Bornemann was established in 1853 and Agencies and subsidiaries throughout the
has been designing and constructing world guarantee immediate and
pumps and pump systems for over 75 professional support in all phases of
years. business from extensive consulting
through professional engineering to the
In 1934, Bornemann began designing and installation and reliable maintenance of
manufacturing our Twin Screw Pumps the installed pump and system.
with external bearings, which today are Bornemann is certified under DIN EN ISO
still the foundation of our production and 9001.
the premier pump in our product line.
Since 1853: tradition and innovation.
HC/VHC Series A key design feature of Bornemann’s HC/VHC
Pumps is their unique screw geometry. These
deep-chamber screws allow for an optimum
The High Capacity Diameter/length ratio, ensuring deflection-
Pumps free performance and maximum output
Series HC
Series VHC
A special seal face material combination of The HC Pump’s axial bearings are a rugged
cast chromium against carbon provides dual angular ball-bearing style that ensures
excellent dry-running performance of the reliable performance under high axial load
mechanical seals. conditions.
Other seal material options include:
Tungsten Carbide against Tungsten Carbide The bearings and timing gears are
faces lubricated in an oil bath. A specially
Teflon-encapsulated O-ring developed gear adjustment mechanism
Secondary lip seals makes service much easier by eliminating
A locking device preventing push-out and/ the need for gear re-adjustment during
or turning of the stationary ring is included maintenance of the pump.
as standard.
capacity up to 650 m3/h (2900 GMP)
500 HC 275 inlet pressure up to 6 bar (90 psi)
HC 232 differential pressure up to 16 bar (230 psi)
medium temperature up to 100 oC (210 oF)
NPSHreq up to 1,5 m (4,5 ft)
200 (V)HC 180
(V)HC 147
0 1 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
differential pressure
k h h1 h2 n
HC 147 675 180 280 344 67,5 [mm]
HC 180 791 220 345 403 87,5 [mm]
HC 232 997 250 415 522 87,5 [mm]
k h h1 n
VHC 147 650 769 500 413,5 [mm]
VHC 180 750 942,5 600 485,5 [mm]
Bornemann Joh. Heinr. Bornemann GmbH
Postfach 1162
Good communication with our customers is an and agencies through the world provide
important feature in Bornemann's Quality professional quality support on a local level.
Program, from initial project consultation to Our employees and representatives are trained
maintenance. Professional support and fast at our training center in order to stay current
service are top priorities. Specialists in pumps on new technologies and provide the best
and systems located in our company head- support available to our customers.
quarters and in nearly 100 representatives
Bornemann Pumps Inc. Bornemann Inc. Canada Bombas Bornemann Pumps & Systems Bornemann Pumps
P.O. Box 1769 320 441, 5th Avenue, S. W. Bornemann S.R.L. (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Asia Pte. Ltd.
Matthews, NC 28106 Calgary, Alberta Armenia 2898 Jinbin General Building No. 6, 25 Intern. Business Park
USA Canada T2P 2V1 B1605CDP Munro No. 45 Muning Road German Centre, # 04-08
Prov. Buenos Aires TEDA, Tianjin Singapore 609916
Argentina P. R. China 300457 Singapore
Printed in Germany