Basic Terms of The Trade: 1. Flow Coefficient (C)
Basic Terms of The Trade: 1. Flow Coefficient (C)
Basic Terms of The Trade: 1. Flow Coefficient (C)
1. FLOW COEFFICIENT (CV ) The critical flow factor (FL ) is effectively an index of The degree of sealing (shutoff) possible is dependent
By definition, the valve flow coefficient, (C V), is the pressure recovery in a control valve. High FL values indicate upon the valve construction, materials used, condition of
number of U.S. gallons per minute of water at 60°F which low pressure recovery, and a low FL value is an indication of the seating surfaces, and the actuator power available.
will pass through a given flow restriction with a pressure high pressure recovery. Double-seated globe valves generally do not seat tightly due
drop of 1 psi. For example, a control valve which has a to manufacturing tolerances. Typical published leakage
maximum C V of 12, has an effective full port area which 3. FLUID VELOCITY rates for these types of valves are 0.5% of the rated C V.
allows flow of 12 gallons per minute of water with 1 psi Fluid velocity is an important factor to be considered when Single seated globe valves with metal-to-metal surfaces can
pressure drop. selecting a control valve because it relates to erosion and provide leakage rates of 0.01% of rated C V.
corrosion damage. Higher velocities typically result in Single-seated globe valves can meet even more
2. PRESSURE RECOVERY/CRITICAL more extensive damage. Velocity also affects noise levels, stringent seat tightness requirements with additional
FLOW FACTOR (FL ) vibration and other undesirable phenomenon. considerations, such as careful lapping of the seating
As illustrated in Figure 1, there is a marked increase Acceptable velocity levels will generally be defined in surfaces and increased actuator power.
in velocity when a fluid flows through the valve orifice. valves and pipes for the above reasons. Valve body liquid For special applications, control valves can be provided
This velocity increase is accompanied by a proportional velocities of up to 15 ft/sec is commonly accepted. For gas with a resilient composition insert (soft-seat construction)
decrease in pressure. Velocity reaches a maximum and and steam, 400 ft/sec (or higher), is perfectly acceptable in either the plug or seat ring, which will allow the valve
pressure a minimum at the smallest cross sectional flow depending upon valve size. to obtain bubble-tight sealing with relatively small actuator
stream area downstream of the orifice (the vena forces. Common insert materials are nitrile rubber
contracta). The fluid decelerates downstream of the vena 4. FLOW DIRECTION
(ex. Buna N) or polytetraflourethylene (ex. Teflon®).
contracta and consequently the pressure increases or The flow direction through a control valve should be
Final insert material selection should be based on
recovers, i.e., the term pressure recovery (See Figure 2). considered carefully, since it influences the degree of
compatibility with the process conditions.
It is to be noted that streamlined valves such as Ball pressure recovery, dynamic stability, flow characteristics,
Valves or Butterfly Valves exhibit a high degree of pressure leakage rate, noise levels, and even the amount of damage 8. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS
recovery. Globe style valves, on the other hand, exhibit a produced by erosive fluids. Control valve flow characteristics are determined
much smaller amount of pressure recovery. The most common flow direction for a plug valve is principally by the design of the valve trim. The three
flow under the plug, i.e., the highest fluid pressure tends fundamental characteristics available are quick opening,
to open the valve. For some valves, such as Ball Valves or linear, and equal percentage (See Figure 3). A modified
special low noise and anti-cavitation valves, only one flow characteristic (sometimes called modified percentage) is
direction can be used. also available. This generally falls between the linear and
equal percentage characteristics.
flow rates at various pressure drops. These conditions 90
should be reviewed as an integral part of the control valve 80
P1 60
closed position. 20
PVENA CONTRACTA The control valve plug is the dynamic component within 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
the valve which throttles flow as it is positioned in PERCENT OF VALVE OPENING
relationship to the seat orifice. It also shuts off flow by Figure 3
Figure 2
directly contacting the seat.
8. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS (cont.) Since most materials have a reduction in allowable (air to open), which retracts actuator stem with increase
Quick Opening: As the name implies, this type of working stress at elevated temperatures, the pressure- in air loading.
characteristic provides a large opening as the plug is temperature rating must be considered in the choice of The above definitions are the most commonly used,
first lifted from the seat with lesser flow increase as the valve materials. however exceptions exist for other types of equipment,
valve opens further. The most common application for this such as piston actuators with four way positioners, etc.
characteristic is a valve used in either an open or closed 11. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION
position where no throttling of flow is required. Materials of construction are very important in control 14. BENCH RANGE
valve design since they are required to handle all types The actuator bench range for spring diaphragm actuators is
Linear: Linear trim provides equal increases in flow of fluids and conditions. Fluids can vary from clean the operating air pressure range under no load for the rated
rate for equal increases in plug lift, ie., the flow rate is dry air to corrosive chemicals at temperatures ranging stroke. The air pressure at which the actuator stem starts to
linear with plug position throughout its travel. This type from absolute zero to 1000°F and above. Pressures may move is known as the bench initial pressure. Increasing air
of trim should be specified if the control valve range from near vacuum to over 50000 psi gauge. pressure moves the actuator through its rated stroke. The
is required to absorb a large portion of the system Most control valve materials can be placed in two pressure of the diaphragm at full rated stroke is the bench
pressure drop. categories: (1) the pressure containment materials for the final pressure. The difference between the two pressures is
Equal Percentage: Equal percentage trim valve body, bonnet, bottom flange, and bolting; (2) the the actuator bench range. The most common bench ranges
provides equal percentage increases in rate of flow valve trim materials. (also called spring ranges), are 3-15 psi and 6-30 psi.
for equal increments of plug lift. In this case, small There are many acceptable materials for the pressure Other spring ranges are utilized extensively throughout
flow increases correspond to large changes in plug lifts containment components. Carbon steel is the most the industry to provide additional thrust as required by
initially, and vice-versa as it approaches the full commonly used material for the majority of applications. system requirements.
open position. This type of trim should be specified if Some services require the use of exotic alloys
the control valve is required to absorb a small portion and metals to withstand corrosive fluids. Other materials 15. INSTRUMENT SIGNAL (INPUT SIGNAL)
of the total system pressure drop. used include chrome-moly, stainless steel, cast iron Generally, the control valve system (valve, actuator and
and bronze. positioner) receives either a pneumatic or an electric
9. VALVE NOISE Valve trim material selection is generally influenced by analog signal from a controller. The most commonly used
Mechanical Vibration: Mechanical noise is factors, such as corrosion, erosion, wear, galling, pressure instrument signals are 3-15 psi and 4-20 mA.
caused by the response of internal components within drop and temperature. Commonly used materials are
a valve due to turbulent flow through the valve. Vortex 304, 316, 416, 440, and 17-4 precipitation hardened 16. REQUIRED AIR SUPPLY
shedding and turbulent flow-impinging on components (PH) stainless steels. Other materials such as nickel This is the minimum pressure required for the actuator to
of the valve can induce vibration against neighboring alloys (ex. Hastelloy, Monel), and cobalt chromium alloys achieve the necessary performance of the control valve
surfaces. Noise generated by this type of vibration has (ex. Stellite) are sometimes required. A common practice system, i.e., obtain valve shutoff (leakage rate), speed of
a tonal characteristic. Possible cures for eliminating is to utilize a base material, such as 316 stainless steel, response, actuator failure action, etc.
this type of noise include reducing guide clearances, faced with Stellite at points of expected contact, such as
increasing stem sizes, changing plug mass, or seating and guide surfaces.
Initial travel stop Actuator air connection
reversing flow direction. Mechanical vibration is not
normally encountered in control valve service and is 12. END CONNECTIONS
not easily predictable. Typical control valve end connections include: threaded, Diaphragm
butt-weld, socket-weld, flanged and flangeless.
Aerodynamic Noise: Aerodynamic noise is a Diaphragm plate
Threaded connections (female NPT thread) are Actuator stem
direct result of the conversion of the mechanical energy Actuator spring
common in valve sizes 1” and smaller, and are sometimes Spring barrel
of the flow into acoustic energy as the fluid flows through Spring seat
used for control valves up to 2”.
the valve restriction. The proportionality of the
Welded ends are common where high pressure, Yoke
conversion is called acoustical efficiency, and is related Spring adjustor
high temperature, or highly toxic fluids are encountered.
to the valve pressure ratio (inlet pressure divided by
Care should be taken to see that the valve body material Direct actuator (Air to Close)
outlet pressure).
specified is compatible with the adjoining pipe material.
Hydrodynamic Noise: Liquid flow noise, cavita- Flanged-end globe bodies generally conform to the
tion noise, and flashing noise can be generated by standardized face-to-face dimensions listed in various
the flow of a liquid through a valve and piping system. ANSI and ISA standards with the exception of Saunders
Of the three noise sources, cavitation is the most type valves. The flange rating is determined by the type of
serious since noise produced in this manner can be a service, body material, maximum pressure, and maximum
sign of damage occurring within the valve or piping. fluid temperature.
Pressure and temperature ratings for the pressure contain- Actuators are usually classified as being direct acting Reverse actuator (Air to Open)
ment parts have been established for specific materials (air to close), i.e., increase in air loading (shaded area in
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Figure 4
Figure 4 below) extends actuator stem, or reverse acting
CLASS I. A modification of any Class II, III, IV valve where design intent is CLASS V. This class is usually specified for critical applications, where
the same as the basic class, but by agreement between user and supplier, no the control valve may be required to be closed for long periods of time with
test is required. high differential pressure across the seating surfaces. This requires special
manufacturing, assembly, and testing techniques. This class is generally asso-
CLASS II. This class establishes the maximum permissible leakage
ciated with metal seat, unbalanced single-port, single-seat, control valves, or
generally associated with commercial double port, double-seat control valves
balanced single-port designs with exceptional seat and seal tightness. Use test
or balanced single-port control valves with a piston ring seal and metal-to-
procedure Type B with water at the maximum operating differential pressure.
metal seats. Use test procedure Type A.
CLASS VI. This class establishes the maximum permissible seat leakage
CLASS III. This class establishes the maximum permissible leakage
generally associated with resilient seating control valves, either unbalanced
generally associated with Class II, but with a higher degree of seat and seal
or balanced single-port with o-rings (or similar gapless) seals. Use test
tightness. Use test procedure Type A.
procedure Type C.