Internet and Digital Technologies' Effects On Mental Health. Cyberpsychology Included
Internet and Digital Technologies' Effects On Mental Health. Cyberpsychology Included
Internet and Digital Technologies' Effects On Mental Health. Cyberpsychology Included
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and therefore facilitating communication through the use of Internet protocol suite. Digital
technology refers to the use of advanced applications or new techniques of data transmission
methods to communicate information electronically through the use of the internet. Mental
health is the cognition element of mental health which helps people to perceive reality in an
accurate manner and respond in a rational and effective way. The theory of Cyber psychology
involves mental effects and significances of computer technologies. Therefore, use Internet and
According to some research, the use of the internet is mostly associated with youths
where one young person in ten is diagnosed with a mental health issue. As a result, in the current
society, parents have shown a great concern on the effects of the internet use on the mental
health of their children. Therefore, the use of the internet and digital technologies may be helpful
or harmful to the mental health of people. According to research done in UK on whether the use
of the internet is harmful to the child’s mental health, 28% of the people agreed that it was bad
while 32 % did not agree. However, the remaining 40% of the people concluded that the use of
the internet was neither bad nor good to their mental health. The implication of the research was
that internet could have both a positive and a negative effect on people’s mental health.
The excessive use of the internet and digital technology which is commonly known as the
overuse of social media can have the following negative effects on people’s mental health; a
poor quality and quantity of sleep. This is a common problem to many youths and even adults
who spend more time on phones, laptops, and televisions. These people mostly experience
frequent interruptions during the night from incoming calls and texts, and therefore spending
little time to sleep. Some people may also take longer to sleep due to nervous system reactions
from the screen brightness of the digital devices. Additionally, phones’ electromagnetic signals
interact with our body signals, and these may result into result in to poor sleep. Therefore, a poor
Access to the internet and excessive use of digital technology may lower one’s self
esteem, and this is a mental health problem. Some researchers have shown that a lot of people
keep on comparing their lives to others from the social media and therefore becoming envious.
For instance, one may spend more time on Facebook and Instagram stalking their friend’s photos
and relationship status, a situation that could raise your feelings of self-distrust. According to this
research, heavy users of online platforms and especially social media suffer from Facebook envy
while people who abstain from using these sites are quite satisfied with their lives. Therefore,
comparing ourselves with others in the social media reduces our confidence and happiness and
Before the introduction of the internet and digital technology, human beings were able
communicate to one another effectively during face to face interaction and this enabled them to
forge their relationships. However, with the current use of the internet and digital technologies, it
is not possible today to enhance human connection since people are communicating using smart
digital devices. This has greatly reduced human connection as people have influenced by digital
life and therefore do not reveal their real life characters. For instance, people get fear of missing
out when they see their friend’s hang out photos on social media. This situation also make them
feel lonely and anxious and may lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, human connection
has been reduced by use social media and this has negatively impacted individual’s mental
detraction from digital device, people have poor concentrations to their activities and this
negatively affects their mental health. For instance, when in a discussion, it becomes difficult for
students to concentrate as they constantly keep on checking their phones may be for
entertainment or social updates. A great attention span is important for students in order for them
carefully listen to their teachers as well as their instructors. This enables them increase their
understanding. The habit of spending much time on phones reduces people’s level of
concentration and therefore resulting into poor attention span. Poor level of concentration also
may cause conflicts in families where the couples misunderstand each other. People who do not
check on their phones frequently are able to concentrate on their life activities and therefore
Overuse of social media also triggers more sadness and depression. The more time people
spend in social media, the more distressed they tend to be. This is because most social media
platforms arose the perception of isolation, where one feels isolated from other people’s
activities. For instance, following of updates on family breakups and separations may make
people bitter and therefore undermining their future life. When people misunderstand each other
or start a quarrel over social media, it becomes hard for them to solve and this situation may
make them feel more depressed. Seeing on how other people are making it in their life may be
through their working or even studies may make one feel isolated and therefore bringing
depression. This feeling of social isolation is harmful to people’s mental and physical health.
The last negative effect of internet and digital technologies is the physical health
problems. Increased use of digital devices and internet has made young generation very busy in a
way that people do not get their own time for exercise. People use leisure time to chat, view
social media updates, watch television and many other online activities and therefore not taking
time to exercise their body. This has resulted into health problems such as heart disease, arthritis,
cancer, and diabetes. Regular exercise reduces cholesterol in the body and therefore reducing
weight and obesity. It also reduces pain and stiffness and therefore helping people affected with
arthritis. People who spends more time in games and sports activities as well as interacting with
others are happier than those who spent all time in social medial. This interaction helps in
avoiding depression, sadness and loneliness. People also feel fully involved and therefore do not
encounter isolation. Therefore, overuse of internet and digital device makes people have less or
no time for physical exercise and hence resulting into physical problems which also affect their
mental health.
In numerous ages today, innovation has become a fundamental piece of how we make
connections. Without hardly lifting a finger of internet based life correspondence, numerous
connections have begun in light of web based dating or through direct informing instead of
perspectives they are getting, or even by what number of adherents they have. Regardless of
whether you like or abhorrence what you see dependent on another person's posts, you as of now
have a thought of whether you would be perfect. Web based life can likewise discourage one
accomplice away from the other due to envy, talking with others, or posting something that
Then again, web based life can likewise quicken our connections. You can meet somebody
through dating destinations, Twitter, and Instagram that you probably won't have met without
internet based life. Today, numerous connections start off on the web and bloom from where
While web-based social networking can help start connections, it might be difficult to meet, all
main date might be the first run through both of them can physically observe each other that isn't
through a telephone or a PC. Individuals may likewise be reluctant to at last meet face to face
since they dread the individual on the opposite end may not be who they state they are.
With the utilization of innovation, the LGBT people group can discover solace and backing from
others through online life. The article expresses that around a large portion of the LGBT people
group has met somebody they really trust in from online communications. The Internet is an
However, internet and digital technologies are also have positive effects on people’s
mental health. One of the benefits is it strengthens existing relationships. Use of social medial
helps people expand and strengthen relationships for the people who are separated by
geographical locations since they can communicate through chatting and making calls. For
instance, it is easy for people to skype using digital devices with internet connection and
therefore enabling each one to communicate while seeing the other. This makes people keep in
touch and therefore strengthening their relationships. People living with disability are able to
maintain their relationships with friends without travelling or moving outside their homes.
Therefore, use of social medial makes people’s relationships last longer since they can always
communicate and hence breaking the silence, and this promotes mental health.
Use of digital technologies in communications may also inspire changes healthy lifestyle.
For instance, people can access and learn on the negative effects of drug and these can motivate
them to quit drug abuse. Also posting on healthy life styles and recommended daily body
exercises may help others better their lives also by applying recommended strategies. Sharing of
successful goals in life may promote other people’s accountability, help them stay focused, and
therefore increasing their opportunity of success. Social media may also offer people some
solutions to their problems and hence resulting in to a better lifestyle. For example, one may find
an article or information on how to lose body weight, a solution their problem therefore inspiring
better healthy lifestyle. All these opportunities result into good mental health.
Lastly, use of the internet and digital technologies helps in establish community by
joining local meetups. People with similar interests can communicate online, share ideas and
organize for a face-to-face meeting in order to physically interact and work together. For
example, there many online business sites such as electronics sites owned by a group of people
who interacted through social media and organized for a meeting in order to establish that
business site. Students have also had easy time to organize for their study discussions through
social media and therefore promoting education. Therefore, establishing of community and
organizing for local meetups to share ideas helps in expanding knowledge and this is essential
In conclusion, use internet and digital technologies has played a big role in shaping the
lives of people in the society through its effects on their mental health. Through the theory of
cyberpsychology, it is clearly evident that internet and digital technologies have had both
positive and negative effects on mental health of individuals. The effects depend on people’s
perspective of the digital technology and their applications. Some people have turned social
media to be helpful while others have others use it to cause mental health problems. As
evidenced above, use of internet and digital technologies have more negative effects than
positive effects.