Is A Carnivore1
Is A Carnivore1
Is A Carnivore1
The Story As we continued to learn about our animals and its habitats, the students also learned about the animals diet. The students expanded their knowledge of their animals diets to indicate whether their animals are herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. In addition, the three words were introduced to expand the childrens vocabulary. Often the students would say, My animal eats meat! or My animal eats trees! After stating what their animals eat, they would be asked if their animal is an herbivore, omnivore or carnivore. During choice time Jayden was playing with a toy dinosaur, he was making dinosaur noises. He approached me and pretended that the toy dinosaur was coming to attack me. He used his body language to indicate that the dinosaur was going to eat me. He was asked if the dinosaur eats meat, he replied yes. Again he was asked if the dinosaur was an herbivore or a carnivore, he replied that it was a carnivore.
What makes Learning Visible? Jayden demonstrated that he was motivated to communicate with me using his body language as well as speaking to me. He showed to be comfortable in expressing himself with an adult. His background knowledge of our morning meeting discussion about herbivore, carnivore and omnivore assisted him to answer the question that he was asked. The amazement is that the discussion on herbivore, carnivore and omnivore took place two weeks ago. He was able to retain the information regardless of his constant absences. Most importantly it indicated that he knew the meaning of carnivore. Regardless that Jayden is language delay, Jayden exhibited selfconfidence when answering the question.
The Next Step Continue to build Jaydens self- confidence where he can share his knowledge with his peers and teachers. Jayden is often quiet during read aloud that I would like for him to participate in answering the questions. Therefore with prompting and support, Jayden will be encouraged to answer questions after read aloud to build confidence with his peers.
Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the World Science Living Things Observes and describes characteristics of living things. Observes, describes, and compares the habitats of plants and animals. Observes and discusses similarities, differences, and categories of plants and animals.