Gomez V CA
Gomez V CA
Gomez V CA
March 2004 | J. Austria- Martinez Philippines; or (4) the property of the defendant has been attached in the
Philippines, summons may be served extraterritorially by (a) personal service
out of the country, with leave of court; (b) publication, also with leave of court;
or (c) any other manner the court may deem sufficient.
Spouses Gomez (petitioners) filed an action for specific performance and/or rescission
against the heirs of Jesus J. Trocino, Sr., including Adolfo and Mariano (respondents) and ITC: ACTION IN PERSONAM The case anchored on the claim that the spouses Jesus and
their mother Caridad Trocino Caridad Trocino reneged on their obligation to convey ownership of the two parcels of land subject
o Alleged that Sps. Trocino mortgaged the property to Dr. Yujico foreclosed of their sale
sold at public auction spouses Trocino then sold property to Spouses Gomez,
Prayer was for the execution of deed of sale and titles be delivered to them or in the
who in turn redeemed the property from Dr. Yujico
alternative, that the sale be revoked and rescinded and spouses Trocino ordered to return to
o Spouses Trocino, however, refused to convey ownership
petitioners their down payment in the amount of P500,000.00 plus interests
The TC Process Server served summons on respondents, in the manner described in his
The case is not an action in rem, contrary to the claim of petitioners. While it is a real action
"Return of Service:”
because it affects title to or possession of the two parcels of land, it does not automatically
o “summons and copies of the complaint were served to the defendants Jacob, Jesus Jr.,
Adolfo, Mariano, Consolacion, Alice, Racheal thru defendant Caridad Trocino at their follow that the action is already one in rem.
given address at Maria Cristina Extension (besides Sacred Heart School for Girls), Cebu
City, evidence by her signature found at the lower portion of the original summons” An action in personam is an action against a An action against the thing itself, instead of
The defendants then filed their answer. Caridad verified the pleading. person on the basis of his personal liability against the person.
RTC: ruled in favor of petitioners; ordered the defendants to jointly and severally execute a Hence, a real action may at the same time be
Deed of Sale in favor of the plaintiffs and to deliver the owner’s duplicate copies of TCTs an action in personam and not necessarily an
covering the subject property. action in rem
o As the defendants failed to deliver the TCTs, the RTC then issued an order
declaring the TCTs null and void and ordered the Register of Deeds to issue new
titles As such, personal service of summons upon the defendants is essential in order for
Respondents then filed with CA a petition for the annulment of the judgment, alleging that the court to acquire of jurisdiction over their persons.
the TC decision is null and void on the ground that it did not acquire jurisdiction over their o WRT Adolfo Trocino Being a non-resident, the court cannot acquire jurisdiction over
persons as they were not validly served with a copy of the summons and the complaint. his person and validly try and decide the case against him
o They claim that at the time summons was served on them, Adolfo Trocino was o WRT Mariano Trocino To validly acquire jurisdiction over his person, summons must
already in Ohio, U.S.A., and has been residing there for 25 years, be served on him personally, or through substituted service, upon showing of
o They also claimed that Mariano Trocino was in Talibon, Bohol, and has been impossibility of personal service (explained in the proof of service)
residing there since 1986. The pertinent facts and circumstances attendant to the service of summons
o They also refuted the receipt of the summons by Caridad A. Trocino, and the must be stated in the proof of service or Officer’s Return. Failure to do so would
representation made by Atty. Bugarin in their behalf. invalidate all subsequent proceedings on jurisdictional grounds.
CA granted petition and annulled and set aside the order. The process server served the summons and copies of the complaint on respondents Jacob,
Jesus, Jr., Adolfo, Mariano, Consolacion, Alice and Racheal,through their mother, Caridad
o The return did not contain any particulars as to the impossibility of personal service on
Mariano Trocino within a reasonable time.
To resolve whether there was valid service of summons on respondents, the nature of the action o Such improper service renders the same ineffective.
filed against them must first be determined. o The sheriff’s return also failed to state the facts and circumstances showing the
In actions in personam, summons on the defendant must be served by handing a copy impossibility of personal service of summons upon respondents within a reasonable
thereof to the defendant in person, or, if he refuses to receive it, by tendering it to him time. What petitioners should have sought was the issuance of an alias summons. (Rule
(Rule 14.7). 14.5)
o When the defendant in an action in personam is a non-resident who does not The fact that Atty. Expedito Bugarin represented all the respondents without any exception
voluntarily submit himself to the authority of the court, personal service of does not transform the ineffective service of summons into a valid one. It does not constitute
summons within the State is essential to the acquisition of jurisdiction over a valid waiver or even a voluntary submission to the trial court’s jurisdiction. (Note, only
his person. An exception was accorded in Gemperle vs. Schenker wherein Caridad engaged his services)
service of summons through the non-resident’s wife, who was a resident of
the Philippines, was held valid
In actions in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
not a prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the court provided that the court
acquires jurisdiction over the res, although summons must be served upon the
defendant in order to satisfy the due process requirements.
o Where the defendant is a non-resident who is not found in the Philippines,
and (1) the action affects the personal status of the plaintiff; (2) the action
relates to, or the subject matter of which is property in the Philippines in which
the defendant has or claims a lien or interest; (3) the action seeks the