

Range of CT numbers -1,000 to +3,000 -1,000 to +3,000 -1,000 to +3,000 -1,000 to +3,095
Image enlargement 10x 10x 10x Up to 10x

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 16 16 16 16

Hard disk, GB 100 50 50 4

No. online images 75,000 40,000 40,000 15,000 (256 x 256),

3,700 (512 x 512)

Archival storage MOD, CD, DVD MOD, CD, DVD MOD, CD, DVD 2.3 GB MOD

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* These recommendations are the opinions of ECRI's technology experts. ECRI assumes no liability for decisions made based on three pages covering
this data. the above model(s).
** Takes data in a series of 210° sweeps. 2 sweeps considered 360° for pitch calculation. These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

18 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart

High Mid Low C300 EBT

Minimum interscan
time, sec 0 0 0 8 msec

Dynamic scan rate 34 scans/sec

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 20 20 20 9.5
50% MTF, lp/cm 10 10 10 5
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 4 at 0.3% at 2 rads 4 at 0.3% at 2 rads 4 at 0.3% at 2 rads 4 at 0.4%

% at ≤2.5 rads 0.3 at 3 rads 0.3 at 3 rads 0.3 at 3 rads Not specified

SCORING Optional Optional Optional Yes
SIZE, m2 25 25 25 60
POWER REQUIREMENTS 3 phase 3 phase 3 phase 480 VAC, 225 VA,


List price,
std configuration $1,900,000
System warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
X-ray tube warranty 150,000 scan seconds 150,000 scan seconds 150,000 scan seconds Not specified
Delivery time, ARO 8 weeks
Training w/purchase Yes Yes Yes 8 days on-site

Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year first sold 2001
USA installations Not specified
World installations Not specified
Fiscal year January to December
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Movie and flow mode;
cardiac, multi-
level, and
continuous volume
scanning; ECG
triggering; cardiac
function software;
perfusion and wall
motion; optional
3-D package with
ISO 9001

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* These recommendations are the opinions of ECRI's technology experts. ECRI assumes no liability for decisions made based on
this data.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 19
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


HiSpeed CT/e HiSpeed CT/e Dual HiSpeed NXi Base HiSpeed NXi Pro

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Single slice Dual slice Dual slice Dual slice
Number of slices
simultaneously 1 2 2 2
Geometry Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate,
ring ring ring low-voltage slip
Detectors, type HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic

Number of rows Not specified 2 2 2

Elements per row 685 + 23 reference 708 816 816
Number of
detection channels 708 2 x 708 2 x 816 2 x 816
Scan times, sec
360° 1.5, 2, 3 1.5, 2, 3 1, 1.5, 2, 3 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 3

Partial 1 optional NA NA NA
Slice thickness, mm 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10

X-ray fan beam

angle, ° 62 62 57.6 57.6
Gantry tilt, ° ±20 ±20 ±30 ±30
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 175.8 x 165.1 x 91.7 175.8 x 165.1 x 91.7 184.9 x 182.1 x 90.9 184.9 x 182.1 x 90.9

Gantry weight, kg 1,004 1,004 1,100 1,100

Gantry aperture, cm 65 65 70 70
Scan localizer Incandescent Incandescent Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,500,000 6,300,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 500,000 500,000 820,000 840,000

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.7 x 0.6 0.7 x 0.6 0.5 x 0.7, 1 x 1 0.5 x 0.7, 1 x 1

Optional tubes NA NA NA NA
kW output 24 24 42 53
kVp range 120, 140 120, 140 80, 120, 140 80, 120, 140

mA range 20-200 20-200 10-350 10-440

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

20 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


HiSpeed CT/e HiSpeed CT/e Dual HiSpeed NXi Base HiSpeed NXi Pro


Max scan time, sec 30, optional 60 60, optional 90 60 120
Max scan volume, cm 120 120 162 162

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm Same as axial Same as axial Same as axial Same as axial
Pitch 1 to 3:1 (0.1 incre- 0.75:1 to 1.5:1 0.75:1 to 1.5:1 0.75:1 to 1.5:1
ments) (2-slice mode) (2-slice mode) (2-slice mode)
Reconstruction time
per image, sec 6-7 1.8 2 2

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 40-90 40-90 40-95 40-95
Longitudinal, cm 120 120 162 162
Scannable range, cm 1,200 1,200 1,460 1,460
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 180 180 180 (±0.25 mm), 180 (±0.25 mm),
205 (±1 mm) 205 (±1 mm)
Computer CPU Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics

Scan FOVs, cm 18, 25, 35, 43 18, 25, 35, 43 18-50 18-50

matrixes 256 x 256, 320 x 256 x 256, 320 x 512 x 512 512 x 512
320, 512 x 512 320, 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 6-7, optional 2 1.8 2 2

For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time Real time
Monitor size 17", optional 21" 21" 21" 21"
Matrixes, pixels 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -32,767 to +32,767 -32,767 to +32,767 -32,767 to +32,767 -32,767 to +32,767
Image enlargement Up to 8x Up to 8x Up to 8x Up to 8x

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 16 16 16 16

Hard disk, GB 4 9, optional 18 9 (x 2) 9 (x 2)

No. online images 9,200 (512 x 512), 12,000 (512 x 512), 20,000 (512 x 512), 20,000 (512 x 512),
500 raw data 3,000 raw data 3,000 raw data 3,000 raw data

Archival storage 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD,

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 21
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


HiSpeed CT/e HiSpeed CT/e Dual HiSpeed NXi Base HiSpeed NXi Pro

Minimum interscan
time, sec 1 1 0.7 0.7

Dynamic scan rate 20 scans/min 60 scans/min 85 scans/min 85 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 13.3 13.3 15.4 15.4
50% MTF, lp/cm 9.5 9.5 8.5 8.5
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 3 at 0.3% at 0.9 5 at 0.3% at 0.9 5 at 0.3% at 0.9 5 at 0.3% at 0.9
rads; 20 cm CATPHAN rads; 20 cm CATPHAN rads; 8" CATPHAN rads; 8" CATPHAN
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.35 0.35 0.26 0.26 at 2.41 rads

SCORING Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
SIZE, m2 13 13 18 18
POWER REQUIREMENTS 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal,
50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
delta or Wye delta or Wye delta or Wye delta or Wye
List price,
std configuration $375,000 Not specified $750,000 $895,000
System warranty 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor
X-ray tube warranty 80,000 slices Not specified 1 year prorated 1 year prorated
Delivery time, ARO 45 days Not specified 45 days 45 days
Training w/purchase Not specified Not specified 4 days HQ class 4 days HQ class

Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year first sold 1999 Not specified 2000 2000
USA installations >45 Not specified 20 40
World installations >600 Not specified 50 90
Fiscal year January to December January to December January to December January to December
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto-
Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm;
AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto
Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep;
ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/
edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna-
Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image-
Works; ProView; Works; ProView; Works; ProView; Works; ProView;
PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro;
SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced
vessel analysis; vessel analysis; vessel analysis; vessel analysis;
perfusion; remote perfusion; remote perfusion; remote perfusion; remote
tilt; breathing tilt; breathing tilt; rear gantry tilt; rear gantry
lights; SmartmA. lights; SmartmA. controls; breathing controls; breathing
lights; SmartmA; lights; SmartmA;
advanced lung advanced lung
analysis. analysis.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

22 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


HighSpeed QXi HiSpeed Xi HiSpeed Xi Pro LightSpeed Plus

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Multislice Single-slice helical Single-slice helical Multislice
Number of slices
simultaneously 4 1 1 4
Geometry Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip
ring ring ring ring

Detectors, type HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic

Number of rows 16 1 Not specified 16

Elements per row 912 816 816 912
Number of
detection channels 4 x 912 816 816 4 x 912
Scan times, sec
360° 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 3; 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8,
optional 0.8 optional 0.8 1, 2, 3, 4

Partial NA 0.7, optional 0.5 0.5 NA

Slice thickness, mm 0.63, 1.25, 2.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 0.63, 1.25, 2.5,
3.75, 5, 7.5, 10 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10

X-ray fan beam

angle, ° 55 61.5 61.5 55
Gantry tilt, ° ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 208 x 223 x 109 184.9 x 182.1 x 90.9 184.9 x 182.1 x 90.9 188.2 x 222.5 x
Gantry weight, kg 1,269 1,100 1,100 1,269
Gantry aperture, cm 70 70 70 70
Scan localizer Laser Laser Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 5,300,000 3,500,000 6,300,000 6,300,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 840,000 820,000 840,000 840,000

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.7 x 0.6, 0.9 x 0.7 0.5 x 0.7, 1 x 1 0.5 x 0.7, 1 x 1 0.7 x 0.6, 0.9 x 0.7

Optional tubes NA NA NA NA
kW output 42 30, optional 42 53 53.2
kVp range 80, 100, 120, 140 80, 120, 140 80, 120, 140 80, 100, 120, 140

mA range 10-350 10-250, optional 300 10-440 10-440

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 23
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


HighSpeed QXi HiSpeed Xi HiSpeed Xi Pro LightSpeed Plus


Max scan time, sec 120 60 120 120
Max scan volume, cm 160 1,460 1,460 170

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm Same as axial Same as axial Same as axial Same as axial
Pitch 0.75:1, 1.5:1 0.5:1, 3:1 0.5:1, 3:1 0.75:1, 1.5:1
(4-slice mode) (4-slice mode)
Reconstruction time
per image, sec 1.5 4 (2 optional) 2 0.5

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 51-107 40-95 40-95 51-107
Longitudinal, cm 160 162 162 170
Scannable range, cm 160 162 1,460 170
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 180 (±0.25 mm), 180 (±0.25 mm), 180 (±0.25 mm), 180 (±0.25 mm),
205 (±1 mm) 205 (±1 mm) 205 (±1 mm) 205 (±1 mm)
Computer CPU Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics
Octane Octane

Scan FOVs, cm 25, 50 18-50 18-50 25, 50

matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 1.5 2 2 0.5

For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time Real time
Monitor size 20" (2) 21" 21" 20" (2)
Matrixes, pixels 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -1,024 to +3,071 -32,767 to +32,767 -32,767 to +32,767 -1,024 to +3,071
Image enlargement Up to 8x Up to 8x Up to 8x Up to 8x

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 16 16 16 16

Hard disk, GB 13.5 9 9 13.5

No. online images 20,000 (512 x 512), 10,000 (512 x 512), 10,000 (512 x 512), 20,000 (512 x 512),
2,000 raw data 1,000 raw data 1,000 raw data 2,000 raw data

Archival storage 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD,

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

24 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


HighSpeed QXi HiSpeed Xi HiSpeed Xi Pro LightSpeed Plus

Minimum interscan
time, sec 1 1 1 1

Dynamic scan rate 171 scans/min 30 scans/min 43 scans/min 240 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4
50% MTF, lp/cm 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 5 at 0.3% at 1.8 5 at 0.3% at 0.9 5 at 0.3% at 0.9 5 at 0.3% at 1.8
rads; 8" CATPHAN rads; 8" CATPHAN rads; 8" CATPHAN rads; 8" CATPHAN
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.33 at 2.85 rads 0.26 at 2.41 rads 0.26 at 2.41 rads 0.33 at 2.85 rads

SCORING Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
SIZE, m2 28 minimum 18 18 28 minimum
POWER REQUIREMENTS 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal,
50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
delta or Wye delta or Wye delta or Wye delta or Wye
List price,
std configuration $1,145,000 $525,000 $765,000 $1,250,000
System warranty 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor
X-ray tube warranty 1 year prorated 1 year prorated 1 year prorated 1 year prorated
Delivery time, ARO 45 days 45 days 45 days 45 days
Training w/purchase 4 days HQ class 4 days HQ class 4 days HQ class 4 days HQ class

Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year first sold 1998 1998 1998 2000
USA installations >850 300 40 >300
World installations >1,100 500 100 >400
Fiscal year January to December January to December January to December January to December
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto-
Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm;
AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto
Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep;
ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/
edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna-
Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image-
Works; ProView; Works; ProView; Works; ProView; Works; ProView;
PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro;
SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced
vessel analysis; vessel analysis; vessel analysis; vessel analysis;
perfusion; remote perfusion; remote perfusion; remote perfusion; remote
tilt; in-room start; tilt; rear gantry tilt; rear gantry tilt; in-room start;
rear gantry controls; breathing controls; breathing rear gantry
controls; breathing lights; SmartmA. lights; SmartmA; controls; breathing
lights; SmartmA; advanced lung lights; SmartmA;
colonography. * analysis. colonography. *

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* Also Color Coding for Kids and advanced lung analysis.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 25
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


LightSpeed QXi LightSpeed 16 LightSpeed Ultra Mx8000 IDT

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Multislice Multislice Multislice Multislice helical
Number of slices
simultaneously 4 16 8 16
Geometry Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate,
ring ring ring slip ring

Detectors, type HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic HiLight ceramic 24 mm z-axis cover-
age, solid state

Number of rows 16 24 16 24
Elements per row 912 912 912 Varied
Number of
detection channels 4 x 912 16 x 912 8 x 912 672/row
Scan times, sec
360° 0.8, 1, 2, 3, 4 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5,
0.9, 1, 2, 3, 4 0.9, 1, 2, 3, 4 2; optional 0.42

Partial NA NA NA 0.3
Slice thickness, mm 0.63, 1.25, 2.5, 0.63, 1.25, 2.5, 0.63, 1.25, 2.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3; fused
3.75, 5, 7.5, 10 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10 combinations for
axial mode
X-ray fan beam
angle, ° 55 55 55 52
Gantry tilt, ° ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 188.2 x 222.5 x 188.2 x 222.5 x 188.2 x 222.5 x 205 x 229 x 98
100.6 100.6 100.6
Gantry weight, kg 1,269 1,269 1,269 2,100
Gantry aperture, cm 70 70 70 70
Scan localizer Laser Laser Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 6,300,000 6,300,000 6,300,000 6,500,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 840,000 840,000 840,000 730,000

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.7 x 0.6, 0.9 x 0.7 0.7 x 0.6, 0.9 x 0.7 0.7 x 0.6, 0.9 x 0.7 0.5 x 0.7 small,
0.8 x 1.2 large
Optional tubes NA NA NA None
kW output 53.2 53.2 53.2 60
kVp range 80, 100, 120, 140 80, 100, 120, 140 80, 100, 120, 140 90, 120, 140

mA range 10-440 10-440 10-440 28-500 in 1 mA


Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

26 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


LightSpeed QXi LightSpeed 16 LightSpeed Ultra Mx8000 IDT


Max scan time, sec 120 120 120 100
Max scan volume, cm 170 170 170 157

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm Same as axial Same as axial Same as axial 24
Pitch 0.75:1, 1.5:1 0.5625:1, 0.9375:1, 0.625:1, 0.875:1, 0.2:1 to 2:1, user
(4-slice mode) 1.375:1, 1.75:1 * 1.35:1, 1.675:1 ** selectable
Reconstruction time
per image, sec 1.1 Not specified 0.5 0.25

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 51-107 51-107 51-107 48-100
Longitudinal, cm 170 170 170 157
Scannable range, cm 170 170 170 157
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 180 (±0.25 mm), 180 (±0.25 mm), 180 (±0.25 mm), 200 (0.25 mm)
205 (±1 mm) 205 (±1 mm) 205 (±1 mm)
Computer CPU Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics Silicon Graphics Pentium-based host,
Octane Octane Octane Windows NT operating
Scan FOVs, cm 25, 50 25, 50 25, 50 Up to 50

matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 340 x 340,
512 x 512;
optional 768 x 768,
1024 x 1024
Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.25

For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time 1-4
Monitor size 20" (2) 20" (2) 20" (2) 21"
Matrixes, pixels 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -1,024 to +3,071 -1,024 to +3,071 -1,024 to +3,071 -1,024 to +3,072
Image enlargement Up to 8x Up to 8x Up to 8x Up to 10x; real time

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 16 16 16 64

Hard disk, GB 13.5 Not specified 13.5 36

No. online images 20,000 (512 x 512), Not specified 20,000 (512 x 512), 65,000 (512 x 512)
2,000 raw data 2,000 raw data

Archival storage 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD, 2.3 GB MOD, Rewritable 9.1 GB

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* 16-slice mode. three pages covering
** 8-slice mode. the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 27
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


LightSpeed QXi LightSpeed 16 LightSpeed Ultra Mx8000 IDT

Minimum interscan
time, sec 1 1 1 0.5

Dynamic scan rate 150 scans/min 960 scans/min 480 scans/min Up to 1,880 scans/
spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 15.4 15.4 15.4 24
50% MTF, lp/cm 8.5 8.5 8.5 11
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 5 at 0.3% at 1.8 Not specified 5 at 0.3% at 1.8 4 at 0.3% at
rads; 8" CATPHAN rads; 8" CATPHAN 2.7 rads
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.33 at 2.85 rads Not specified 0.33 at 2.85 rads 0.27 at 2.7 rads on
8.5" water phantom
SCORING Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
SIZE, m2 28 minimum 28 minimum 28 minimum 25 (45 optimal)
POWER REQUIREMENTS 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal, 460/480 VAC nominal, 380-480 VAC, 90 kVA,
50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 3-phase 3-phase
delta or Wye delta or Wye delta or Wye
List price,
std configuration $1,145,000 $1,145,000 $1,145,000 Not specified
System warranty 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor 1 year, parts/labor 1 year
X-ray tube warranty 1 year prorated 1 year prorated 1 year prorated 150,000 scan seconds
Delivery time, ARO 45 days 45 days 45 days 90 days
Training w/purchase 4 days HQ class 4 days HQ class 4 days HQ class Yes

Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year first sold 1998 1998 1998 2002
USA installations >850 >850 >850 Not specified
World installations >1,100 >1,100 >1,100 Not specified
Fiscal year January to December January to December January to December January to December
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; Auto- AutoScan; AutoVoice;
Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm; Archive; AutoFilm; AutoFilm; AutoSend;
AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto AutoVoice; Auto AutoArchive;
Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep; Transfer; SmartPrep; Bolus Pro Ultra;
ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/ ProtocolPro; view/ Spiral Auto Start;
edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna- edit Wizard; Dyna- Dynamic Focal Spot;
Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image- Plan Plus; Image- isotropic imaging;
Works; ProView; Works; ProView; Works; ProView; cardiac scoring;
PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro; PMR; ConnectPro; functional CT;
SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced SmartScore; advanced cardiac imaging;
vessel analysis; vessel analysis; vessel analysis; ImagePro; Q-BMAP;
perfusion; remote perfusion; remote perfusion; remote Denta-CT; Master-
tilt; in-room start; tilt; in-room start; tilt; in-room start; Look; PinPoint
rear gantry rear gantry rear gantry (integrated stereo-
controls; breathing controls; breathing controls; breathing tactic arm).
lights; SmartmA; lights; SmartmA; lights; SmartmA;
colonography. * colonography. colonography. *

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* Also Color Coding for Kids and advanced lung analysis.

28 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


Mx8000 Quad Mx8000 Dual Secura Aura

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Asia, Australia, Asia, Australia,

Europe, South Europe, South
America America
CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Multislice helical Multislice helical Helical Single-slice helical
Number of slices
simultaneously 4 2 1 1
Geometry Rotate-rotate, Rotate-rotate, Rotate-rotate, Rotate-rotate,
slip ring slip ring slip ring slip ring

Detectors, type Solid state Solid state Solid state Solid state

Number of rows 8 8 Not specified Not specified

Elements per row Varied Varied Not specified Not specified
Number of
detection channels 10,750 2,684 952 + 8 reference 688 + 8 reference
Scan times, sec
360° 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2 0.7, 1, 1.4, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 4

Partial 0.3 0.3 0.45 (228°) 0.6 (228°)

Slice thickness, mm 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10
8, 10 8, 10

X-ray fan beam

angle, ° 52 52 51 48
Gantry tilt, ° ±30 ±30 ±30 +30/-28
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 205 x 229 x 98 205 x 229 x 98 187 x 195 x 97 186 x 210 x 86

Gantry weight, kg 2,100 2,100 1,570 1,875

Gantry aperture, cm 70 70 72 67
Scan localizer Laser Laser Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 6,500,000 6,500,000 7,700,000 2,000,000; 3,500,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 730,000 730,000 1,200,000 336,000

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.5 x 0.7 small, 0.5 x 0.7 small, Dual 0.5 x 0.7; 1 x 0.7 x 1,
0.8 x 1.2 large 0.8 x 1.2 large 1.2, IEC nominal IEC nominal
Optional tubes None None Not specified 3,500,000 HU
kW output 60 48, optional 60 60 24
kVp range 90-140 90-140 100, 120, 140 100, 120, 130, 140

mA range 28-500 in 1 mA 28-400 in 1 mA 5-400 15-180

increments increments (48 kW) *

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

* 28-500 with optional 60 kW output. three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

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Mx8000 Quad Mx8000 Dual Secura Aura


Max scan time, sec 100 60; 100 optional 100 100
Max scan volume, cm 157 157 150 157, 2:1 pitch

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 24 24 Not specified Not specified
Pitch 0.25:1 to 2:1 in 0.375:1 to 2:1 in Variable Variable
0.025 increments 0.005 increments
Reconstruction time
per image, sec 0.5, 1 0.5, 1 0.8 0.8

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 48-100 48-100 45-100 57-99
Longitudinal, cm 157 157 181 193
Scannable range, cm 157 157 150 158
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 200 (0.25 mm) 202 (0.25 mm) 150 150

Computer CPU SGI RISC SGI RISC Sun Ultra, RapidView Sun Ultra, RapidView
reconstructor reconstructor

Scan FOVs, cm 25, 50 25, 50 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, 4-48 in 0.5 cm steps
42, 51
matrixes 340 x 340, 340 x 340, 320 x 320, 320 x 320,
512 x 512; 512 x 512; 512 x 512 512 x 512
optional 768 x 768, optional 768 x 768,
1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024
Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 0.5-2 0.5-2 0.8 1

For localization
scan, sec 1-4 1-4 Real time Real time
Monitor size 21" 21" Dual 21" Dual 21"
Matrixes, pixels 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -1,024 to +3,072 -1,024 to +3,072 -2,000 to +4,000 -2,000 to +4,000
Image enlargement Up to 10x; real time Up to 10x; real time Up to 9.9x Up to 9.9x

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 64 64 25 25

Hard disk, GB 9 9 9.1 9.1 image

No. online images 11,000 (512 x 512) 11,000 (512 x 512) 14,500 (512 x 512) 14,500 (512 x 512)

Archival storage Rewritable 4.1 GB Rewritable 4.1 GB 650 MB CD-R 650 MB CD-R

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

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Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

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Mx8000 Quad Mx8000 Dual Secura Aura

Minimum interscan
time, sec 0.5 0.5 0 0

Dynamic scan rate 452 slices/min 226 slices/min 60 scans/min 60 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 24 24 18 15
50% MTF, lp/cm 11 11 8 8
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 4 at 0.3% at 4 at 0.3% at 3 at 0.5% (10 mm 3 at 0.35% (10 mm
2.7 rads 2.7 rads slice) slice)
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.3 at 2.7 rads on 0.3 at 2.7 rads on Not specified Not specified
8.5" water phantom 8.5" water phantom
SCORING Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
SIZE, m2 25 (45 optimal) 25 (45 optimal) 30 30
POWER REQUIREMENTS 380-480 VAC, 90 kVA, 380-480 VAC, 90 kVA, 440/460/480 VAC, 440/460/480 VAC,
3-phase 3-phase 60 Hz 60 Hz


List price,
std configuration Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
System warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
X-ray tube warranty 150,000 scan seconds 150,000 scan seconds 100,000 exposures * 100,000 slices
Delivery time, ARO 30 days 30 days 3 months 3 months
Training w/purchase Yes Yes Yes 56 hours on-site

Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year first sold 1998 2000 1999 1999
USA installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
World installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Fiscal year January to December January to December January to December January to December
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS AutoScan; AutoVoice; AutoScan; AutoVoice; 3-D display; 3-D display;
AutoFilm; AutoSend; AutoFilm; AutoSend; AutoFilm; AutoVoice; AutoVoice;
AutoArchive; AutoArchive; dental formatting; AutoFilming;
Bolus Pro Ultra; Bolus Pro Ultra; CT/MR matching; dental formatting;
Spiral Auto Start; Spiral Auto Start; bone mineral CT/MR matching;
Dynamic Focal Spot; Dynamic Focal Spot; analysis; bone mineral
isotropic imaging; isotropic imaging; CT fluoroscopy; analysis;
cardiac scoring; cardiac scoring; workstation. Meets workstation. Meets
functional CT; functional CT; requirements of CSA requirements of CSA
cardiac imaging; cardiac imaging; and ETL. and ETL.
ImagePro; Q-BMAP; ImagePro; Q-BMAP;
Denta-CT; Master- Denta-CT; Master-
Look; optional Pin- Look; optional Pin-
Point (integrated Point (integrated
stereotactic arm). stereotactic arm).

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* Guaranteed.

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Product Comparison Chart


AcQsimCT UltraZ SCT-7800TC SCT-7800TF

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Single-slice helical Single-slice helical Helical Helical
Number of slices
simultaneously 1 1 1 1
Geometry Rotate-rotate, Rotate-fixed, Slip ring Slip ring
slip ring slip ring

Detectors, type Solid-state Solid-state Solid state Solid state

cadmium tungstate cadmium tungstate

Number of rows Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Elements per row Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Number of
detection channels 2,400 2,400 688 928
Scan times, sec
360° 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 0.9, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 1, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2 1, 1.5, 2, 3

Partial 0.6 0.6 (230°) 0.7 0.75

Slice thickness, mm 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10
8, 10

X-ray fan beam

angle, ° 61 44 55 55
Gantry tilt, ° ±30 ±30 ±25 ±25
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 196 x 226 x 86 196 x 226 x 86 172 x 170 x 104 172 x 170 x 104

Gantry weight, kg 1,540 1,540 1,297 1,297

Gantry aperture, cm 85 70 70 70
Scan localizer Laser Laser Light beam Light beam

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 6,500,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 4,500,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 830,000 830,000 735,000 747,600

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.4 x 0.5 small, 0.4 x 0.5 small, 0.8 x 0.8, 0.8 x 0.8,
0.6 x 0.9 large 0.6 x 0.9 large 1 x 1.2 1 x 1.2
Optional tubes None 6,500,000 HU 3,500,000; 4,500,000 None
kW output 56 56 48 48
kVp range 80-140 80-140 120, 135 120, 135

mA range 30-400 in 10 mA 30-400 in 10 mA 50-250; optional 50-250; optional

increments increments 300, 370 300, 370

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

32 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


AcQsimCT UltraZ SCT-7800TC SCT-7800TF


Max scan time, sec ZAP Ultra, unlimited 45; opt 70/unlimited 55; optional 120 60; optional 120
Max scan volume, cm 162 162 80 80

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 15 15 13.5 18
Pitch 0.5:1 to 3:1 in 0.5:1 to 3:1 in 0.1 0.5:1 to 2:1 0.5:1 to 2:1
0.1 increments increments
Reconstruction time
per image, sec 4 3 3-5 (in background) 3-5 (in background)

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 56-103 56-103 37-97 37-97
Longitudinal, cm 180 180 170.5 170.5
Scannable range, cm 162 162 114.5 114.5
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 202 (0.25 mm) * 202 with 0.25 mm 135 135
Computer CPU Sun Ultra SPARC Sun Ultra SPARC Shimadzu 32-bit CPU Shimadzu 32-bit CPU
with three 64-bit with five 64-bit
array processors array processors
Scan FOVs, cm 60 25, 48 16, 21, 25, 30, 42, 16, 21, 25, 30, 42,
50 50
matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 3 3 3-5 2-4

For localization
scan, sec 3-5 3-5 Real time Real time
Monitor size 21" 21" 17" color; opt 21" 21" color
Matrixes, pixels 1152 x 900 1132 x 900 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -2,048 to +6,143 -2,048 to +6,143 HU -1,000 to +8,000 -1,000 to +8,000
Image enlargement Up to 4x, real time Up to 4x, real time Up to 16x, real time Up to 16x, real time

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 4 4 16 16

Hard disk, GB 26 26 12 12

No. online images 11,000 (512 x 512) 11,000 (512 x 512) 8,000 + 3,200 raw 8,000 + 2,200 raw
data data

Archival storage 8 mm cartridge tape; 8 mm cartridge tape, MOD drive MOD drive
optional optical optional optical
disk disk

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* Scanner includes indexed ACQSIM therapy tabletop. three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

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Product Comparison Chart


AcQsimCT UltraZ SCT-7800TC SCT-7800TF

Minimum interscan
time, sec 1 1 1 1

Dynamic scan rate 32 scans/min 32 scans/min 30 scans/min 30 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 15 15 13.5 18
50% MTF, lp/cm 8 8 7.5 9
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 3.5 at 0.35% at 2 at 0.35% at 3 at 0.3% 3 at 0.3%
2.7 rads 3.6 rads
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.3% on 8" water 0.3 on 8" water 0.33 0.33
phantom phantom
SCORING Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
DICOM 3.0 INTERFACE Yes Yes Optional Optional
SIZE, m2 25 (32.7 optimal) 25 (32.7 optimal) 18 18
POWER REQUIREMENTS 480 VAC nominal, 480 VAC nominal, 100/200-480 VAC, 100/200-480 VAC,
75 kVA, 3-phase 75 kVA, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 75 kVA 50/60 Hz, 75 kVA


List price,
std configuration Not specified Not specified $500,000 $675,000
System warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
X-ray tube warranty 100,000 exposures * 100,000 exposues * 100,000 slices 100,000 slices
Delivery time, ARO 30 days 30 days 60 days 60 days
Training w/purchase Yes Yes 1 week 1 week

Remote diagnostics Yes Not specified Optional Optional

Year first sold 2001 1998 2001 2000
USA installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
World installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Fiscal year January to December January to December January to December January to December
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Dedicated oncology ImagePro filter; Optical touchpanel Optical touchpanel
system designed for MSSI; shaded surface user interface; user interface;
ease of positioning display; MIP; mouse-driven mouse-driven
for breast, mantle, 4-D angio volume; Windows-like opera- Windows-like opera-
and large patient cardiac scoring; tor environment; tor environment;
cases; ImagePro; Polus Pro; PinPoint real-time MPR; user- real-time MPR; user-
PinPoint (integrated (integrated recordable auto- recordable auto-
stereotactic arm); stereotactic arm); voice; CT fluoro; voice; autolights;
optional CT SIM Q-BMAP; continuous virtual endoscopy; laser imager digital
package with DRRs, CT (CCT). SMART Enhance; laser interface; software
DCRs, multimodality imager digital for 3-D display;
image fusion, interface; software arbitrary curve MPR;
therapy tabletop; for 3-D display; ar- dental CT; optional
optional 3-D bitrary curve MPR; real-time spiral re-
radiation therapy real-time spiral construction and 3-D
treatment planning. reconstruction and rendering. **
3-D rendering. **

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* Guaranteed.
** Meets requirements of DEKRA, EN 29001 and 46001, ETL, IEC 601-1, ISO 9001, JIS T-1001, JIS Z-9901, and TUV.

34 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart



Smile Esprit
WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Helical Helical Spiral Spiral
Number of slices
simultaneously 1 1 1 1
Geometry Slip ring Slip ring Continuous rotate, Continuous rotate,
low-voltage slip low-voltage slip
ring ring
Detectors, type Solid state Solid state UltraFast Ceramic UltraFast Ceramic

Number of rows Not specified Not specified 1 1

Elements per row Not specified Not specified 416 416
Number of
detection channels 928 928 416 832
Scan times, sec
360° 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 2, 4 1.5, 2

Partial 0.5 0.5 NA 1

Slice thickness, mm 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 2, 5, 10 1.5, 3, 5, 8, 10

X-ray fan beam

angle, ° 55 55 Not specified 50.8
Gantry tilt, ° ±25 ±25 ±45 ±25
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 172 x 170 x 104 172 x 170 x 104 174 x 193 x 88 178 x 230 x 66

Gantry weight, kg 1,297 1,297 900 1,150

Gantry aperture, cm 70 70 60 65
Scan localizer Light beam Light beam Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 4,500,000 4,500,000 1,000,000 1,750,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 747,600 747,600 135,000 400,000

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.8 x 0.8, 0.8 x 0.8, 1.7 x 0.7 1.1 x 0.7
1 x 1.2 1 x 1.2
Optional tubes None None No No
kW output 48 48 10 22
kVp range 120, 135 120, 135 120 80, 130

mA range 50-300; optional 370 50-370 10-80 20-160

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

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Smile Esprit
Max scan time, sec 120 120 34 60
Max scan volume, cm 80 80 32 80

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 18 18 10.6 10.6
Pitch 0.5:1 to 2:1 0.5:1 to 2:1 1:1 to 2:1 1:1 to 2:1

Reconstruction time
per image, sec 3-5 (in background) 3-5 (in background) 6 2 or 1

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 37-97 37-97 Fixed 45-83
Longitudinal, cm 170.5 170.5 150 127
Scannable range, cm 114.5 114.5 110 120
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 135 135 200 200

Computer CPU Shimadzu 32-bit CPU Shimadzu 32-bit CPU Multi Intel-based Multi Intel-based
with five 64-bit with five 64-bit servers with Pentium servers with Dual
array processors array processors technology Pentium IV
Scan FOVs, cm 16, 21, 25, 30, 42, 16, 21, 25, 30, 42, 42 45
50 50
matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 2-4 2-4 6 2 or 1

For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time Real time
Monitor size 21" color 21" color 19" CRT 18" LCD or 21" CRT
Matrixes, pixels 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 max 1024 x 1024 max

Range of CT numbers -1,000 to +8,000 -1,000 to +8,000 -1,024 to +3,071 -1,024 to +3,071 *
Image enlargement Up to 16x, real time Up to 16x, real time Yes Yes

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 16 16 30 64

Hard disk, GB 12 12 18 18

No. online images 8,000 + 2,200 raw 8,000 + 2,200 raw 30,000 13,000 + 4,000 raw
data data data sets of 2 sec
scans **

Archival storage MOD drive MOD drive CD-R CD-R, MOD

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* Range of CT numbers is -10,240 to +30,710 with extended Hounsfield unit scale. three pages covering
** 5,300 raw data sets of 1.5 sec scans. the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

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Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart



Smile Esprit
Minimum interscan
time, sec 1 1 Not specified 1

Dynamic scan rate 30 scans/min 30 scans/min Not specified 18 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 18 18 10.6 10.6
50% MTF, lp/cm 9 9 Not specified 6.5
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 3 at 0.3% 3 at 0.3% 3 at 0.3 at 5 at 0.3 at
2.8 rads at 120 mAs 1.99 rads at 90 mAs
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.33 0.33 Not specified 0.28

SCORING Not specified Not specified NA NA
DICOM 3.0 INTERFACE Optional Optional Yes Yes
SIZE, m2 18 18 17 17
POWER REQUIREMENTS 100/200-480 VAC, 100/200-480 VAC, 480 VAC, 3-phase, 190-480 VAC,
50/60 Hz, 75 kVA 50/60 Hz, 75 kVA ≤17 kVA 3-phase, ≤30 kVA


List price,
std configuration $750,000 $820,000 Not specified Not specified
System warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
X-ray tube warranty 100,000 slices 100,000 slices 130,000 scan sec 130,000 scan sec
Delivery time, ARO 60 days 60 days Not specified Not specified
Training w/purchase 1 week 1 week Yes Yes

Remote diagnostics Optional Optional Yes Yes

Year first sold 2000 2000 2001 2000
USA installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
World installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Fiscal year January to December January to December October to September October to September
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Optical touchpanel Optical touchpanel MPR package; do-it- syngo Osteo; syngo
user interface; user interface; yourself service dental; syngo per-
mouse-driven mouse-driven capability. fusion; syngo Pulmo;
Windows-like opera- Windows-like opera- VRT (Volume Render-
tor environment; tor environment; ing Technique); CARE
real-time MPR; user- real-time MPR; user- Dose; syngo Fly
recordable auto- recordable auto- Through; Turbo
voice; autolights; voice; CT fluoro; Recon.
laser imager digital virtual endoscopy;
interface; software SMART Enhance;
for 3-D display; laser imager digital
arbitrary curve MPR; interface; software
dental CT; optional for 3-D display;
real-time spiral re- arbitrary curve MPR;
construction and 3-D real-time spiral re-
rendering. * construction and 3-D
rendering. *

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* Meets requirements of DEKRA, EN 29001 and 46001, ETL, IEC 601-1, ISO 9001, JIS T-1001, JIS Z-9901, and TUV.

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Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart



Esprit+ Balance Emotion Emotion Duo
WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral
Number of slices
simultaneously 1 1 1 2
Geometry Continuous rotate, Continuous rotate, Continuous rotate, Continuous rotate,
low-voltage slip low-voltage slip low-voltage slip low-voltage slip
ring ring ring ring
Detectors, type UltraFast Ceramic UltraFast Ceramic UltraFast Ceramic UltraFast Ceramic

Number of rows 1 1 1 2
Elements per row 608 672 672 672
Number of
detection channels 1,216 1,344 1,344 2 x 1,344
Scan times, sec
360° 1, 1.5 1, 1.5 0.8, 1, 1.5 0.8, 1, 1.5

Partial 0.67 0.67 0.5, 0.67 0.5, 0.67

Slice thickness, mm 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 2x (1, 1.5, 2.5, 4,
5), 8, 10

X-ray fan beam

angle, ° 55.8 55.8 55.8 55.8
Gantry tilt, ° ±25 ±30 ±30 ±30
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 178 x 230 x 66 178 x 230 x 66 178 x 230 x 66 178 x 230 x 66

Gantry weight, kg 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,300

Gantry aperture, cm 65 70 70 70
Scan localizer Laser Laser Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 2,000,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 500,000 635,000 700,000 700,000

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.8 x 0.4, 0.8 x 0.7 0.8 x 0.4, 0.8 x 0.7 0.8 x 0.4, 0.8 x 0.7 0.8 x 0.4, 0.8 x 0.7

Optional tubes No No No No
kW output 24 26 40 40
kVp range 80, 110, 130 80, 110, 130 80, 110, 130 80, 110, 130

mA range 30-180 30-180 30-240 30-240

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

38 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart



Esprit+ Balance Emotion Emotion Duo
Max scan time, sec 60 80 100 100
Max scan volume, cm 120 130 153 153

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
Pitch 1:1 to 2:1 1:1 to 2:1 1:1 to 2:1 1:1 to 4:1

Reconstruction time
per image, sec 2 or 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 1

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 45-83 45-83 45-83 45-83
Longitudinal, cm 137 137 160 160
Scannable range, cm 130 130 153 153
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 200 200 200 200

Computer CPU Multi Intel-based Multi Intel-based Multi Intel-based Multiple Intel-based
servers with Dual servers with Dual servers with Dual servers with Dual
Pentium IV Pentium IV Pentium IV Pentium IV
Scan FOVs, cm 45 50 50 50

matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 2 or 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 1

For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time Real time
Monitor size 18" LCD or 21" CRT 18" LCD or 21" CRT 18" LCD or 21" CRT 18" LCD or 21" CRT
Matrixes, pixels 1024 x 1024 max 1024 x 1024 max 1024 x 1024 max 1024 x 1024 max

Range of CT numbers -1,024 to +3,071 * -1,024 to +3,071 * -1,024 to +3,071 * -1,024 to +3,071 *
Image enlargement Yes Yes Yes Yes

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 64 64 64 64

Hard disk, GB 18 18 18 45

No. online images 13,000 + 2,750 raw 13,000 + 2,750 raw 13,000 + 2,750 or 13,000 + 4,800 or
data sets of 2 sec data sets of 1 sec 3,350 raw data sets 6,000 raw data sets
scans scans of 1.05 or 0.8 sec of 1 or 0.8 sec
scans scans
Archival storage CD-R, MOD CD-R, MOD CD-R, MOD CD-R, MOD

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* Range of CT numbers is -10,240 to +30,710 with extended Hounsfield unit scale. three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 39
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart



Esprit+ Balance Emotion Emotion Duo
Minimum interscan
time, sec 0.67 0.67 0.5 0.5

Dynamic scan rate 40 scans/min 480 scans/min 480 scans/min 480 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
50% MTF, lp/cm 7 7 7 7
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 5 at 0.3 at 5 at 0.3 at 5 at 0.3 at 5 at 0.3 at
1.58 rads at 90 mAs 1.58 rads at 90 mAs 1.58 rads at 90 mAs 1.58 rads at 90 mAs
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19

SIZE, m2 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
POWER REQUIREMENTS 190-480 VAC, 190-480 VAC, 190-480 VAC, 190-480 VAC,
3-phase, ≤48 kVA 3-phase, ≤48 kVA 3-phase, ≤48 kVA 3-phase, ≤48 kVA


List price,
std configuration Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
System warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
X-ray tube warranty 130,000 scan sec 130,000 scan sec 130,000 scan sec 130,000 scan sec
Delivery time, ARO Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Training w/purchase Yes Yes Yes Yes

Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year first sold 2001 1999 1999 2001
USA installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
World installations Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Fiscal year October to September October to September October to September October to September
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS syngo Osteo; syngo syngo Osteo; syngo HeartView CS (Heart- SureView; HeartView
dental; syngo per- dental; syngo per- View w/Calcium Scor- w/Calcium Scoring;
fusion; syngo Pulmo; fusion; syngo Pulmo; ing); syngo Osteo; syngo Osteo;
VRT (Volume Render- VRT (Volume Render- syngo Dental; syngo syngo Dental; syngo
ing Technique); CARE ing Technique); CARE Perfusion; syngo Perfusion; syngo
Dose; syngo Fly Dose; CARE Vision Pulmo; VRT (Volume Pulmo; VRT (Volume
Through; Turbo CT fluoroscopy; Rendering Tech- Rendering Tech-
Recon. syngo Image Fusion nique); CARE Dose; nique); CARE Dose;
(CT/MRI/PET); syngo CARE Vision CT CARE Vision CT
3D VesselView; Turbo fluoroscopy; syngo fluoroscopy; syngo
Recon. Image Fusion Image Fusion
(CT/MRI/PET); syngo (CT/MRI/PET); syngo
LungCare; syngo 3D LungCare; syngo 3D
VesselView; syngo VesselView; syngo
Fly Through. Fly Through.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

40 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart



Sensation 4 Sensation 16 Sensation Cardiac
WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Multislice Spiral Multislice Spiral Multislice Spiral Helical
Number of slices
simultaneously 4 16 16 1
Geometry Continuous rotate, Continuous rotate, Continuous rotate, Rotate-rotate, slip
low-voltage slip low-voltage slip low-voltage slip ring
ring ring ring
Detectors, type UltraFast Ceramic UltraFast Ceramic UltraFast Ceramic Solid state
with adaptive with adaptive with adaptive
array detector array detector array detector
Number of rows 4 16 24 1
Elements per row 672 672 672 640
Number of
detection channels 8 x 1,344 16 x 1,344 16 x 1,344 640
Scan times, sec
360° 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5 0.42, 0.5 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3
(0.42 w/HeartView)

Partial 0.36, 0.54 0.36, 0.54 * 0.36 ** 0.5 (227°) ***

Slice thickness, mm 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 0.6, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 0.6, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10
1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,
7, 8, 10 10, 12, 18 10, 12, 18
X-ray fan beam
angle, ° 54.4 54.4 54.4 47.5
Gantry tilt, ° ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 199 x 89 x 222 199 x 89 x 222 199 x 89 x 222 176 x 197 x 86

Gantry weight, kg 2,100 2,100 2,100 1,300

Gantry aperture, cm 70 70 70 72
Scan localizer Laser Laser Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 5,300,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 3,500,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 730,000 730,000 730,000 735,000

Tube cooling Chilled water Chilled water Chilled water Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 0.5 x 0.7, 0.8 x 1.2 0.5 x 0.7, 0.8 x 1.2 0.5 x 0.7, 0.8 x 1.2 See footnote †

Optional tubes No No No Not specified

kW output 60 60 60 36
kVp range 80, 120, 140 80, 120, 140 80, 120, 140 80, 100, 120, 135

mA range 28-500 28-500 28-500 30-300

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

* 105 msec using HeartView. three pages covering
** 16-slice mode. the above model(s).
*** Optional 0.5 sec (229°). These specifications

Pinhole method: 0.9 x 0.9 (small), 1.5 x 1 (large); IEC standard: 1.1 x 1.1 (small), 1.7 x 1.7 (large). continue onto the
next two pages.

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Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart



Sensation 4 Sensation 16 Sensation Cardiac
Max scan time, sec 100 100 100 100
Max scan volume, cm 157 157 157 139

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 30 30 30 14 at 0% MTF
Pitch 1-8 freely select- 8-24 freely select- 8-24 freely select- 0.5-40 mm/sec *
able able able
Reconstruction time
per image, sec 0.7 0.17 0.17 4; optional 1.5

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 48-102 48-102 48-102 30-91
Longitudinal, cm 200 200 200 182
Scannable range, cm 157 157 157 143
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 200 200 200 205

Computer CPU Multiple Intel-based Multiple Intel-based Multiple Intel-based Not specified
servers with Dual servers with Dual servers with Dual
Pentium IV Pentium IV Pentium IV
Scan FOVs, cm 50 50 50 18, 24, 32, 40, 48

matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 0.7 0.17 0.17 Not specified

For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time Real time
Monitor size 18" LCD or 21" CRT 18" LCD or 21" CRT 18" LCD or 21" CRT 21"
Matrixes, pixels 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -1,024 to +3,071 ** -1,024 to +3,071 ** -1,024 to +3,071 ** -1,024 to +8,191
Image enlargement Yes Yes Yes Up to 16x

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 64 64 64 32

Hard disk, GB 108 223 223 12

No. online images 60,000 100,000 100,000 8,000

Archival storage CD-R, MOD CD-R, MOD CD-R, MOD 5.25" MOD drive

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* Couch-feed speed. three pages covering
** Range of CT numbers is -10,240 to +30,710 with extended Hounsfield unit scale. the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

42 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart



Sensation 4 Sensation 16 Sensation Cardiac
Minimum interscan
time, sec 0.25 0.25 0.25 0

Dynamic scan rate 420 scans/min 420 scans/min 420 scans/min 80 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 30 30 30 14
50% MTF, lp/cm 15 15 15 6
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 5 at 0.3% at 1.7 5 at 0.3% at 1.7 5 at 0.3% at 1.7 2.5 at 0.25%
rads rads rads
% at ≤2.5 rads 0.29 0.29 0.29 <0.35

SCORING Yes Yes Yes Yes
SIZE, m2 24 24 24 20
POWER REQUIREMENTS 380-480 VAC, 380-480 VAC, 380-480 VAC, 200 VAC,
3-phase, 66-83 kVA 3-phase, 66-83 kVA 3-phase, 66-83 kVA 50/60 ±0.5 Hz,
List price,
std configuration Not specified Not specified Not specified $630,000
System warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
X-ray tube warranty 130,000 scan sec 130,000 scan sec 130,000 scan sec See footnote *
Delivery time, ARO Not specified Not specified Not specified 90 days
Training w/purchase Yes Yes Yes 1 week at Toshiba,
1 week on-site
Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year first sold 2002 2002 2002 1998
USA installations Not specified Not specified Not specified 57
World installations Not specified Not specified Not specified 355
Fiscal year October to September October to September October to September April to March
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS SureView; CARE Dose; SureView; CARE Dose; CARE DOSE; SureView; Sure Start contrast
HeartView CI; HeartView CI; HeartView CI w/Cal- tracking; continuous
syngo Perfusion; syngo Perfusion; cium Scoring; syngo imaging, volume
CARE Vision CT CARE Vision CT Perfusion; CARE rendered 3-D; fly
fluorscopy; CARE fluorscopy; CARE Bolus; syngo Osteo; through; BMA;
Bolus; syngo Osteo; Bolus; syngo Osteo; syngo Dental; CT fluoro;
syngo Dental; syngo syngo Dental; syngo syngo Pulmo; syngo ECG gating; Kid CT
Pulmo; syngo Image Pulmo; syngo Image image fusion pediatrics package;
fusion (CT/MRI/PET); fusion (CT/MRI/PET); (CT/MRI/PET); syngo full DICOM feature
syngo LungCare; syngo LungCare; InSpace; syngo 3D set; 32 recordable
syngo 3D VesselView; syngo 3D VesselView; VesselView; syngo voice commands;
syngo Fly Through; syngo Fly Through; Argus; optional 378 programmable
syngo Argus. syngo Argus. Fly Through and protocols; Image-
Radiology Imaging Maker Kit (marketing
Package. resource).

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* 1 year/100,000 rotations.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 43
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


Asteion VR Asteion VR60 Asteion Multi 48 Asteion Multi 60

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes
TYPE Helical Helical Multislice helical Multislice helical
Number of slices
simultaneously 1 1 4 4
Geometry Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip Rotate-rotate, slip
ring ring ring, multislice ring, multislice

Detectors, type Solid state Solid state Solid state Solid state

Number of rows 1 1 4 4
Elements per row 896 896 34 x 896 34 x 896
Number of
detection channels 896 896 4 x 896 4 x 896
Scan times, sec
360° 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3

Partial 0.5 (229°) 0.5 (229°) 0.5 (229°) 0.5 (229°)

Slice thickness, mm 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
8 (all x 4); 8 (all x 4);
10 (x 2) 10 (x 2)
X-ray fan beam
angle, ° 49 49 49 49
Gantry tilt, ° ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 176 x 197 x 86 176 x 197 x 86 176 x 197 x 86 176 x 197 x 86

Gantry weight, kg 1,300 1,300 1,400 1,400

Gantry aperture, cm 72 72 72 72
Scan localizer Laser Laser Laser Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 6,500,000 6,500,000 650,000 650,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 924,000 924,000 924,000 924,000

Tube cooling Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 1.5 x 1.4, (0.8 x 1.5 x 1.4, (0.8 x See footnote * See footnote *
0.8 IEC standard) 0.8 IEC standard)
Optional tubes Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
kW output 60 60 60 60
kVp range 80, 100, 120, 135 80, 100, 120, 135 80, 100, 120, 135 80, 100, 120, 135

mA range 10-500 in 10 mA 10-500 in 10 mA 10-500 in 10 mA 10-500 in 10 mA

steps steps steps steps

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

* MS48: 1.7 x 1.6, 0.9 x 1.3 (IEC standard); 1.6 x 1.4, 0.9 x 0.8 (IEC standard). three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

44 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


Asteion VR Asteion VR60 Asteion Multi 48 Asteion Multi 60


Max scan time, sec 100 100 100 100
Max scan volume, cm 139 139 139 139

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 18 at 0% MTF 18 at 0% MTF 18 at 0% MTF 18 at 0% MTF
Pitch 0.5-40 mm/sec * 0.5-40 mm/sec * 0.5-100 mm/sec * 0.5-100 mm/sec *

Reconstruction time
per image, sec 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.2

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 30-91 30-91 30-87 30-87
Longitudinal, cm 182 182 182 182
Scannable range, cm 143 143 143 143
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 205 205 205 205

Computer CPU Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Scan FOVs, cm 18, 24, 32, 40, 50 18, 24, 32, 40, 50 18, 24, 32, 40, 50 18, 24, 32, 40, 50

matrixes 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec 1 1 Not specified Not specified

For localization
scan, sec Real time Real time Real time Real time
Monitor size 21" 21" 21" 21"
Matrixes, pixels 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024 1024 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -1,024 to +8,191 -1,024 to +8,191 -1,024 to +8,191 -1,024 to +8,191
Image enlargement Up to 16x Up to 16x Up to 16x Up to 16x

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 32 32 32 32

Hard disk, GB 12 12 45 45

No. online images 8,000 8,000 16,000 16,000

Archival storage 5.25" MOD drive 5.25" MOD drive 5.25" MOD drive 5.25" MOD drive

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* Couch-feed speed. three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 45
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


Asteion VR Asteion VR60 Asteion Multi 48 Asteion Multi 60

Minimum interscan
time, sec 1 1 1 1

Dynamic scan rate 80 scans/min 80 scans/min 80 scans/min 80 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 18 18 18 18
50% MTF, lp/cm 8 8 8 8
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 2.5 at 0.25% 2.5 at 0.25% 2.5 at 0.25% 2.5 at 0.25%

% at ≤2.5 rads <0.35 <0.35 <0.35 <0.35

SCORING Yes Yes Yes Yes
SIZE, m2 20 20 20 20
50/60 ±0.5 Hz, 50/60 ±0.5 Hz, 50/60 ±0.5 Hz, 50/60 ±0.5 Hz,
3-phase 3-phase 3-phase 3-phase
List price,
std configuration $670,000 $740,000 $950,000 $1,080,000
System warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
X-ray tube warranty See footnote * See footnote * See footnote * See footnote *
Delivery time, ARO 90 days 90 days 90 days 90 days
Training w/purchase 1 week at Toshiba, 1 week at Toshiba, 1 week at Toshiba, 1 week at Toshiba,
1 week on-site 1 week on-site 1 week on-site 1 week on-site
Remote diagnostics Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year first sold 1998 1998 1999 1999
USA installations 20 1 52 2
World installations 133 2 188 21
Fiscal year April to March April to March April to March April to March
OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Sure Start contrast Sure Start contrast Sure Start contrast Sure Start contrast
tracking; continuous tracking; continuous tracking; continuous tracking; continuous
imaging, volume imaging, volume imaging, volume imaging, volume
rendered 3-D; fly rendered 3-D; fly rendered 3-D; rendered 3-D;
through; BMA; through; BMA; fly through; fly through;
CT fluoro; CT fluoro; BMA; CT fluoro; BMA; CT fluoro;
ECG gating; Kid CT ECG gating; Kid CT ECG gating; Kid CT ECG gating; Kid CT
pediatrics package; pediatrics package; pediatrics package; pediatrics package;
full DICOM feature full DICOM feature full DICOM feature full DICOM feature
set; 32 recordable set; 32 recordable set; 32 recordable set; 32 recordable
voice commands; voice commands; voice commands; voice commands;
378 programmable 378 programmable 378 programmable 378 programmable
protocols; Image- protocols; Image- protocols; Image- protocols; Image-
Maker Kit (marketing Maker Kit (marketing Maker Kit (marketing Maker Kit (marketing
resource). resource). resource). resource).

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* 1 year/100,000 rotations.

46 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


Aquilion Multi



TYPE Multislice helical
Number of slices
simultaneously 4
Geometry Rotate-rotate, slip
ring, multislice

Detectors, type Solid state

Number of rows 4
Elements per row 34 x 896
Number of
detection channels 4 x 896
Scan times, sec
360° 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5

Partial 0.3 (229°)

Slice thickness, mm 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
8 (all x 4);
10 (x 2)
X-ray fan beam
angle, ° 49
Gantry tilt, ° ±30
Gantry dimensions,
H x W x D, cm 195 x 233 x 96

Gantry weight, kg 1,750

Gantry aperture, cm 72
Scan localizer Laser

X-ray tube anode
Heat storage, HU 7,500,000

Heat dissipation
rate, HU/min 1,386,000

Tube cooling Oil/air

Tube focal spot, mm 1.6 x 1.4, (0.9 x

0.8 IEC standard)
Optional tubes Not specified
kW output 60
kVp range 80, 100, 120, 135

mA range 10-500 in 10 mA

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of

three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next two pages.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 47
Healthcare Product Comparison System

Product Comparison Chart


Aquilion Multi


Max scan time, sec 100
Max scan volume, cm 139

Spatial resolution,
lp/cm 18 at 0% MTF
Pitch 0.5-100 mm/sec *

Reconstruction time
per image, sec 1.2

Range of movement
Vertical, cm 30-95.5
Longitudinal, cm 182
Scannable range, cm 143
Max load capacity
with accuracy, kg 205

Computer CPU Not specified

Scan FOVs, cm 18, 24, 32, 40, 50

matrixes 512 x 512

Reconstruction time
Per slice, sec Not specified

For localization
scan, sec Real time
Monitor size 21"
Matrixes, pixels 1024 x 1024

Range of CT numbers -1,024 to +8,191

Image enlargement Up to 16x

Max no. of slices

displayed at once 32

Hard disk, GB 45

No. online images 16,000

Archival storage 5.25" MOD drive

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the second of

* Couch-feed speed. three pages covering
the above model(s).
These specifications
continue onto the
next page.

48 ©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.
Scanning Systems, Computed Tomography, Full-Body

Product Comparison Chart


Aquilion Multi

Minimum interscan
time, sec 1

Dynamic scan rate 100 scans/min

spatial resolution
0% MTF, lp/cm 18
50% MTF, lp/cm 8
resolution, mm
at % at ≤4 rads 2.5 at 0.25%

% at ≤2.5 rads <0.35

SIZE, m2 25
50/60 ±0.5 Hz,
List price,
std configuration $1,570,000
System warranty 1 year
X-ray tube warranty See footnote *
Delivery time, ARO 90 days
Training w/purchase 1 week at Toshiba,
1 week on-site
Remote diagnostics Yes
Year first sold 1998
USA installations 100
World installations 650
Fiscal year April to March
tracking; continuous
imaging, volume
rendered 3-D;
fly through;
BMA; CT fluoro;
ECG gating; Kid CT
pediatrics package;
full DICOM feature
set; 32 recordable
voice commands;
378 programmable
protocols; Image-
Maker Kit (marketing

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

* 1 year/100,000 rotations.

©2003 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 49

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