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Chapter 11


Dr. Daisy Tang

Real-World Problems
 Planning: the task of coming up with a sequence of
actions that will achieve a goal
 Search-based problem-solving agent
 Logical planning agent
 Complex/large scale problems?

 For the discussion, we consider classical

planning environments that are fully observable,
deterministic, finite, static and discrete (in time,
action, objects and effects)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 2

Problems with Standard Search
 Overwhelmed by irrelevant actions
 Finding a good heuristic function is difficult
 Cannot take advantage of problem

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 3

 Consider the task: get milk, bananas, and a cordless drill
 Standard search algorithms seem to fail miserably
 Why? Huge branching factor & heuristics

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 4

Problem Decomposition
 Perfectly decomposable problems are
delicious but rare
 Partial-order planner is based on the
assumption that most real-world
problems are nearly decomposable

 Be careful, working on some subgoal may

undo another subgoal

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 5

Planning vs. Problem Solving
 Planning agent is very similar to problem
solving agent
 Constructs plans to achieve goals, then executes

 Planning agent is different from problem

solving agent in:
 Representation of goals, states, actions
 Use of explicit, logical representations
 Way it searches for solutions

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 6

Planning vs. Problem Solving
 Planning systems do the following:
 divide-and-conquer
 relax requirement for sequential
construction of solutions

Problem Sol. Planning

States data structures logical sentences
Actions code preconditions/outcomes
Goal code logical sentences
Plan sequence from s0 constraints on actions

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 7

Famous Problem Solver Task:
“Missionaries and Cannibals”

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 8

Planning-Based Approach to Robot Control
 Job of planner: generate a
goal to achieve, and then
construct a plan to achieve it
from the current state

 Must define representations

 Actions: generate successor
state descriptions by defining
preconditions and effects
 States: data structure
describing current situation
 Goals: what is to be achieved
 Plans: solution is a sequence
of actions

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 9

Many AI Planners in History
 Well-known AI Planners:
 STRIPS (Fikes and Nilsson, 1971): theorem-
proving system
 ABSTRIPS (Sacerdoti, 1974): added hierarchy of
 HACKER (Sussman, 1975): use library of
procedures to plan
 NOAH (Sacerdoti, 1975): problem
decomposition and plan reordering

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 10

STRIPS-Based Approach to Robot Control
 Use first-order logic and theorem proving
to plan strategies from start to goal

 STRIPS language:
 “Classical” approach that most planners use
 Lends itself to efficient planning algorithms

 Environment: office environment with

specially colored and shaped objects

 STRIPS planner: developed for this system

to determine the actions of the robot
should take to achieve goals

 Cost of Shakey: $100, 000

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 11

 STRIPS (STanford Research Institute Problem Solver)
 a restrictive way to express states, actions and goals, but
leads to more efficiency

 States: conjunctions of ground, function-free, and positive

literals, such as At(Home) ^ Have(Banana)
 Closed-world assumption is used
 Goals: conjunctions of literals, may contain variables
(existential), hence goal may represent more than one state
 E.g. At(Home) ^  Have(Bananas)
 E.g. At(x) ^ Sells(x, Bananas)
 Actions: preconditions that must hold before execution and
the effects after execution

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 12

STRIPS Action Schema
 An action schema includes:
 action name & parameter list (variables)
 precondition: a conjunction of function-free positive literals. Any
variables in it must also appear in parameter list
 effect: a conjunction of function-free literals (positive or
 add-list: positive literals
 delete-list: negative literals
 Example:
Action: Buy (x)
Precondition: At (p), Sells (p, x)
Effect: Have(x)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 13

An Example of STRIPS World Model
 A world model is a set of facts
 The robot’s knowledge can be
represented by the following
predicates: R1 R2
 INROOM(x, r), where x is a
movable object, r is a room
 NEXTTO(x, t) S
 STATUS(d, s), where d is a door, s
means OPEN or CLOSED
 CONNECTS(d, rx, ry) B1
 The world model in this figure can
be represented with the above
predicates, with the initial state
and goal state

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 14

Shakey’s STRIPS World
 Types of actions Shakey can make
 Move from place to place:
 GOTODOOR(S, dx):
 PRECOND: INROOM(S, rk) ^ CONNECT(dx, rk, rm)
 Effect:
 add-list: NEXTTO(S, dx)

 delete-list: null

 PRECOND: CONNECT(dx, rk, rm) ^ NEXTTO(S, dx) ^
 Effect:
 add-list: INROOM(S, rm)

 delete-list: INROOM(S, rk)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 15

Simple Example of STRIPS-Style Planning
 Goal state: ON(A, B)
 Start state: ON(A, Table); ON(B, Table); EMPTYTOP(A);
 Operators:
 Preconditions: ?
 Move(x, y)
 Add-list: ?
 Delete-list: ?

 Preconditions: ON(x, Table); EMPTYTOP(y)

 Add-list: ON(x, y)
 Delete-list: EMPTYTOP(y); ON(x, Table)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 16

Challenges of AI and Planning
 Closed world assumption: assumes that
world model contains everything the robot
needs to know: there can be no surprise

 Frame problem: how to represent real-

world situations in a manner that is
computationally tractable

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 17

Planning with State-Space Search
 Planning algorithms:
 The most straightforward approach is to use
state-space search
 Forward state-space search (Progression)
 Backward state-space search (Regression)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 18

Problem Formulation for Progression

 Initial state:
 Initial state of the planning problem
 Actions:
 Applicable to the current state (actions’
preconditions are satisfied)
 Goal test:
 Whether the state satisfies the goal of the
 Step cost:
 Each action is 1

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 19

 A plan is a sequence of STRIPS operators
 From initial state, search forward by selecting
operators whose preconditions can be unified with
literals in the state
 New state includes positive literals of effect; the
negated literals of effect are deleted
 Search forward until goal unifies with resulting
 This is state-space search using STRIPS operators

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 20

 A plan is a sequence of STRIPS operators
 The goal state must unify with at least one of the
positive literals in the operator’s effect
 Its preconditions must hold in the previous
situation, and these become subgoals which might
be satisfied by the initial conditions
 Perform backward chaining from goal
 Again, this is just state-space search using STRIPS

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 21

STRIPS Program To Control Shakey
 Work on board

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 22

Heuristics for State-Space Search
 How to find an admissible heuristic estimate?
 Distance from a state to the goal?
 Look at the effects of the actions and at the goals and
guess how many actions are needed
 NP-hard

 Relaxed problem
 Subgoal independence assumption:
 The cost of solving a conjunction of subgoals is
approximated by the sum of the costs of solving each
subgoal independently

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 23

Relaxation Problem
 Idea: removing all preconditions from the
 Almost implies that the number of steps
required to solve a conjunction of goals is the
number of unsatisfied goals
 There may be two actions, each of which deletes the
goal literal achieved by the other
 Or, some action may achieve multiple goals
 Combining relaxation with subgoal
independence assumption  exact # of
unsatisfied goals

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 24

Removing Negative Effects
 Generate a relaxed problem by removing
negative effects:
 Empty-delete-list heuristic
 Quite accurate, but computing it involves
running a simple planning algorithm

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 25

Extensions – ADL
 State: positive and negative literals
 Open world assumptions: unmentioned literals are
 Effect: P ^  Q means add P and  Q and delete  P
and Q
 Goal: quantified variables; conjunction and disjunction
 Effects: conditional effects
 when P: E means E is an effect only if P is satisfied
 Equality predicate (x = y)
 Variables can have types (p: Plane)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 26

Example: Air Cargo Transport
 Loading/unloading cargo onto/off planes and flying it from place to place.
 Actions: Load, Unload, and Fly
 States:
 In(c, p): cargo c is inside plane p
 At(x, a): object x (plane/cargo) at airport a

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 27

Example: Spare Tire Problem
 Initial state: a flat tire on the axle and a good spare tire in the trunk
 Goal state: have a good spare tire properly mounted onto the car’s

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 28

Total-Order Planning
 Forward/backward state-space searches are
forms of totally ordered plan search
 explore only strictly linear sequences of actions
directly connected to the start or goal
 cannot take advantages of problem

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 29

Partial-Order Planning
 Idea:
 works on several subgoals independently
 solves them with subplans
 combines the subplans
 flexibility in ordering the subplans
 least commitment strategy:
 delaying a choice during search
 Example, leave actions unordered, unless they must be

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 30

POP Example
 Putting on a pair of shoes:
 Goal(RightShoeOn ^ LeftShoeOn)
 Init()
 Action: RightShoe
 PRECOND: RightSockOn
 EFFECT: RightShoeOn
 Action: RightSock
 EFFECT: RightSockOn
 Action:LeftShoe
 PRECOND: LeftSockOn
 EFFECT: LeftShoeOn
 Action: LeftSock
 EFFECT: LeftSockOn
CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 31
POP Example

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 32

Partial Order Plan to Total Order Plan

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 33

How to Define Partial Order Plan?
 A set of actions that make up the steps of
the plan
 A set of ordering constraints: A  B
 A before B
 A set of causal links: A 
 A achieves p for B RightSock 
 May be conflicts if C has the effect of p and if
C comes after A and before B
 A set of open preconditions:
 a precondition is open if it is not achieved by
some action in the plan

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 34

The Initial Plan
 Initial plan contains:
 Start:
 PRECOND: none
 EFFECT: Add all propositions that are
initially true
 Finish:
 PRECOND: Goal state
 EFFECT: none
 Ordering constraints: Start  Finish
 Causal links: {}
 Open preconditions:
{preconditions of Finish}

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 35

 Successor function
 arbitrarily picks one open precondition p on an
action B and generates a successor plan for
every possible consistent way of choosing an
action A that achieves p
 Consistency:
Causal link A   B and the ordering constraint are

added ( A  B Start  A A  Finish )

 Resolve conflict: add B  C or C  A
 Goal test:
 There are no open preconditions

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 36

Example: Final Plan
 The final plan has the following components:
 Actions: {RightSock, RightShoe, LeftSock, LeftShoe,
Start, Finish}
 Orderings: {RightSock ‹ RightShoe, LeftSock ‹ LeftShoe}
 Open preconditions: {}
 Links:

RightSock 
LeftSock 
 LeftShoe
RightShoe 
LeftShoe 
 Finish

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 37

Example Algorithm for POP
 POP: A sound, complete partial order planner using
STRIPS representation

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 38

POP Example: Flat Tire

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 39

Strengths of POP
 The causal links lead to early pruning of
portions of the search space because of
irresolvable conflicts

 The solution is a partial-order plan

 linearizations produce flexible plans

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 40

From Problem Solvers to Planners
 Key ideas:
 “Open up” representation of states, goals, and actions
 Use descriptions in a formal language – FOL
 States/goals represented by sets of sentences
 Actions represented by logical description of preconditions and
 Enables planner to make direct connections between states and

 Planner can add actions to plan whenever needed, rather than in

strictly incremental fashion
 No necessary connection between order of planning and order of

 Most parts of the world are independent of most other parts of

the world
 Conjunctions can be separated and handled independently
 Divide-and-conquer algorithms

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 41

Summary of Planning Problem
 Planning agents use look-ahead to find actions to
contribute to goal achievement
 Planning agents differ from problem solvers in
their use of more flexible representation of states,
actions, goals, and plans
 The STRIPS language describes actions in terms of
preconditions and effects
 Principle of least commitment is preferred
 POP is a sound and complete algorithm for
planning using STRIPS representation

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 42

Exercise 1
 The monkey-and-bananas problem is faced
by a monkey in a lab with some bananas
hanging out of reach from the ceiling. A box
is available that will enable the monkey to
reach the bananas if he climbs on it.
 Initially the monkey is at A, bananas at B,
the box at C. The monkey and box have
height Low, but if the monkey climbs onto
the box he will have height High, the same
as the bananas.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 43

Exercise 1 Cont’d
 Actions:
 Go from one place to another
 Push an object from one place to another
 ClimbUp onto or ClimbDown from an object
 Grasp or Ungrasp an object
 The results of a Grasp is that the monkey holds the object
if the monkey and object are in the same place at the
same height.
 Questions
 Write down the initial state description
 Write down the goal state (monkey has banana at location
D on the ground)
 Write the six action schemas
 Generate the plan
CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 44
Exercise 2 & 3:
 Describe the differences and similarities
between problem solving and planning.

 Explain why dropping negative effects from

every action schema in a planning problem
results in a relaxed problem.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 45

Planning Domains
 Classical planning: fully observable, static,
and deterministic; actions are correct and

 Incompleteness: partially observable,

nondeterministic, or both

 Incorrectness: the world does not

necessarily match my model of the world

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 46

Bounded/Unbounded Indeterminacy

 Bounded indeterminacy: actions have

unpredictable effects, but the possible
effects can be listed in the action
description axioms

 Unbounded indeterminacy: the set of

possible preconditions or effects either is
unknown or is too large to be enumerated

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 47

Four Planning Methods For Handling
 Sensorless planning:  Execution monitoring
constructs sequential and replanning: uses
plans to be executed preceding techniques
without perception to construct a plan, but
it monitors the
 Conditional planning execution process and
(contingency replan when necessary
planning): constructs a
conditional plan with
different branches for  Continuous planning: a
different contingencies planner designed to
that could happen persist over a lifetime

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 48

 Scenario:
 given an initial state with a chair, a table, and
some cans of paint, with everything of unknown
color, achieve the state where the chair and
table have the same color

 classical planning
 sensorless planning
 conditional planning
 replanning

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 49

Planning With Partial Information
 We are familiar with: Deterministic, fully
observable  single-state problem
 agent knows exactly which state it will be in
 solution is a sequence

 Deterministic, non-observable  multi-

state problem
 Also called sensorless problems (conformant
 agent may have no idea where it is
 solution is a sequence

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 50

The Coloring Problem
 Initial state:
 Object(Table) ^ Object(Chair) ^ Can(C1) ^
Can(C2) ^ InView(Table)
 Goal state:
 Color(Chair, c) ^ Color (Table, c)
 Actions:
 RemoveLid
 Paint
 LookAt

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 51

Sensorless Planning
 RemoveLid(Can1), Paint(Chair, Can1),
Paint(Table, Can1)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 52

Contingent planning
 LookAt(Table), LookAt(Chair)
 If Color(Table, c) ^ Color(Chair, c) then NoOp
 Else RemoveLid(Can1), LookAt(Can1),
RemoveLid(Can2), LookAt(Can2)
 If Color(Table, c) ^ (Color(can, c), then Paint
(Chair, can)
 If Color(Chair, c) ^ (Color(can, c), then
Paint(Table, can)
 Else Paint(Chair, Can1), Paint(Table, Can1)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 53

 LookAt(Table), LookAt(Chair)
 If Color(Table, c) ^ Color(Chair, c) then NoOp
 Else RemoveLid(Can1), LookAt(Can1)
 If Color(Table, c) ^ Color(Can1, c) then Paint
(Chair, Can1)
 Else replan

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 54

Example: Vacuum World
 Single-state, start in
#5. Solution?
 [Right, Suck]

 Multi-state, start in
#[1, 2, …, 8].
 [Right, Suck, Left, Suck]

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 55

Sensorless (multi-
state problem)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 56

Conditional Planning
in Fully Observable Environments
 Full observability means that the agent always knows the
current state

 Non-deterministic, because the agent cannot predict the

outcome of its actions

 The agent is able to check the state of the environment to

decide what to do next

 Revisit our vacuum world example

 Let AtL (AtR) be true if the agent is in the left (right) square
 Let CleanL (CleanR) be true if the left (right) square is clean

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 57

Disjunctive, Conditional Effects
 To augment the STRIPS language to allow for
nondeterminism, we allow actions to have
disjunctive effects and conditional effects
 Conditional effect: when <condition>:  effect 
Action( Left , PRECOND : AtR, EFFECT : AtL  AtR)
Action( Suck , PRECOND :, EFFECT : (when AtL : CleanL)  ( when AtR : CleanR ))

A vacuum cleaner that may dump dirt on the destination

square when it moves, but only if that square is clean
Action( Left , PRECOND : AtR, EFFECT : AtL  ( AtL  when CleanL : CleanL))

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 58

Conditional Plans
 To create conditional plans, we need
conditional steps if  test  then plan _ A else plan _ B
 For example if AtL  CleanL then Right else Suck
 By nesting conditional steps, plans become trees
 In general, conditional plan should work regardless of
which action outcomes actually occur -- games against
Consider the following vacuum cleaner:
The initial state has the robot in the right square of a clean world. The
environment is fully observable. The goal state has the robot in the left
square of a clean world.
It sometimes deposits dirt when it moves to a clean destination square
and sometimes deposits dirt if Suck is applied to a clean square.
CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 59
Example: Double-Murphy Cleaner
OR, state node

AND, chance node

[Left, if CleanL then [] else Suck]

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 60

 A solution is a subtree that
 has a goal node at every leaf
 specifies one action at each of its “state” nodes
 and includes every outcome branch at each its
“chance” nodes

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 61

AND-OR Graph
 For conditional planning, we modify the
minimax algorithm
 MAX and MIN nodes become OR and AND nodes
 the plan needs to take some action at every state, but
must handle every outcome for the action it takes
 The algorithm needs to return a conditional plan
rather than just a single move
 at an OR node, the plan is just the action selected
 at an AND node, the plan is a nested series of if-then-
else steps specifying subplans for each outcome

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 62

And-Or-Graph Search Algorithm

The algorithm terminates in every finite state space, because every path must reach a
goal, a dead end, or a repeated state. --- noncyclic solution

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 63

Example: Triple-Murphy
Vacuum cleaner sometimes fails to move when commanded

[L1: Left, if AtR then L1 else if CleanL then [] else Suck]

cyclic solution, less desirable than non-cyclic solution
CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 64
Conditional Planning in
Partially Observable Environments
 In real world, partial observability is more common

 The initial state belongs to a state set, which is

also called belief state

 Assume a vacuum agent knows that is it in the

right-hand square and that square is clean, but it
cannot sense the dirt in other squares

 An alternate “double-murphy” world:

 dirt can sometimes be left behind when the agent leaves a
clean square

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 65

AND-OR Graph of Belief States

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 66

Belief States
 The agent’s belief state is always fully observable
 Standard fully observable problem solving is just a special case in
which every belief state is a singleton set containing one physical
 Three basic choices for belief states:
 Sets of full state descriptions {( AtR  CleanR  CleanL), ( AtR  CleanR  CleanL)}
 Problems: large belief states
 Logical sentences that capture exactly the set of possible worlds in the
belief states – open world assumption AtR  CleanR
 Problems: requires general theorem proving among logically equivalent
 Knowledge propositions describing the agent’s knowledge – closed world
 similar to the second approach
K ( AtR )  K (CleanR) K (CleanL)
K (CleanL)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 67

How Sensing Works?
 Automatic sensing:
 at every time step the agent gets all the available
 Active sensing:
 the percepts are obtained only by executing specific
sensory actions, such as CheckDirt and CheckLocation

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 68

Action Description Using Knowledge
 Suppose the agent moves Left in the alternate-double-Murphy world
with automatic local dirt sensing: the agent might or might not
leave dirt behind if the square is clean

Action( Left , PRECOND : AtR,

EFFECT : K ( AtL)  K ( AtR) 
when CleanR : K (CleanR) 
when CleanL : K (CleanL) 
when CleanL : K (CleanL))
K ( AtR)  K (CleanR)
Initial state:
after move Left: K ( AtL)  K (CleanL) K ( AtL)  K (CleanL)

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 69

Active Sensing
 With active sensing, the agents get new
percepts only by asking for them

Action(CheckDirt , PRECOND :,
EFFECT : when AtL  CleanL : K (CleanL) 
when AtL  CleanL : K (CleanL) 
when AtR  CleanR : K (CleanR) 
when AtR  CleanR : K (CleanR))

Left followed by CheckDirt in the active setting results in the same two
belief states as Left did in the automatic sensing setting.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 70

Execution Monitoring and Replanning
 An execution monitoring agent:
 checks its percepts to see whether everything is
going according to plan
 action monitoring
 plan monitoring, more efficient

 A replanning agent knows what to do when

something unexpected happens
 call a planner again to come up with a new plan
to reach the goal
 repair the old plan

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 71

A Monitoring and Replanning Agent

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 72

Visualize the Process

The agent executes the plan until E.

Before executing the remaining plan, it checks
preconditions as usual and finds that it is actually in
state O rather than state E.
It then repairs the plan so that it can get from O to
some point P on the original plan.
The new plan is the concatenation of repair and

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 73

Continuous Planning
 The agent lives through a series of goal
formation, planning, and acting phases
 It has a cycle of “perceive, remove flaw,

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 74

Blocks World Example

initial state goal state

The start state is (a).

The goal state is On(C, D) ^ On(D, B).
At (b), another agent has interfered, putting D on B.
At (c), the agent has executed Move(C, D) but has failed, dropping C on A instead.
It retries Move(C, D), reaching the goal state (d).

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 75

The Initial Plan

The initial plan is constructed by the continuous planning agent, just like other
normal partial-order planner.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 76

Continuous Planning

After someone else moves D onto B, the unsupported links supplying Clear(B)
and On(D, G) are dropped, producing this plan.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 77

Continuous Planning

The link supplied by Move(D, B) has been replaced by one from Start, and the
now-redundant step Move(D, B) has been dropped.
This process is called extending a causal link and is done whenever a
condition can be supplied by an earlier instead of a later one without causing a
new conflict.
CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 78
Continuous Planning

After Move(C, D) is executed and removed from the plan, the effects of the
Start step reflect the fact that C ended up on A instead of the intended D. The
goal precondition On(C, D) is still open.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 79

Continuous Planning

The open condition is resolved by adding Move(C, D) back in.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 80

Reaching the Goal State

After Move(C, D) is executed and dropped from the plan, the remaining open
condition On(C, D) is resolved by adding a causal link from the new Start step.
The plan is now completed.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 81

Summary of Planning
 Standard planning algorithms assume complete and correct
information and deterministic, fully observable environments.
Many domains violate this assumption.

 Conditional plans allow the agent to sense the world during

execution to decide what branch of the plan to follow.
 Execution monitoring detects violations of preconditions for
successful completion of the plan.
 A replanning agent uses execution monitoring and splices in
repairs as needed.
 A continuous planning agent creates new goals as it goes and
reacts in real time.

CS 420: Artificial Intelligence 82

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