A Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Is An Individual Who Has Successfully Passed Our Advanced Skills Examination
A Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Is An Individual Who Has Successfully Passed Our Advanced Skills Examination
A Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Is An Individual Who Has Successfully Passed Our Advanced Skills Examination
Each CSWP has proven their ability to design and analyze parametric parts and moveable assemblies using a
variety of complex features in SOLIDWORKS software.
Note: You must use at least SOLIDWORKS 2010 for this exam. Any use of a previous version will result in
the inability to open some of the testing files.
The current release of the CSWP Exam has been broken down into three seperate segments. This new
system means you no longer have to set aside a block of time to take the entire exam in one sitting. The
segmented exam allows you to take each segment at any time, and in any order, and if you choose you can
take all three in a row. Once you pass a segment, you will not have to take it again. If you fail a segment,
you will be able to purchase just that segment and take it again. Once all three segments have been
successfully completed, you will automatically receive your CSWP Certification.
Re-test Policy: There is a minimum 14 day waiting period between every attempt of the same CSWP
Segment exam. Also, an exam credit for that CSWP Segment must be purchased for each exam attempt.
All candidates receive electronic certificates, business card logos, and personal listing on CSWP directory*
when they pass.
Exam features hands-on challenges in these areas:
Note: Excel should be installed on the computer you are running SOLIDWORKS to ensure that
your Design Table functionality works properly for the exam.
Creating an assembly
Adding parts to an assembly
Doing collision detection when moving a part in an assembly
Interference detection
Basic and advanced mates
Rigid and Flexible subassemblies
Replacing a part with another part in an assembly
Creating a coordinate system
Using a coordinate system to perform mass properties analysis
Standard SOLIDWORKS tools that may be covered in the exam include: