Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)
Computer vision syndrome is a group of eye and vision-related problems that result
from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and mobile phone use. Individuals may
present in pharmacies complaining of eye discomfort and vision problems, so
pharmacists and pharmacy teams should be able to distinguish which factors may be at
play for particular patients.
Individuals are spending more time using digital devices, which is linked to more people experiencing eye
discomfort and vision problems.
In 2016, The Pharmaceutical Journal joined forces with UK
health company RB to gauge how commonly dry eye is
seen in the pharmacy and devised an independent
editorial campaign to address the learning needs of
pharmacists. This culminated in the publication of a print
supplement ‘Focus: Dry eye’ and the production of The
Pharmacy Learning Centre, a dedicated learning
resource on the treatment, and management of eye
conditions in pharmacy.
The prolonged use of digital devices has contributed to
an increase in ‘computer-related’ ocular symptoms,
called computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is often
linked with dry eye disease, therefore, this article aims to
build on the previous work and support pharmacists in
discussing how lifestyle factors, including screen and
device use, are associated with dry eye symptoms.
Identifying CVS
Symptoms of CVS can be divided into four categories:
Eye strain (asthenopia);
Difficulty focusing (visual blur);
Or non-ocular symptoms.
For a visual guide to the pathology of dy eye, the tear film cycle and the treatments
available for dry eye, see the Infographic, published in The Pharmaceutical Journal
Focus supplement.
Sources: ‘Evidence-based understanding of dry eye disease in pharmacy: overview of
the TFOS DEWS II report’ and ‘Dry eye: pathology and treatment types’
Does the patient have double vision or need to close one eye to read
Looking at objects close up (particularly handheld devices) stimulates convergence of the 3/9
Looking at objects close up (particularly handheld devices) stimulates convergence of the
eyes, and difficulties with binocular vision can sometimes result in double vision, eye
strain, fatigue and headaches. These symptoms are mostly transient because they ease
after resting the eyes away from a digital device, and they are not a problem when
looking into the distance. Intermittent double vision (diplopia) may be caused by
convergence insufficiency, where the eyes do not converge as well as they should. This is
associated with some medical conditions (e.g. Parkinson’s disease), but is not uncommon
in the general population. More rarely, convergence excess can cause difficulties with
binocular vision, but this usually occurs in children. Some adults have a latent squint,
and sustained close work can also cause them to be symptomatic.
Do the patient’s eyes feel dry, tired and scratchy with initial good
vision that blurs, which is helped by a blink?
Dry eyes may be described as gritty or sore with eye redness [6] . Many aspects of
computer use can predispose a person to dry eye disease, as well as having a reduced
tear film, which may be because of too little water (aqueous deficiency) or increased
evaporation because of a poor-quality tear film (evaporative dry eye) — see Box 1. For
example, the tear film is replenished after every blink and studies have shown the blink
rate to significantly reduce during long, concentrated hours on digital devices[9] .
Furthermore, the environment (hot, dry air being circulated in sealed offices) adds to dry
eye symptoms. Some studies suggest a strong correlation between ocular surface
disease symptom scores and the frequency and severity of CVS episodes. The impact of
dry eye discomfort can be greater among contact lens wearers because a well-
functioning tear film plays a vital role in good lens fitting and movement. Older contact
lens wearers tend to be most symptomatic as tear production generally decreases with
age. Pharmacists should consider additional factors when advising contact lens wearers
on treatments for dry eye, see ‘Treatments for dry eye disease’, later.
Differential diagnoses for dry eye disease are numerous. Information on the conditions
and factors that can assist in differential diagnosis have been covered in a previous
article (see [6] ).
Figure 1: Computer vision syndrome — the environment
1. Screen time: individuals using screens should be told the 20:20:20 rule (i.e. every 20 minutes take a 20
second break and focus on an object 20 feet away).
2. Lighting, glare and screen configuration: abnormally bright or dim lighting, large windows or overhead
lighting can form a washout effect on digital screens. The screen should also be positioned 35–40 inches
from the eyes and display unit, where the centre of the screen should be placed 5–6 inches below eye level.
3. Airflow: air conditioning, with hot, dry air can cause dry eye symptoms to be worse, particularly in offices
with no openable windows and with a high airflow.
4. Ocular features: persistant dry eye, blurred and double vision requires referal to an optometrist.
Patients should be advised of the various products, their potential modes of action and 6/9
Patients should be advised of the various products, their potential modes of action and
administration methods, to allow them to make an informed decision. Liposomal sprays
may be beneficial for patients with reduced dexterity, who may also struggle with
administering drops or for use in situations where administering drops may be less
convenient. In addition, patients should be advised on appropriate lid hygiene, such as
applying heat to the eyelids (either with a face cloth dipped in hot water or with
commercial microwaveable eye masks), followed by lid massage with the face cloth, or
cleansing the lid margins with lid-specific scrubs or cooled boiled water and a cotton
Many patients only apply treatments when the are symptomatic. This sporadic use of a
treatment will provide temporary symptomatic relief, but will not improve long-term
ocular health. Although manufacturers’ instructions should usually be followed, four
times daily dosage is generally considered necessary for symptomatic improvement[12].
Further recommendations of dry eye treatments can be found in Evans and Madden [12].
Blehm C, Vishnu S, Khattak A et al. Computer vision syndrome: a review. Surv
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[2]Ranasinghe P, Wathurapatha W, Perera Y et al. Computer vision syndrome among
computer office workers in a developing country: an evaluation of prevalence and risk
factors. BMC Res Notes 2016;9(1):150. doi: 10.1186/s13104-016-1962-1
[3]Rosenfield M. Computer vision syndrome: a review of ocular causes and potential
treatments. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2011;31(5):502–515. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-
[4]Childwise. Connected Kids report. 2015. Available at: (accessed December 2017)
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[11] The Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002. 8/9
[11] The Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002.
Available at:
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Evans K & Madden L. Recommending dry eye treatments in community pharmacy.
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Citation: The Pharmaceutical Journal, December 2017, Vol 299, No 7908, online | DOI:
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