General Rubber Compounds: By: Jim Ward, BRP Manufacturing
General Rubber Compounds: By: Jim Ward, BRP Manufacturing
General Rubber Compounds: By: Jim Ward, BRP Manufacturing
M, Y
(Continued from Page 13...) BENCHMARKING
determined and published y and m factors discussed above
are used. These calculations require an estimate of the REPORT
effective width of the gasket, b, using rules given by the
Code. Because of such things as flange rotation and non- Below are the results from the Benchmarking
uniform loading of the gasket, there can be substantial Survey, which was undertaken to give GFA members
change in the effective width. Note that the loaded gasket a thumbnail sketch of how other members are fairing
exerts a reaction force, HG, on the flange, and that this at this time.
force is in the same direction as the previously calculated
pressure forces, HD and HT. The expression for seating
(Wm2) and maintenance (Wm1) bolt loads is: We had 36 out of 78 Fabricator responses.
Wm2 = µbGy Wm1 = (µG2/4) P + 2µGbmP 1. Most Recent Quarter Sales Compared to
Previous Quarter
Where: G = diameter of the pressure
vessel to the midpoint of the gasket UP DOWN SAME
P = contained pressure (psi) 16 13 7
b = effective width of the gasket 44% 36% 19%
m, y = gasket constants discussed earlier
Wm1 is the minimum required bolt load for the 2. Current Quarter Sales Projection
operating conditions. Compared to Last Quarter
Wm2 is simply the effective contact surface area
of the gasket (µbG) times the recommended seating stress UP DOWN SAME
(y, in psi). This defines the total clamping force the bolts 9 19 8
are expected to exert on the joint upon initial, room- 25% 53% 22%
temperature assembly.
There are more steps in the full and complete pro-
cedure. What I have tried to provide here is the definition We had 25 out of 63 Supplier responses.
and use of the Gasket Factors m and y. Those interested
in the detailed design procedure should consult the full 1. Most Recent Quarter Sales Compared to
Code. Previous Quarter
If you have technical questions you would 5 16 4
like to see answered in future issues, 20% 64% 16%
please send them by e-mail to