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Week 5 Term 4

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INSIDE ISSUE 32 Quote of the Week

Most important thing in

*Rel. Principal’s Report life is learning how to
*Deputy Principal (Yr 7 & 10) fall.
*Rel. Deputy Principal (Yr 9 & 12) - Jeannette Wells
*Deputy Principal (Yr 8 & 11)
*Head Teacher Welfare

Week 5 Term 4 — 12 November 2018


Special thanks this week to:

 Janelle and Sheridan for the organisation of the Year 12 Formal. I also need to acknowledge
Jasmine for going above and beyond with special trips to pick up formal accessories.
 Jasmine (she has had a big week) for her leadership of our school as we have navigated our way
through HR SAP. Outstanding!
 SAS team for Year 12 sign out. A huge job!
 David Robinson for going above and beyond for his trip with Lynton and Yuin to their two day
 All the staff/students that supported the Aboriginal Education Sessions. Our school was very
fortunate to have Peter Dawe and Terry Crawford share their amazing knowledge about our
Aboriginal Culture and Indigenous flora and fauna.
 WHS and timetable team for their ongoing work.
 The staff who showed real generosity at a time that others needed it.

Favourite lesson of the week

Koala means no water. Thanks Terry! 

MFHS Leadership Principles

The MFHS Leadership Principles have been designed and have been the focus of our Leadership
Program in 2018. This has now become of the MFHS Keystone Chronicles which were presented as part
of our External Validation. All executive staff have been presented with a A3 and A4 laminated


Lifelong Learning
Emotional Intelligence
Distributive Leadership
Ethical Leadership
Strategic Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Reminder: Expression of Interest (EOI)-SRC Leader

I ask staff to provide an expression of interest if they are interested in the position of SRC Coordinator

SRC Leader Role Description

- Work with the Senior Executive, Executive, Teachers, Year Advisors, Parents, other schools and
community members.
- Coordinate the Captain Elections, prefect appointments and SRC Elections.
- Coordinate Monday assembly, weekly SRC meeting, flag roster, SRC training day.
- Prepare students for involvement in Year 12 Graduation, Year 12 Commencement assembly,
Orientation Day, Presentation Day, Semester Awards, ANZAC Day and other major events.
- Prepare students for and supervise functions during school time and after school.
- Organise excursions and incursions including completing variation to routine forms.
- Coordinate fundraising activities and other leadership activities.
- Assist students to follow through with their ideas and initiatives.
- Mentor student leaders that are custodians of our rich school culture.

Please reflect on the role description and provide a 1-2 page expression of interest (EOI) if you are
interested in this role.

Please include: Why this is such an important whole school leadership role?

Note: A time allowance is provided for this role.

Please submit the EOI to my email: justin.perrett@det.nsw.edu.au by 4:00pm Monday November


My Schedule-Week 5

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

12:00pm Meeting
Invictus Sangeeta Year 12 Sign out Excellence
Games 10:00am - 11:00am Senior Executive Awards
Guest Meeting Excellence Awards
Speaker Period 4 Rehearsal

Please speak to Jenny if you would like to make an appointment.

Quote of the week

- Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.

- Albert Einstein


Hello all,

Wow week 5 already!! This term continues to fly along. I have started to develop a twitch when I see
Christmas decorations at the shops. I’m so not ready for Christmas!!


This week Wednesday 14th is set down for Scripture seminars. This is the last one of the year. Years 7
and 8 will be at 11am, Year 9 and 10 will be at 12:15pm. Students who do not attend religious education
are able to do private study or reading. Thank you in advance to Judy for her organisation.

Week 5

I will be at Berry Street training on Thursday and Friday, thank you to Imelda for stepping in during my
absence. I am also really looking forward to the formal on Thursday evening. Thank you to Janelle and
Sheridan for their efforts in planning the formal, I am certain it will be a lovely evening.

Just a note: I am constantly amazed at the zealous hard work that staff put in at this school. The fresh
ideas, enthusiasm and always, always looking for ways to make this school amazing for our students. I
don’t want to single any one person out; however, I do thank each of you for what you do on a daily

A short one from me,

Have a great week.

Heather 

Hi All,

I hope you have a great week this week. I would like to thank all of your continued support of me in my
role. I would particularly like to thank staff for their kind words of encouragement.

I would like to remind all staff to please continue to reinforce with students our mobile phone rules. Also a
reminder to staff if you could please continue to follow up with the procedures for truancy - as we have
had a couple of incidents of late.

I would like to thank the Pillar Teams for their excellent work throughout the Year – Well done to you all. If
I could please have the sheets completed and returned to me by the end of the week that would be

I look forward to meeting with Head Teacher colleagues this term. I recently spoke to a Head Teacher who
said that he received some very pleasing feedback from a year 12 students in regards to how well he had
handled a complex situation years before. I think this highlights how as teachers we set examples for
students in ways we are not even aware of. I encourage you all to continue to set good examples as
ethical instructional leaders.

Excellence in Teaching

I would like to acknowledge Sam Bell for great classroom teaching and as the top1%er for this week. Well
done Sam!

Enjoy the week!

Year 8 uniform checks

I have been able to make contact again with a few students and their parents in regards to their non-
compliance with uniform. In circumstances of financial hardship we are working to support the family. In
other instances where students are still choosing to come out of uniform despite parents sorting out
uniform etc. detention processes will be followed.

We have run a few after school detentions over the year, albeit not enough but they are very effective in
getting the message across to students. Those who have had a detention learn the process quickly. I will
endeavour to log as much of this as possible onto Sentral to ensure roll call teachers etc are aware of
steps taken.

Thanks again for monitoring this and for roll call teachers flagging concerns.

Pillar Team meetings

Thanks for everyone’s participation in these meetings and the processes of evaluation you have
undertaken. It was a pleasure to catch with all the teams and reflect on the year’s progression. Some
great ideas on moving forward and possible milestones for next year were shared. These will definitely
form part of our Executive planning on November 28.

If Head Teachers who ran those meetings could ensure I receive the A3 sheets back this week- that would
be much appreciated.

Thanks to the Year Advisors and Assistant Year Advisors

Thanks to Carol Fong and Vivian Kha for their outstanding support of students. Just as dedicated Luke
Deakin and Rhonda Mitric; who have been deep in planning with Troy Neale for the next Year meeting.
Some great ideas and suggestions for next year are being worked through. Members of the Welfare team
will be engaging in professional learning to support these 2019 initiatives over weeks 4, 5 and 6. Thanks
for your dedication in completing this training Year Advisors. To all staff if something does arise and the
Year Advisor is out on professional you can always approach the Assistant Year Advisor.

Special Provisions/ Student paperwork

Just a reminder to all teachers that if a student mentions that they may require adjustments or special
provisions for any assessments or examinations this should be directed to Imelda Judge in the first
instance. The documentation and communication of this support needs to be coordinated through
Learning Support which is supervised by Imelda. This process needs to be tight and conversations with
the parents or the students need to be very clear, particularly with regards to what support can be

Have a great week every one 

Kial Hinchcliffe 9 9R6 20 days Aggressive behaviour
Michael Sta Teresa 11 11R7 4 days Continued disobedience
Shivaani Prakash 11 11R2 4 days Continued disobedience

FORMAL CAUTIONS (Pre-Suspensions):

Shyam Valiyaparambil 7 7R5 Costa Continued disobedience
Shivang Patel 7 7R6 Costa Continued disobedience
Zaeem Khan 7 7R5 Costa Continued disobedience
Farabi Ferdous 7 7R2 Costa Continued disobedience
Nabil Irfanul 9 9R5 Mafi Mobile Phone
Chrishan Asirwatham 10 10R2 Costa Inappropriate behaviour
Sean Singh 12 12R2 Trieu Mobile Phone
Anniversary Falesa Leuelu 12 12R1 Trieu Inappropriate behaviour

Cameron Sanchez 9 9R4 RED Mafi
Tyler Webster-Mansfield 7 7R5 GREEN Costa

Cameron Holmes 9 9R3 CAPA

Peer Support Update

Year 10 have received their EOI applications for Peer Support this week.
They may approach you for a nomination. Please support our students who could really do this job well.

Week 6 and 7- Year Meetings

Please note: Year 7 will have two Year Meetings as they have a visiting group Class Act, on the Monday
and an IEP Meeting on the Thursday. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Year 7- 19th November, Monday Week 6, p2

Year 7 And an additional one for IEPs – 22nd November Thursday Week 6, p1
Year 8-19th November, Monday Week 6 p1
Year 9- 23rd November, Friday Week 6 p1
Year 10- 23rd November, Friday Week 6 p2
Year 12- 26th Monday Week 7, p4

Thanks to Sam Bell and Carol Fong who have organised Class Act to come out to our school to perform
for our Year 7 and 8 students so they have the opportunity to learn about respect, friendship, cybersafety
and setting boundaries.

PBL News
Thank you to all the roll call teachers who have been engaging students enthusiastically in the Learning
Dispositions over the last few weeks.

It was great to see so many Learning Dispositions PBL tickets in the box this time. There were lots of
students ‘Managing Impulsivity’ last week.

Keep up the focus on our new disposition each week.

This Week in PBL

This week's learning disposition is 'Thinking flexibly' which can be defined as being able to change
perspectives, generate alternatives and consider options.
A reminder to hand out a ticket to students who are demonstrating this week’s learning disposition.

I think you will agree, this is another important focus for our students to assist them in their learning and

Next PBL Meeting- Your Insight and our Students’ Insights Matter

Thanks to all the roll call teachers who have been keeping us up to date with the disposition drivers.

On Tuesday afternoon, Week 6, 20th November we will be holding our next PBL meeting from 3.20-
4:30. We look forward to all the faculty representatives being present for this meeting and sharing their
insights for 2019, PBL directions. If you would like to have a say in our future directions for PBL, feel free
to come along. Just let us know in advance for catering purposes.

This time we also look forward to our disposition drivers attending. Please check with your disposition
drivers and let me know asap who can attend so we can arrange notes and work out what space we will
require. We only require one representative per roll call and they will only be required to stay until 4 pm.

We look forward to seeing you and your students there.

Thanks in advance to Nicole Boyles and the team for the work they will be doing in advance for this event.

PBL Update
This week's learning disposition is 'Thinking flexibly' which can be defined as being able to change
perspectives, generate alternatives and consider options.

Don’t forget to hand out a ticket to students who are demonstrating this week’s learning disposition.
Week 4 PBL winners:

 Julie Salama 7R2

 Edna Appiah 7R7

Ticket distribution by grade:

Year 7 - 88
Year 8 - 29
Year 9 - 26
Year 10 - 59
Year 12- 20

The Term 4 PBL meeting will be on Tuesday 20 November (Week 6A). All staff are welcome to attend. If
you have any great ideas for PBL or any feedback, please come and have a chat with me or email me.

Just a reminder that TAS and SUPPORT UNIT are
rostered on for Morning Tea Friday 16 November



Lisa Truong 11/12 11R5 12ENS 12ENA
Lisa Truong 11/12 11R5 12SOR11
Lisa Truong 11/12 11R5 12MAT2 12MAT3
Muwahid Ahmed 11/12 11R6 12MAT1 12MAT2
Krthivas Vemula 11/12 11R5 12MAT1 12MAT2
Yue Lu 11/12 11R4 12MAT5 12MAT4
Moiz Ayaz 11/12 11R5 12EES1 12INVS1
Moiz Ayaz 11/12 11R5 12MHI1
Ali Nawaz 11/12 11R4 12EES1
Yi Lu 11/12 11R7 12ITG1
Stephanie Ng 11/12 11R2 12ENX1
Kiara Weeding 11/12 11R4 12SOC1
Nissa Cheong 11/12 11R4 12ENA 12ENS
Mohammad Chudry 11/12 11R5 12EEG1
Nahid Islam 11/12 11R7 12ENS 12EALD
Swaroop Kunte 11/12 11R3 12ENA 12ENS

Luke Jira 7 7R1
Henry Uiliata (Pathways) 11/12 11R4

Liani Mahara 11/12 11R1

Week 5 Term 4
Monday 12 November  Learning Support Meeting
 LEAPS – Wellbeing Incursion
Tuesday 13 November  LEAPS
 L’Oreal UNESCO Girls in Science Forum 2018
 Yr 8 & 9 Voice UN Finals
Wednesday 14 November  Scrpture-7/8-p2 & 9/10-p3
 Schools Spectacular
 Travel Training – Special Ed.
 Senior Executive Meeting – p4
Thursday 15 November  Yr 12 Sign out – 10am-2:30pm
 Frisbee State Championships
 FM
 Teaching Award Rehearsal-p3
Friday 16 November  Yr 11 Reports distributed
 HT deadline for Presentation Night & Semester Awards info to
relevant Committee
 YES Café Skills Course – Campbelltown TAFE
Week 6 Term 4
Monday 19 November  Welfare Meeting
 Year Meetings Week
 Aspiring Leaders – 3:20pm-4:20pm
 P & C Meeting – 6:30pm
Tuesday 20 November  PBL Team Meeting
 LEAPS – Taronga Zoo
 Ingleburn RSL – Victoria Cross-Book Launch
 SRC Training Day (Inschool)
Wednesday 21 November  Travel Training – Special Ed.
 Schools Spectacular
 MFPS Concert – Hall
 Executive Meeting – PDP’s
 Senior Executive Meeting – p4
Thursday 22 November  Schools Spectacular
 SAS Staff Meeting
 PLM – Pillar Team
Friday 23 November  Yr 9-10 Summary Sheets to H.T.’s
 DP Recognition Day
 Youth Frontier
 YES Café Skills Course – Campbelltown TAFE
 LEAPS Reunion Launch
 Schools Spectacular
 SRC – Campbelltown White Ribbon Day
Week 7 Term 4
Monday 26 November  Learning Support Meeting
 Deputy/HT Meetings Compliance Week
 English Faculty Evaluation Week
Tuesday 27 November  Business Studies – H
 Japanese Beginners – H
Wednesday 28 November  Executive Planning Day
 Travel Training – Special Ed.
 Semester Awards – p2 & 3
Friday 30 November  Yr 9-10 Reports complete to Larissa
 Yr 7-8 Summary Sheets to H.T’s
 USYD Debating Training Day
 YES Café Skills Course – Campbelltown TAFE

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