When we talk of world literature in the 20th Century, almost the only Filipino author
of great fame in Asia is F. Sionil Jose. It is about time to sit down and study his
works--as reform may finally be on the way in the Philippines, a land somewhat
frozen still by its colonial and tribal past. The book THE PRETENDERS is a good place
for Western educators and academics to start.
I was staying in Ermita township this past month when I came across the Solidaridad
Bookstore. As I have wanted to familiarize myself with Filipino culture and literature,
I went in and browsed the shelves. I noticed a vast number works on the shelves by
one F. Sionil Jose, born in 1924 in a small Pangasinan town. (I had traveled to
Pangasinan on my honeymoon just this past year.) After perusing several of the Jose
novels and non-fiction writings, I asked the attendant which of the many works
would be the most exemplary, especially in understanding Filipino culture and history
in our present day. I was persuaded to purchase the 4th book in the 5-
part Rosales Saga.
This fourth book was entitled, THE PRETENDERS and was originally published the
year of my birth, 1962.
An editor's synapses of the novel proclaimed the work to be the story of one Antonio
Samson, who is one of "many Filipinos who find themselves lost and betrayed with
nowhere to run. But Antonio . . . is not just an Ilocano [northern region of
Pangasinan on the Isle of Luzon] looking for his roots; he is also the modern Filipino
who fails to act in a society bereft of decency and justice. This novel, "[now 5
decades old], continues to be read because of its contemproaneity and the insights it
focuses on the dilemmas of social change. It is also the author's most translated
One of the more remarkable things about reading The Pretenders this summer was
how it related to my own journey in life. The Pretenders both (1) mirrored and (2)
reverse-mirrored characters and events in my life as well as the life of the main
characters in this novel by Jose. More interestingly, because of my family dealings at
the US Embassy in Ermita town and in the St. Luke Medical Annex (also in Ermita, a
very infamous neighborhood in ManilaCity), I was forced to travel the streets some
of the same streets as the main characters traveled as I read Jose's novel, The
Pretenders. The brothels, bars, casinos, and love hotels are still there.
Before reviewing the novel, The Pretenders (i.e. in light of my own experience in
Ermita town and other parts of the Philippines and planet Earth), allow me to share a
little about the author, F. Sionil Jose, and his background. First of all, in 2004, F.
Sionil Jose won the Pablo Neruda Centennial Award for Literature. He has also won
several other Asian and Filipino writing and journalism awards. Jose, who has written
primarily in English, rather than his native language of Ilucano--or any of a dozen
languages of the Philippines--, has made a tremendous impact on Asian literature,
while often having too little recognition in most corners of his own homeland. (I
would be surprised if more than one in ten Filipinos--in or outside the country--could
tell you who he is. This may because he is so critical of the local plutocrats in Negros,
Mindanao and Luzon.)
Le Monde author, Philippe Pons, writes of Jose, "Seldom has a writer reflected so well
the qualities and the failings of his people. Francisco Sionil Jose . . . crossed this
[past 20th] century embracing the hopes and the disillusions of his land: his essays
and his articles as well as his novels are inseparable from the modern history of the
Likewise, Ian Buruma, famed for his work on comparative historical memories of
WWII in Europe and Asia, has noted that Jose is the "foremost Filipino novelist in
English . . . his novels deserve a much wider readership than the Philippines can
offer. His major work, the Rosales Saga, can be read as an allegory for the Filipino in
search of an identity."
Finally, Ron Rennard of Discovery Magazine observed, "Together with the novels of
Graham Greene, Andre Malraux, Joseph Conrad, Han Suyin, Yukio Mishima, F. Sionil
Jose's Ermita is one of the top ten novels written on Southeast Asia."
It should be noted that aside from being a prolific novelist, Jose has worked as a
journalist, a political organizer, an editor, and an entrepreneur. Similar to the
character, Antonio Samson, in this novel, The Pretenders, Jose also lived many years
in the USA and Europe. In summary, picking up a work from Jose to help one
understand more about Philippines and Asia, therefore, sounded like a no-brainer to
The main character in The Pretenders, as noted above, is Antonio Samson, who had
moved to a slum in Manila as a teenager from the town of Rosales in Pangasinan
after a failed revolt--led by his own father--had left him and the rest of his family
homeless. With the financial help of his older sister and later through financial aid
from one university dean in Manila, Antonio proceeds to America and studies at
Harvard University whereby he also undertakes research at the Smithsonian Archives
in Washington, D.C., where he meets the woman he will marry. Antonio writes his
thesis on the history of "the Illustrados"--the heroes of the Philippines independence
Through the years abroad, however, the young Antonio Samuel had gained a cynical
streak. In his thesis, he wrote fairly critically of the Filipino national heroes.
Specifically, Antonio stated of these Illustrados (or illustrious one), such as Jose
Rizal: "They were bright young men who knew what money meant. But though they
were rich and were educated in the best schools in Europe, their horizons were
limited and they knew they could never belong to the alien aristocracy which
determined the future of the Filipinas. They cried for reforms, for wider
opportunities, for equality."
This past week, I walked from my hotel in Ermita to Rizal Park, which is the place to
hang out for having people-watching experiences in Manila by day--and by night it is
a place to get mugged or pick up a prostitute. In the park, there are many statues to
heroes of the revolts, revolutions and wars of Philippine's 500 years of history.
(There was no such thing as the Philippines before the Spanish came to the region in
the 16th Century.)
In the Jose Rizal Park, there are also palm trees, flowers, relaxing benches, shade,
ponds, performers, students practicing dance, music, Chinese and Japanese gardens,
and a regular changing-of-the-guards in front of one mammoth monument to Jose
Rizal (and indirectly to allIllustrados) near Roxas Boulevard. Interestingly, one local
Filipino guide told me that day, this particular design for that particular enormous
Rizal monument had been chosen by the U.S. occupation government around 1910
because the US military leadership liked the fact that this second place design had an
obelisk in it, which made it resemble a diminutive Washington Monument (in
Washington, D.C.).
In short, RizalPark is a fun place to observe and learn things when the rain isn't
pouring down. (August is rainy season here in the Philippines.)At one end of
RizalPark is the exact the location where the most famous national hero of
independence, Jose Rizal, was executed by Spanish forces near the end of the
19th century. It was at another memorial to the execution-grounds of Rizal where I
asked a tour guide why the leaders of the revolt against Spain were called
"Illustrados". Without bothering to translate or give a lengthy explanation, the guide
stated that many of these leaders at the time of Rizal were from well-to-do or mixed-
blood Filipino families. They were proud of their Spanish skill and identity as leaders.
In short, Illustrados is apparently a phrase that stands for the fact that certain
people of the independence movement are (or were)memorable or to be
remembered. That is, they are worthy of being remembered--even if the reason for
this national memory is vague or non-universal.
NOTE: Even now, I am still not clear on why the leaders of the revolt against Spain
in the 1890s are known as the Illustrious Ones orIllustrados. It is a feeble name to
me--i.e. not only as a native speaker of English but as one who is fluent in Spanish.
(Spanish was the language of the occupiers of the Philippines for over 3 centuries
prior to the USA taking over and colonizing it, starting in 1898.) Moreover, modern
Filipino language takes many more words from English than Spanish, so I am fairly
certain that the traditional name, Los Illustrados, which is still used to label and
describe the Rizal cohort generation, has little meaning for modern Filipinos. This
perplexing imagery of "illustrious beings" simply fails to conjure up the leadership of
a nation as one would perceive in a phrase like "our founding fathers" or "the
enlightened ones'.
This raises an important issue about the language and culture of the Philippines. One
issue confusing the identity of Filipinos historically has been a lack of strong leaders
and heroes to create a sense of national unity, which would erase the powers of local
caudillismo or tribalism (or village leaders) as central to the Filipino psyche and
system of allegiance. Importantly, the drive to both define a traditional Filipino
identity and a moderen nationalist image for all Filipinos is an issue raised in The
Pretenders, set in early 1960s Manila--i.e. in the years before Ferdinand Marcos,
created a dictatorship here. Jose, the author, is certainly critical of how patriotism
and nationalistic phrases and jingoes are used at that time to condone all kind of
economic, political and social malfeasance in his homeland.
Allied with this issue of nationalism and its role in modern Filipino political-economic
and social development is the language issue in modern Philippines. This issue is
only to be inferred in this work, as the author often refuses to use local languages, to
add color to his character's thoughts--although they are thoughts originally perceived
in some of the country's dozens of dialects.
Initially, near the end of the USA occupation of the Philippines in the 1930s, the
powerful northern island of Luzon chose to force the rest of the country to accept
Tagalog as the Filipino national language. Since the 1980s, a new national language,
known simply as Filipino, has been promulgated and been supported more
nationally. This language creation attempts to take popular words and grammar from
other language groups in the Philippines--as well as more English words than
Spanish into its vernacular. (Indonesian, also was created primarily in the
20thcentury on a neighboring archipelago through such similar trial and error.)
Upon his return to Manila, Antonio Samson marries Carmen Villa, a daughter of one
of the city's powerful business families--a family which has seen its wealth rise
dramatically in the wake of American-Japanese Occupation (1898-1946, i.e. after
WWII) to take over from the ancient regime of colonial powers and old wealth of the
Philippines. Soon, Antonio had thrown in the towel on his academic career and had
become a PR (public relations) expert for his father-in-law. In this job, due to his
brilliant writing skills and his connections in the news media, Antonio is extremely
successful at his new endeavor.
However, unlike a character in a Shakespeare play, Antonio has not been true to
himself in 1960s Philippines.
By all measures of the era, Antonio should be a happy young man--i.e. rising so fast
in the modern Filipino society--, but he is not. He is at heart an academic, a teacher,
and an idealist. In some ways, he is still like his father who had finally revolted
against the mestizo classes after WWII--only to find himself in prison for the rest of
his life. In the meantime, Antonio, however, is no strong character. He is critical of
his father's futile definitions of honor. Antonio's father in Rosales had confronted the
new post-WWII Filipino elite by acts of violence. He burnt down the home of those
who had stolen his family's (and his people's) land in the name of law-and-
order. Moreover, he had burnt down the courthouse that had sided with the political
and economic authorities in approving the taking over of the land of a generation of
Rosales settlers--making them indentured servants on their own property.
Nor is Antonio like his grandfather, who was more of a Moses to his own generation
of Ilocano tribesmen. I say this because Antonio notes again-and-again in his own
diary that his own grandfather had long ago led a tribe of impoverished Ilocano
peoples from the north of the island to the Rosales region in order to build a new
life. Through this repeated tale, it is apparent that Antonio's academic skills are
rooted in his grandfather's bloodline. His grandfather had been fluent in Latin and
had also written a thesis in that same Romantic language for the reading of Catholic
priests, whom he had served as an acolyte for many years prior to leading his people
off to Rosales.
In the end, the weak young man, Antonio Samson, has inherited and acquired
several generations of cynicism soon finds that suicide is the only option for him
because all-in-all he has a sense honor and he finds he has acted and lived
dishonorably numerous times. In summary, Antonio feels that he must take that
conclusive action for denying himself the destiny and honor striven for on his behalf
by his forefathers and loved ones--such as the mother, Emy, of his illegitimate
child. In short, by capitulating to the forces of modern Philippine history of
nationalism, capitalism, Aseanism and Westernism, Antonio has no longer been true
to himself, his family, and his own heritage.
Like Socrates (in the real world) or like the Young Woerther of Goethe (in the literary
world) before him, Samson steps into the abyss of suicide. Surprisingly, however,
the repercussions from his suicide are not an unanswered echo in the life of Manila or
in the world. Questions of the young Samson's death continue to reverberate within
the family of the Villas. For example, Carmen, his unfaithful wife, publishes Antonio's
writing posthumously and these writings become the talk of the academic world.
(By the way, this American has been working for U.S. aid and development efforts in
Latin America over the past years and is now on his way to another land in
Southeast Asian land--Laos--where he will work during the next decade.) This
American idealist, named Lawrence Bitfogel, has a similar political background and
the same critically cool view of the world as Antonio Samson. Within less-than-a-day,
Bitfogel observes the world of the Villa family and comes quickly to comprehend how
the Villa family and Manila's other power brokers had snared the young Dr. Antonio
Samson into their modern world of Philippine (family) oligarchy.
The ensuing 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s would reveal in the Philippines numerous
regional and national revolts--just as was occurring in Latin America in the same
era--with rising rebel movements trying to overpower the oligarchies and their new
nationalist or internationalist alliances.Even today, a few dozen families appear to
govern a great percentage of the country of the Philippines for most of the time--
with some families, such as the Macapagal-Arroyos and Aquinas trading off
presidencies over the past half century or so.
In the final paragraphs of his own diary, Larry Bitfogel wonders why the affluent and
connected Filipinos and their families can't work together with the poorer folks rather
than creating phantom enemies everywhere--and thus eventually promoting the rise
of various isms, including communism, regionalism and the rise of Muslim freedom
fighters. In short, the wealthy Filipino oligarchies of the 1950s and 1960s through
today have been creating parallel societies and treating all those who-are-not-for-
them as against-them.
An outsider, like Bitfogel can see this all right away. The ones who are imprisoned in
such a society, like the late-Antonio Samson, had tried to ignore the poison of the
elite world, but in the end they would become victims of their own pretension.
What is certainly most enjoyable about reading this work by F. Sionel Jose is that the
characters have a lot more breadth than in most 188 page books. Through usage of
the diary-technique, we readers get fairly deepaccess to the thoughts of these
characters as they dig into the written or spoken (quoted) words of others. In the
language used by Jose and his characters, there is a friendly, engaging banter which
often reveals important didacticism, especially in the manner that the teacher, Dr.
Samson, approaches his world of love and of work. Antonio is probing and brazen in
his thought and words. (So, is Jose.) This candor brings out the same sort of shining
clarity and directness in dialogues with lovers, father-in-law, journalists, business
elites, and even mentally-soft politicians.
Since I personally approach my life with a similarly sense of curiosity , i.e. my day is
loaded up on questions of interest to all. Therefore, one can tell immediately that I
am a lifelong academic and educator--just as author Jose and his protagonist,
Antonio Samson, are. This makes the work believable to me.
As a lifelong academic and idealist for progress, I would not concur with Antonio's
choice to commit suicide. If on my life's journey I have demonstrated too often my
inability to live out a life that is consistently true to myself, my journey would not
lead to suicide as has occurred in "The Death of a Salesman" or in The Pretenders. I
am long past that 20-something naivety of young Dr. Samson, and I have religious
faith that is other-worldly in contrast to the cold-fixed sterile modernist world of F.S.
Jose's writing in 1962 (the year of my birth).
I plough ahead, even as life throws tomatoes or typhoons. I continue to try to help
young minds and old minds change their thoughts. I try to learn and grow with the
punches over time. This, of course, taking time to lick wounds and to accept losses
before picking up again. In my world, dreams and other worldliness are appreciated
more than in the world of the late-Dr. Samson.
On the other, hand, perhaps, I, too, like Antonio Samson, may one day teach and
educate youth in universities or local schools in the Philippines . Who knows? On the
other hand, perhaps America or Saudi Arabia need me more.
I do know that, like the character Antonio Samson, I have a child in the Philippines
and I will stay and raise her. This tendency to flee has been the mistake of too many
males in the Philippines and in society's around the world. They plant their seeds,
make their mistakes, move on, or commit social or real suicide. Hopefully, if Jose
were to write the book again in 2010, the death of The Pretender Samson would
come only after he had tried right some wrongs--even if he, himself, committed the
wrongs originally. That seems to be a more appropriate way to approach the mess of
the Philippines in 2010
Dear Author,
Clean up time! Please, no more suicides on the railroad tracks of Manila are
needed here, Mr. Jose.! Ermita is still a social & economic mess and 10% of
all Filipinos are forced to move abroad to earn income to send back and
sustain the Philippines underdevelopment currently.
Revolutions may come and go--and they may be only pretensions of what
should be-- but hope and faith are an ever-present phenomena in this--one
of the most westernized lands in Asia, i.e. the multicultural islands of the
Kevin Stoda
Jose, F
Submitters Bio:
KEVIN STODA-has been blessed to have either traveled in or worked in nearly 100
countries on five continents over the past two and a half decades.--He sees himself
as a peace educator and have been-- a promoter of good economic and social
development--making-him an enemy of my homelands humongous DEFENSE
SPENDING and its focus on using weapons to try and solve global issues.
"I am from Kansas so I also use the pseudonym 'Kansas' and 'alone' when I write
and publish.- I-keep two blogs--one with BLOGGER and one with WORDPRESS.- My
writings range from reviews to editorials or to travel observations.- I also make
recommendations related to policy--having both a-strong background in teaching
foreign languages and degrees in teaching in history and the social sciences.--As a
Midwesterner, I also write on religion and living out ones faith whether it be as a
Christian, Muslim or Buddhist perspective."
On my own home page, I also provide information for language learners and